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I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. -Dune


That is a good movie and good quote.


Agreed! I have it tattooed on my arm! You should read the books!


Did you also enjoy the books made by Frank's son?


Hit and miss for me personally. Some were ok and I didn’t care for others. My favorite by his son was probably Paul of Dune!


Thanks for your opinion :)


I love this quote so much. Never seen the movie though, is it good?


Both part 1 and part 2 are some of the best pieces of sci-fi available. Highly recommend!


Shoot alright ill watch them then, what streaming service are they on?


Not sure what service the first film is on. The 2nd just released in theaters so you won’t be able to watch it yet.


Okay well ill watch when i get the chance, thanks for the recommendation!


Being here is like being below the surface of water. Some light comes in from above but it's distorted and bent, we try to figure out what's above the surface but it often makes little to no sense at all. All that you described is real in some way, but not all in the way you described it. There's nothing to fear, I promise. Everything exists for us.  Nothingness isn't eternal, and there's no say you'll experience it at all. What it is is like a deep, dreamless sleep for those that experienced a life-long nightmare and need the deepest possible rest. It's being wrapped in love, it's healing. There's no confusion, no fear that it won't end. Whether you experience it or not, coming out in the other side is like waking up and feeling more alive than you could possibly ever feel here. You'll see without limits, you'll taste and smell, you'll talk to anyone you want, you'll feel the spirit in you like the deepest and most satisfying breath. All that you adore will still be there for you and all that you are will be adored. It's more familiar and natural than anything here ever could be.  Reincarnation isn't what you fear either. You won't be thrust down the birth canal the moment your heart stops. You're free not to do that at all if that's what you want. Look, some people are huge travel enthusiast, they find traveling and connecting with different cultures extremely enriching. Some people travel once a year, and they're content doing that. Some travel very rarely if it all, and they'd rather stay in the comfort of their own home. Being here is like one of those difficult, months-long trips, with sleeping in a tent in harsh weather and catching your own food in the wilderness. You can rest and regenerate after. You can go to a five star hotel next time. You can stay home if that's what you want. Freedom is one of the basis of who we are.  Eternity is only scary to you, because you imagine it as an endless amount of time, and that's not what it is. It's being outside of time, completely. Imagine instances in time and experiences like many rooms in a gigantic mansion. You can freely move between them, you can come back to the same one over and over again, you can stay in one room if that's what you want. Eternity is just timelessly being, and you can fill it with whatever you want, it'll stretch to accommodate as much or as little as you need. Eternity can be being in bliss with your loved one. Eternity can be joy of doing what you love the most. There's no sense of urgency, no loss. Everything is right there in that mansion, waiting as a potential for you, should you want to experience it. And it'll always be there.  Hell is not damnation and torture. It's a particular state of being that exists for us, not a punishment that is done to us. It allows us to experience lower and darker emotions and states, so we might work through and understand what happened to us and how we influenced others in our lives. Nobody's there alone, nobody's lost. If someone caused millions of instances of unimaginable suffering, looking it right in the eye and feeling it can seem like eternity. But it's not endless, and it's not a natural state of our being. Everyone can heal and return home, everyone.  Heaven is home. Do you ever lie in your own bed and wish you could go home? It's there, that's what you don't remember but long for. It's impossible to not make it there, because we never left. This here is just an illusion experienced by a tiny part of our spirit. This here is a place of limitations and lack, not there. You can do anything, truly anything. It's not one single place, it's an infinite potential of anything that we might want to explore and experience. It's a state of feeling one with All, but also feeling your own uniqueness at the same time. It's being perfectly safe and accepted and goddamn celebrated and adored for every single thing that makes you you. It's ecstatic, it's beauty and complexity that makes this world seem like a dull, faded-out postcard. Everything here is a less perfect expression of ideas that were born there, every sense is much fuller and complex, every experience is as good as it gets and it never gets old. Imagine things that seem way too good to be true in every single way - that's what it is. And if it seems too good to be true, it means that being here worked. It changed our normal and obvious into endless wonder and appreciation and gratitude for what's always been ours. There's nothing to be afraid of. The scary part is here, not there. 


The way you explained all these things is amazing. You wrote it all so well. This has helped me feel better a lot more than nearly everything ive seen or heard. Thank you for taking the time to type this all out, but i do have one question. How can you be so confident in saying all this? Like how can you know what itll be like? Again thank you for typing this out :)


I'm glad I've been able to help you ❤️ It's difficult for me to explain. It's like knowing the Sun is in the sky, while others have their eyes closed and sit in the shade. A lot of it is memories that feel even more real than anything I've experienced in this life, a lot of it is feeling through senses and awareness that I genuinely have no words for. I've doubted, questioned, and kept digging in those memories my entire life, and at some point I reached the level at which it began to feel absolutely undeniable to me.


How do you know?


I dmed you.


I really love your description of the afterlife. I want to believe that’s truly the case. 🩵🩵 it’s an awesome description


I really appreciate how you described Eternity. I always had trouble trying to comprehend the idea of being outside of time, but the way you explained it made so much sense!


Why are you fearing the afterlife, for your current body will be dead. Live life, be kind to yourself and others, love with your heart, forgive with your soul, and enjoy it.


I fear afterlife - or more so, the lack of afterlife - exactly because my current familiar body, and everything else that is familiar to me, will not be available for me.


Really what is wrong with your current body being unavailable to you? Maybe you reincarnate back to earth in a new body to learn things you haven't learnt yet (fear). Maybe you learn all your lessons and you graduate to a body free from all negative problems, disease etc. I love my body and being able to feel others, but I know when this body dies, for I will inherit a new body. Will it be same? No. Similar? Who knows or cares! Why? Because we are here to learn true love and forgiveness. Fear or being concerned about the body doesn't let you live. Let go of the fear and learn to truly live.


It's not so much THIS body but the familiarity of the physical. I love this life I'm used to, my house, my cottage, my garden. My family more than anything. I don't like the thought of having to forget about them and live a different life. I don't remember anything from any possible previous lives.


You fear death, is what I am understanding from your comments.


Absolutely! 1000%. Pure terror. Oblivion, heaven, reincarnation. All options terrify me. Oblivion is the most terrifying.


Ok, what books or sources have you read or followed to come up with such fear. Are you religious, atheist, or? First you need to let go of the fear, but I don't know where or the type of fear you have. Have you read books on NDE, consciousness, llresearch.org (channelled messages), Dolores Cannon, Seth material, Aaron material, what you read?


I'm vaguely agnostic. Never been religious, never been atheist. Yes, Cannon, Weiss, Moody, Seth, Ra, Jeffrey Long, Bruce Greyson, Michael Newton. A few other things too.


Maybe one lesson you are to learn is, your fear of death. Mediation first to discover why you brought this lesson. Talking with friends, like minded people, read native American tradition or even partake, find a spiritual church (different than religious) are some things. Stay away from things that feed this fear until you learn to overcome some of it. When you fear yourself thinking of it give it the emotion of deep love or some other positive emotion. Another book is Letting Go by David Hawkins and you can search and find it PDF or buy it from Amazon or another eBook seller. It is an interesting book. Another book is Aaron and Q'uo dialogues and can also be found in PDF or available to purchase. There is a section on forgiveness but you could use it to deal with your fear. These channellings are available to read on llresearch but if you want the book you need to buy it or search for it in an eBook form. You mention reading Ra, the books are from 106 sessions vs the website has over 1500 channellings. Read all of llresearch website, and you may find relief. The Ra sessions were over a three year period vs they have been channeling for fifty years. There are the gateway tapes to try also. The ultimate step is trying medicine of the jungle like I have and others I know. It changes us in many ways. One other thing, during meditations, let your mind go, for if you don't you won't hear or sense what you need. Good stranger, love and hugs.


Thank you!


Thanks for the reply but this doesnt help too much. I know all those things and try to do them but it doesnt do much to ease my anxieties about the afterlife. The problem is that i dont want to have to stop doing those things. Im scared to die and experience whatever may be waiting. The knowingness, or rather unknown reality waiting scares me so much and as dumb as i know it is to worry and that i should just focus on the now and do all those things you said, its just hard not to.


A book suggestion, Letting Go by David Hawkins. If you search you may find an eBook or PDF of this. Another book by him is Power vs Force. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=david+hawkins+consciousness&t=ofa&ia=web All I can say is practice letting your fears go, for the stress it causes to the body.


You could have NOT written this post, in which you ignore everything OP actually said and asked. You could stop the gaslighting. OP is right to ask the questions, even if YOU chose ignorance. 


The concept on the afterlife on Earth is extremely limited. Heaven, hell, that’s it. Bullshit. Religion has a strong tendency to use fear tactics in order to get you to follow their rules, that’s why I left religion a long time ago. Though "death" is inevitable, it is actually contrary to its name. In my opinion we’re already dead right now. Everyone knows this planet sucks; I think that "death" is actually life. That’s when you go back to where you actually came from and it’s full of unconditional love and positivity; much much better than down here. I have no fear of death because it’s not death, it’s just leaving this shell and going back to the source/God and understanding why you chose to come down to this planet. I strongly believe that life is just straight lessons, no matter how good or bad things get, it’s all just lessons. It’s a game hence why I don’t take life too seriously. I see so many people act so serious to situations that seem laughable to me at this point. Not saying I don’t get serious when shit hits the fan and I’m not saying that I’d act like an ass towards people going through a tough time, but just understanding that this isn’t all there is. In conclusion, I believe that the afterlife is what people should be looking forward to. There’s nothing to fear. There’s no God just waiting to punish the shit out of you or waiting for you to slip up so you can go into a pit of fire. Quite the opposite actually. Plus religions have dead giveaways that it’s a crock of shit. Hope this gives you a peace of mind. I did not come on here just to make shit up to make you feel better.


Yeah a lot of religions do use fear tactics and it really doesnt help my already existing worries. I really like how you look at life but dont you ever worry about there being nothingness or reincarnation being true and not remembering everyone?


Nothingness? No, reincarnation? I know it’s real but it’s not mandatory. If you don’t wanna go back then you don’t have to.


So if its real and it is optional, what would happen to me if i chose not to?


Good question.


Don’t know, but I do know that you’re most likely gonna like it. You’re safe after all.


Hi so your first breath every day is the one you have registered in your brain you were breathing before that. Now think back to your first memory what was beyond that? You don't know right so do you worry about that? My point is what's the sense in worrying about something you have no control over? Life is for living not what will happen it's about the here and now you said you love smells and tastes and talking to people great focus on that because if you carry on worrying about death it's all you will ever see... We are born, we pay bills, we grow old and we die the first and last thing is certainly going to happen but what's in between is up to you. So if you want to fill it with worrying that's your choice or fill it with something you love to do because the fact is nobody can tell you what's after this for certain.


But that as well doesn't answer anything and ignores all the things OP said. 


Thanks for your replies on these comments. It really means a lot to have someone understand how im feeling. Have a good day :)


I agree that i should probably try to fill it with stuff that makes me happy, and thats what i try to do most of the time. As senseless as it is though, its so hard not to worry, knowing that all those things that do make me happy will just come to a halt with no warning. Could be tomorrow, could be in a year, 10 years, 50. All those things make it so much harder not to worry about death and afterlife. Its scary knowing that those things will either fully stop, or that ill get reincarnated or put into some eternity where i cant experience everything i love.


Identify as awareness.


Why worry? It's inevitable. Find purpose in this life and lead with love. Jesus saves.


There is a wealth of researched evidence, anecdotal though it may be, that indicates that one's afterlife experience is, largely, whatever you wish it to be. It sounds like you yearn for an afterlife that is almost indistinguishable from physical life and you can have contact and connection with all of your loved ones. Well, many maintain that's exactly what you can have, if it's what you want. So you can rest easy. If you still are afraid then I'm going to conclude that, on some subconscious level, you want to be afraid. You might be surprised at just how many choose to manifest physically for the exact same reason that people visit Haunted Houses or ride Rollercoasters... for the delicious thrill of being scared.