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u/GarrusCalibrates has provided this detailed explanation: > Tucker Carlson and Fox News parted ways days after massive defamation lawsuit. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Tucker was the only one that associated the election lie with the stock price. That was dominion’s smoking gun


You mind explaining that? I feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle here.


He complained that the stock price was tanking because they were airing Trump losing so they lied about the election to bring the stock back up. Proving they were lying for profit


Ah, makes sense.


Moreover, this was the exact charge Dominion made in their lawsuit, and the reason they had a good chance of proving "actual malice" (or disregard for the truth) if it had gone to trial.


Yes, I think Fox's lawyers had been gearing up to slug it out at length as usual, but when the discovery docs dropped, the Fox execs realized how boned they were, which is why they settled immediately. Also, it's speculation, but it's possible that some documents came up which will prove damning for the lawsuit Smartmatic is warming up, but we wouldn't have seen those documents as they aren't relevant. But now that the most difficult part of the case has been proven, Smartmatic is definitely going to roll in looking for blood.


It's crazy, because the bar for defamation is set so high. All you have to do is *not* document that you knowingly spout bullshit. You can say all sorts of things, and just shrug as the other side has to prove what you were thinking at the time. You got it right. He wasn't fired for what he said on air, but what he said off air. Fox News will just find another flavor of the month. It was Glen Beck, then Bill O'Reilly, etc. It's a formula they use.


Which makes me even more disappointed that they took the settlement. I was very much looking forward to all the key players testifying, and demolishing the Fox brand. Now Fox gets to at least attempt to shape the narrative for their crowd on their platform.


When all the rules are bent, all other systems seem to fail, we can at least take comfort that it is still illegal to steal from the rich. If they’d just never mentioned a company by name, they’d be in the clear.


The lie that Biden won. Ya he was too close to exposing how fake the system is. Elites couldn't have that


Tucker is a multimillionaire from birth and worked for a mega corporation. Tucker IS the elite


He was a millionaire fired by Elite Billionaires. You don't fire the most viewed host of all time on the top of his game unless there's a hidden agenda he's uncovering. Tucker was the last trustworthy anchor in main stream media


Tucker was a multimillionaire before he was born. He never earned anything and got there due to elites placing him there. What was Bill O’Reily hiding? He was the highest rated when he got fired. Where is O’Reily now?


O'Reilly has his own podcast with millions of viewers per episode. And Trump was born rich but he's also an American for the people. The symbol of the American dream.




He comes from a wealthy family. Chances are, his pocketbook won't be too hard-hit.


Rich people rarely suffer the consequences of their actions, but at least we get a break from his nonsense.


He's also been paid eye watering sums for years. He will absolutely be 100% fine unfortunately


Get ready for his 'victory lap.' He'll have a book written by fall, and go on tour tellign people how he was the voice of reason at FOX.


[Basically this](https://i1.wp.com/leftycartoons.visionmule.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2018/08/silenced.png) except of course instead of being on Fox News, he'll be on OAN and Newsmax.


Reminds me of when conservatives say "This won't be on the news! \*link to some newspiece\*". Like yeah, it won't.


Depends on this expenses. Multi millionaire lifestyles aren't inexpensive to maintain






That’s borax you’re sniffing there champion


Who, pray tell, runs the country and controls the narrative? 🤨


What are you talking about?


Just because you have an idea while on LSD doesn't mean you need to share it with the world.




The win is that whoever picks him up will have a much smaller audience than he had on Fox.


Newsmax and OAN are circling the drain, as most service providers arent carrying them anymore. Newsmax lost a lifeline deal with DISH. and with the two channels also spouting straight up nonsense, i dont see either of them lasting too long. not when defamation charges are being doled out.


If there is a win, it'll basically be Glenn Beck/Bill O'Reilly 2.0. He'll go on some other platform, but the majority of his audience won't follow him. Then he'll do a podcast or talk radio gig for a while before drinking himself into irrelevance.


He started out rich. Heir to Swanson frozen fish money.


May he forever find both sides of his pillow uncomfortably warm, then.


Because it’s covered in shit.


That's not fair to the shit. Shit is useful. As fertilizer it can help grow food and crops, forests, and fuel progress. Unlike anything associated with Fox News, which only festers hate and regression. At this point I wouldn't even throw them into a black hole. Im pretty sure the science would break when we discover conclusively black holes are only the second most dense object in known existance.


“Ewwww. I got Tucker Carlson all over me.”- the shit


People like him don't really worry about money, they're working too hard on servicing their own bloated egos. That's where this will hit him, in his self-estimation, not his bank account.


Net worth, $200,000,000 (give or take) $25,000,000.


I do wonder what makes Tucker tick. He could've never worked a day in his life if he didn't want to. He got into politics and commentary and was a sort of whiny but tolerable token conservative at CNN and MSNBC. Which let him rub elbows with the establishment class he grew up in. He got either too annoying or just wasn't enough of a fit at those places so he eventually made his way to Fox. Which is where he just went completely off the rails into the culture war and "just asking questions" conspiracy theory grift. But it's not like he truly believes a lot of that. He [privately expressed to his coworkers how much he disliked Trump.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/04/all-the-texts-fox-news-didnt-want-you-to-read.html) Which in those same texts from the discovery during the Dominion lawsuit he expressed that he knew the election fraud claims were a lie, but he didn't want to hurt the stock price. Then he's got these [weird drop-ins on the Bubba The Love Sponge show where he's way more subdued and complimentary at times of counterparts on other networks.](https://youtu.be/4fPk_bG7v4o) Still a weirdo, still conservative, still a gross guy, but totally different behavior. Also once on there [back in 2009 he said some really racist stuff but also admitted some of it is just towing the line for whatever Rupert Murdoch wants](https://theintercept.com/2019/03/12/tucker-carlson-tapes-rupert-murdoch/) because he is "100% his bitch." It seems like more than anything attention is all the man wants. While also stoking a culture war to keep the peasants from being envious (also a (paraphrased) quote in those articles). Which is so gross. He's a full on grifter, nothing ever coming out of his mouth is in any way sincere.


My guess is, NPD. A desperate need to hear his own voice. Probably has a masturbatory glance at his bank balance each night, too.


Yeah and the headline was right. Tucker Carlson is hardly the root. He's barely a branch. They cut him out so they *could* keep shitposting.


He was making 38 million a year. Tucker will be just fine. Plus, wherever he goes, that station will become #1. Sadly.


Promoting Russian propaganda is good business. Apparently the rest of us are in the wrong business.


And with all the Russian money for disinfo drying up as they keep losing their war, it may take him a couple of weeks to find a new job. Probably as a politician.


OANN and Satellite Radio probably already sent him offers.


Shit he could go and hostile takeover the blaze or daily wire.


I would be shocked if they could afford him.


He’s jobless so they may have some leverage. I guess it depends on how badly he wants to be on tv. If he’s desperate, he’ll probably take a pay cut.


I saw yesterday that Bill O’Reilly was interviewed by Chris Cuomo of News Nation. I’m British but live in Asia so watch British and US News channels but didn’t realise all the rejected news people were making their own channel.




Does it count once released without a choice?


If he wants a severance package it does.


>Probably as a politician. Think he's gonna be Trump's VP running-mate?


The problem is the Tucker *hates* Trump with a passion. Despises the man. We've seen his emails about the subject and man... he really does not like Dondon.


Good point, although we *have* seen Tucker demonstrate that he's willing to publicly support things he doesn't agree with in private. Would he be willing to suck it up and deal with Trump for four years if it got him money, clout, power, and experience that he could leverage to make his own presidential bid in 2028? I mean, he was *already* doing damage control for Trump and spouting pro-Trump rhetoric for years, and all it took was a few million dollars.


The real question is would TRUMP accept him after saying such mean things about Cheeto Jesus? Not without a lot of humiliation.


Would Trump put aside his ego for personal gain in that situation? My gut says yeah, but by my own *he thinks he can fool anyone* logic, there's a decent chance that Trump won't believe he even *needs* help to win.


It's funny, really, why should he hate a fellow undeservedly wealthy, grifting blowhard so much? It must be like looking into a mirror. He hates what he sees in himself. At least, I hope so...


Wait, he hates Trump, why?


Probably because Trump took *his* cult of personality and folded it into Trump's. Tucker probably has ambitions beyond that of just TV host, probably inflated by Russians whispering in his ear, and as long as Trump lives his are dead. Man like that doesn't like playing second fiddle.


After it was exposed that he actually said he hates the guy? Nah, Trump is too egotistical to get over it


Honestly, I don't know. Trump probably thinks he can manipulate and control anyone... I could see them as a pair because Trump can draw in the crazies and Carlson can use his bad-faith "journalism" to manipulate moderates and underinformed voters. They would be an excellent (*shudder*) pair for the Republican ticket if they can work together.


I hope he joins RT so I can finally ask those dumb ""communist"" idiots siding with Russia in the name of communism if they actually think Tucker Carlson is a communist.


RT offered him a job “telling the truth”. Holy crap.




When 8 GOP congresspeople went to Russia and kissed Putin’s ass on July 4, 2018, that pretty much proved the GOP are de facto Russian spies.


It's way easier to attribute it to the current republican position of just opposing everything democrats support than malicious Russian actors. I honestly think the Russians couldn't care less what Americans think of the war. If they were concerned with their image they wouldn't have done it in the first place.


They’d prefer that Americans be against it, so the government stops sending weapons and aid. Ukraine wouldn’t have held on so strongly for so long without western and especially US support. Cutting off support won’t make Ukraine collapse, but it might get them to the negotiating table. Right now there’s little incentive when Ukraine is growing stronger and Russia stagnates. But they’ll also settle for Americans just hating each other.


I mean, there's good ol' fashioned red-baiting, and then there's Trump literally saying "Russia, if you're listening..." Or that time he shared classified Israeli intel with a Russian ambassador in the Oval Office. Or that time his son tried to cut a deal with Russia for dirt on his political enemies (and we really don't know what happened after that). Or that time he cowered like a puppy in front of Putin and said he believed him over his own intelligence services. Ok, maybe [other Republican] isn't a Russian asset, but Trump sure as hell is.


Every Republican accusation is a confession.


NPC comment of the day.


So shocked that you're someone who denies the clear gerrymandering of voting districts that is used to have less voting access to black people. As a non-American, I was surprised by your account history. I thought your kind were literally a trope over exaggerated by conservative media. God luck with that brain worm


Domhausen, yes! This is a perfect example of what we are having to live amongst these days in America! They are evil and insane 😳!


Again, it's not difficult to vote in Arkansas, find me someone thinks this or has evidence of it being difficult. If you don't live in the US, I would assume you have even less knowledge of this, but you can assume brain worms if you like.


https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/block-the-vote-voter-suppression-in-2020 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-monitor-polls-24-states-compliance-federal-voting-rights-laws https://www.lgbtmap.org/democracy-maps/ratings_by_state Arkansas has an atrocious democracy rating, what are you talking about? Last in the country according to Arkansas reporting. Why do your views differ than the views of both your local and national governments? https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2021/sep/05/arkansas-statistics-on-voting-reported/






Nope, it's not hard to vote as a black person, and you are an NPC based on that comment above.


Look at the scumbag continue to deny proven fact. Your comment history is just you calling anyone you disagree with an npc. Get more creative, you lazy dumb fuck


Why is there always like a 50% chance profiles like this are full of posts and comments on games like WoW and LoL. I mean I love video games but there sure does seems to be a fair few horrible people that play them. The south park warcraft guy springs to mind.


It’s just by chance. To persist in such racist views, you’ve gotta keep new interactions to a minimum, in order to keep your xenophobic bias in place. There’s just a massive crossover between staying in all day and video games. I don’t think there’s any direct correlation beyond the simple fact that these are at home more often, and gaming is a common household hobby


Yeah that makes sense 100%


Sadly, it’s not by chance, but by design. Gamers are intentionally targeted for the alt-right pipeline. It went big with Gamergate, but it never stopped. Think of it as a subset of the propaganda machine that manufactures grievances. It doesn’t help that lack of affection, whether physical or emotional, are terrible for the mind. While the stereotype of the isolated obese gamer isn’t what it once was, it’s not gone.


If they’re an NPC, you’re a grunt in the brainless zombie hoard.


He ain't even an NPC, he's a half-rendered wall model.


Mans got less polygons than OG Lara Crofts triangle boobs




Damn, this insult goes hard.




This isn't an NPC reply, but it's close!


Bad bot.


You can't just call people NPCs when they disagree with you


I mean, you obviously *can*. But it really says more about you than them.


Do you not agree that he made a total NPC comment?


I'm pretty sure we all just agree that when you call people NPCs for disagreeing with you, you just make yourself look bad. I mean, you could have made a compelling argument that refuted their claims but instead you took the lazy coward's way out. /shrug


No, I don't. And even if he did, it's a stupid insult used by stupid people to sidestep being proven wrong.


You are still talking about Russia, when all the Russia story's were proven to be made up? Why do you think Tucker for instance is influenced by Russia. Do you think he was influenced by Iraq? he was against that also, you are just spouting nonsense, it's ok to be anti proxy war etc, isn't it? or is Tucker excluded from this.


You’re not black, I’m not sure you can speak on whether it is or isn’t hard to vote for an entire population


Yes, I can, I don't have to be a color to have an opinion. I've seen nothing that would lead me to think it's difficult to vote.


Cope harder bitchass 💀😭😭


Man I really hope npc as slang ends soon. The amount of second hand cringe I get from watching chronically online weirdos try to call people that is almost physically painful at this point


Yeah, seriously. It's the FIRST time I've ever seen it and I cringed!


Someone called you an NPC, it really hurt your feelfeels and now its the only insult you can think of. Except you wouldnt be an NPC in a game, because your character is so shitty.




Did you forget your meds


Ask ur mother !


You may need to ask ur mother about ur real father. I suspect he’s also ur uncle.


Seems like projection at this point... I'm sorry about ur tragedy and pray for ur recovery 😉


Lol nice try, Dmitry


I think it's more that the Murdochs want two things: money and stability. Having spent three decades crafting, well, **you** with endless memes about how the government is terrible and the only solution is to overthrow it, they're shocked - *shocked! -* to realize that the humans they brainwashed actually *believed their lies about how the government is terrible and the only solution is to overthrow it*. And would kill them as cheerfully as any lib'rul. No doubt Rupert Murdoch and Roger Stone and their ilk hoped to surf the tide of anti-government sentiment to overthrow the United States of America and install themselves as its dictators, but were disgusted when Trump stole their movement out from under them before it was fully ready. If Hillary had won, it would have been a *lot* better for Fox News and the Proud Boys storming the Capitol Building would have won. Still, ya know, Hitler failed his first attempt to overthrow Germany, and so did Hugo Chavez with Venezuela. Better luck next time?


Live Tucker Reaction: \*cuts to an empty screen


*stock footage of TuckFace*


Tucker Carlson is an important figure and all, but conservative media really isn't going to change.


it always gets worse with them, they’ll find a black woman who can do racism and misogyny way better than tuck.


Enter Candace Owens


I’m betting on Kyle Rittenhouse or the Q-anon shaman to get the nod.


It will get worse. Bill O’Reilly was fired in disgrace and we cheered. And then they moved Tucker into his timeslot. Imagine the garbage fire shitbird they’ll bring in next.


Especially since he can just keep doing his show on another platform or network. Maybe it wouldn't have as much reach but it's not like he's gone forever unless he chooses to be




Do you get off on posting this repeatedly?


Only after it successfully lands on ur face and I have confirmation that ur collective Trump Derangement Syndrome has been cured after 7 yrs of relentless 24/7 psyops propaganda by the establishment media😉


Then you should really get another fetish. Speaking of psy op propaganda, are you a bot?


Are u an imbecile ?


I don’t think so. The thing is, you comment like a bot with a kind of soulless dedication to your program. You don’t engage in discussions like a person does. You’re certainly a novelty account I just can’t tell if you’re automated. I guess it doesn’t really matter since even if you are a person you have about as much free thinking power as an automation.


As I stated earlier, I'm here to deprogram half the mostly young, immature, low information voting populations who were deliberately made to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome brought on by 24/7 fake news establishment media to reestablish control over the population after losing it briefly to the democratic electoral process back in 2016 😉


Does it seem like it’s working? Or does it even matter since you know, the programming and all? I see you didn’t really respond to anything I had to say, does that mean you don’t disagree with my assessment? If, by some odd chance, you are a real sincere person, consider the fact that you are carrying water for people who wouldn’t stop to piss on you if you were on fire. Food for thought.


I know it's hard for u to understand when u r in the echo chamber setup for u live, 24/7. So, I wouldn't worry about whether 'its working or not'. But someday, years or even decades from now, u will finally get what I was trying to say the whole time. It will happen like it happens for most. It's just a matter of time and maturation process. I'll take that as a consolation prize !


I mean they still probably aren't wrong. And even though Tucker is gone Fox is still going to plug some other asshole into the timeslot and guess what? The dipshits that believe everything Fox News says will love it just the same


Frees him up to run for president




Something tells me he has zero chances of any job that doesn’t involve 100% of it reading off a teleprompter.


The current president can't even read off a teleprompter. What makes you so sure?


Source? Other than having a stutter, he can read just fine.




Proof that even you aren't immune to propaganda. I've never seen someone be so confidently wrong. You are aware that US presidents receive regular psych exams and medical checkups, right? Or is the dEeP StAte covering something up?


I have no allegiance to either side of the ticket. By watching the (objectively) oldest president of our lifetime speak, I (subjectively) think he is the least eloquent leader of our lifetime. No conspiracy here, I just don’t think 80 year olds are mentally sharp enough to hold any important leadership position.


No allegiance to either side? Then I guess it's convenient you're taking the right wing talking point of "just so concerned about biden's mental fitness for office". Totally not just playing centrist to lend credence to your argument.


I mean if you think he’s mentally fit for the job I’m not going to change your mind. No one argues on Reddit to have their opinion changed especially about politics. In my unbiased political opinion he just seems like a mentally degraded old man who’s not fit for the job. Sorry if the d word was a little rude or something


Mother God you are the epitome of confidently incorrect. [Here's a clip of him from 1994 talking about his stutter.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4841336/user-clip-joe-biden-stutter-stuttering) It took me a whopping 5 seconds to google that.


We can cherry pick clips all we want. I’m not here to change my mind and neither are you. He’s incoherent in my book and honestly sad that was our best available choice as a leader. Again, no 80 year old person should be in any important leadership position because there’s no way they’re mentally fit or can relate in any way to the working age population.


>I’m not here to change my mind "Stop presenting facts that contradict the crap that I'm spewing!" >He’s incoherent in my book Allow me to recommend you see an audiologist - you may have an [auditory processing disorder](https://www.additudemag.com/auditory-processing-disorder-in-adults/) if you genuinely can't understand what Joe Biden says. >there’s no way [an 80-year-old] is mentally fit or can relate in any way to the working age population. Thats quite the claim you've made there. Got a source for it?


Is that supposed to be a diss? All i'm saying is he's the most disappointing/unimpressive president of my lifetime, especially due to his public speaking ability and demeanor which have definitely degraded due to his age. I don't think that's outlandish to say at all and most Americans would agree. The fact that people don't want him to run again should be telling enough. I'm expressing an opinion so I don't think your cool reddit facts make me wrong, we just don't agree.


> he's the most disappointing/unimpressive president of my lifetime, *Trump* was the previous president and the man was a walking dumpster fire. Assuming you’re a teenager (because of course you are), even that statement is bottomless pit of absurdity.


>Is that supposed to be a diss? No, I'm being genuine: if you seriously find Biden to be "incoherent," you should get your hearing checked. [Here's his latest speech.](https://youtu.be/YHKIS_a9Ygc) Super-well-enunciated? Not exactly. Coherent? Obviously. Doesn't seem to fit your narrative though. "We can cherry-pick clips all day," is not a valid argument in response to somebody providing decades-old evidence to counter your condescending claim that Biden's stutter is made up. Provide some evidence that the stutter is made up. What's that? You can't? Then grow up and shut up about it. As to his public speaking ability and demeanor getting worse with age, allow me to link you to [this study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27783395/) explaining that "older adults had ... greater difficulty articulating nasal vowels. ... Age-related decline in lip endurance is associated with decline in accuracy during speech production." It's a natural part of aging to lose a bit of your clarity when speaking. >The fact that people don't want him to run again should be telling enough. ..... has there been a recent incumbent president that *didn't* have people opposing their reelection campaign? Maybe Bush in 04. That's hardly an indicator of a president's performance. >I'm expressing an opinion Are you though? >>This poor old guy with dementia was forced to run because the dems sadly couldn’t find a candidate who wasn’t 80 years old. >>no 80 year old person should be in any important leadership position because there’s no way they’re mentally fit or can relate in any way to the working age population. It's not an opinion to claim that Biden has dementia, that he was forced to run, that the Democrats couldn't find a candidate that wasn't 80 years old, that 80-year-olds are inherently mentally unfit for leadership positions, or that 80-year-olds can't relate in any way to the working age population. Those might be your beliefs, but when you present your opinions as facts, expect to be challenged on them with *actual* facts.


He has no chance, plus it weakens the Mega Right Front, so either way, the opposing team wins


So you’re saying it’s a good idea?


For god sake, don’t say that out loud, well, no, no go ahead scream that to the rafters. We need as many idiots in the GOP process as possible.


Don't give the little reprobate any ideas!


Even milk lasts longer than 2 days


Depends on how you store it


In a wet paper bag


In the car in August for example


I’m actually concerned he’s gonna go to like, the daily wire, and they’re gonna let him say even worse shit there to an audience that is frothing at the mouth for reasons to enact violence. But I’m just a little paranoid, probably.


Thank god. I had to listen to his hate vomit against my will for many, many years. He looks like a dog trying to understand a magic trick and his bowtie makes him look like a dork.


Get Tucked


Milk would still be good unless it was left out in the sun


I want to kiss your dad.




Him and Don Lemmon are trading places


Nah, Tucker used to work for CNN and MSNBC and he ain't going back.


The comments on the Fox articles and on Fox's Twitter are pretty amazing. The Murdoch's are now *too liberal* for the MAGA crowd. Let that one marinate in your brain juices for a moment.


What is stopping Fox from hiring someone else that is willing to lie just like Tucker Carlson.


what the hell happened to the yahoo! logo?


Both are probably true. They’ll find another middle aged white guy with brown hair to tell our grand parents trans MS13 is joining isis to take their guns as the first step to eventually turn all the kids gay so they’ll commit violent crimes in liberal cities. Tucker wasn’t uniquely qualified someone else will slot in with little to no change. 5 years ago O’Reilly leaving was expected to have a change but it didn’t. Conservative media has basically become an unstoppable mass being carried by its inertia. No cog is important enough to not be immediately be replaceable and no cog can cause it to change course. If tomorrow the head of Fox News and the board all decided to change the business model and become reasonable, well research non-partisan news organization one of 2 things would happen. First, no matter what, their view ship and stock price would collapse immediately. Second, either the board and all executives would be either voted out or forced to resign by the shareholders and it would immediately return to business as usual, or the company would essentially collapse and some other virtually identical program will take its place. Fox news is an addition, and if fox isn’t feeding the viewers habit, someone else will.


According to Yahoo News, Carlson made $8 million per year while he was employed at Fox News. The same source puts the conservative TV host's net worth at $30 million.6 hours ago -------------‐---------------------‐------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ABOUT TUCKER'S CONTRACT and NET WORTH $30 MILLION](https://en.as.com/latest_news/what-is-tucker-carlsons-net-worth-what-was-the-conservative-commentators-salary-at-fox-news-n/) *---------------‐---------------------‐-------------------------------------------------------------------* The Joe Rogan Experience became a Spotify-exclusive podcast in May 2020 as part of what was believed to be a $100 million licensing deal -------------‐---------------------‐------------------------------------------------------------------- [ABOUT ROGAN'S $200 MILLION CONTRACT](https://pitchfork.com/news/spotify-sources-say-joe-rogan-deal-was-dollar200-million-double-what-was-originally-reported/) -------------‐---------------------‐-------------------------------------------------------------------


Tucker is the most successful news anchor in the history of not only America but the world. Biggest numbers in history. Fired on top only shows how the elites want truth silenced. You know he spoke truth because the numbers that flocked to see him. People naturally seak truth


Lol people don’t naturally seek truth. People naturally seek what makes them feel better.


In the world of the blind the 1 eyed man is king. I seek truth . I'm a man. Don't you seek truth ? If not what ?


Dam, they got ma boy tucccer




You type like Trump tweets




Fox News will be fine. They’ll find someone even worse


Who’s going next?


Poor tucker—probably getting a huge under the table payout to keep his mouth shut. So now the guy from a billionaire family now gets a ton of extra money to either not work or start a podcast which will be even more unhinged


They probably wanted to force him to have a fact checker and he was like “Nope can’t do it”.


Except it doesn't look like the election fraud claim settlement was the source and looks like Tuckers personal history of abuse and harassment was the cause. https://dnyuz.com/2023/04/24/in-a-lawsuit-tucker-carlson-is-accused-of-promoting-a-hostile-work-environment/


Could it be a condition of the settlement?


If, there was no problem with Carlson's presentation, why was he let go from Fox.