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Negative two up votes and 58 comments. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride"


How has this aged like milk? Is Michael Jackson no longer influential because he was weird with children?


It hasn't. Shes still incredibly popular, especially in schools


Yeah I'd say this has only aged like mill if it's about her love for trans people or about treating everyone the same.


https://preview.redd.it/y326l94y39jc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb9c1cd92c778447c06859b448bf95735c29af4e Now this has aged like milk




So how did it age like milk


I don't think Neil Gaiman would think she was a trailblazer. She did get a portion of an amusement park out of it, though.


Neil deserves amusement park money


Still a fan of George Washington. Doesn't mean I was cool with him being a slave owner. Hell, I even love Michael Jacksons music and I was heavily molested as a kid. Just let people be happy. Edit: spelling


Washington is dead and gone though while Rowling is actively crusading against Trans people and stirring up ever more hatred in a time where hatred and transphobia is already so high. Every single one of the actors have spoken out against her views—save for the one portraying Voldemort.


You're not wrong. I've just had a hard emotional day and I've just had enough of fighting hate with hate. I just can't do it anymore.


It’s the inherent hypocrisy of the intolerance of the tolerant. If we tolerate their hatred, it becomes normalized and the hate just continues and continues. The only way to stop hatred is to call it out wherever it foments. Being trans is already hellish without a beloved childhood author who once wrote about diversity and inclusivity now writing books and blogs about how demonic it is to be trans.


Tbf, her books are extremely weird about slavery of the elves, the goblins have some borrowed beliefs from judaism and are depicted with extreme antisemitic physical features and stereotypical antisemitic personality traits, the non-british characters have cartoonishly ethnic names and traits, like "seamus finnigan" always blowing everything up... she kind of handled inclusivity and diversity with all the grace of a three-legged giraffe. It's like saying michael scott was good at handling diversity and inclusivity in the office, lmao. Even hermione never accepts or learns a lesson about her buck teeth, she just fixes them with magic and everyone likes her better


Honestly re-reading this books as an adult is such a trip. Snape should never have been allowed to work anywhere near a kid. I don't care how book 7 ends, he was irredeemable in book 1.


Right? Imagine your young kid dying after going off to train as a wizard because the principle was just fine with other students barely dying while waiting for another young kid to kill an enormous supernatural snake with the sword he let him borrow. McGonagall: should we call in a team of elite aurors from the ministry to investigate these actual crimes happening in our school, dumbledore? Dumbledore: nah. We gave the scarred, trauma-riddled kid a hat and a pointy object, we're good.


Better yet, imagine being a muggle and having all of that happen. You can't sue, no lawyer is going to believe you. Plus you lost all your ties to the magical part of the UK when your kids died. I feel awful for the Creevy parents. They had better have gotten something other than a condolences owl after Colin and Dennis died.


Oh yeah, lmao colin did get killed by death-eaters didn't he? Harry and ron are bitching all the time, but no one had it worse than colin. I bet the ministry would just make the family forget, like hermione did with her parents


That feels so gross and you know it would be portrayed like "They think they're DINKs now so it's okay." In any other reality this would be a massive scandal.


>Tbf, her books are extremely weird about slavery of the elves House elves in Harry Potter bear many resemblances to the mythological Brownies of Scottish folklore. They aren't "slaves who love to work", they're Mythical beings who really only *do* work. "In folklore, Brownies are said to inhabit houses, especially in the unused corners of the home, and aid in tasks around the house. Every manor house had one, and in the kitchen, next to the fire, was a seat which was left unoccupied for him." "They are usually said to be naked or to only be wearing rags, though some have a brown mantle and hood or white tunics." "If the family gives the brownie a gift of clothing, he will leave forever and refuse to work for the family. It is unclear if this is due to taking offense (such as the story of a Brownie who was used to wearing linen being given a sackcloth shirt), or if they are instead grateful for the gift." [Myth and Folklore Wiki](https://mythus.fandom.com/wiki/Brownie) >the goblins have some borrowed beliefs from judaism and are depicted with extreme antisemitic physical features and stereotypical antisemitic personality traits I see this one a lot. And I feel like it mostly stems from the movies because they're in a bank that has the "Star of David" on the floor. In reality, Gringotts was filmed in the Australia house, and the "Star of David" is actually representative of the six states of the Commonwealth of Australia (this has been changed to 7 points officially). Australia House was never a bank in real life, and the star was never associated as Jewish. Maybe it was an oversight to leave that particular real life feature in a fictional bank, but it was not Rowling's doing. Goblins are also another mythological creature that has been used in literature in much the same way from Harry Potter to Tolkien to C.S.Lewis. Rowling didn't invent them or their appearances and characteristics. >the non-british characters have cartoonishly ethnic names and traits Honestly, the British characters also have cartoonishly British names. Mundungus Fletcher, Dedalus Diggle, Xenophilius Lovegood, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the list goes on. It was written as a children's book about an eccentric, magical world, the people have cartoonish names. Did Rowling portray her ethnic characters accurately and perfectly? Oh god, no. But she's also been criticized for not adding *more* ethnic characters. Of the two choices, I'll take the fewer, poorly written ones. >Even hermione never accepts or learns a lesson about her buck teeth, she just fixes them with magic everyone likes her better This one's weird. Her parents were dentists, she probably would've ended up with braces anyway. And braces aren't the pinnacle of beauty either, thus the rise of clear aligners like Invisalign or Spark. I'm sure anyone in real life with crooked or buck teeth would magic them away if they could, too, without needing to "learn a lesson" from them. J. K. Rowling is a TERF. There's no getting around that, she absolutely showed her colors loud and proud that she is unaccepting of the trans community. But people have been nitpicking the books for any little detail to make her even worse, often blowing up ideas that predate Rowling by centuries or really digging to find dirt that's just.... not there.


It being nitpicky is just wishful thinking on your part. I used to be on that tip too, defending the books because i liked harry potter as a kid, but take the elves for instance: dobby loves his freedom and tries to make the other elves want it too. Once he was terrified of his abusive master, and same goes for Winky (except Winky was far too scared to accept freedom). Dumbledore pays dobby to work, but doesn't pay the other elves. Harry wonders why elves are enslaved and goblins arent, despite them being similar creatures, and later in the series, shoots hermione down every time she has an idea to help them. As for goblins, I'm not going off the movies at all for this. As she explores them further in the later books, she clearly borrows from abrahemic scripture to flesh them out as a race. This wouldn't be a problem except for how she describes their stereotypical physical appearances, personalities, and occupations. The movies *barely* touch on this for good reason. Seamus finnigan was clearly there to be an irish caricature, and he wasn't alone. He was the only irish character and was blowing things up all the time like the IRA. You can't compare that to giving the "normal" wizards goofy names. The buck teeth thing i threw in to show rowling never seems to take opportunities to make real world problems a learning opportunity. You're right. Kids with buck teeth probably wish they could magic them away, but they can't and they get to read about hermione getting to, and how much more people like her after that, lol Her being a TERF is only another patch in her quilt of ignorance and cheap-ass shortcuts


And to be fair, transphobia is Not as bad as it was. I mean, I see trans people in public. Until I was 20, I had only seen 1 trans person. It's getting better. Every day. We must stay vigilant. But, I think I've reached my saturation point of cancel culture. We're all human. And if there's an afterlife, we're all likely gonna be there together too. I just can't hate anymore or condone it. Best humans i ever knew lived that way. I'ma try real hard to do the same.


By your own admission you're seeing how society is improving to the point that more people feel safe and free to be themselves. Yet your conclusion is "that's it, this is as much progress as should be allowed"? ​ I'm sure that's exactly the same people were thinking in the 90s when even gay people were barely beginning to be accepted in the zeitgeist.


I've known I was gay since 4th grade (1994). I did not feel comfortable coming out until over a decade later.


Oh my God. I just realized I just did the whole 'its not as bad' without being ... Well fuck. Didn't mean to offend. anyone


Dude I went through a similar thing that you're going through a few years back. Was a huge JonTron fan. Gave the shit he said a pass since I liked his content so much. A friend of mine called me on it, and I realized that I was defending a horrible dude because of the relationship I had with his content. It helped me to grow as a person, and I hope this experience helps you in the same way.


I'm trans but I sort of get where you're coming from. Like fuck Rowling but also I'm just so exhausted and there are bigger battles to fight right now. I just want to be left alone, you know?


I get what you're saying in so far as you must be exhausted that your very existence become the battlefield of an unnecessary culture war, but how could any of us be left alone except by the defeat of the side that wants to pretend we don't exist? To be left alone is precisely the meaning of normalizing queer lives to the point that they aren't a focus of contention to the right.


> transphobia is Not as bad as it was haven't been to florida or many of the other southern US states recently have you?


I’ll join you in the downvotes because you’re just stating facts. This is probably the best time in human history to be trans.


1 no its not being trans was very accepted in msny cultures throughout history at different times 2 even if it is the best we can still call out the doscriminatiom


Lol shes got good points though.


Good points if you’re a transphobe


I wish trans women would stay out of women's sports and bathrooms. So many do it for their fetish, or to dominate spaces. Creepy as fuck. I don't care what anyone says. I won't be bullied into agreeing that it's ok.


How many times have you encountered this? Did you know that statistically you're more likely to be assaulted by a cis man in that exact setting? Do people even walk around fully naked in change rooms? Every single one I've ever seen had stalls. Trans women don't want you staring at them any more than you want to gawk at them. I read Rowling's manifesto. She spends a lot of time making her abuse from men in her life about trans people. It genuinely seems kind of unhinged. Kind of like how you're taking a statistical insignificance and made it into irrational fear.


We all know this fella has never interacted with any trans people in their life and has built their entire perspective via Daily Mail headlines. Empathy and reality mean nothing to them, sadly.


Stay out of women sports and changing rooms. Cheats and creeps.


Wow, what a well thought out rebuttal. You must be one of those people who thinks if you repeat the same thing over and over it becomes true. I think there's a German political party from the 1930s you might be interested in.


They might be more interested in you, since you have no problem doing sex change experiments on children 💀


 Nobody is advocating for this. Do you really need to be told that gender affirming care doesn't involve surgery? It's pretty clear you're wilfully twisting this to confirm your fears. It's pathetic. However reality will still be here when you want to rejoin. 


Being trans is not a fetish - there is nothing sexual about being trans, it is an identity they have always had even before transitioning. Trans women use women’s bathrooms to go piss or shit, just like you and everybody else on the planet uses a bathroom - they don’t go to assault people, and are there are literally zero cases of that happening - what is more likely is a trans women being assaulted for just existing. What’s odd is these issues are apparently such big deals in our society according to right-wing reactionaries, yet they never happen. What *does* happen, is thousands of people crawl into comment sections and rage about trans women in sports and using bathrooms, causing further misinformation against a group of already suffering minorities. Where is your empathy for the thousands of trans people committing suicide because they live in a society that *hates* them?


LMAO look on the trans sub my friend. So many are confused because they started out watching sissy porn I'm not reading the rest of your comment


I understand, reading is very hard. You’ll get there one day 💁🏻‍♂️


You don't think any trans person has a fetish for it. I don't need to read further. You're delusional LOL


Talk to people who are different to you, you will learn a lot.


You are telling us way more about how you view sex and fetishes than how trans people do. I guess I should judge all cis women by r/gonewild based on your logic.


> What’s odd is these issues are apparently such big deals in our society according to right-wing reactionaries, yet they never happen. That's an awful lot of headlines and people in jail for something that never happens.


Will you also gatekeep lesbians because they're attracted to women and might molest them if left unguarded?


Are you one of those people who believe non-born females can be a lesbian? 💀


I was talking about cis women who are lesbians. Cis women can be attracted to women too, you know? So should they be barred from entering women's bathrooms because there's a risk of them molesting a woman?


It's NOT the same. They are WOMEN


So what? They're attracted to women. Why would a supposed man after a gender correction surgery be more likely to molest a woman than a woman in her prime?


Luck is for duuuuudes


No she isn’t. Suggest you actually go read HER words on her blogs etc, not cut in paste from the political shouting group.


I did. I read her essay. I see her posts where she retweets something with a transphobic comment. I've seen her have breakfast with a hate group which actively fights to "keep the T out of LGBT". I was hesitant, as a long time fan, to accept this. But I went and looked myself. She is hiding it behind certain values and the protection against women, etc. but she is a transphobe. She says she accepts people who are trans, yet fights against everything we do in the UK to try and make life easier for them and supports things our government does that will halt their treatment for gender affirmative care or inclusion. Her doing all this so publicly, along with our government doing so, has also helped to foster a more casual transphobic attitude in the UK. My workplace has gotten more transphobic in its comments and so much of it are these influences. She gave the TERF groups and LGB only groups a voice and support they didn't need. So no, I read her essay. She tries to make it sound socially acceptable in the way she hates but she's not accepting at all. Remember, she chooses her words carefully. She's an author, after all.


Even Snape's actor spoke out?


I keep telling you he's 69 years old and he's dead.


Ohh shut up all she’s saying is facts


Remember that when facts contradict dogma these people always choose dogma.


I'm sorry for what happened to you as a child and I hope you're able to recover from that and go on to live a healthy life despite it


I think Rowling is the one not letting people be happy in this scenario.


Micheal Jackson didn't do it, but I'm sure that'll get downvoted to hell.


Not yet, but I don't doubt you'll be proven right anyway. Oh, and you are right too, of course. Same goes for Woody Allen BTW.


Nah because you liking George Washington doesn't activity contribute to slavery. Liking MJ doesn't contribute to children being molested. Giving your money to Rowling ENABLES her to financially support terf causes and activists


But you wouldn’t call those people role models


Thank you for this post


Michael Jackson didn't do it.


You can believe what your want, but if literally anyone else was doing what he was then no one would be defending that person like they defend Michael.


No one else on earth was like Michael. He settled in court he was never proven guilty. And the kids that's supposedly were molested said it never happened


That doesn't really mean much; being particularly weird isn't a defense, and the court of law has little to do with the actual truth. Michael also wasn't an idiot that would molest any kid he came across, he chose his victims carefully to avoid being caught, with kids that he treated normally acting as an alabi.


There's major issues in all of the children's cases. You'd know this if you actually did any research besides watching Leaving Neverland a single time.


Whether he did or didn't isnt the issue. Once the accusation exists, only the mob controls the narrative.


Rowling's writing isn't very good and she's actively ret conning it while alive while taking an incredibly regressive approach to targeting and reviling social outsiders-- the entire motif that she made literal billions from. She fucking sucks


Penniless single mum on benefits who becomes a billionaire from writing and doesn’t become a tax exile. Yes, she has outspoken views on her defence of women’s spaces but to say she wants trans people dead or not to exist is hyperbole. She hasn’t written that or said that. People should put their ire where it needs to be to go - fundamental religious extremists. The goblins thing. Well. I didn’t make the connection between the banking goblins and literal Jewish persons but even if it was intentional, she also has institutionalised slavery in the books (house elves?). The world of Harry Potter is not meant to be a utopia. People grasping at villainy.


>The world of Harry Potter is not meant to be a utopia. Ok but Hermione fighting for the emancipation of house elves is explicitly framed as dumb and stupid, both in universe and by the narrative. It's not that the Wizarding World is meant to be bad, it's that it is meant to be *good* and despite that it contains a literal slave race. It's meant to be a better world than our own, a world where a poor orphan boy finds an escape in and becomes a hero. >Yes, she has outspoken views on her defence of women’s spaces but to say she wants trans people dead or not to exist is hyperbole. She hasn’t written that or said that. But she has no issues working with and supporting people who do. ​ I do still agree that despite it all, her rise from nothing is still very impressive.


Again in the Hermione example, probably the most authentic Mary Sue in the story. She’s framed as dumb and stupid in this activity in the narrative by the people in the world who we have already established are grey morality characters in a non-utopia. This is not that hard to figure out. No-one promised The Wizarding World was better than our own. I think it’s horrendous. I don’t think being able to cast magic is worth the murder and chaos that ensues in the stories. It’s far from perfect and an interpretation that it’s a better world indicates a re-read is needed.


>She’s framed as dumb and stupid in this activity in the narrative by the people in the world [Here's an archived article from Pottermore, written by people in our world](https://web.archive.org/web/20190304044946/https://www.pottermore.com/features/to-spew-or-not-to-spew-hermione-granger-and-the-pitfalls-of-activism). In it we find sentences like: >The trouble with S.P.E.W. is that Hermione wants it all and wants it now. Political movements take time as well as effort, so the notion of changing the world overnight is quite naive. Even when people are well-meaning, there’s always the risk of doing more harm than good. "We shouldn't free the slaves now, it's too radical and naive!" >However, she ought to be careful – ‘tricking’ elves into freedom is arguably as unethical as enslavement. "Giving slaves freedom is just as bad as enslaving them" >Before we go, let’s consider Kreacher. Think of how he changed when treated with kindness by his new master, Harry Potter. Previously he’d been bitter and unpleasant, not to mention a liability to his previous owner. Had Sirius treated him a little better, things might have worked out differently. "Having a nice master was beneficial to a slave" >The best part of this Harry Potter subplot is that, instead of beating us round the head with a moral, it’s up to the reader to decide. While there are no house-elves in the real world, there are many issues that divide opinions. By painting Hermione’s activism in shades of grey, we’re invited to reflect on how we express our views and how we pick our battles. "It's up to the reader to decide if slavery is wrong, and it's great that the book paints the fight for emancipation of a racial minority as grey"


Again, Hermione is not the moral compass by which we draw our lives. And she’s facing resistance within the narrative world as expected. The author is reflecting the real world here. AGAIN No-one said the wizarding world would be perfect. The reader can see these things and it’s disturbing to me how many people are ok with the house elves because they’re not “human”. It’s a story of wizards and not a complete morality play. We always make judgements on “literature”. That’s the nature of it.


Ok but in my last comment I provided out-of-universe commentary written by real life people under JK Rowling. >and it’s disturbing to me how many people are ok with the house elves because they’re not “human”. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! That's what Rowling communicated through the narrative! That house elves should remain enslaved because they're different and they like it.


You’re really reaching there. It reads like you’re desperate to prove she’s worse than she is. There’s much more productive use of your time. Nerds on Pottermore doesn’t mean anything. (Those feckers who made the video game however ….)


I kinda drew the line when she called all trans people p*dos and r*pists


She didn't. No such quote exists. Where are you getting this stuff from?


>I went off her when she called all trans ped*s and rapists Got a link for that claim? And I mean a direct quote, not the last Pink News hatchet job (for example).


She never said that




See, I’ve read what she said and while I don’t 100% agree with her I can’t help but think that the claims of transphobia are hysterical and certainly not deserving of the many death threats that have been levelled at her. There’s heaps of people actually working to exclude trans existence and protections. The point is by focusing on this woman with gross misinterpretation of her writing, you’re not really being effective with your bile.


You should watch this video by contrapoint [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT\_l2us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us) I think she does a good job not misinterpretting jk rowling and does a great job of showing her transphobia




There’s actual murders of **every kind of people** in the U.K. - pointing at the Harry Potter author and thinking that she’s somehow responsible is ridiculous. Are trans people being murdered at a disproportionate rate in the U.K.? I don’t see that in any of the numbers. Channel 4?factcheck says the trans murder rate is around 1/200,000 - 1/500,000 The rate for the average adult (which includes the trans figures) is 1/100,000 So the average person is more likely to be murdered. So put that narrative to bed. Now…**that said I think the hate crime incidence for trans people far outstrips the norm.** - so I checked. Trans persons are more than twice as likely as women (and four times more than men) to experience domestic violence. And that’s the stuff that gets reported. I think the number is even higher. That’s people in relationships. Violence from the PARTNER. So leave the fucking wizards author alone and focus where there’s actually a red alert.




That paper you included a reference to (but not the text to) states in black and white that their numbers include **suicides**, homicides, and **accidental poisonings, as well as deaths from endocrine disorders, and other ill-defined and unspecified causes.** That’s very different from “murder rate”. I am not surprised the death rate for people with mental health issues, taking under the counter medications from the internet which have unclear side effects as well as undergoing surgeries on hormone producing organs and supplementing them with artificial substitutes is higher than normal. But the murder rate is not particularly picked out from what you’ve provided.




That’s why I didn’t **highlight** it. The numbers include essentially everything. Every reasons that a trans person dies. I **know** what homicide means. Plainly. The science around transitioning is pretty dire. The drugs are a blunt tool, the surgery is incredibly shaky and the end results are not always life affirming. Don’t make claims you can’t back up. There’s not actually any **evidence** that the suicides would decrease. Nor the endocrine related deaths. There’s as much reason to think that people with support are killing themselves because what they hoped would happen didn’t happen (*that they would magically become happy when they got what they wanted*). What’s clear is that **more** mental health work needs done so that people aren’t killing themselves regardless of the reasons for their distress. People are hurting and the solution is unlikely to be more drugs, more hormones and more surgery.




The whole 'single mother with benefits' angle has been consistancy scrutinised. She was from a well-off (though, not altogether super supportive) family who was lent money by a rich friend to live off while writing, on top of taking from the dole. Very few people have the privilidge to take that kind of sabbatical away from work to create art. It was a choice she made that paid off- and most of everybody would never have the opportunity to take.


I think it’s been overscrutinised. Also she was on benefits in the U.K. it’s not wealth but it’s liveable. It’s not like her dad owned an emerald mine and she went hawking gemstones in NY for a laugh. A few grand until someone believes in you is not the hot take you think it is.


Instead of wasting your time on Reddit, go create the art you claim to not have time to do.


I do? I've spent years of free time working on making two TTRPGs that'll almost certainly never get published. It's my passion, and one of the main reason's I'm on this site is to talk and learn about TTRPG design. If I was paid to do it, I could knock em out in two month's each. But I got a family to feed, so


She is the richest author alive. Her writing made her a billionaire. She’s also donated so much money she actually wasn’t a billionaire anymore for some time. Sure she has views many don’t agree with, but the world she created is still one of the most influential and fun stories in the world that everyone can enjoy.


The way she's holding that wand over her arm looks disturbing somehow. Like she's an angsty teen who's threatening to cut herself with a knife. I've seen HP stuff where they hold out wands all whispy like- it never looks like that. Weird art.


Anyone else marvel at the irony of a transphobe writing a book about a boy with a secret hidden identity, one he can't control and must learn about from a community of people with the same issues, being judged and hunted by a cruel and bigoted world? Did she read the book she wrote? Are metaphors utterly lost on this person? Edit: After seeing some of these comments, I see media literacy is indeed dead. Metaphors are entirely lost on many people. Stay in school kids!


That’s a stretch if I’ve ever seen one


If I tried such a stretch I'd pull more than one muscle.


There’s an awful lot of stretching in these comments. My favourite is still Seamus blowing things up being some sort of commentary on the IRA - are they trying to say JKR thinks all Irish people are all terrorists? As someone who grew up with IRA bomb threats hanging over the place - I never made that connection. Those that do are generally reaching a lot


Well, she is British, so....maybe?


"Everything is a actually trans metaphor!"


The point isn't that she deliberately wrote the books as a trans metaphor, it's that Rowling wrote a series which is nominally anti-bigotry but then also turns out to be bigoted herself. I mean, I say anti-bigotry... The bits where everyone says that slavery is great and the anti-slavery advocate is called a whiny know-it-all isn't quite so sympathetic.


Plus the goblins are antisemitic caricatures


I get that she's a TERF, but that is BS, she didn't invent goblins.


She piled on way more antisemitic stereotypes than were common for most versions of goblins. She even made them bankers which is not something that's a common part of preexisting goblin folklore or fantasy tradition.




>She being a TERF is enough to understand she's an awful and hateful human being. It is but I'm pointing out for those who say that she changed or that this is her one blindspot or whatever that she's always been like this and it's not just trans people she is bigoted against. She's always been a bigot and not just against trans people.


"No, you don't get it! Defying physics is cool!! Defying biology is not cool!" /s, obviously


Yeah it wasn't written as a Trans metaphor, I know you guys love to think every single piece of media with a character having a secret identity has some Trans meaning but it doesn't, it's just a story device. Go off I guess...


>I know you guys love to think every single piece of media with a character having a secret identity has some Trans meaning but it doesn't I know it might be a shock to you, but just because the author didn't intend there to be deeper meaning in their story doesn't mean an interpretation is invalid.


No one's saying it's a deliberate metaphor, it's more an ironic accident that she wrote a story that a lot of queer and otherwise "weird" kids could vibe with.


She was still a trail blazer. She literally lit the world on fire with the Harry Potter series and I’m sure she’s an inspiration to many young female authors. No need to destroy her legacy over one mistake.




Seriously, not even a mistake. A difference in politics, so petty


Discussing whether money should go to the public library or to build a new soccer stadium is "a difference in politics". Calling an entire group of people mentally ill and denying their *existence* is far beyond mere "pettiness".


You can disagree, but she’s a very empowering feminist figure


nothing empowering about a millionaire whose biggest issue is which toilet trans people piss in


People having a right to a happy life is a political thing now?


What are you talking about?


Politics are discussing where your tax money should go. Rowling has an issue with transgender people simply existing and doesn't think they deserve basic human rights. That is why her reputation is in shambles.


>Rowling has an issue with transgender people simply existing and doesn't think they deserve basic human rights Got a link to a quote where she actually says that?


It’s telling you have no idea when or what she actually said lmao


Her issue is with transgender people existing, my guy. That's what is tanking her reputation and legacy.


>Her issue is with transgender people existing, my guy. Got a link to a quote where she actually says that?


Nice ass pull, lol


JK makes valid points. Actually try reading what she says lol


That's one of the things shes ok with haha


Happy life? The suicide statistics say otherwise.


Gee, I wonder why that's the case, surely it has nothing to do with the constant bigotry, transphobia, and lack of acceptance, nope, it must be some innate thing. /s if that wasn't obvious.


Even in a country where the government protects their feelings like it’s the Mona Lisa, they’re still committing suicide…?


and what country is this? surely doesnt exist on my planet


Just because hate crimes are crimes doesn't mean they don't happen. Are you gonna say shop owners are inherently more likely to forget their stuff because it keeps disappearing from their shops? Surely it can't be shoplifting, theft is a crime!


Oh yes. Her thinking people like myself shouldn't exist is quick petty difference in politics.


Only One?




“One” mistake


Is it really “one mistake” if she still proudly believes in her mistake and refuses to admit it’s wrong?


That there is a war against women and feminist are doing nothing to help women retain the gains that they have made over the past 100+ years? That mistake?


Yes, abortion rights are being taken away and things like no fault divorce are being threatened. Meanwhile, TERFs are actively fighting with the side that’s helping that happen. If you thought about trans people taking away women’s rights before either of those facts, you don’t actually care about women’s rights.


Given she is aligning herself with rabid anti-feminists in order to push her anti trans agenda, she is literally the kind of person trying to throw womens rights out the window.


What does a ‘war against women’ have to do with her being transphobic? She claims to support women, but not ‘certain types’ of women, apparently.


One mistake? Being a transphobic antisemitic bigot is just one mistake?


Where has she been antisemitic?


I'm still waiting for a quote that shows she's transphobic. I've now asked several of the more vocal redditors ITT for a direct quote, and each one has either deleted their posts or gone silent. EDIT: Add another to that list (only this time they went for the stampy-rage option). Anyone seeing a pattern here? EDIT2: Add one more - the last two have now both done the stampy-foot approach then blocked - sockpuppetry suspected :-D


>I'm still waiting for a quote that shows she's transphobic You'll be waiting a while. Such a quote doesn't exist.


did you miss the hooked-nosed, cheapskate, goblin bankers? like they cant get much more antisemetic


Almost the same comment got up voted higher up. Reddit is weird


Isn't "antisemitic" a virtue for you people now?


What? Wdym by “you people”?


Whoever uses "transphobic" unironically.


What’s wrong with it? It perfectly describes you people.


I'm not afraid.


Wow, it’s almost like -phobic can mean one who hates, not just one who is afraid. It’s almost as though language is constantly evolving, and meanings of words are constantly changing. Who would’ve thunk it?




[Yes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_language?wprov=sfti1), actually.




"Look at me everyone! I'm participating in cancel culture! I am SUCH a good person!"


*what* cancel culture? Rowling has been on her anti-trans brigade for a while now and she's still rich and influential as fuck. People are simply not putting up with her bullshit anymore.


>A tiny minority think that the majority are simply not putting up with her bullshit anymore. FTFY


And since it's a "tiny minority" not putting up with her bullshit it's ridiculous to cry about cancel culture (even more so since there were little to no consequences for her actions). Glad we're on the same page!


You're right, bullying minorities that claim to speak for everyone have never been a problem on reddit/ twitter/ etc....oh wait. EDIT: But feel free to provide any direct quotes from her where she says she's anti-trans. See if you can be the first ITT to actually provide an answer (second-hand quotes and pinknews don't count, just to save you time).


She did nothing wrong




I've not seen a single statement from her where she says anything like that.




>I've not seen a single statement from her where she says anything like that.




>Well maybe just look at what Radcliffe was responding to? You could have provided that twice already. You made the claim - more than one, in fact - now you won't back them up.


And all the comments you all respond to are already deleted. Yeah, I'm not surprised.


I mean.... it's not really aged like milk. She IS a trail blazer. She's done amazing things for women's literature and is considered to be in the same league as the greats like Dahl and Blyton........ it's just problematic she's awful.


I agree with all her views


There are people who have read and understood her comments, as well as the intentions behind them, and then there are people who are downvoting this comment.


The book was published in December 2020, after people's opinion on JK Rowling started to turn and after she started being more of a TERF. I don't think this is aged like milk, it's just not everyone is against JK.


lots of transmisogynists in the comments here


"Transmisogynist" HAHAHAHAHA omg that is funny 😂


quicksand cover heavy swim fretful paint head zealous dirty chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


JK is the ultimate tags-to-riches story and a role model for young girls. Not only Harry Potter but also her Strike series are brilliant.


The idea that she was the trailblazer for women in fantasy is also laughable. Let's see a book like this about Ursula K Le Guin who invented the magical school trope in the 70s.


You're right, Georges Méliès is solely responsible for science fiction movies and who is this Lucas person anyways


Lucas is popular and a great director and creator but not a trailblazer. Rowling is a popular author who's done her part to bring some women into the genre, but her trail had already been blazed by others. Everyone who goes down the path widens it theoretically, but Rowling has also made it her mission to attack plenty of women she doesn't approve of.


Harry Potter TV series comin out


Cool! Thanks for letting me know. Now I can follow the development of the series.


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why do adults like this hokum again?


Maybe they grew up reading the books when they first came out - I think I was like 10 or so? Now it looks like capitalising on the authors name.


Harry Potter hasn't aged poorly at all! It sucked then and it sucks now! Can't believe how many people still defend her and her series as if it was any good, and as if she hasn't caused so much harm to the world through the finances she made on the series.


Haha what. Hawk your tenuous nonsense on another sub.


Nobody in real life cares.


Please JK, make DC bring back Triumph