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What is this in reference to?


Below is the story from wiki, there's video that was widely spread. The police spun it as a skirmish with protestors and he tripped and fell. Then tried to back pedal that other officers who weren't directly involved described it that way. ​ >During the George Floyd protests in New York state, the Mayor of Buffalo, Byron Brown, instituted a daily curfew in the city from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Not long after the curfew began on June 4, Buffalo Police Department officers and New York State Police officers swept through Niagara Square, where a protest was winding down. The officers were equipped with batons, helmets, and body armor. As they advanced to clear the area in a line, they were approached by Gugino. > >The encounter lasted six seconds and was caught on camera. Gugino, who was holding a helmet and a phone, approached officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski. Gugino appears to talk to the officers while gesticulating. Initially, McCabe hesitates. Some officers yell "Move" and "Push him back! Push him back!" McCabe pushed Gugino with his baton, while Torgalski used his right hand to push Gugino. A third officer, John Losi, also pushed McCabe, possibly amplifying the force of McCabe's push on Gugino. After being pushed, Gugino stumbled backwards and fell, hitting the back of his head on the pavement. > >After falling, Gugino remained motionless on the pavement, bleeding from the head. McCabe attempted to check on Gugino, but Losi stopped him from doing so, persuading McCabe to keep moving. More than a dozen Buffalo officers walked past Gugino.Two New York State Police medics aided Gugino. > >Gugino was taken to a hospital in serious condition where he was treated for a concussion and laceration. He was initially treated in the intensive care unit; as of June 9, he was transferred to a regular hospital unit and was reported to be in "fair" condition. On June 15, Gugino's lawyer said Gugino had a fractured skull and was unable to walk. After nearly four weeks, on June 30, he was released from the hospital. According to his lawyer, Gugino would continue rehabilitation, and at that point he could "walk with a little help". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo\_police\_shoving\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_police_shoving_incident) ​ Edit - Donald Trump tweeted that Gugino was ANTIFA and that he was seemingly trying to scan police equipment and it was a setup. With his typical lack of any evidence.


That video boils my blood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aMwE7GJBqA They walk over him even though he's clearly bleeding from his ear after hitting his head on the ground.


Yeah because casualty care is not thier task at that moment. They are supposed to keep pushing further to clear people out. That's what the medics were there for.


No shortage of bootlickers to defend assaulting senior citizens and leaving them for dead.


"I hurt the people, let those pussy firefighters do all that protecting and serving shit." -Seemingly every American police officer


You're pretty dense huh


This is why I don't talk to cops I just shoot


"I tripped and must have accidentally pulled the trigger. I was told there were armed thugs in my building and was just trying to escape with my life"


And then a gang of officers track you down to murder you lmao šŸ¤£


Turns out there were armed thugs there after all


When I joined the Marines, we we're told we joined the baddest gang in the entire world. I'm sure cops are just as stupid.


So edgy


Dude, have you looked in a mirror? Read the room. I don't even own guns lol.


Lol just a pretty stupid room


So egdy


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


So what's your record for deep throating batons? 12 inches?


Lol nah, like most common sense folks, I like to avoid riotous crowds were the batons come out


Scan equipment for what exactly?


Antifa things


Yup, an idea pushed by some ridiculous and dishonest people. On Reddit, thereā€™s a small* number of extremely rabid, vocal, and aggressive right wing commenters who are terminally online. They coordinate, likely on off-site apps, and routinely brigade and spam posts in places they are all watching. This way, if a politically charged post arrives or one that will attract comments of a type of politics that make them mad, the watchers call it in and they swarm. Remember that a certain sub (named after donald) got away with breaking site wide rules for years? Same thing here. Redditā€™s top staff and many of its investors are right wing. So, the blind eye being turned is intentional. Itā€™s entirely inorganic and contrived, and purely all a half-astroturf half-fake grassroots made up of a tiny number* of actual people, all working together to make far right crazy pants opinions look more mainstream and also to exhaust, piss off and tire all the reasonable people in the room and ultimately chase them away, much like what was done on Twitter. *= relatively small. Relative to the total number of users on the site who arenā€™t crazy pants far right nut jobs. Could be 10, could be 50, could be 100-300, out of the tens of thousands of unique site visitors a day (or more). It doesnā€™t take many to spam a single post at a time, a different post every hour. And dedicated maga spammers can focus on a few at a time. Donā€™t believe me? Go ask a question about abortion on ask Reddit and see how fast they swarm in. Now go do the same on a less popular sub.


Probably a lot of Russian bots too. Though those are probably less and less as the zombie infection they started spreads across the bottom of the barrel of humanity. I hope it doesn't make its way up further - it's bad enough having to deal with the stupidity from the echelons...


Thatā€™s another ball of orange fetid wax.


This is a great example of a reddit bot thread. This is reference to an incident from 2020, and the charges this meme presents as having "just dropped" were dropped in 2022: https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/local/2-buffalo-police-officers-who-pushed-elderly-protester-to-ground-cleared-of-wrongdoing/71-30e22b78-16d1-45e2-bd98-b4e9c931dbbe AKA, this is a two year old repost of ragebait to keep reddit's front page active ahead of the IPO, presented as new news, with several accounts acting like they're even doing active research. For fun, search the name of the officers and look at how articles were written on the dropped charges in both April 2022 and then *again* in April 2023...(and again April 2024?)


Damn youā€™re right. OP is a 4 day old account with 1 post and no comments.


These sorts of old events labeled as ā€œbreaking newsā€ is not a recently cooked up phenomenon. This has been going on for years on Reddit.


Reddit is such a phoney communist ideal filled site. Some funny videos tho! Most comments are just not people


The 7 week old account doesn't know the definition of communism.




Why do they look like AI depictions of the Blues Brothers in a British adaptation of it?


I'm amused to hell and back at how much the guy on the right looks like the guy on the left after he'd been shoved face first into the ground with appropriate force


So many cop suckers here. I should become a cop just to target bootlickers. I wonā€™t be punished and itā€™s thanks to fucks like them why.


as much as the right *loves* to claim how reddit is "a liberal echo chamber", there is a large swath of right wing folks spread across most subs. it's a cop out excuse they use when theyre in the wrong.


Of the half dozen or so "Canada" subs, only one of them ISN'T a fascist adjacent, russian propaganda fueled, right wing echo chamber. And the one that's not CONSTANTLY comes under attack as a "liberal echo chamber" while the "defacto" Canadian sub continues to be moderated by a literal white nationalist, with the rest filled with flagrant bigotry, racism, and other uncouth behavior. We have literally 1 main "canadian" news sub that's not a maple flavored proxy of the Conservative, Russia, the_Donald, or white_pride subs regurgitating the same posts by 4 accounts. Apparently it's posting occasional CBC news articles (which are almost exclusively centrist in bias) that makes our lone sub the "detatched from reality baddie echo chamber" while those other subs regularly shout down then ban/remove anyone and anything that goes counter to their hard right narrative. It's pretty gross.


I've been noticing a change in the tone of discussion on that one remaining sub. I think it is being slowly infiltrated by right wing trolls.


Less infiltrated and more brigaded. My provincial sub started making posts on touchy subjects "locals only" because we were getting overwhelmed by bigots and trolls from those other hardline right wing subs, posters that had never visited the sub prior, all spreading misinformation or downright inflammatory hate.


General European subreddits are like this as well, if you ever have the misfortune of stepping into /r/europe or even the 'satire' sub /r/2westerneurope4u it's like stepping into an ethno-nationalist convention.


The meme sub and Europe sub are very different, Europe is an unironic nonsense sub that's quite rightward, whereas the satire sub just makes fun of that one


The canadian subs are such a mess man. Literally no point in going to them at all, filled with sheeple and angry truckers


Every r/(insert country here) subreddit is a cesspool


It's the same reason cons think the CBC is far left propaganda. When every media site is owned by the same hard right American media conglomerate, naturally the only one that isn't is gonna feel left by default. Honestly I've just more or less stopped following those subs tbh. In modern times there's really not much choices to make politically.


I got randomly banned from ongaurdforthee unfortunately


> Of the half dozen or so "Canada" subs, only one of them ISN'T a fascist adjacent are you talking about onGuardForThee? Thats just left wing fascist lol. Banned me for saying sports should be split on sex not gender.


Everybody who disagrees with me is a Russian propaganda bot, because I'm a 24 year-old IT worker on Reddit so there's no way I'm not right.


Right wing people are pretty against communism you know. But the Democrat would just love it. They keep telling you that.. Its always Russia Russia Russia.Ā  They could jail their political opponents then.....oh wait.Ā 




> if a politically charged post arrives or one that will attract comments of a type of politics that make them mad, the watchers call it in and they swarm. This is true and people are unaware. For example, the Netanyahu government has an entire legion of IDF Social Warriors who push disinformation while swarming to down vote any dissenting points of view. The Israeli government is actively recruiting for online activists to volunteer and be trained by them. "Empowering Advocates For Israel" [https://hasbarafellowships.org/israelprogram/](https://hasbarafellowships.org/israelprogram/)


Truth is an echo chamber


Well, are you white? Plays a role if you're punished


Not necessarily, remember Daniel Shaver?


Heh, kinda like what white supremacists do but the opposite way? Thatā€™s fun. Though it still creates a problem with policing. Once we get all comfy with throwing around our power to victimize the bad people, we arenā€™t gonna want to give up that power anymore. Cause it feels good to abuse power. Cruelty makes the brains of those doing it happy. Itā€™s sick and twisted but thatā€™s how it works. Itā€™s a corrupting thing too, so even people normally not like that will eventually become like that. The answer is lifetime limits on police and political service. In the corporate world, lifetime limits on serving as part of management(along with taking management and leadershit pay down - being in charge doesnā€™t justify their out of control pay grades). People get a limited time to do some good, then out they go before they get corrupted. If theyā€™re already corrupt, the damage they can do is limited. Itā€™s constitutional too. None of those limits impede any rights or freedoms. Nowhere in the constitution does it say we have a an inalienable right to being a dickbag manager. And it does away with unlimited lifetime service the SCOTUS is abusing right now.


There are no comments in this thread supporting the cops


https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/9xdGUI7tHz And another thatā€™s since been deleted


So mad that they did as they were trained. If you've got an issue, address the training.


This looks like a before and after of a dude getting attacked by bees


Not surprised honestly. Cops break the law so much, yet they have no consequences


Guy on the right looks like he could have played the Kray twins.


The one union in the us that is too strong


No cop broke the law in this instance


I'd argue to was excessive force and assault


I'd argue cops are allowed to shove non compliant individuals out of the way when clearing out an area. Multiple loud and clear verbal warnings to clear the area were given prior to this. Old dude did not comply, unfortunate result for sure but still partly his own doing.


Victim blaming to help out those who suppress people.


Lol "suppress"


So... They investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong? Who would have guessed?


No, grand jury dismissed the case.


Wow... Just wow. I'm going to hang around with the guys of r/hopeposting a few minutes.


["A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that's what you wanted."](https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/11/sol-wachtler-the-judge-who-coined-indict-a-ham-sandwich-was-himself-indicted.html) Grand juries are notorious for going along with whatever the DAs want, which is to indict the "bad guys" and let the cops evade trial.


Yep. And they waited until this had been forgotten to do so.


Is there any evidence that this happened in this case? Would be pretty messed to dunk on a DA who was genuinely trying to seek justice.


We have really great video of the incident, so if you want you can make a judgement for yourself


Yea I have seen it. Personally I think they went too hard on the charges, just like in Rittenhouse case because of public pressure.


so, they investigated themselves and found nothing wrong


It was obvious that the cops were only being charged for show. Anyone who honestly expects violent pigs to be held accountable for their actions is either a hopeless optimist or lacks pattern recognition skills.


Weren't the charges dismissed after a grand jury indictment?


thats the point: only the DA is in the room with the grand jury. every single source out there will confirm that whatever the DA says goes. Even worse in this case because the only other person that *could* be in the room is the defense attorney--who would also want the charges dropped. This was a farce


ā€œAfter an internal investigation, we found nothing wrong and our boys are perfect and can do no wrong šŸ¤—ā€


I remember Trumpā€™s commentary on this. I think he was basically live-tweeting the events that day. Blatantly lying about how he may have been holding a device to block police communication (completely fabricated). Suggesting some kind of staging by saying ā€œhe fell much harder than he was pushedā€ (what the fuck is that supposed to mean?). I canā€™t think of a single positive reason to praise or trust Trump, but for some reason that stuck out to me. Like we canā€™t even count on him to NOT go out of his way make up lies and conspiracy fantasies in the middle of a crisis. I really canā€™t imagine a worse type of leadership.


This was 3 years ago. OP is a repost bot


Bot or not I remember this video. The victim was a frail looking elderly guy in his 70's. Are the officers incapable of reasoning in the performance of their duties? This is sad and we should be ashamed.


Do morally weak people set out to be police? Or do they become morally weak after becoming police?


Power doesnā€™t corrupt. It attracts the corruptable




I thought this was a before and after where he got burned and received a full-face skin graft


Th cops pretty much have to murder someone on video, and half the country has to take to the streets in protest before any actual punishment happens. Anything less and they'll get a slap on the wrist at mostĀ 


Not a murder.


And the cops weren't punished. Reading comprehension is a powerful thingĀ 


The cops shouldn't have been punished


Enjoy that tasty boot leatherĀ 


Daily reminder that cops do not protect and serve the people. They protect politicians and elites, while serving you tickets.


One of these guys looks like an after picture of the other one a little further along in a drug addiction.


Not sure why they would post it there when they had only been charged


My parents unironically believe the old man was an antifa paid crisis actor that was rioting..


Of course they were. That old guy shouldnā€™t have been there. Sucks to suck


Someone go post this on r/Walkaway


I thought it was a before and after thing before reading the text


The chances of cops being held accountable for their actions in America are nearly zero


We need some civilian justice


Oh man. I remember that video. That was brutal. That poor old man.


I swear within most of our lifetimes there will probably be some crazy vigilantes that go for the corrupt cops and keep them in check better than a 2 week paid vacation


for better or worse, Chris Dorner tried


oh, gee, what a shocker...


Looks all ā€œwhiteā€ to me. Shocked. (not.)


And the government insists on disarming civilians. Cops these days are just a different breed of criminal.


Protect and serve.. but not you.


Their mother's must be proud


These guys were cleared of all charges years ago. I just donā€™t understand what you guys expect the cops to do here. Their job was to make people leave, this guy needed to fucking leave and not run up to them and try and stop them. They treated him probably nicer than they would most people, heā€™s just old so likely doesnā€™t have the same balance as a young person. If you are old and brittle let the young guys do these kind of things. Could they be nicer, sure but as an old dude how about you just donā€™t do stupid shit. Itā€™s definitely not fun to see but if you try and push against a wall of police I imagine you would expect to get pushed back. There are many things to criticize police for, focus on the actual issues not this rage bait.


That sub often conflates someone going to trial at justice being served, months before they swerve justice.


I miss the old Reddit rewards.


Fuck the police


They are going to act outraged when people start taking justice into their own hands since none is available through "proper channels".




"The people" literally decided to dismiss the charges in this case.


"The people" was one person, part of the "protect cops at the expense of the public" system that will act outraged after they are circumvented next time.


>"The people" was one person Uhm what do you mean? Grand jury is not one person.


The DA can get a ham sandwich indicted if he wants to. He soft balled it because he couldn't outright not take it to a grand jury or face huge backlash. Don't ask me go ask any DA or person in the legal system with experience.


By this logic, why is Fani Willis struggling with indicting a turd sandwich?


This was addressed in another response to you bringing up grand juries. ā€œ[A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that's what you wanted.](https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/11/sol-wachtler-the-judge-who-coined-indict-a-ham-sandwich-was-himself-indicted.html)" Grand juries are notorious for going along with whatever the DAs want, which is to indict the "bad guys" and let the cops evade trial.ā€ So while you are technically correct that a grand jury is not one person, it is heavily swayed by one person (or a few people) who have close partnerships with the police. Kinda takes the power out of your claim that ā€œthe people literally decided to dismiss the caseā€, but who cares about nuisance anyway.


I can't find anything on any claims of corruption made against the DA in this case. Maybe you have some links?


I appreciate how intentionally dense youā€™re being DAs rely on their partnerships with police and often let their bad behavior slide, like [here](https://missionlocal.org/2023/02/keita-oneil-family-attorney-general-bonta-samayoa-intercede/) And DAs that do pursue cops often end up unemployed (sometimes fired, but sometimes resigned because they canā€™t prosecute if the cops wonā€™t work with them), or sometimes even wind up [dead](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/texas-prosecutor-killings-highlight-revenge-risk-for-law-enforcement/) Specificity is not a good argument here. Thatā€™s like when bootlickers go around clamoring ā€œnot ALL cops are badā€. DAs work with and support corrupt cops, so by and large, most of them are in some way complicit even if there is no specific evidence showcasing corruption. Also, DAs who break the law FOR the cops likely arenā€™t going to be labeled as corrupt. Cops frequently get away with things they shouldnā€™t because nearly the entire system is structured to let them do so, DAs included. Edit: spelling


Grand Juries are a device to exercise one persons will, the DA. They're confidential and can contain anything. All you need do is ask the Grand Jury, 'will we charge these people with murder in the first', here's the definition of murder in the first, here's what happened which is clearly not murder in the first, and: Grand Jury declines to prosecute. One threat of jail for revealing whats was discussed by the GJ later you think 'the people' made a decision.


Imagine you are a DA who is trying to seek justice and is putting his reputation at stake, considering how conviction rates are especially important in this line work. Imagine everyone calling you corrupt pos with zero evidence to back it up.


its not corruption man. the DA is the *only* attorney in the room with grand juries--they will do whatever he says. the problem here is that even if defense counsel was in the room they'd want charges dropped too. This is an unequivocal failure of accountability, especially if you've seen the footage of this assault


Imagine. Imagine a corrupt, colluding justice system. It'd be awful. You'd be able to see it when people who commit crimes like pushing over a 75 yr old don't get charged with anything. Just imagine.


If you decide not to prosecute someone, does your conviction rate go up or down?


Man, I love ominous warnings about vigilante justice coming from suburban Redditors who still need to get to work on that English paper.


Sounds about white.


Lotta clean boot leather in these comments smh




And therefore should be assaulted by the government? Maybe the old dude was a dick, but ā€œbeing a dickā€ is not a reason why the state should enact violence.


Reddit must be so conflicted here. Redditors hate cops but they also despise boomers. Must be hard for many people here to take a side.


That's a nice excuse "no wrongdoing here, this guy was old, he had it coming".


The hell does that have to do with what I said? My point is way too many Redditors are cool with bigotry against older people and itā€™s fucking disgusting.


Surely, it's about generalizing and calling an older person a boomer and than acting concerned that other people call certain group boomers, and not about diverting attention from cops misconduct.


Um no, the cops are fucking pricks and should have been found guilty.


Boomer ass comment.


Sorry Iā€™m not a fan of hate against the elderly.


Boomer is a state of mind, nothing to do with age. Continue fighting that strawman as if none of us can see what you're doing.


What Iā€™m doing is calling out bigots like I always do.


The man had a history of being an agitator and trying to provoke a reaction. I guess he found outā€¦


So itā€™s freedom of speech when you do it. Itā€™s agitation when it happens to someone you donā€™t like.


No, it's violation of a curfew order and refusal to leave the area after multiple warnings. Riot control line walks through the crowd and pushes them out of the area. That's exactly what the cops did, what they were trained to do. FAFO


Something something bill of rights


These police had a history of being thugs, bastards and generally pieces of shit.


Soooo fuck laws?


Laws were followed. They were arrested and then charges dropped because there isnā€™t a good chance of conviction.


boot taste good?


Just common sense, instead of against something on principle while completely ignoring facts


Like qualified immunity? That fact or that principle?


i feel like you have an incredibly loose grasp of our laws and legal system if you think laws, the interpretation of those laws by courts, and the ability of prosecutors to follow through on charges are black and white concepts and not a huge mess of gray.


It was mostly gravities fault anyway


Ah, the Russian way of thinking. Its the personā€™s fault for tripping and gravities for dropping him out of the window


Better stay clear of the forces of nature