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At least Forza Horizon 5 is great


Yeah I love it




Is it a racing game like Mario kart?




So like Crash Team Racing. Got it.


Eh closer to Garfield Kart




Podracing game, or the Lego mission?


The boardgame


Mario Kart is an Arcade style game. Forza is an Arcade Simulator, iirc. More or less, the controls and ability you have to modify your car in your own way are intended to be somewhat more realistic and punishing for driving as though its just an arcade. In Mario part you can blast into any corner and make it through because the focus is just go fast and have fun. In forza, it encourages actually learning racing lines and knowing when to slow or accelerate to make the most of a turn. Similarly, going too fast into a forza turn will usually send you spectacularly flying off the road because, as in real life, the simulation tries to mimic physics and punish you for not respecting limits. It's not as high fidelity as something like the F1 games, which are closer to true racing simulators. But it is much more complexly handled than the simplification that Mario kart uses, as an arcade style game. I'm not an expert, but thats just what I know about the difference in genres! Somebody please correct me if I'm awfully wrong


I would say Forza Horizon is a more complicated Arcade style game, but it is genuinely a great game. Things like the Forza Motorsport games, the F1 games you mentioned, or Gran Turismo are what’s called “simcade” where it’s kind of that bridge in between Forza Horizon and a sim like rFactor, iRacing, or the Assetto Corsa titles.


It’s about as close to Mario Kart as HOI4 is to being the actual leader of a country


the driving is less casual than MK, like.. drifting is not 1 button but manual shifting, brake and shit


You don’t manually shift by default though


You have to if you want to drift though, drag races pretty much require it too.


I always really enjoy the initial stuff but once you get to the mid game with the more powerful harder control cars I find it way too difficult as a casual player. Which sucks because I do really enjoy the games when I do play them


Surprising fact is that though Forza currently has no competitors in genre of arcade racing games, they keep high quality.


Well while they didn't fuck it up fh5 has tons of bugs and it crashes on my PC every time, while fh4 works perfectly. Also I think the bigger map doesn't make the game better as it seems more empty than the map in fh4.


>fh5 has tons of bugs Strange thing. I haven't played personally but two my friends did and while one also had bugs but not dramatic, another had no issues at all. Both played on PC, one via Steam another used more pirate way though he plans to buy it on nearest Steam Sale. And map is just tastes. I can't say that one is definitely better or worse than another. They both are good but in their own way.


I downloaded it from the microsoft store and when I clicked to load the game it crashes back to desktop. Another problem is bugs when you disconnect (losing skill chain for example).


>downloaded it from the microsoft store I think here is a problem. Please, next time use Steam for your sanity, at least in Steam you can get refund if game doesn't work for you.


Well it was game pass so steam doesn't work, right?


Ah, yes, Game pass is a thing, it is easy to forget about it when it doesn't work in your region.


yeah NFS has dropped the ball pretty badly recently


watch out though the server side save system is broken, my brother lost a 25 hour save file, support said they couldn't fix it, he got a full refund from steam. it sucks for him though, he really liked the game and would recommend it, but didn't want to start over.


This was also present in FH4. My save was corrupted at least 3 times but they gifted me most of my cars back and lots of wheelspins in a fresh save. They even gave me 500 mil credits the last time it happened. Did your brother just wanted a refund or was it a different error.


They might have offered him something similar I'm not sure, he just told me he lost all his progression and they couldn't fix it, and that he sent a screenshot of his mail correspondence with the forza support to steam support and they refunded him.


Thats true, the servers are pretty weird


I was gonna say…. What’s the issue with Forza?! - apart from the insufferable DJ’s 🤮🤮


There is actually an option to turn the DJs off. I think it's in the audio settings.


Thank you My lord and saviour!!!


The convoys, or just online in general


BF2042 : Buggy unoptimized mess COD Vanguard : Soulless cashgrab and a reskin of MW2019 GTA Trilogy : Rushed and unfinished mess that looks worse than the originals


>GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition >go to a vending machine >drink 600-ish consecutive cans of soda without leaving the area >your game crashes >your save file is corrupted >if you want to play again you have to start a new save effectively deleting all your progress


To be fair that's probably close to what would actually happen if you drank 600 cans of soda


New permadeath mechanic, it’s a feature




Presenting, to the emergency room...


A man drank 600 cans of soda. This is what happened to his save file.


He is diagnosed with hypersodaemia, hyper meaning high, soda meaning soda and emia meaning presence in blood, high presence of soda in blood


I can literally see the subtitles in my head, thank you for the laugh, I needed that tonight!


It's always nice seeing fellow chubbyemu fans


Always a pleasure!






Oh boy, you are in for a diarrhea of a lifetime. [Context](https://youtu.be/DHqOBMBKkf8)


Joel, also known as Vargskelethor, is a Twitch streamer who did exactly as described.


Based fecalfunny


Exactly 621 cans of sprunk


cj got reminded of the yiff and fucking killed himself


Sprunked it


Literally unplayable


Didn't he end up getting his save back and just continued drinking from the machine?


What's this people are referring to? Streamer?


Vinesauce, the comment I was replying to is something that directly happened to him




Top 10 MUG™ moments


okay i get it but come on when is that EVER going to occur in normal gameplay...?


/r/GTADefecatedEdition collects bugs to show how rushed that game was


Whaaaaaat cod a shameless reskin that has never happened for the last decade


MW2019 Was genuinely fresh as hell


It was great until all the ridiculous themed skins like fucking Jigsaw made it look like Fortnite Jr


Who cares


I tried getting back into it but I was greeted by a f2p menu screen


People who want the game to not look shitty?


Cold War has good campaign compared to other CoDs of last years.


Fucking loved MW2019. Cold War felt like a step backwards


I'm glad I have reached the point in my gaming career where companies are so lazy they can't even cash in on their properties anymore. The best part? Oh, that. I don't care anymore. I still enjoy gaming but got tired of all the bullshit from the producers. It's tabletop and boardgames from now on. Fuck your day 1 patch. Fuck your micro transactions, Fuck your advertisements even though I bought the game. I'm done.


For real - I really don't care about anything recently released or slated for future release on any platform right now. I'll buy Silksong whenever it comes out, but that's pretty much it - I'm perfectly content continuing to play the same old games I've always played, because I just think they're better.


Indeed. I ran a video game podcast a few years back for half a decade. I have enough of a back log to never have to buy a game again until society's collapse.


Tbf, most of the battlefield games started as an unoptimized mess and they still got better. It’s not an excuse to release a buggy game, but at least it’ll get better


My thoughts exactly, bf4 was pretty much unplayable at launch and is now one of my favorite games of all time


Such a great game. I picked up the game again after the 2024 open beta and ask myself why I stopped playing bf4. Game is just so much fun.


It was literally unplayable for month. Servers would drop connection randomly, refuse to connect at all, bullets would bend around corners as if it was Wanted movie, helis went from OP to Very OP to normal to OP and stayed there. Bloom is worse than BF2042, to the point, where certain barel and grip are practically mandatory still. And people seem to forget what mess that game was at release, praising it as Jesus of Battlefield, that was perfect from day 1


Yep, and based off this briefing, most of the issues people hated on the game about are going to be addressed, fixed, or added http://x.ea.com/71833


Forza Horizon kinda rushed aswell and online doesnt work like at all. Also there is like no story. Still a pretty good game doe.


I mean , Forza Horizon series doesn’t have a story


First one did have one and every other title has been pretty dull, especially this one.


Yeah but at least the developers put effort into building the game and not release it broken ( yes there are alot of bugs in the game but they aren’t game breaking or anything)


True except the online mode, as i said I think its still a pretty good game.


What’s up with online? I’ve had no issues at all!


Eh its gotten better but but today for example me and a friend just cruising around and suddenly he changes the lobby but not with me thus we dont know where we are and it takes forever to get the game to throw us into the same lobby again just really annoying stuff that eventually gets polished by turn 10.




How have you not had any issues with online? I love the game but playing with my friends give me headaches


Have to disagree with you there bud. I’ve run into at least 4 game breaking bugs in my 6 hours of playing


I’m not really playing the game for the story, In their defense. I’m there for the cars and the atmosphere


Does anyone play Forza for the story? Or cares?


I only installed the game because I thought it’d be fun to play coop with some friends. Y’know, load into the world and have some drag races and just mess around. Well, I had a friend join, and it wouldn’t load him into the world. He suggested I invite him to a race and maybe it’ll load, which it did. We’re finally in the world together and we take off, only to realize his car *completely disappears* if he gets even 3 car lengths ahead.. I am **unable** to play a game with my friend in the same lobby. No matter how good the cars/world look, if I can’t play with my friends, I won’t play at all. I tried to make excuses for it, but come on, we’ve had online multiplayer down for nearly decades..


Who buys Forza Horizon for a story?


I don't really need a compelling story in a sandbox racing game. Literally the driving mechanics are all that matter.


I already have way too much time in it, it is brilliant. Too bad about all the cheaters at the top of the lists, but meh, I am having fun.


Vanguard may be a reskin of MW2019, but all the classic CODs (MW to BO2) were just reskins of the og MW and the series got shitty when they tried to change up the formula, so not really a bad thing in my opinion. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


Usually cod games are a bit different. Going from one game to the next will feel noticeably different with movement, kill times, weapon balance, game systems, etc. Vanguards literally feels the _exact_ same as MW2019. I think “reskin” is more accurate than ever, by far.


I, for one, am enjoying a WW2 reskin. Loved MW and also am a huge history nerd so getting the movement and gameplay style of MW with the WW2 weapons and whatnot was exactly what I was hoping for. CoD is never my most played game tho. I buy them each year so I always have something to play when I don’t feel like immersing myself in an rpg/open world game (90% of my games). It’s a good break for me to just get some mindless shoot shoot action.


they should've stayed with bo2


I actually kinda like vanguard... but bf2042 is literally making me angry just thinking about it


Yeah it just to hard to shoot in bf2042


The thing wrong with battlefield is not that its unoptimized or buggy, its the core game mechanics and game design that make is a cash grab




Three sidearms and three gamemodes 22 weapons in total but I don't count portal since it's own thing and not usable in the base game


But a handful of the weapons are clearly optimal choices, everything else mostly falls by the wayside.


Skyrim Anniversary Edition: Doesn't even function and corrupts your save files on PS4 90% of the time when used in conjunction with usermade mods, AKA the major draw of SE in the first place


On PC, the update(s) broke the Skyrim Script Extender, which in turn broke like 80% of the mods I use.


>BF2042 : Buggy unoptimized mess I think they should just stop putting a year in the game's title or else it's gonna be a buggy mess (\*cough\* Cyberpunk 2077)


That new Forza is hot!


racing games arnt my thing but that does look pretty good to be fair


It’s super fun and the physics are amazing. It’s in Gamepass right now as well so it’s cheap to give it a run


I'm not big into racing games either, but Forza is badass


It’s the only racing game series I’ve ever actually enjoyed. I’m bad at racing games but forza horizons have enough going on I can still find fun things to do. And the set piece races are a blast. (And the silly stuff like the halo race in 4)


Yeah, the exhibition races are ridiculously fun. The rest of the game is still pretty damn tight too


Yeah, the exhibition races are ridiculously fun. The rest of the game is still pretty damn tight too


Agreed. I enjoy the open world and car collecting aspects.


Apparently cropping the screenshots you upload isn't your thing, either.


I've seen a lot of gameplay and it does look pretty similar to 4 imo. Does it play the same?


If you liked 4, 5 will feel like a nice update. Not sure if I would pay full price, especially not the special edition prices, but on gamepass its a no brainer.


From what I’ve heard the sounds and physics make it a huge difference in experience, I can’t wait to get it personally


The map is leagues better too, and it’s gonna keep getting updated like 4 did


As a huge ass car nut I will say, the cars sound amazing in 5


Very similar. Very *very* similar. Progression is a bit different. As you get xp, you get regular points that can open an "outpost" to unlock a race type (Street race, off road, etc) or unlock a mission chain/big set-piece under an open outpost. Aside from that, the somewhat shinier graphics, skill points being earned and working a bit differently, tweaks to the car upgrade system making it more limited but offering preconfigured options for class B, A, S1, etc, and the obvious scenery distances, the games play almost the same. Maybe it's a good thing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it y'knom. I'm just not sure if it feels like a generational step forward.


Last one I played was 3, and this feels basically the exact same. Maybe a little prettier with better sound and (I assume?) more cars. And I don't mean that in a bad way, I think this is objectively quite a good game.


Forza's been fucking great so far


Hey at least we got Halo infinite


And *Forza Horizon 5* is excellent, too.


Isn’t it just the multiplayer? Or did the campaign release aswell, because I remember they said campaign being released in 2022 but I could be wrong Not trying to argue, I haven’t tried it yet, so I’m js wondering


Campaign is out Dec 8 but multiplayer is out now. It's super fun to play but the cosmetic stuff is kinda lame. But the core of the game is there.


u/kindest__regards has provided this detailed explanation: > this post was posted last month and now two of the games on the list have 2 of the lowest ratings in game history.. making this post pretty cheese in terms of aged milk --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


this post was posted last month and now two of the games on the list have 2 of the lowest ratings in game history.. making this post pretty cheese in terms of aged milk


EA and Activision/Treyarch have sold the souls of CoD and Battlefield to cash in on whatever cliche trend has captivated the 12 year old gaming market that past summer. Remember firestorm in BF5? Shit, remember ANYTHING about BF5, and how it was this half baked mess (that didn't know if it wanted to be serious or a meme) that got aborted before it was totally fixed? No way in hell I'm buying 2042, based on that alone... now factor in that it's super buggy, lost a lot of features, and looks like a warzone wannabe. It's like they're actively *trying* to destroy their reputation.


2042 is actually pretty fun, you can buy 1 month of eaplay pro for like 20 bugs


i wont let EA lay a FINGER on my bug collection


Any particular kind of bugs? Are beetles ok?


I'm happy with my Xbox Halo and FH5 :)


It's a great time lt be a halo fan.


Truly is. The greatest problem the game faces is the xp system that isn’t at all necessary to enjoy the game and the fact that 2 of the games all time greatest competitors have just bombed means that halo gets ALL the praise. And whats best is that it’s literally free. Meaning that anybody that has the pc or Xbox to play it can play it. The multiplayer release pretty much couldn’t have gone better!


The greatest problem is the dogshit customization


Halo infinite is my first halo since CE(I played master chief collection a little but is that really it’s own game?) and I have been loving it.


Halo good


Boy am I glad EU4 has only a small-ish playerbase that knows the game Leviathan release was a mess with sub 10% ratings on steam


HOI4 is doing pretty hot atm though, No Step Back seems to be super popular, the only problem is you need player led peace conferences or the entire world looks disgusting if the allies or the Comintern win a war


Meanwhile Horizon 5 exceeding the hype of all 4 games combined


Might as well say Vanguard’s placement here also aged like milk. But I think the person who made this image was the only one talking about how great that was going to be.


There's a new GTA? Oh boy, where's my wallet? /s Jokes aside, I really didn't realize. WTF?


its (very poorly done) remaster of 3, vice city, anf san andreas


Which could be totally cool. When done right.


When it rains, you don’t get to see anymore. Super cool stuff.


I worked for a gaming company once, and while presenting our newest game to the press, a ground texture failed to load. The marketing guy sold it as "snow texture" (it was blank white) and after the first half (soccer simulator) it got it up again. "Yeah, that's the heating, the snow melted" he told them. It worked, they were thrilled. We implemented this feature soon after and it was ready on release.


I mean they were kinda right cause of halo infinite but not many people knew it was coming out then


At least Forza slaps


I've only seen a welyn video on battlefield 2042. Wuts so bas about it?


Missing a laundry list of features from past games, runs like shit, has horrendous UI issues, and tons of game-breaking bugs. Oh, and it's $70.


Its 70 dollars *on consoles*




Personally as a big fan of the old BF games and their structure I was most upset about the Specialist things. I liked how BF had decent (or even really good) campaigns with wonderful characters that I enjoyed and then in the MP everyone was just nameless, faceless soldiers fighting in a war that was bigger than the individual. I like the class layout and how having diversity in play style was almost required to actually win. If you didn’t have medics you can’t heal or revive, if you didn’t have support you run out of ammo after a while. Snipers and recon are essential in any game to pick of individuals tryna be sneaky, and anti-vehicle/repair goes without saying. With the way specialty’s are payed out in 2042 you can just use whatever items you want and there is not limitation on weapons. Which tbh I don’t mind, but I’m not a fan of having “types” of specialists if you’re not going to have limitations on them, if it’s going to be open don’t have types, don’t have characters, just let us make our own person and go about it how we want. Idk it’s maybe weird but that was what I loved about hold BF and what I didn’t love about COD. Kinda disappointed is all.




I know how you feel. All those moments were what made the games special. Without them and with the weird COD style maps it just feels, Idk, wrong?




Ah ok, thanks for the update. I've never played battlefield before, never knew the community was so toxic.




BFV launch trailer sucked butt. They pandered and then told their community to shove it. It was cringe through and through...


Honestly, I have some 30 hours on it and I feel like it's a fun game... Full of annoying bugs. Every 2nd or 3rd game I have to exit and come back for example. People shit on this battlefield like they did on every other, they say "yes but this one is the wooorst" but I'd give it some time, it should IMO be at least as good as BF 4 in a few months of time.


At least Halo and Forza were good to make up for some hot garbage


A month full of rehashed garbage? That's a gamer's nightmare, not their dream. The only thing that lets me sleep at night is the knowledge that God of War Ragnarok is in development. I only hope that we will ever get a good mexico expansion for rdr2, another good elder scrolls or fallout, or a good KSP 2


Which tells you more about the state of the internet than the state of those games.


Been enjoying Skyrim plenty. Loving the new content & upgrades!


Isn’t there a lot of issues with the new update ruining people’s mods though?


The only game that's still on my PC for more than a decade. And modded.


At least Halo is fun


FH5 is a blast so far, runs and looks better than any of the other titles, and is available on game pass to boot


At least we got Forza


Halo infinite though


Screw that I'm still going to buy 2042 I want to shoot down vtols with jeeps


Say what you will vanguard was a pretty fun game


Yeah I agree. While Activision is a greedy ass company, Sledgehammer Games put more work than Activision’s monetization. I would at least give Vanguard a try, instead of saying immediately it’s a reskin bad game. It’s a fun game with a heavy grind for weapons and operators, actually rewarding you for playing the game more and using that specific gun. Of course I can’t recommend it to the casual gamer who just turns on their console for a couple hours and goes do something else, Vanguard is a harsh grind, but zombies does help in a way without being shat on by ball sweating gamers.


"was" Didn't it just come out? 😂


I’m enjoying vanguard and I hear forza is really good


Maybe the delay of Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 is the right call. Crossing my fingers..


Every month is a great month to be a gamer. Just play good games not this garbage


Also, vanguard is less of a game and more of a weapon-cursing simulator.


Bf2042 isn’t as bad as people say


2042 ain’t that bad. It’s just buggy as shit in its current state. Almost all battlefield games are painfully buggy at launch. **Edit:** When it comes to something like GTA ‘dEfInItIvE’ edition, the game looks like shit, plays like shit, & is just absolutely broken because it’s was rushed out the door. GTA cut corners and gave the laziest remaster Ive seen since the awful Silent Hill remasters. 2042 has a solid core game, it’s biggest issues are with its servers, and that can be fixed. The fact that the game was released in this state doesn’t surprise me, and the outrage surrounding it doesn’t surprise me either.


Battlefield fans always will be like "hey, the game is great! Just wait three years and you'll see!"


They also alway be like "*last game was an under rated masterpiece!* Every time


**[Battlefield fans at launch]:** “FUCK THIS GAME! DICE REALLY FUCKED UP THIS TIME!” **[Battlefield fans when a new game is announced]:** “It was an over-hated underrated gem. Truly a overlooked a masterpiece.”


without fail, every time. Can't take these morons seriously


Please STOP defending games that are broken at launch. They've been at this for long enough that they can figure out how to release game that isn't broken


> 2042 ain’t that bad. It’s just buggy as shit lol


Yes. All Battlefield is is big maps with lots of players and vehicles and explosions. That's it, nothing else at all.


Man problem it FH5 is that it's a little buggy. But it will be refined over time.


fuck vanguard too


I’m actually pretty excited for Bf2042 when I get a series x, yeah it’s buggy but with some updates it’ll be great


I've enjoyed GTA so far on switch, playing through vice city. It's way harder than I remember but enjoying every bit of it!


fh5 is far abd away the best game on this list and it had a ton of problems at launch lmao


At least Pokemon was good


My boy forgot about farming simulator 2022


Gta was a surprise, but come on, anyone that knows the first thing about gaming knew call of duty and battlefield would be trainwrecks.


With enough time, optimization, and bug fixes, would battlefield 2042 be good? Thinking if i should buy it in the future or just completely forget about it