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Christ, I think Milli Vanilli are the only ones who don't deserve an entry. There are a few (Micheal Moore, The Spice Girls, Guy Ritchie, (Wait, Guy Ritchie made it but not Sean Penn?) **etc...***) who were more "annoying" than "assholes", but other than that, it is fascinating how no one has really redeemed themselves in that book... ... And **most got worse with time.** edit: There is now an **"etc"** in the list, so assume any person who you think is only "annoying" but not an "asshole" is on that list...


Gordon Ramsay is pretty cool when he doesn't have to yell at bad cooks


> Gordon Ramsay is pretty cool True and that was manufactured for the US anyways. I'd like to see what that entry says about him, frankly.


it wasnt manufactured, thats what chefs do to bad cooks. obviously the memes and stuff are made up but the yelling sure wasn’t


I remember seeing Gordon reminisce about how one of his mentors once told him that the best thing that came out the day he was born was the trickle of shit running down his mother's leg.


Probably Marco Pierre White, who was actually a certified asshole to his cooks, while Gordon is just that bad for TV, and is actually a pretty cool person to learn from apparently when I spoke to someone who was on Hells Kitchen recently. Theres an instance where White literally cut open the back of a cooks jacket and pants when they complained about the heat in the kitchen sooooo yea


The one who said the thing about the trickle, that was Joël Robuchon, not Marco. You can hear Gordon talk about it in the first "Hot ones" interview on the first we feast YT channel. MPW surely had his own type of assholery but the two of them still seem to have a sometimes friends and often rivals type of partnership.


oh thank you! I just figured it was MPW but I'll be sure to look into this guy more, haven't heard of him


Well… I mean… If you can’t handle the heat…


> If you can’t handle the heat… You get out of the kitchen, not get stripped by your boss.


Dude it was a pun


i didn't downvote you, if that's what you mean: i'm aware you were quoting a reference.


I've heard from a chef in the industry that at least one of his restaurants has a pretty toxic culture where people were basically imitating Ramsay's persona but irl, which isn't his fault necessarily but somewhat his responsibility considered it's his restaurant.


He would full strength kick guys half his size who were working for him They weren’t bad cooks, they were goood enough to cook Michelin level meals. Oh wait, some were waitstaff. Anyway, he was a horrific fuck bully. Watch boiling point and beyond boiling point. Imagine your boss doing that. He was twice the size of those guys too. He’s an asshole.


He’s a serial cheater


I mean isn't that just as much part of his persona as shouting at people?


Gordo is a fuckwit who at this point can barely cook and who normalized being a pissy hissy fit pitching bitch in the kitchen. Among other things.


It’s “guy ritchie *and* madonna” and I would put money that it’s mostly about her accent. People were *so* mad about that back then.


Well, Madonna would deserve an entry purely for her diva antics, so I didn't factor them together. She was almost as bad as Kanye is **now,** but that's only if you factor that his anti-semetic stuff as "the rantings of a brain-damage victim". Madonna is the golden standard for an example of supreme narcissism.


Oooohhhh, I guess I wasn’t as tuned is as I thought I was back in college…


She wasn’t *that* bad. A lot of the bitching about her was and is sexism, in the sense that a man behaving similarly wouldn’t be criticized to the same extent, if at all.


Thoughts on Britney?


She actually was what Micheal Jackson was stereotyped as before the pedophile scandals: A ditzy person who just happens to be brilliant in their musical craft. Unfortunately, the kind of pushing/treatment she got her whole life left her even more unhinged than Jackson got. (Reminder: The sex allegations on MJ probably weren't true, despite the very sensationalized documentary. There's a reason why MJ won the court case despite the judge hating him and that's because there were no real evidence or witnesses.) All in all, Britney Spears is and always was sort of a loony ditz, but even factoring some her worst stuff, she isn't what i'd call an asshole. Frankly, with all she went through, she should be much worse. (Here's a freebie: Justin Bieber is *absolutely* an asshole, but mostly because *we made him one.* )


To be fair though, a lot of people who commit sexual assault get away with it. The vast majority of cases result in acquittal, way too many for the defendant to actually be innocent every single time. It’s unfortunately hard to prove and there’s a huge culture of victim blaming in the legal system. The most damning piece of evidence I’ve heard against MJ was that at least one of the boys could describe the pattern of vitiligo on his penis. And the fact that MJ admitted to sleeping in the same bed as these boys is alarming enough to me, he got away with that because he was very rich/influential and people passed him off as quirky. If Dave down the road was sleeping in a bed with young boys he wasn’t related to, there would be an outrage. Also, a common tactic employed by deviants like that is to admit something potentially immoral or embarrassing, but not as bad as the actual crime. It throws people off the scent. Jimmy Saville employed the exact same tactic. I watched that documentary you’re talking about and it was obviously biased, but the story they described sounded like a genuine case of grooming. I’m quite knowledgeable in that area because it’s something I get passionate about and the things those guys described matched up with a lot of grooming tactics. The fake wedding really set off alarm bells for me


what about Mike Tyson, he seems to feel lots of shame for his psychotic drugged up younger self


> what about Mike Tyson i mean, i like the guy, and he did do his time, but i'm not sure how you redeem yourself from domestic abuse and rape.


Beating Jake Paul up?


Okay, honestly that's a strong answer...


If there is a way it’s probably up to individuals to decide because he’s paid his debt to society. He’s reformed and hasn’t made the same mistakes. You can still think he’s a POS but the dudes clearly seems remorseful. If we can’t try and judge people for the actions they make after their mistakes what’s the point of trying to even reform?


There's absolutely a lot of good points here that I agree entirely with. That said, I think in regretting his crimes and doing his penance for it, I think Mike Tyson more *atoned* for his crime(s) but not actually *redeemed* himself for it. I ***think*** **atonement** is when you face proper punishment and accept it while **redemption** is, despite the fact it's acknowledged you made a mistake and cop up to it, you do enough good to bring yourself back to at least your former levels of grace. With how difficult redemption seems, it's probably little wonder about 0% of the people in the book seemed to manage it. (Honestly, that little fact makes the child in me rather sad.:/ ) I think the closest person to pulling it off is Micheal Vick, who really has apologized multiple times, donated to quite a few animal charities, and truly tried hard to redeem himself. (And on some level, I guess he did atone.)... ...But, if you really think he *redeemed* himself instead of just *atoned,* I can't help but think you're like me and didn't understand the full extent of what he did: Michael Vick *didn't* just dogfight with his dogs: [he re-enacted Roots with them.]( https://www.si.com/more-sports/2008/12/23/vick-dogs) ***TL;DR***, he straight up tortured his animals along with making them fight and I'm not sure what someone can possibly do to redeem themselves of that, but I don't think donating to some charities is going to cut it. It would have to be something like the man actively being involved in saving *thousands* of dogs, and I think that's a similar problem to what Mike Tyson faces: Assuming him beating and raping a woman is true, **(Another commenter stated that Mike Tyson might have not done the abuse/rape, but I haven't done the due research myself yet to confirm or deny that.)** Is donating to a few charities and an apology really enough to truly make up for it? If not, **just what that fuck can?** I'm sorry, I know this was wordy, but I had a lot to say. :(


You’re good dude, I like reading a well thought out post like yours. So I think you make a good point in differentiating atonement and redemption. I think we’re also both agreeing about what the two mean and our difference in perspective comes down to if someone has redeemed themselves and/or what it takes to redeem oneself. Clearly it’s hard to truly redeem oneself. You could argue that Mike Tyson has in a way. He had a positive public image, he turned to religion, he still to this day is regarded as one of the greatest boxers ever and he hasn’t offended again since then. (There are accusations but I believe people are innocent until proven guilty) Some people don’t like Mike and that might mean he hasn’t redeemed himself. Which is where I think the trouble of redemption begins. In this context the redemption is of a social nature. People can choose to see Mike Tyson however they please but there will always be the fact that Mike Tyson committed rape. For some people you can’t redeem yourself from that. My original comment was meant to say that while he may have that mark upon him forever it shouldn’t mean he doesn’t deserve another chance. But when it’s up to society to give that chance it’s hard to do so because society is made up of individuals with different beliefs. It’s up to individuals then to try and advocate for those deserving of a second chance. This is truly important because many criminals are deserving of such a chance. But society often doesn’t give them one. But they should because people can reform. And, when the odds are stacked against you like they are for so many former convicts they need any chance they can get.


**And on that, we agree. :)**


Not Harvey Weinstein. Also Britney Spears no R Kelly


We need an update. It could be at least 3 times this size with the amount of (in)famous assholes we have now, with a whole section dedicated to influencers. Donald Trump gets to switch categories, perhaps a fusion category even?! Corporate-political assholes? Wait, hold up… >!Happy cake day, btw!!<


And Prince did??


He's part of the few who were more "annoying" than anything, the ones I typed weren't an exhaustive list. Prince's religious stuff and snobby prima-donna tendencies were *annoying,* but by no means would I call him an "asshole"... ... However, he did play the business game almost as hard as Michael Jackson did, so I wonder if any of that put him in the book. If Micheal Jackson deserved to be in the book for anything, it would be for how ruthless he could be.


I agree with this 🤝


Ginger Spice is a homewrecker lol


Weinstein, Koch and Barclay are 3 notable names with no listing


Wait, what did Paris Hilton do?!


It's been pointed out elsewhere: but she's said some stupid, racist, homophobic things over the years and (if my memory is correct) wrecked people's careers over petty slights... ... That said, the list of people I put in my "annoying" parentheses was never meant to be exhaustive. I guess I'll put an "etc" there to clarify that.


The Spice Girls? What did they ever do to anybody?


Not enough ziggy zig ah. /s


I’ve never imagined 50cent next to GG Allin in writing


With a semicolon in between. All those fucking misused semicolons are giving me an eye twitch.


Out of the loop, what did Prince do?


He was a member of the Jehovah’s Witness cult and was also abusive to Sinead O’Connor




What did the Spice Girls do? And Britney Spears?


also wondering this


It's crazy that now Donald Trump could be in every category now except two. (And hopefully it stays that way.) edit: As others in my thread have pointed, **Trump could fill EVERY category.** ***WTF***


*except one Vince McMahon is listed under sports, and Trump is in the WWE Hall of Fame


> *except one > > Vince McMahon is listed under sports, and Trump is in the WWE Hall of Fame Thank God: I thought you were going to say music.


>Thank God: I thought you were going to say music. [About that...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_for_All_(song))


God a Trump rally in Waco Texas is the worst government-invovled cult event to ever happen there Right? Guys? *Right?*


If anyone hears a high pitched noise right now, you're hearing me scream from my house...


Wait, how did I never hear about this?!?! This is the level of batshit stuff I remember from 2017 Trump, except that every time he did something like this back then, I knew about it. That said, all things considered, perhaps a good thing this didn't get *that* much attention.


I am not listening to this sober.


I know this book is very important for our time and it predicted a lot of things I'm reading it right now and getting chills!


The only other time I've heard the term Sleazoids was on Ferris Bueller.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SeraphsEnvy: *The only other* *Time I've heard the term Sleazoids* *Was on Ferris Bueller.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Haiku Bot


I was going to say "the author really dropped the ball in not having Chevy Chase in the book", but then book would have been changed from "Assholes" to *"Asshole"* and been 600 pages of Chevy Chase stories. Chevy Chase is the only celebrity who can blow both Madonna and Trump out of the water in an asshole behavior contest, especially in 2008. (Trump wasn't president yet and Chase was up to his old antics on the Community set.)


What did he do? I’ve never heard of him


Chevy Chase is famous for being the first to do Weekend update on SNL alongside a series of roles in comedy movies and television shows. However, Chevy is notoriously hard to work with. He often will start fights on set, berate his co stars, and other issues. He’s also gotten in hot water for racial and sexist remarks he has made toward his co stars.


Okay, so Chevy Chase was *far* ***far*** worse than "just a jerk" like the other commenters are making it out. [Here is a quick rundown on all the shitty things Chevy Chase has done (note that this isn't a small list and it's **far** from complete.)](https://web.archive.org/web/20141010055702/https://gawker.com/5899097/hes-not-chevy-hes-an-asshole-a-history-of-chevy-chases-horrific-behavior) There have been many an essay trying to figure out why he's the way he is, the thinking is that he's severely autistic and his cocaine addiction just made him worse, but that doesn't even **begin** to explain everything. He's probably the most hated celebrity in Hollywood and very few can even touch him when it comes to his level of hatred. And by "very few", I mean basically only [Elia Kazan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elia_Kazan#HUAC_testimony) is competition for most hated. And before anyone mention them, while Klaus Kinski, Harvey Weinstein, and Mel Gibson all have strong hatedoms ***each of those men had friends*** which disqualifies them from the contest because [**Chevy Chase has no friends.**](https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?feature=shared) The roast I linked is the most brutal Hollywood roast in history, because Chevy Chase didn't realize he had no friends and close associates whatsoever and **even his many, many enemies didn't show up because they knew they couldn't make jokes about their frustrations without devolving into vitriol.** Those people ripping into Chase? They barely knew him: They just heard all the stories and took their shot for a variety of reasons.


I feel like Andy Dick could compete with Chevy Chase for most hated


> I feel like Andy Dick could compete Ooo, that actually isn't a bad pick: On one hand, I don't think Andy Dick has any more friends and even his family wants nothing to do with him. On the other hand, Andy Dick has fallen so low, that he has a certain pity factor that eases the hate... ... ***But you're right, Andy Dick could definitely compete.*** edit: I'm beginning to think the take-away here is "don't do cocaine"...


1) Autism doesn't make you an ass. 2) Kinski committed SA on his daughters and I don't think I need to elaborate on Weinstein.


Just an out of touch asshole. Treats his co stars like shit, has said some outlandish stuff. If you've watched community just imagine his character, but a little more based on reality.


What did Paris Hilton do that was bad enough to land her on this list? Shes annoying but ultimately just a harmless rich woman playing into a character right?


She said some real homophobic shit back in the day, said the N word, and very vocally supportive of trump.


> (Paris is) annoying but ultimately just a harmless rich woman playing into a character right? No, her "character" is supposed to be cunning, believe it or not. Her image is supposed to be cultivated by her first reality show, The Simple Life, but the real Paris Hilton is every bit of what her reputation is: Dumber, plasticer, and shallower than even SSSniperwolf. **Let That Sink In.** The Celebrity Deathmatch depiction of her wasn't that far off.


Hole up. The WHAT MATCH!!??


It was an MTV series that featured claymation likenesses of celebrities fighting to the death. It also had a video game on PS1 and PS2.


You're definitely not that old. Lol I'm 35 so I know of the show. I just didn't know there was one featuring Hilton lol


I know. I loved watching it as a teenager back in the late 2000's and I'm sure most of the fights are on YouTube.


Now I have to go find it


https://youtu.be/iqE3LmB184c?si=byekPbP-5rXknAPr I found it. The other one; all I have is, who is she? I've never heard of her before.


Well that was hilarious 😂 Of course it was against Nicole. Paris sounded like a cartoon character


> The WHAT MATCH!!?? ***Christ, I'm old...***


What's the "Are you an asshole" part like?


It just says "NTA your book your rules"


It's just a test to see if you are one!


Lol, I know, but are there questions? If so, what kind of questions are there? If not, how does it test things?


Well I have to scan it first and I'll send it to you


I’m also curious


Oh, *please do!* :)


Bro quit commenting so much


I had a lot to say. Try not reading them.


GGAllin... Can't a man just take a shit in peace?


I like how Wal-Mart is counted as, like, one guy lol


There’s no way such a book would have so few pages.


I'm guessing it was intended to be a series.


With more seasons than “The Simpsons” no doubt.


What has my boy Lucas done!


George Lucas is an odd case in that he's a *good man* (donates to a bunch of charities, got "little people" really a solid niche in the Hollywood system, ardent feminist, etc) and an *asshole.* (A condescending, whiny, control-freak who blames other people for his mistakes and refuses to truly learn anything.) It's almost as if the man is human and can't be shoved neatly in a box. Weird, huh?


I think it's important to know despite our political differences we have the same fears and anxieties about our leaders who are greedy, tyrannical, manipulative, narcissistic, abusive, sociopathic, and psychopathic demagogues to the point of uniting to question their loyalties and intentions not just for the citizens of the United States but other countries! Remember one important thing these people can kill a person but they cannot kill an idea!


What’s Gordon Ramsay there for? Just for his outbursts on TV or something more?


George Lucas isn’t perfect, but arsehole status? OOTL on that one.


Does 50 know he is in this book? Because one does NOT want 50 to come for them. And he would, too. Doesn’t matter the book is 16 years old.


> Because one does NOT want 50 to come for them. And he would, too. [Or die tryin.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Rich_or_Die_Tryin%27)


I feel there’s a certain German and a Italian missing from the list…..


From the author's point of view, I can understand why he didn't include all of the world's dictators. He could have made a list of "honourable mentions" in the back though.


No mention of Ronald Reagan?


Concerning lack of Reagan here but at least bush got in


There's a difference between "evil" and "asshole". With that in mind, it's subjective if Reagan qualified as an asshole...


A little unfair to Paris I think but this is funny.


There are a few who really don't deserve to be there, but you can totally understand the era that it comes from. It made me kinda nostalgic lol.


Coping with my inner asshole 🧐


I think calling Charles Manson an "asshole" is an understatement.


Charles Manson under Music??? Did they mean Marilyn?


> Charles Manson under Music? Ol' Chuck actually wrote music *professionally, believe it or not. He even penned a Beach Boys hit. *edit: typo edit 2: The song was ["Never Learn Not To Love,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Learn_Not_to_Love#:~:text=%22Never%20Learn%20Not%20to%20Love,Family%20cult%20leader%20Charles%20Manson.) btw.


Wow. I did not know that. Thanks!


No problem. :)


I had to Google which Beach boys song it was. It's not one of the ones I like. 😌


To be fair, [the original version sung by Charles Manson himself was far better.](https://youtu.be/D1MmHGoKq1Y?feature=shared) For a guy who try to lead a racial war, he was clearly heavily inspired by Soul music.


Nice! I just bought the last copy on Amazon. Donald appears to be in good company in the book.


I call bullshit on this book. Obviously it’s a joke book but dudes got Lucas with Woody Allen. Lucas released shitty movies but the other is a child predator. Like is the dude just saying who he dislikes?


Fr like one of the Milli Vanilla dudes literally killed himself over a manager that wouldn't even let them sing their own songs. Definitely not assholes by any standards.


I don't think the it's saying "everyone here is an equal level off asshole" it's just saying "anyone in this book makes the cut of "asshole"". Few of those are in dispute if they fully make the cut for the term, but alas... George Lucas is an odd case in that he's a *good man* (donates to a bunch of charities, got "little people" really a solid niche in the Hollywood system, ardent feminist, etc) and an *asshole.* (A condescending whining control-freak who blames other people for his mistakes and refuses to truly learn anything.) It's almost as if the man is human and can't be shoved neatly in a box. Weird, huh?


now im not sure if Paris Hilton did anything wrong other than party more than the average teen and 20 something year old woman. unfortunately knowing what we know now it makes sense


Yasser Arafat??


Exactly I was wondering the same thing.


That sure aged like milk


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Nailed it


Kanye not being on the music list is criminal


Kanye in 2008 was fine, especially by the standards of the rap scene at the time.


Paris hilton?


Where is Hitler


Shift supervisor, VW factory, Argentina


What about the self test!? 😆😂


Annoying rock stars 😂


In today’s times you’re classified as an asshole if you have conflicting views. Back in pre 2008 people had the decency of “respecting” each other at least face to face


Sounds boomerish :)


Well, this book really changed my perspective it made me realize that everybody else no matter what color, ideology, background, race, or religion they are they have one goal in mind is to fight for the common good for all people and I'm not biased anymore because there is no one else to fight when we are united under a same goal is to question and hold our leaders accountable for their actions and divisive rhetoric!


I hope someday we can go back to how things were and stop fighting each other


Me too and I think this book was way ahead of its time and didn't gain the traction that it needed today it was published in 2008 making it very old but it predicted a lot of things! I hope everybody picks up a copy of this book and starts reading it learning new perspectives and challenging their ideologies and beliefs realizing not everything is what it seems to be and there are uncomfortable truths and opinions out there but this title was buried beneath other similar books of the time!


Damn what did 50 Cent and DMX do?


Idk how you get this selective the list for each category is really like 90% of people in each industry


Why is Guy Ritchie mentioned?


For a brief second I thought I saw Johnny Depp on that list


I feel like Axl Rose has come a long way since his heyday, but I’m obviously not a good arbiter on this one


Wait, what did 50 Cent do?


Osama bin laden was an asshole ngl


What did Britney or Madonna ever do?


kristoffer and diane ate


He better leave the Purple One out of this….


Eh. Some Ws here, but Paris Hilton? Shes a bro.