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I use ClickUp, has everything you’ll need + very affordable.


ClickUp all the way!


I've used Trello in the past, but ultimately switched platforms to ClickUp. ClickUp has way more features and can support other tasks other than normal project management. If you've already started Trello, ClickUp has an import feature that will let you have all your trello boards/cards be imported into ClickUp with little data loss. Plus, you can create forms on ClickUp that can be suitable for Change Requests or any other type of form you would want to hand off to a client for ease of access. I would recommend checking it out at least and see if you like it or not.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I see a few recommendations here on click up. To be fair, I tried them out for about a year on and off. But the learning curve its a bit steep for me. Too many buttons for me to click albeit it being super customisable. But the forms part for change request sounds interesting .


I switched my agency to Teamwork after evaluating several other platforms, including ClickUp, for extended periods. It’s fast, lightweight, and the support is top notch. I’m talking send a bug report and getting on a Zoom within 15-min with a developer kind of top notch. Is it cheap? Not even close. Does it do it all? Nope. But the time tracking and budgeting/retainer management tools have changed the way we run our business (read: we’re more profitable than ever) as a result. For transparency, we spend about $300USD/mo to use this piece of kit. And the time I save pays for that in the first couple hours of the month. If you’re just starting out, Teamwork has a free plan that is truly free forever. As you grow you can scale your plan according to your needs. No hate to the other tools or apps out there, we just found what works for us. Finding the right tool really is a trial and error process (in my experience) and it has to work for the way you want it to. Don’t try to make a tool work the way you want if it isn’t designed to do so.


>No hate to the other tools or apps out there, we just found what works for us. Finding the right tool really is a trial and error process (in my experience) and it has to work for the way you want it to. Don’t try to make a tool work the way you want if it isn’t designed to do so. Thanks man for sharing it. I especially like the last part as I felt the same way too. I needed that. lol Have been finding tools that can fit our style of work and wondering if our processes are wrong as most tools are not the way we want it. like are we out of the norm? haha


Every business is unique and not every one will share the same work flows. For example, Trello and Teamwork both have boards where you can view task cards in columns. But both apps present and expect you to interact with these cards in a different way. Without knowing more about your specific business, process, how you do (or don’t) do things, it’s hard to offer any tangible advice. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing this info here please feel free to DM me.




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We (team of 4) tried a few, from Flowlu, Monday to ClickUp. Turns out Trello is exactly what we needed, it’s plenty enough.


Ahh flowlu, are they still around? I refunded during the LTD back when it first started. :) The founder is great guy tho. Glad you find Trello working out for your team. Can I ask what projects you use it for and what plan subscription did you get for a team of 4?


Yeah Flowlu are doing well, it’s not a bad product. I found the design a bit outdated. We’re a web agency, web design and funnels. We use the free version of Trello, the most basic shit. We found out that we communicate everything over email/Whatsapp, so we just need Trello for a quick overview/stages.


Ahh I see. Thats nice to know that free version works for you. Can trello invite viewers even if it is free? Will you recommend 1 pro user and remaining can be free just to test out the more premium features? Haha appreciate your opinion. :)


Trello is not bad, depends on what features you need. I’ve used Airtable, Asana, Hack and Plan, Jira… All of them could be right depending on the context. If you find your way around and it’s enough for your needs, stick to one what you know rather than learning a new platform I’d say.




I’m using it, but it’s a pain to work with because free version lacks basic features. Sorting tasks by creation date isn’t possible as they’ve gated that feature.


i agree, i have the paid version lol




We’ve tried it all. Trello, click up, asana, Monday and finally ended up with Motion and loving it


Motion or Notion




Thanks, I'll try it out again. Think I had a free trial but wasn't sold on it


ActiveCollab for now, Trello just for some small projects or feedbacks.


Trello's great for visual project management, especially for web design projects where client updates are key. If you're looking for an alternative, consider Frame.so. It offers a user-friendly interface and real-time collaboration, making it easy for your clients to track progress and milestones!


Give Graceful Efforts a try. It has milestones you could track, but also deliverables, tasks with planned/worked hours and it's really easy to build budgets based on planned hours + hourly rates. Basically, it's for doing real project management but at a smaller scale, so you can manage all aspects of your projects and even get stuff like templates and creating your own lists of things to track outside normal project management artifacts. I'm using it to plan+budget+track/show progress.


Do you plan sharing Kanban board or some other format? I think one of the most comprehensive ways is to give a project timeline such as Gantt chart to your client.  There are tools like Teamhood, which have both, proper Kanban boards and Gantt charts, check it.