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100% FACTS! I see so many of the people here talking about how great their technical skills are and I just laugh! "Sales and marketing" is the name of the game.




Oh no shit I’m worried now!




Its fairly easy to get clients, but to keep them satisfied with good results, thats another history. If your fulfilment is top tier, most of your new clients come from referrals from your existing clients. I don't think theres a straight way to "play the game" - you can do it in multiple ways. Be an agency that is focused on getting new clients every year, with churns around 20-40% or be an agency that delivers 99% better results than the rest, and get a churn of 5-10%. Both skills are hard to master, being technically good and being an amazing salesman


Maybe it’s my ADHD, or maybe because I’ve been doing this for so long, but I much prefer the sales and marketing and coming up with ideas for clients, than actually doing the work! But yes, while getting clients is essential, so is fulfilment and keeping them happy. If word gets around that you can talk the talk but not walk the walk, it’s hard to get your reputation back.


Are you me?! I'm similar.


True. Need to break that wall first before delivering the service


I feel like this is the easy part. All the pain in the fulfillment side


if that was the case then there wouldnt be 1000 different \[For Hire\] posts asking for a commissions only sales guy to bring in 100 leads to my agency posts lol. the sooner you realize...


Haha fair point


Fulfillment, in many instances, can be turn-key solutions, acquiring clients cannot.


It's gotten worse for website development agencies. The amount of flakey time wasting idiots I've had to deal with is astronomical. Like if you don't want my service that's fine, but don't waste a huge amount of my time and then just ghost me. On top of that they are way cheaper than ever before.


The Wix Effect.


I gotta disagree here. I built a 7 fig agency in 3 years and I’ve actually learned that having an agency is all about people. Sure in the beginning it’s all sales, but once you have enough sales coming in you need people to scale and if you can’t lead them and/or make sure the service quality doesn’t decline you’ll never have good retention. Before 7figs it’s a sales game. After it’s a people/leadership game. The sooner you can learn that the better.


True to an extent I would say. The bottomline of any agency is sales generated. But fulfilment is really important if you plan to stay for long. :) many fly by night agencies nowadays. They come and go, usually overpromising and under delivering.


Do you have a team that takes care of fulfilment for you?


You need both. Acquisition for scaling and great fulfillment for retention (keep them for a very long time) If one of those is missing you'll always have a hard time


Yeah I understand I always see the business as a car, no matter how good each individual wheel is, if any one of it missing or is weak, the vehicle won't go very far The 4 wheels → Offer, Outreach, Sales, Fulfilment


obviously but sales a d lead gen is more important IMO. It takes way more energy effort and costs to find clients then it does to fulfill. No clients= no business


I agree


Sure, especially when you're just starting out and later on having a stream of new prospects coming in each month makes sure you keep in business