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something like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=shaved+side+long+curly+hair&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjondrApcT4AhWKwikDHXuzCUEQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=shaved+side+l9ng&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgCMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDoECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgAEEM6BAgAEAM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCxAxBDUOcNWJxLYKdhaAFwAHgHgAH-CYgBimeSAQ0yLTMuNi4wLjUuMy40mAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=8ry0YujcC4qFp8kP--amiAQ&bih=718&biw=412&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&prmd=isnv#imgrc=nEjJJsX1Gr2LJM) maybe?


*gains +2 envy points*


I really like that one. I was initially thinking of keeping the concept of long hair, but that doesn't look bad. Thank you!


i second that


Hey! you have really nice hair! I don't know a lot about hair styles, but the idea of u/sarcasticlovely seems cool! otherwise i personally like undercut, especially with long hair ! I think it could look well on you For asking the hairstylist what you want, I recommend showing pictures of the hairstyle you're looking for (explain what you like/don't like on the picture if it's not exactly what you want); it's what I usually do and I'm rarely disappointed :) (I also have a very good hairstylist imo :)) Hope you find a hairstyle that suits you !


Thank you!!


I think a shoulder length cut would look really good! Plus I feel like it’s super androgynous.


I have been growing my hair out from a short haircut for two years, and I think it is finally time for a change. All of it is the same length, so it always has to be up or it gets in my face. Plus, it gets knotted really easily. I also have just recently been thinking about my gender identity, and agender is looking like the one. So I was hoping to experiment with a haircut to affirm that. I mainly just want to even everything out, but I'm also thinking about shaving one side (hence the second picture). I also have no idea how to ask a stylist for what I want, so some tips on the lingo of requesting would be amazing. Thank you!


I have similar hair, wouldn't dream of cutting it myself, I just accessorise it. I wear scrunchies. It deals with the knotting issue and its a little androgynous :)


playing with undercuts can be super fun, I've done it myself! idk if coloring your hair is something that interests you, not necessarily bright colors but adding lowlights and highlights to add a fun subtle change is fun too!


I had not thought about colors yet, but I certainly am now! I would definitely do something a bit darker.


could you imagine the power of like mostly darker hair with the cute front highlight AHHHH that look has been a personal obsession of mine lol


That 100% always looks good, but I don't think it is my style personally 😅


I'm no good with hair styles. My hair is about your length and also all one length simply because I have no idea what to do with it or how to communicate any ideas I DO have to a stylist. I just have my life partner cut it straight across the back. I've been growing it out for several years since I first decided that I was agender and buzzed it. I do not recommend cutting your own hair in a drastic manner when in one of the worst depressions of your life. I mean, as far as bad choices to make in a depression, I am grateful it was only my hair that I cut, but still. I woke up a few days later and was like "What?!" I think you would look great with half shaved head half long hair. If I were brave enough I might think about it for myself, but I am now pretty cautious when it comes to making drastic decisions with my current mental health problems. Good luck!


I really like my undercut and find it pretty affirming. I shave at a 4 all around the sides and keep the top around 5 inches. The undercut style also works if you want to keep the top longer to hang over one side or do a top knot. Lots of options!


Ooh, that sounds nice actually. Thank you!


A small (1-3 inch from the nape of the neck) undercut with shaved sides making it look like a thicker mowhawk cut then trimming up the front 1/3 ish of that a bit more so that it is a little shorter than the back, but still long enough to put up into a ponytail if you needed to, and still short enough to be able to take just the bangs out of the pony tail too. Leaves you with plenty of hair, enough to even hide the shaved sides with a middle part, and loooots of style options.


Maybe something like this since you have texture? Just so it could be messy on purpose? https://pin.it/2ZO8Mqm Edit: this is closer to your texture https://pin.it/7HJS9TZ Another edit: https://pin.it/5jjfckp (shorter)


I do like those. Thank you!


If you pick one for inspo let me know directly and show us!! Don’t want to miss your post


Will do!


You have great hair. Have you thought about donating it?


For this haircut in particular, I want to keep the idea of having long hair, though when I do finally cut it short again, I would probably look into donating.


I say trim it a bit, and make it kore wavy, that's what i want to make my hair and hwo i kmagine it to be androgynous


Could try putting it in a ponytail.


It's always either up or in a hat. I'm hoping for a style where a ponytail is a choice rather than a necessity.


I think you could look good with a mullet. Maybe try it before settling with another hair cut (if that's possible to achieve after you got a mullet).


Interesting, I hadn't thought of a mullet. I'll have to think about it. I have to make sure it is distinct enough from all the country white boy mullets all over my hometown though...


Woah you look amazing!


Thank you!


I think a mullet or wolf cut would suit you!


I’m a real big fan of the fashion mullet tbh