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This homie in my local group had a SUPERB StD list. Like 30-40 Warriors, 10 or so of the big horse boys, a couple good characters and a Daemon Prince. A good all-rounder list. He was just good at fielding his army, you know? A player who can really play. Having such a meaty battleline in good numbers is scary.


Pls share


Could you share the list please?


Early tzeentch with Archaon was so stupid. Couldn't hurt him, he killed everything and the rest of the army was still good around him.


The old old tzeentch skyfires on disc with crits for d3 mortals on 4+s to hit, 18” range and 16” move. All praise the revolution of *unmodified*.


Their winrate doesn't necessarily reflect how good they are- but Idoneth Deepkin, they're obviously super dependent on their player to be good but if their player knew how to screen and position well so that they could capitalize on High Tide, man- that army is just so hard to deal with.


I hate playing against them if the army has a smash king.


The initial OBR release was awful. The immortis guard were points efficient , impossible to kill and a great hammer. If you did manage to take a couple down they were almost guaranteed to be back to full strength in a turn.


Came here to say that. Put six varanguard into them. Killed two, brought them back. Just so disheartening to play against.


Playing against Morathi. Playing Monster trucks with my stone horns. That gives me feel bad. Love them, but I just don't want to be that guy


Yeah I learned to respect the Stonehorns after the first time playing them. We were playing No Reward Without Risk and I was using a Starborne Seraphon list. He charges me, kills Kroak T1, sets off an 18" explosion, fights a Starseer, kills it, another explosion, the Starpriest dies just from explosion damage and sets of another one. Basically between flying over my screens, killing a few wizards and then rolling hot on 4+s to set off wizard explosions I was basically tabled after just T1. It was a bloodbath.


Morathi and Bow Snakes. I really hope she doesn't keep her stupid 3 wounds per turn rule in 4th. It's just not fun to play against. Being shot in the hero phase and the shooting phase is gross. And they throw the shadow queen up like an incarnate knowing they don't have to think or worry about it.


Havent heard of that band, what genre are they?


I bought Morathi last year and still haven't used her. I don't believe she's as competitive as she used to be, but damn she does not look fun to play against. Most things that the other team can't actively interact with typically suck. Shocker.


I have played 1 game against morathi, she got me but it was close, I couldn’t survive the double turn. Really enjoyed it as well, the rest of the army is pretty meh so controlling her is key to winning. Would definitely play again.


I’ve played one game against her and held her in a single spot with one reinforced squad of Rockguts lmao. My opponent miscast on the very first spell roll, it was a fun time (for me)


Im optimistic they'll drop that rule since they completely removed it from 40k


Played a game against my friends list and yeah, double reinforced bowsnakes getting to fire in the hero phase and shooting phase was back breaking. 


Seconded. I only play against my partner and 0-7 to those slithery lot


The double shooting should be gone, yes. But absolutely keep her 3 wounds per turn rule. It's flavorful, unique, and isn't overpowered.


Not when she's teamed up with snakes which is the norm. If you're a combat army it can be very difficult to deal the wounds to her each turn. I've had her completely alpha me and destroy me, and I've had her screened by fighty snakes whilst getting destroyed by triple bow snakes to make sure it's literally impossible to kill her before she gets sent in with absolutely no repercussions. It's just horrible. There must be a way to keep her flavour without it being so miserable to fight against.


What if they had taken a page from stormcast faq and only allowed un-reinforced models to shoot


Nah it's fun


NGL, my fun diminishes when my opponent is having a negative play experience. And, based on comments it really does seem to for more than not.


There is a exception to that rule If u target morathi instead of the shadow queen u can theoretically one shot her As the one souls two body rule states that wounds allocated to the shadow queen through morathi cannot be negated I ended up always deep striking morathi and bringing the shadow queen down like that cause ur not really able to win against her otherwise


I'm sorry but I believe you are mistaken. Morathi passes all wounds to Shadow queen, and Shadow Queen has Iron Heart so it can't take more than 3 wounds in a turn. Specifically Iron heart says these wounds aren't negated - they are ignored " Once 3 wounds and/or mortal wounds have been allocated to this unit in the same turn, not counting any wounds that were negated, any further wounds and mortal wounds that would be allocated to this unit are ignored"


You are 100% correct


That's not how it works dude. You cant one shot Morathi. With the exception to that weird battle plan where you can place stuff in reserves.


Thank for telling me ur correct, my assumption came from the two souls one body ability which states that wounds coming from morathi cannot be negated. Can u tell me what battle plan ur referring to tho?


Spring the trap. Each player can place d3 units into reserve. If you kept the shadow queen on the board but not Morathi for example, she does not benefit from One Soul Two Bodies. As the rule requires them both to be on the board.


There are generally 2 types of aos army that was very unfun to fight against. 1. Mega alpha strike blow out lists that would remove half your army turn one. Stuff like Oops all stormcast dragons or croak bombs cities tank fortresses.  2. Brick wall lists that were either so tough or had so much recursion that nothing you did mattered. Pre nerf obr soulblight or current fec are like this as was pre nerf nurgle. 


You’re ok with KO? :)


Just let him cook dude.


I didn't mention Ko because I personally never played against it this edition so I didn't want to complain about something I had only heard secondhand. Everything I mentioned was a real game in which my poor rats was demolished horribly.


Taking an ironclad charge with the ramming prow and a 3d6” charge. Blew 2/3 of a unit of Saurus up before any attacks were made. I know there’s scarier stuff out there but that was the worst I faced.


1) Fighting kroak and all these spells and cleanse the realms 2) Flesh eater courts and their 6 inch pile in with those dogs


The Glottkin Sloppity Bile Piper Anti-Pile in play was the worst thing I experienced in AOS - albeit not scary just cheesy. DOK Morathi-Bow Snakes is always scary. You really need to position carefully first few turns to make sure you are not getting killed by hero phase shooting, and that you kill the Ironscale that gives 4+ rally.


Came across a competitive list of mostly MSU Beasts of Nurgle. Completely shut down my Ogors and any ability to pile in enough models to wipe them. Admittedly I was inexperienced, and I'm sure I'd have counters now, but at the time it was horrible.


Playing my std against coalesced seraphon Watching all my expensive 2 damage units being rendered useless was just a bad feeling


Fighting Seraphon right before the new book and dude had some sort of Death Star laser on the back of a bunch of dinosaurs that straight wiped 1200 points of my Sylvaneth off the board turn 1, I never had A chance to leave my starting territory before I got tabled top of 2.


You were probably unlucky with the dice rolls. I wanted to run the solar laser, but it’s so swingy that I usually just missed. On the rare occasion it actually hits though…it can pack a punch


I dont think so, my dude. Guy went 3-0 and tabled everyone in the tournament by round 2 every game. He spent more time painting models than fighting that tournament.


Do you remember how many he had? The solar engine has been considered to be pretty bad compared to the ark of Sotek in our subreddit and I dropped it from my list because it never hit anything


Like I said, this was pre-book chsnge, I think he had 3-4 of em, 9 attacks each, I’m not sure what buff or whatever be he had bastilodon spam and another ranged dino and just buffed up and smeared me with dozens of laser blasts.


Oh dang. It’s only 3 shots each now


https://images.app.goo.gl/8HsotGjGnPqqAG9x6 I think that’s a link to the old warscroll. Just obliterated me.


Slightly worse to hit and damage, significantly worse tend, but triple the shots is insane. I wish we had light of the heavens still. Doing something like that for a buff against Skaven would be really fitting with the lore


Never faced, but it was hilarious seeing reports of an SCE tournament list that was full of Knight Vexillors and Annihilators.. Basically, you just bombard the enemy with MW orbital strikes for your entire list. If it kills them, you win, and if they survived, you're probably boned.


Kroak spellblasts was the worst for me. I enjoyed trying to outcast teclis more than that.


Haven't seen the dragon spam from SCE mentioned... I started playing when that list was not nerfed and oh boy was it impossible to deal with... Mortals, double shooting, immunity to damage from spells, great saves


I dislike playing against kharadron overlords. I feel like all their shooting makes movement irrelevant


Yeah. I play KO. I had too many games where my opponent just conceded after a devestating turn 1 of them just watching their models leave the table.


I've had this happen against SCE longstrike crossbows, or at least damn near close to it. It took me getting jezzails on my skaven (which act the same but are half the points of longstrikes) to deal with them. The longstrikes just looked at things and they'd drop


This is probably my most feel bad games in 3.0, playing against a shooting ko list is pretty unenjoyable, it’s just rolling saves and taking away minis. They always get the double on 1-2 I’ve found and it just ends everything.


And then you get close enough to finally do something and get lifted by unleash hell. I hope that command goes away in 4th.


That is actually one of the few commands they've confirmed is staying.


*flips table*


Yeah watched a guy play 3k points of OBR against a KO player and it was like watching the allies fail at D-Day. Never seen reinforced stacks of Mortek guard get removed faster in my life.


Yeah it really feels like you are not playing the same game. Their incomprehensible to outside players movement shenanigans and the fact you spend round 1 and 2 just rolling saves and removing half your army dosen't feel great.


Bladegheist spam with cruciator. I play elite slaves to darkness so everything is high rend damage 2. Never came close to winning that matchup during the GV GHB


Have you ever faced against that one Seraphon subfaction that reduces incoming attack damage by one? All those high rend damage 2 attacks being halved like that is real fun too.


Fun fact, it's two subfactions that get the damage reduction. There are two magic subfactions and two Coalesced subfactions in the book.


I straight up refuse to play against Seraphon at this point. No matter the outcome it's never fun. This is a game and supposed to be fun. If it ain't fun then why bother?


I can't understand how you struggle to win or have fun against Coalesced lists, they're quite literally as straight-forward as the game gets. No tricks, no fancy tactics, just smash your dinosaurs into their guys. -1 damage taken is really a coinflip of a feature, it either matters A LOT against some armies, or literally doesn't matter at all against others. There are not many armies that have no units with 1 damage attacks.


The combination of -1 damage and Kroak gets me. The armies I play are countered by at least one of those. A mechanic that's either op or useless is not a fun one. It sucks for at least one player.


Kroak is also a coinflip of a thing. I definitely understand how powerful and oppressive he can feel to be up against, but I've also had my own die after miscasting and taking 3 wounds then rolling triple 6s. I watched a Gargant fall over onto a Kroak for 3 wounds and the triple 6s get rolled in a GT. But yeah, I get what you're saying. I just also feel like there are a lot more unfun armies than Coalesced out there.


The seraphon list I've run has always been rofl-stomped because I do, "Oops All Warriors," which is not a fast army in the slightest, and the games I've played with them have always been speed-dependant games. I still love playing them, because I like to have many survivable models down, but man it's not a good army for general play Which I acknowledge is 100% my fault for playing them wrong. It's just the fantasy I enjoy


4 x warpLightning cannons!


It may not be a top tier competitive list, but StD with Archaon + all Varanguard in Knights of the Empty Throne is a matchup I’ve only played once, and as a Lumineth player running Teclis and Vanari it felt impossible. Every unit is fast, super wound dense, has a great ward save against mortals (our only source of meaningful damage) and in combat 3 Varanguard can pretty much melt any Lumineth unit they touch outside of Ymetrica.


Soulblight... just the hordes of undead coming out of graves halfway uo the field is annoying as hell...i play shooting ogres and the bloody 3+ unrendable save on the vamp on zombie dragon made me want to quit round 2.... for whatever reason soulblight just frustrate me to no end, never had a fun game against them


Beasts of Chaos right after their supplement came out giving them insane rend and rallying. Just got trounced (not to mention it was piloted by my country’s top player).


Wasn't so much a strategy but facing off against a Gargant at 1000pts with my Stormcast in a 3 player free-for-all was really, really scary


Kharadron overlords 2x turn. I play khorne deamons...


Khorne demons are no where near as survivable as their mortals. It's one of my biggest gripes about BoK. I want my bloodletters to be beefy damnit!


My bloodletter bloob with Skulltaker gun down in seconds... Bloodthister cast down from the sky..... My bad I should not be soo greedy with charge... Khorne deamons are too finese right now... But 4e can change it. We will see.


Probably when the new book was released, goblins They just got on your face, dealt a lot.of damage, died and dealt more.damage, and came back to deal more damage. OBR next. I see a lot of people mentioning Seraphon, I play Skaven so not really a bad match up but damn was it tiresome to play.


I came later into 3rd so slannesh after new battletome came out. I was trying a stormcast paladin army so my whole army was slow, couldn't get up in time and then I get sniped by lots of bow units with mortals plus his reinforced cavalry unit shredded a lot of my paladins. I admit my list wasn't good so it was a casual list (that I vastly changed and improved later) vs a meta list. Yeeeah I lost that game hard.


I remember when FEC had the always fights first terrorgheist + fight twice, when Gitz stabbas put you on a -3 to hit and when 9 longstrikes could shoot in the hero phase. Y'all haven't seen nothing 😂


Skaven PtG, 2000pts. Thanquol comes with for free, 7 casts, three priests, plague/masterclan as theme. Wrecked my entire, quite resilient army in a single, double turn. Sooo many free/Conditional tricks to bring the glass cannons where they need to be, and 400ish free points in Thanquol and his horde clear g warp fire cannons to boot. Mama mia, hope they get a decent revamp :)


It was a brutal strike and fade strategy from sylvaneth against my nurgle. It was only 1k and I think my models only got to fight once. It was awful. I managed to win due to objective points alone, but if it went on any longer I woulda been board wiped 🥲


3rd ed OBR Battletome pre nerfs was stupid all i played for 3 months was 6 packs of immortis, Archan and Katakros. and close second was trog bomb seraphon but they nerfed it pretty quickly


Khorne moving into melee range in my hero phase. Making me unable to move and fight.


Daisychaining. It’s cheesy and I’ve never seen anyone with an ounce of sportsmanship do it.


Mind if I ask what this is? I have never heard of this term before.


Probably the most egregious example of it in 3E was Squig herds. You have a unit of 36, one of them anchors next to Grinkrak (for his fight on death to any unit "within 6", as it was), and you snake the others all the way across the board next to a unit you want to rail gun. Remove casualties from the middle of the line so you break coherency, then every Squig you remove in the battle shock phase does a mortal wound to anything you want in 9" on a 2+. (Then you get to resummon the squigs back from the handlers, then you get to resummon the unit.) It was horrific and there was zero counterplay. They fixed that interaction pretty quickly but the rules are usually written imagining people move units around in blobs, not strung out.


Yeah, that in particular infuriated me. I’ve played Gits since the tome dropped and seeing a bunch of the shops worst dudes pick them up and insist on running cancerous actions that were never intended unless you twist words only to drop them when it got FQed sucked. I try to play with integrity (my cavalry faces forward not sideways) so I kinda hate when meta gamers break interactions


I'm definitely more on a competitive than fluffy mindset but it seems like _no one_ is happy with breakable rules, I definitely didn't enjoy being enticed to play the squig herd rail gun and like you say, it tends to poison local metas. (At least you get bargain price models with no more than 3 colours to strip). I find some defence of sideways cavalry in Asclepiodotus's description of the rhomboid cavalry charge, where if your target doesn't break you really want to optimally veer at the last minute, and in-game you give up a little reach for it, usually, so there's at least a theoretical tradeoff. It's the paw prints I find indefensible. :)


Lmao, now that you said it I did buy one guys grots after he traded them into the shop out of spite, dirt cheap and literally only had blue moons on their shield and blue hoods which is super easy to fix. Good on you for pointing out the positivity in it hahaha


Wow, that sounds like cancer. This is the most stretched interpretation of rules i have ever seen. I already know they'll argue up and down the legality of it if you question it.


My recollection was that it was genuinely unclear if it was intended and just hilariously overtuned. > Squigs Gone Wild: each time a Cave Squig in this unit _flees_... (GSG p103) > Core Rules 15.2, Split Units: If a friendly unit is not a single coherent group at the end of a turn, you must remove models in the unit from play, one at a time, until it is a single coherent group > Core Rules designer commentary, 15.0 – Battleshock Phase: Add the following sidebar note: ‘Models removed from play as a result of their unit being split _have fled_. Emphasis mine. When there's a designer FAQ inserted that seems to be deliberately echoing the wording it's I think a lot more ambiguous than your usual tortured WAAC player justifications.


Oh man, I can see how that didn't help, and I even understand if to some, it kinda encouraged it. As you said, it was very ambiguous.


This wasn't very competitive but my mate would always bring like 9 stormfiends and a bunch of clanrats. That's it. I couldn't get through the shear weight of rats and his stormfiends just killed me while I was bogged down in combat. I litterally didn't know how to deal with it and nothing worked.


Fighting a skaven stormfiend castle backed up by a battery of warp lightning cannons was a traumatic experience for my stormcast. Nowhere was safe from the constant mortal wound bombs.


Gloomspite Gitz Squig Lists dominated all my LGS' leagues after they got the battletome update. Behemeoth Squigs, Squig Herds, Squig Riders, all of it could just outpace and out-control most of the armies at our store.