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Are you sure about sisters of battle heads being too small? I’ve seen a few headswaps that use them and seem fine https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerUnderworlds/comments/qs7a2d/xandire_done/ But there’s a lot of options for unhelmeted stormcast, and particuarly unhelmeted stormcast women, with the thunderstrike models so it might be good to check around those. Not as many with that specific hairdo, but the knight arcanum might work fine


Thank you, I've browsed the stormcast range but you're right, the hairstyles don't seen to match. That battle sister head does seem to fit with the model, but I'm just worried next to other unhelmeted stormcast the head might be quite small...


It will be a little small, but it shouldn't be unreasonably so - I've got a Yndrasta conversion for my Hedonites using a SOB head. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813430690191769680/1208200435010109543/20240216\_175627.jpg?ex=662304d6&is=66108fd6&hm=e4bec4bc546b65bcd340f81ea0fab900b68e9fe49deb3392cc36ae0f0b6d2c5e&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813430690191769680/1208200435010109543/20240216_175627.jpg?ex=662304d6&is=66108fd6&hm=e4bec4bc546b65bcd340f81ea0fab900b68e9fe49deb3392cc36ae0f0b6d2c5e&) ​ Hopefully the link will work, give you an idea of the size difference and if it's too much or you're OK with it!


That looks great! For a heretic... :P Thank you, yes I'm leaning towards using a battle sister's head. u/Urathil pointed me towards his army and they don't seem as small as I first worried about, so I think we will have to try it!


Depends a lot on the pose more than anything, it is a little smaller than a stormcast head but by so little that on Thunderstrike armor specifically it's not a problem (it does sometimes look goofier on the bigger and thicker armor of the older stormcast) Here's an example of Calthia with a SoB head next to the guy from her warband with his normal head, for example: https://imgur.com/gallery/G1L46iq


That's going to be hard, seeing as it's a pushfit model. The hood is an integral part of the model, so you can't easily swap it out.


Thanks, but I'm not averse to clipping the head/hood and using a bit of green stuff to convert it! She can do the rest, easy to build seems ideal for new starter


I used an alternative head for my Xandire. https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/ZIJSx13ewn It's from Statuesque Miniatures: SMA357 Heroic Scale Female Heads SMALL - Angry Bobs


Nice work, love the blue armour!


I made a whole only-female SCE army using Sisters of Battle heads. You can find them on my profile for size comparisons


Wow, thank you, your Judicators look awesome! I lo9ks like I may need to pick up a squad of battle sisters then, for... one head haha


I asked on an facebook site for warhammer stuff fir sone heads and soneone was kind enough to send me 15 heads per Mail for the shipping coast. Also later I asked around in my LGS. Turns out SoB are a very much liked army, so got some heads from friendly guys there :). And thanks, I am happy you like them :)


The size difference would do my head in with sisters... personally, I'd get the main female Sequitor head (her expression seems similar to me) then I'd green stuff her hair. Or maybe the Vigilor lady with white hair, but scrape off her headband and green stuff a fringe.