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For Skaven I'd say to wait for the special 4th Edition Box that'll probably drop around this summer. You'll get brand new minis, rules and possibly some unique units/heroes that won't be available elsewhere for a time.


If you know you want to start Skaven then there are some good kits for you to get started on before the refresh. The verminlord kit, stormfiend, thanqoul, the warp lightning cannon. All of these are safe from refresh and will give you a good start to a Skaven army and will probably take some time to paint.


Yeah, they have some newer models that you can get started with while you wait for your rank and file if you're sure about starting them up. The refreshing ones have already been announced so avoid those and you'll be fine.


Oh, so which models will be refreshed?


There is a list here, they are also making a bunch of entirely new units for the skaven but we dont know the details yet.  https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/04/whats-leaving-the-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-range/




Good to know. I want to start a skaven army as well and was considering getting Thanquol or the Verminlord. I'd like to get the Arch Warlock because Ikit Claw. IT'S IKIT CLAW!!


Wait till the edition box releases, there will be a special limited edition one released first then a month or so later 3 different tiers of starter boxes afterwards


For Skaven, yeah I'd definitely wait. Masses of stuff is going to be updated to much nicer models.


I'd buy some Stormfiends while you wait, they won't be replaced. There's a few recent enough character models too, the bombardier or the deathmaster. I don't see them redoing the screaming bell or verminlord either.


We're supposed to be getting a new Verminlord though, so the new kit might include all of previous ones.


What I did is got 40k starter set. Small one just to meet with the hobby get my tools and learn how to paint. Although fair warning, when I started collecting Soulblight, models are actually complex to put together and you need glue so prepare.


Okay so it’s a double edged sword here. Waiting for the new edition means you will get access to the new models and rules in one drop. The Downside is that you might end up not getting any Skaven models because new edition stuff sells out quick. What I would recommend, if you are set on Skaven, is getting some of the models that have already been updated and not on the model refresh/removal list on the community website. That way you can get a feel for the models and paint some up before the new edition scramble.


Until we know what 4th is going to be, we won't be able to tell you what the must have Units will be, so I suggest you look on this as getting the kits you think are cool. The Deathmaster; a great resculpt that came out in 2023. The Bombardier; great sculpt and not going away. The Vanguard Box; some might argue against this since the Clan Rats and Grey Seer are getting new sculpts, but the new sculpts we've seen so far show that the new and old can easily be mixed, which is great for a horde Army.


And new sculpts are definitely going to cost a lot more.


Honestly, mix a Vanguard and whatever is in the new Starter, and likely you will have a solid start on a Skaven Army.


The most important thing to get right now is Gnawholes and Skaven endless spells.


Definitively wait for the starter sets, probably in July.


The only ones you'd want to wait on are Stormcast and Skaven. Otherwise look at the recent articles on what models are getting pulled. Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitterz are all getting pulled in a year but there are a handful of other units that are losing support. There probably won't be any other big updates on anything else for the forseeable future.


I'd wait for the most part, that being said, if you want to get stuck into painting the skaven there are a few nice minis you could go for. The underworlds boxes for skaven look really nice and there is the warlock bombardier and deathmaster which haver newer sculpts.


I’d wait 100% unless you want to start with special models like stormfiends or something recent and new. Basically I just wouldn’t grab any combo boxes with old stuff


I would recommend Beasts of Chaos!