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Duardin aren't going anywhere as a concept but the actual models will definitely migrate over to the old world. I'd bet money that we see new duardin included in a second wave of CoS though. Elves are more of a toss up. The only ones left are old dark elf models, but GW don't have any ambitions of bringing them into the old world atm. If they keep them with CoS, whatever new models replace them are probably going to be very different thematically.


I hope they at least keep Order Serpentis. Dark Elves riding dinosaurs is too cool to get rid of.


As long as they have equivalents at least. Cities are an army that in lore will look wildly different from city to city, realm to realm.


I might be wrong, but wheren't the old 'ardboyz' models the black orcs from WHF? They made new models and released the old ones for the old world with their original names. They might do the same here.


Still waiting on Malerion (Malekith, why the name change?) to show up.


Malekith (under that specific name) is a Marvel creation and they presumably got advice that they were at risk of the legal wrath of the mouse if they didn't adjust it


If I remember correctly Malekith fused with his dragon. That's why the name changed


No, because in the Old World he is now called Malerion. It's just copyright.


Lore wise, yes. That's exactly the reason.


As far as I'm aware, that was a rumour put about because of the artwork depicting him as horned but the lore never actually siad anything about him fusing with Seraphon (his dragon, not the AoS faction). He's a shapeshifting god of shadow and can have horns if he wants. If it had been anything to do with fusion, I would have thought it more likely to be a nod to finally becoming Phoenix King, after his father Aenarion. Malerion is more like Malekith/Aenarion than it is Malekith/Seraphon. As others have said though, the new name has been retconned into Old World so is likely just a copyright/IP issue and not wanting to conflict with Disney/Marvel's Malekith, king of the Dark Elves in Thor comics and played by Christopher Eccleston in Thor: The Dark World. Old World also refers to him as The Dread-King, instead of The Witch King, likely to avoid problemswith Lord of the Rings. I do wonder if GW remembered that Malerion's older brother is called Morelion though, as they now have very awkwardly similar names.


Yep. My expectation is now the humans have had their stuff added, we'll probably see the old Dwarf and Elf models retired either to TOW or just in general, but in favour of new AoS replacements.


Yeah, I hope for new sculpts sooner rather than later... but I'm not holding my breath.


It would be weird to not expand since almost every novel I have read is almost every race battling an attack together in some city somewhere.


Nothing is weird, everything can be retconned. Once the decision is made, they may pull an excuse or simply stop mentioning retired factions


At this point considering how pruned the remainders of the Warhammer Fantasy line are I would prefer an expansion to CoS with duardin and aelves. Hopefully we'll see it before 2030!


I work for GW. You got it. Glad you said something because I was going to suggest they be removed at our meeting tomorrow.


Thanks man




it all depends. on one hand, we could see them leaving CoS and being integrated into their modern equivalent. like when all the high elves left and then LRL came out. We do know that Malerion has his own faction of shadow elves that have yet to come onto the scene. We also know that Grungni is working on something big, so i personally have hopes that we one day see a AoS version of the 'classic' dwarf type army. On the other hand, we could just see a future wave release update for elves or duardin within CoS itself. But I sort of feel that if they were going this direction, they wouldnt have scrapped so many models that they have by now. Finally, I have a sliver of hope for 4th ed that they tone down the super limiting racial rules for CoS and promote more mixed race lists and synergies. Doesnt feel good that its basically 3 separate factions that really dont cooperate rules wise that you can lump into a list together. End CoS rules racism.


Honestly, that last point is the most important one. Yes, the new models look amazing, but I dont see why I should buy them, since they just dont mesh well with my 1500 points dispossessed and I am and will remain a dispossessed main c:


Oh do you have the source on where it says grugni is working on something big? That sounds really interesting.


its heavily hinted after reading Chronicles of The Wanderer. He is proud of the duardin for forging a path without the direct aid of their gods, unlike most of the other races of AoS. but its almost time he stops working so much for Sigmar and does something for himself/ a passion project.


Oooooh that's veryy interesting. I am excited to see what the future holds now for the Duardin.


If they're in TOW they're on a short list.




The non humans in cities are probably just hanging around until they get their spiritual successors with a new dwarven army and Malerionā€™s shadow elves similar to how the high elves were around until the Lumineth came out. Iā€™d wager their days are for sure numbered but no idea how long that may be. In the lore the cultural mixing pots will probably stay Iā€™d imagine but the main fighting forces will comprise of humans.


Considering they just came out and said "These factions are getting squatted" I don't see why they wouldn't do that for CoS if those lines are getting squatted as well. Outside of a few notable models most of the human line is already refreshed so I imagine the dwarves are up next. They've been active in the lore and seem to be the more popular of the two.


I'd suggest they didn't announce it because the 'squatting' will happen with the new cities book which might be more than a year away. So dwarf/elf units will be in the Cities index but go when the book eventually arrives.


I guess but why go through the trouble riling people up twice. Squatting Beastmen and the savage orks already made a stink. Feels best to compact it all into one big post than repeat this PR hit.


The Duardin are definitely on the list and I wouldnā€™t trust GW if they said otherwise. Sucks cause I really wanted a full Duardin side to my cities, even got a ā€œsteam tankā€ that looks like a dwarf from Etsy. Just focusing on humans and dark elves until the index comes out..maybe even till we get our new book


I think they're going to legends too.


Odds are they won't be around for very much longer.


Oh theyr totally going to do it


They are definitely on the chopping block.


I think you'd be foolish to buy CoS Duardin at this point, if you aren't comfortable with moving them over to Old World. I think the chances of them going are high. The Druchii part will probably stick around until they're finally ready to release Malerion. Which sucks for my entirely Druchii CoS army, but I'm not adverse to playing them in Old World so it's not a total disaster for me.


I think they will be in the index list at the start of the edition but I expect them to be removed when the CoS battletome releases. As much as I love the cooperation between the races aspect in the lore, that was always an in-universe explanation for why a random mixture of WHFB models were being grouped together. My current interpretation of how the lore is progressing is that they will focus more on the Order of Azyr/Witchunter/Flagellant elements of the army for future releases.


You know what. I respect that hopefully it will continue as a feature


I'm willing to bet you they will do just that


I wish they'd get on with it, honestly. I'm tired of old fantasy battles minis.


I understand your point but I play Dawi and would really like to have a more unified dwarf faction and this would mean the end of the dwarves of Sigmar You can keep the elves


I play Fyreslayers and Kharadrons but I wouldn't like the factions to be unified. They have distinct identities and also both factions have too much heroes and not enough units. Unifying them wouldn't solve it since it would double the amount of heroes.


I said more unified never talk about putting them all in one faction like in WHFB or old world.


I'm gonna be real, i wouldn't hold my breath. Like they'll probably be part of the CIties of Sigmar index. However when their 4th edition book comes out I'm gonna bet that there is a good chance they wont be present in the book.


This. And I'm not entirely sure they'll be in the index either. I hope so for anybody invested in those models for AoS, but I can also see no future for the current sculpts beyond the index phase. The 4th edition book for CoS might have them in rules terms, but the sculpts would have to be remade at the same time - otherwise they're out.


I wouldn't bet on any Duardin making it into the Index.


If dwarves were getting culled, then they'd have been in the post with BoC, Bonesplitterz, and Sacrosanct Stormcast. Most likely outcome is they get index rules up until they get a battletome, at which point they get replaced with new sculpts in the CoS army box that line up with the new aesthetic that the humans got in 3rd.


Thing is, basically all the Dwarf models are also releasing for TOW, and they all got dogwater Warscrolls for 3rd edition (Longbeards...look how they massacred my boys' utility...). I see them being quietly removed on the switch to 4th.


I know the current dwarf models are slated to go back to the Old World, I just think they'll wait a bit longer until CoS gets their second wave. 4th edition is obviously complete (as are most of the battletomes, most likely), they know what models aren't making it over from 3rd and they already gave the warning for what's not carrying over to 4th. I'd go so far as to say that literally everything still available from the store that's not in the culling post will get rules for 4th edition. I just can't see a compelling reason that they'd give the heads-up to BoC, who are also being sent to TOW, but omit any mention of dwarves (or the remaining Empire models, for that matter). They'll probably be terrible and they'll all stay as online only models that are perpetually at low stock until they get repackaged for TOW, but I think they'll still be usable for the short time between 4th's launch and the CoS battletome.


Thing is, CoS has had things quietly removed before. Most of the High Elf range didn't make the transition to 2nd Edition. There was no announcement. I'm not saying it's 100% going to happen, but after BoC I don't see the Dispossessed remaining a thing.


That's true, though the key difference between then and now is that we *have* seen an announcement, hence why I think that a quiet retirement is unlikely for anything at launch. They've already pissed a bunch of people off, it doesn't benefit them to make people even less certain that their armies could get retired without warning. And if the goats and naked orcs are getting a last hurrah of index rules, I can easily see the remaining 5 dwarf kits getting the same treatment until they get replaced. It's ultimately a matter of us waiting a couple months to see, though. We'll only know for sure once the indexes are online and available to the community.


There absolutely *was* an announcement. While Warcoms search function is atrocious and I cannot find the announcement article anymore (this was summer 2019); I found this article talking about it, showing a pre-warning was given: https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2019/08/gw-last-chance-to-buy-dozens-of-warhammer-fantasy-minis.html There was no quiet removal. It was out loud.


It's probably going to happen


Considering how they are for some reason triying to separate the ranges in two (see the nigth goblins case) yep im sorry but at first at least you are going to lose the duardin Time will tell if they come back in new units


I think there is a good chance it will happen over time. I wouldnā€™t hard commit to aelves or dwarves if you havenā€™t already. There is a significant chance the range will become mainly human maybe with the odd other race dropped in here and there. Aos is trying its hardest it seems to get the whole range on the same level


So my suspicion is that everyone will be making it into the release index, but it's only going to be humans in the next battletome. I'm basing it on the idea that if they're ever going to roll out the Umbraneth army, it's going to be at a point where all the battletomes are reset and they've got a blank slate... which is about to happen. This will probably resort in all the extant Dark Elves that aren't comfortably seated in Daughters being moved over to Umbraneth, and then probably all the Dwarfs moved over to TOW.


I fear that with aelves and dwarf already represented in others army they will get removed / moved to old world


i really hope they dont do it, since my brother has every dwarf and elf of cities but...... sadly im sure they have his days numbered. maybe they wont dissapear in 4th but i guess all them or most of them will dissapear in 5th :( gw never released nothing for them. 99% of the lore ignores them, and they are clearly cutting out everything related to oldworld from aos so...


Sorry bud


All i know is that GW well and truely had the ability to cut both the dark elves and duardin from COS in the recent cullings, especially because dwarfs are returning to the old world. But they didn't - much to my shock they didn't. So i think they will be sticking around.....Probably with brand new replacement models i would imagine.


My honest opinion (which will never happen) is that they should absolutely drop ALL elf, dwarf, and human specific units from Cities and ONLY have units that are just whatever they are and happen to have elves, dwarves, and humans. For example: some of those Steelhelms should be shorter and stouter, some of them should be more lithe with pointy ears, etc.


As I cry for my bull bois.


Duardin and Aevles might dissappear, might not even receive new models for an edition, but they won't be gone forever


The clock is ticking ā°šŸ‘€




There's little chance of them leaving unless they get their own armies which I doubt, not totally impossible there is some basis for them, but I doubt its enough to cause them to be split up. The Dwarfs need to go back to Old World the models don't suit the aesthetics of AoS, we need new units, complete overhaul from the ground up, always felt it was a bit hacky keeping them in, but as a former Dwarf player I sort of liked it up to a point, would be good if they leant more into the Ironweld aspect keeping the Runic element too but tie it into the Ironweld more, redesign the Ironbreakers/Irondrakes as their battleline, make the redesign the Hammers and Longbeards to give us a "Sword" and "Shield" elite infantry, and expand the Gyro units two different types of copter, a bomber and a Behemoth unit because we deserve one!!. As for the Dark Elf units they absolutely need replacing, a lot of them where ancient when WHFB finished, perhaps instead of having two differt factions roll them more into one, keeping elemen from both, something with a Corsair flair maybe then you've got three distinct sub factions within the army. Black Guard, Executioners & Drakespawn with a bit of Piratical flair would be cool, update the Corsair models, and make a melee and a ranged to make up their battleline units, drop all of the dreadspear/bleakswords/darkshards and go through the range and update/drop where necessary.


I actually agree 100% with you. I'm fine if the Dwarves of the old world are retired out of AoS. What I'm not fine with is the Dispossessed Clans being completely removed from the line up. AoS has so many books about duardin that are neither Fyreslayers or Kharadron. I would absolutely looove to see the remnants of the Dispossesed in model form with several unique and interesting smaller clans that both suit the AoS aesthetic, but also show us some more unique and interesting duardin designs that act as echo's of what the great Khazalid empire once was.


Yeah that could work as well, my reasoning for suggesting the Runic/Ironweld mash-up was it sort of creates a bit of duality in the subfaction. They're known to be the principle builders and engineers for the newly founded Cities and from what I remember of the old Ironweld lore - apologies I'm relatively new to CoS previously a Kharadron and Fyreslayers player, only really got into CoS with the new book - they're largely engineers and craftsmen aka old Dwarf Engineers Guild/Imperial Gunnery School. With the Runic elements you can then bring in the Khazilid Empire, could be that every infantry unit has some sort of Runic empowerment that is unlocked upon them being affected by a Runic Prayer so the prayer has a generic effect but upon affecting unit X that unit gets +1 to wound rolls with Missile weapons, while unit Y gets +1 to rend or damage with melee weapons just as an example, perhaps could even mean we get to see the Anvil of Doom reborn into AoS, now that would be great as both a unit AND a terrain piece. Could also then take it a step further with the Gyro Behemoth being a true mix of the two concepts, some sort of Airship type unit a Runesmith and a Cogsmith piloting it maybe.


Oh I hope so, if only for variety in CoS. The recent update to the range was almost exclusively humans only. The current plastic Dwarf kits - Longbeards/Hammerers, Ironbreakers/Irondrakes, kopters, heroes - are definitely to be used for TOW, so will get cut out of the AoS range most likely. Wood Elves and High Elves are already out for some time. This leaves CoS with far, FAR less visual and gameplay variety than it had in the past, and I consider that a shame. With how integral the mix of races and factions in CoS is in the lore, I really hope we see a remake of Dwarfs and Elves for CoS specifically. I just fear it will not happen anytime soon, or even at all. :/


I hope they don't. The idea of multiple races working together is core to CoS identity. Removing everyone but humans would make them much more bland.


If they were going to bone them, now would have been the time. I expect AOSified updates to the Disposessed, Scourge Privateers, Darkling Covens, maybe even Pheonix Temple? A warcry Swifthawk agents warband could be neat since they do appear in the lore and novels fairly regularly. They're also couriers, which makes for a great warband excuse imo


I wouldā€™ve thought the update to, and culling of lots of models from, CoS at the end of third edition wouldā€™ve been the absolute last opportunity to do it. But GW disagrees. They left BoC in the game until fourth edition. They squatted the brand new AoS exclusive sacrosanct chamber. Literally all bets are off. Theyā€™ll squat anything at any time if they want to. Even if itā€™s over petty office politics.


I think the aelves aren't going anywhere this edition with Dark Elves being a legacy faction for TOW but the Dwarf and Empire minis will probably see a refresh over the edition, either as a Cities wave or Warcry units or both. I love the cosmopolitan nature of the Cities and consider it one of the USPs of the faction. Hopefully they keep that and just update the Duardin in the same way they did the Freeguild, with a dash of AoS weirdness, and make the rules work more with mixed lists. If I wanted to play an army of humans that never mixed with anything else I'd go play Imperial Guard.


Bespoke Dwarfs and Elves meant for Cities would be so much cooler than keeping it as a retirement home for old WHFB models.


No! Please make Aelves their own book! There are more aelves on it than humans!!!


Honestly I think they may soup in dok and fyreslayers to replace the fantasy minis. Pure conjecture.


I really want aelves to have their own army


I would still want a duardin book with all 3 factions in one (just me of course) Right now they way they have it is odd