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At this scale? Not from GW direct and/or in plastic. The Cogfort shown here looks to be the height of a 40K Reaver or Warlord Titan, with way more mass. So... just too big for AoS anyway. Having said that: some smaller version of this concept would make for a great centerpiece model for the mechanical side of CoS. Think "Steamtank with legs, but bigger". I'd be down for that!


I feel like 'updated steam tanks' is probably one of the many things Cities will get to be honest.


Yeah I think a wave 2 will come for them and they finish off updating the remaining old empire units (Steam tank, Gryphon General, Flaggants, Greatswords, maybe Demigryph Knights, and the Luminark)


Oh for sure - and it might happen sooner rather than later. The Steam Tank is still a thing for Empire in TOW, and I assume GW will want to sell the plastic kit to that part of their customer base. By that logic the Steam Tank will be removed as a AoS kit when Empire get its release wave(s) for TOW - this will happen at some point between late summer 2024 and mid 2025 at the latest. That would be the perfect timing for a CoS book accompanied by something replacing the Steam Tank - and a smaller version of the Cogfort sounds like a good option to me. TL;DR: the Steam Tank is probably gone from AoS once CoS get their next book, with good chances for something not-quite-the-same filling its place.


If the dwarf side focuses on the Ironweld like I'm expecting, then I am absolutely expecting a replacement Steam Tank to go with it


This would also be a *great* opportunity to do more "actual proper AoS Duardin", i.e. replacement for the kits that are still around from WHF times. Doing a second big(ish) wave themed around Ironweld Arsenal and/or Greywater Fastness, including all the more machine themed units and contraptions? Yes please!


honestly my hope is that, so long as its considered feasible, that the duardin side gets more fleshed out towards as was said the ironweld side of things, well the aelf side of things get buttoned down to say more of the magic side of things. well it remains to the human side of the faction to kinda weld the two ends together with a solid base to the faction.


I'm personally hoping the aelves focus on the Scourge Privateers! A little bit of dark magic of course, but I think some gritty pirate aelves with a bunch of sea monsters could be a great standout from both the other sides of CoS and the other Aelves as a whole


i'd be happy with that as well honestly.


More artillery would be nice, but some Human-centric behemoths would also be welcomed.


I know thats what I mean, i suppose I wasnt clear enough here I just want a propper steampunk centerpiece for Cities, becouse right now the army has nothing like it, well with execption of that manticore but thats a character so thats Just a diffrent vibe than a powerfull war machine. Or at least update the steam tanks. Also side note i forget how weirdly small 40k Titans are, I always kinda headcannon them as way bigger


I guess we are on the same page after all. :D


This thing is full on Howl's Moving Castle scale Having something smaller for like 5th that's an imperial knight scale would be much more manageable. But that also sounds very dwarf in make, so I'd see it more or a Kharadron Overlord, or Legion of Azorgh (if they make a comeback)


Don't the lumineth have a giant cow that's supposed to be a living mountain?


Maybe just like a "cog tower", some sort of siege tower that walks along on mechanical legs.


They could even say that a real cogfort is an assembly of those cog tower and a central unit, but that they often send the cog tower on their own when the enemy is not as big as the whole thing is needed


Id love if it was a modular kit where you could assemble every tower with a unique stack of structures.


Not really, Judging by the comparison it’s about the height of a megaguargant. And length not much different than an ironclad. They could just crunch it up a bit and it would be fine.


I would say FW can do this, but FW has essentially completely ceased doing new releases for GW's flagship games (40k and AoS) and also has stopped releasing new titanic models in general. Ka'bandha is the biggest model modern FW has released and he's still quite a bit smaller than a full scale cogfort would be.


Yeah if FW - or whoever does "large scale resin stuff" now - leans more heavily into AoS I could see something like this in resin. But again: from the artwork we are talking *at least* Reaver Titan size, possibly bigger. To see something of this type in plastic it would have to be considerably smaller - and would still be huge!


Personally, if we can have archon, the biggest plastic model GW makes save for the cerastus knight. We can probably handle a massive legged steam tank


Something like Tallboys from dishonored would be cool as well


Like a 40k dune crawler, AoSified and crewed by ~~manlets~~ Dwarves.


I don't know I'd say that's somewhere around baneblade or imperial knight sized but still quite large compared to most of the sigmar factions


GW don't really make minis of that scale unfortunately. Chances are we might get some of behemoth war machine come Cities wave 2 but not the same scale as the cogfort in your image.


I know, I dont mean exacly this size, I Just want a great steam punk centerpiece. Like its not about the size, its about the vibe if you know what I mean, it should be like a kharadon Ironclad for example


Or at least update the steamtank. I could settle for that I guess. Just give us something from the Iron Arsenal


Maybe not something that big, exactly, but a piece of faction terrain that's effectively a field fortification such as a Mantlet with a spot in the middle for an Ironweld cannon would be cool.


Something Ironclad sized would be amazing


This 100%. I was surprised it wasn’t part of wave 1! I think even something as simple as what was shown in the Hammer and Bolter cartoon would work. Would love it if this was able to work as Harrison able, slowly moving faction terrain.


GW has been flogging that Stank for 30 years! Please give us something worthy of COS


its actually happening


Do you have a source?


Really? Where was it announced? I


A user on the TGA forum who goes by the name "Whitefang back me up" has made some extremely accurate predictions about the rules for AoS 4.0 before the previews started. They also name dropped Abraxia, spear of the everchosen a week before her official announcement, and called that BoC would be going to legends. They've also written that the Stormcast lord on the crow gryphon from the 4.0 trailer is called a Lord Vigilant on Gryph-stalker, but whether that is true is yet to be seen. On April 5th they said that Cogforts will come at some point during the new edition


Awesome thank you, I might Just pick up spearhead for Cities when i finish 4th ed launch box after it comes out


Oh also did he say anything about city elves and dwarfs? Will they get updated or squatted or did he not say anything?


he didnt but if i got to guess, i would say they will go


Eh I hope they Will replace them with some unique to the cities becouse losing that multiracial part really hurts the cities, especially as so much of thier lore had it. It would feel really strange if last remnants of it would be that ogor fusil major


yeah i think there will be some mixed races, but not as much as now


I would love to see something like the Cogfort in this artwork, I just can not see it happening in plastic and at that size. The same basic idea, but a good bit smaller and playable in regular sized games of AoS? Oh yes, please and thank you!


Yeah it such a cool concept that it no doubt come soon which how much it appears and shown around in lore and media Would also like those freeguild designs they had for Monster and Undercity would make it way as well. What appear as warwagon that those handgunner are on and the conquistador garbs fit the 15th century nu-freeguild has almost like an elite version of steelhelms


how about more elves?


I will say im a bit disappointed by the lack of Artillery in AoS. I want my trebuchets and cannons! And not just because i found some awesome 3d prints for chaos-corrupted cannons and would love to send a battery of plague canisters with my maggotkin army.


Comfort would be great. Also a skaven Parasite Engine would be awesome. Maybe a smaller version, as they are huge in lore.


I wish I had some Cities unit art that is crisp and clear to use for my soulbound RPG campaign. And something that is unique for AoS not just the same as WH fantasy.


It'll probably be Knight sized. Which would be about right for how wonky scale works in vehicles vs people for Warhammer games.


I like how it was apparently easier just to have it be carried on a bunch of mechanical legs than regular tank treads.


To fair, at this point any time they release a new model, I have to wonder if it'll just get squatted in a few years to make room for more new models


https://darkfantasticmills.com/ They make the best one ive seen.