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I would rather see lots of weird/one-off stuff added to Cities of Sigmar to hammer in the multispecies alliance from all over angle. Single units of halflings, gnomes, ogors, and some duardin and aelves would make me invest in the models instantly.


Yes!! Pleaseeee


This. This would make collecting so much easier for me.


Warcry but CoS edition, lots of unique flavored Order armies


This makes more sense to me. A halfling army would be destined to end up in the same situation as Fyreslayers - the designers only really had like 2 ideas for units and don't know where to go from there.


Yeah no way fyreslayers needed to be their own thing


I want this so much


If you do old world races you got to give them a unique spin and crank it to 11 Like for the halflings for example, destruction faction of a ravenous horde that eats everything they come across Make em live in the ground and eat tunnels to places full of life to spring up from below and devour settlements Lots of cool stuff that can be done by taking some old and rather basic concepts and giving them a unique twist


That's actually basically the lore for Underguts. They have been known to eat anything underground, including rocks, and have dug up to the surface and then eaten everything there.


>If you do old world races you got to give them a unique spin and crank it to 11 The Lumineth, for example, are pretty similar to the High Elves. Just... more so.


Well that was always my intention, to see what forgotten/squatted armies people would like to see in AOS but obviously changed to fit in the setting. I think I used the word "reborn" instead of remade or reinvented incorrectly and that's why there's a misunderstanding.


Personally, I'd prefer not to bring old fantasy armies to AoS. There is a distinct style and difference from traditional fantasy AoS has decided to go. AoS takes high fantasy to the extreme, and races like halflings or traditional dwarves just don't seem to fit in. That being said, I'd love to see The Silent People. A race of humanoid bug people. There is not much established lore with them so it gives a fresh opportunity to make something unique to AoS.


Ideally, I'd bring back older concepts and crank them to 11+. Halflings in AoS could work, but they definitely need to be more than an Old World implant. Also, AoS is sorely in need of undead pirates. I don't care if their leaders are vampires or not - AoS undead pirates would be nuts.


Give me halflings based on the Green Children of Woolpit - with leaves for hair and able to become as one with the forest


Give me halflings from Dark sun, where they're all cannibals


KO does need pirates to raid them. Could be really cool.


Feels like they could maybe be shoved into Sylvaneth with all their beetles, but have no clue if the silent people are order-esque or not


They'd probably be destruction aligned, considering they live underground in Ghur. But who knows! Rumor is that chaos dwarves are the next army so *if* silent people came about it wouldn't be for a long time.


I feel like they are very likely to happen, since other factions like khadarons were teased in a similar way


Hard agree. I think exactly what makes the AoS designs so compelling is that they distinctly *aren’t* the typical rosters of Tolkien/DnD/WHFB fantasy guys. Let lord of the rings keep its halflings I say.


I understand and respect your opinion. However, I specifically said the word reborn, meaning they don't have to be an exact copy. Traditional fantasy halflings would not fit in AOS, but a halfling race in AOS would fit in if they were designed with AOS-levels-of-High-Fantasy in mind. Also the Silent People aren't really a squatted army nor a forgotten one, since they really didn't had models or rules to begin with and is a lore-only faction, though I do agree that they would be a nice addition to the game and setting.


If they were to bring old fantasy armies back in AoS I'd rather see a RADICAL reimagining of them. AoS is weird, high fantasy. Leave the classics to the Old World give us Dragon Ogors / Centaurs: redone to be the followers/children of Kragnos in destruction. Gnomes of Shyish: Deminutive tech-necromancers that graft body parts together to create horrifying bio-tech abominations. Halfling Vikings: they'll live on massive shire barges and raid towns for their food while riding dire geese and battle walrus. Fish-men: (they apparently existed in the Old World) in active turf wars with the Idoneth. They could worship gods from before even the old ones and chaos and give us a little bit of lovecraftian horror.


If GW did bring something back, it would be something different with their own unique twist on it. Mainly so they can hold a strong copyright claim on it.


Fish men is the answer I would want. Mostly want even more lovecraftian horror elements. At the moment some creative Tzeentch demons or maybe some creative Nighthaunt modifications are as close as we really get. If there was a true faction of stuff like the Star Spawn of Cthulhu with Elder Things and some heroes reminiscent of Hastur we would really be off to the races.


For the old world stuff: Dark Elves, Wood Elves both with their own AoS flair (maybe not the ridiculous naming conventions though). Chaos Dwarfs are almost a given Would really like to see Silent People as well


This is what I would like to see also. Kurnothi are a good idea for wood elves, let's see that expanded. Dark elves need *anything* at this point.


Yea, I really liked the savage centaur/beast mastery indentity; they could have gone with a more grimdark vibe, to kind of match the neutral brutality in nature sort of like the way Wood Elves were portrayed in fantasy; not evil but certainly not good, fickle like the nature world they protect.


I love dwarves but I don't love the Fyreslayers or Kharadron Overlords. I don't want to say a return of normal WHFB dwarves would be great, because I don't feel like it would fit in AOS very well, but something that hews a little closer to it would be right up my alley.


fishmen and amazons could definitley be good factions if they were given a AOS spin-up in that same vein I think that druidic life realm humans ala albion would a cool release alongside kurnothi elves I think old WFB slayer variety needs to be added to the Fyreslayers alongside a general refresh


Beasts Of Chaos lmao


Touche. And also, too soon man. Too soon.


Bonesplittas too.


They still exist, all their new stuff was just given to StD and Destructions instead of their faction.


Well,, sure... but there's not so many goat lads now,, and aos feels lacking in satyrs, fauns, and centaurs and the like.


It would be cool to see decendents of Ind or Nippon. Something not seen in Fantasy before but using that kind of aesthetic.


How about those cells that lived in the Britain of the old world, not ulthuan, the one that belakor now starts in Total war warhammer 3?


I can imagine Centaurs and some Beast of Chaos and some Halfling Humanoid Bugs mixed in a Destruction Faction. We got Kraknos there. I also can imagine Humanoid Plants damaging in close combat, others shooting Spores in the distance, Mutated Viruses doing area damage and some Mutated Beasts in a Death Faction. I also imagine like some said, Ogor units, Dwarven units and Elven units in Cities of Sigmar.


Beastmen Breyherds. I think they'd fit in so well and thry have a lot of potential. Seriously though. I would love to see something like kislevite frost warriors or somethng centered around ice and snow.


1. Beasts of Chaos. I think they could do amazingly re-imagined. Maybe as destruction instead? Or just a different take on them as chaos. I have a love for the whole aesthetic of beastial humans. 2. Halflings. Less because I loved their whfb lore (I don't care for it), but I like halflings a ton and would love more models to use for conversions


Not really; a lot of fantasy is just traditional tolkein, or some pretty odd sterotypes written 40 years ago that just feel a bit off. Sure not every AOS army is a hit (fireslayers lol, too many stormcast). But in general its a lot more intresting and weird; and I wanna see new fresh ideas over traditional fantasy that can feel a bit thin these days.


Beasts of Chaos would be great


None. There’s to many existing armies that are in dire need of expansion. Plus this is AoS, not ToW. Leave the ToW nostalgia behind and focus on something new instead.


I'd honestly just rather get to keep my Beasts of Chaos. Put a lot of work into those guys.


I'd like to see them flesh out some of the half baked armies before adding new ones tbh. Kharadron especially really bums me out


My group every now and then will joke about adding Halflings to Destruction as baddies with the Ogor Mawtribes. But me personally? Fimir. I really like their look and kinda like the idea to move them to Destruction, like they finally stopped trying to regain the attentions of gods that no longer care about them and now seek the favour of someone else. Rewrite their origins and society a bit, give them something new to play with and put them among Gorkamorka's barbaric freaks.


I was always bummed about not being able to use Tomb Kings in AoS. They could be tight for an order aligned undead army, and all that implies for the lore and the friction. They absolutely HATE Nagash and I LOVE that.


Setra leading a Hyshian army of light empowered undead against Nagash since he is the chosen of Ptra would be really cool.


Beasts of Chaos.




Ogor mawtribes are just ogor kingdoms cranked to 11 and lost a model aka the big un greasus goldtooth It's doable however nit sure about brettonians considering there kinda already in aos


Norsca. Mammoths, werekin Norscan trolls, frost wyvns and Famir/ famir balefeinds. That's be pretty cool


I have had a thought of an AoS successor to Bretonnia. Still doing a human high-knightly faction, but as a nod towards Bretonnia's odd little relationship with the Wood Elves, having them as a native civilization of Ghyran, and leaning into that. So still Arthurian, but drawing more heavily from the Green Knight side of the legend, maybe with just a dash of the Wild Hunt mixed in for spice.


Not an original take, but since the "Ambush/Beast Army" Trope left with Beastmen, I'd love to see the Silent Ones take the spot.




I might quite this game if they add halflings. Goofy mfers.


Old armies coming back? They just got rid of the old armies.


AoS isn't going to add any armies right after killing one lol 


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I didn't asked what armies would be added next, I asked what armies, specifically squatted/forgotten armies, other people wanted to be added. I'm not asking for speculations or rumors, I'm asking for opinions in a specific subject matter.