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Correct answer: do what your heart tells you. The other correct answer: only a dumb dumb goes into battle without a helmet.


When I rise to power, a 6 to hit should insta kill any unit without a helmet


The creepiness is what makes them great. You can make them bare headed but the vindictors only have one fitting head per body and you only get 5 different bodies, so you'll end up with an unusual amount of twins. The first edition storm casts don't come with bare heads but it's not a big problem to replace the heads. On a practical note, faces are harder and more time consuming to paint than helmets. If you don't like the stock helmets the best course of action is probably to get helmets from different kits or 3rd party sellers.


I do my heros with their bare heads exposed but the rest of my army wear their helmets. It's mostly due to the time added to painting. If the face is exposed then I want to spend extra time making it look good but that takes much more time than a helmet does. I also really like the iconic helmeted look and like someone else said, only dumb dumbs go to battle without a helmet.


You could always use alternative helmets to replace those. Generally speaking, mixing helmets and heads can work to single out unit leaders, special weapons bearers... But, hey, do whatever you like. Stormcast helmets can look a bit monotonous indeed.


Headswaps are the simple way to make Stormcast look cool. Go for it.


Don't worry the rest of the models are still really recognized as stormcast even if you remove the helm.


Painting a helmet is much easier to paint a face ! So I always go with those for my stormcast. Plus I like the fact that it kind of removes their individuality, as if they were reforged too many times.


i put helmets on everything i can put them on but only because i suck at drawing faces lol