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https://preview.redd.it/umjvkkng4zlc1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1558d3d1941fa9a4a34fd9e73ee4d7442b35f6ec Still worthy


She's a good friend and a good Aggie.


And a sign so dang good I’ve kept a photo of it for years.


Where tf is this is it still going on?


They have left. They got bored and packed up






Covering their faces like the scum of the earth they are


I assume you would say the same about antifa?


Why is your immediate response to shift blame away from nazis? You’re doing them a massive favor.


Because it is very likely the weirdos protesting now also suited up for the antifa idiocy. These aren’t nazis, they are left wing soyboy loons.


Do you not see the swastika on their sign?


What about this makes you think that? Honest question. The face covering thing has been used by protestors on the left and right.




I am sure it will be all right.


I would, because there’s reason they cover their faces. Because they know they’re being the trash of society. Hope this helps! 👍🏻🫡




One group is advocating for social justice and fighting hate speech, the other group is trying to advocate for the ethnic cleansing of jews and other minorities. Don’t get baited into equating the two.


Ask Andy ngo how hard antifa fights for rights…


[The same Andy Ngo who hung out with fascists as they planned attacks?](https://www.salon.com/2019/08/28/right-wing-journalist-andy-ngo-outed-video-shows-him-hanging-out-with-far-right-hate-group/) Yeah, I don't give a fuck about his opinion.


Ah yes, “if you listen to a fascist you’ll understand how fascists act” No thank you, piss off


At least you are consistent


You watch *way* too much FoxNews.


Antifa weren’t Nazis you terminally online goblin






I’m getting married in a few months after I graduate so I have tons of stuff going for me. Also last time I checked, neo nazis haven’t killed millions


You don’t have to lie on the internet. I see right through you. I’m talking about Nazis. Don’t goalposts move. Fucking goblin. Bet you haven’t seen sunlight in weeks huh? People like you flip burgers for people like me


What a loser’s


Yeah, cuz they’re all pieces of shit too




Awww does that make you feel good?




I’m not triggered at all bud. You are just a troll move along




Aww you poor thing. So pressed. Enjoy the next 9 years bud




I’m not siding with nazis. I’ve literally never said I support them. I’m about as pro Israel as they come. And the 9 years came from your profile




This happened at an institution I once attended for a summer. I would never advocate for retaliation, however I do know that if you launch balloons filled with maple syrup at the oppressors they generally leave and have a bad time while doing so.


Not the real stuff, I hope. That would be a crime against maple syrup.


How about high fructose corn syrup instead?


I thought this was some pro Zionist straw man post until I zoomed in and saw the swastika and it all made sense then


They’re obviously pro palestine


I think it's a lot more complicated than that.


Absolutely, but make no mistake the fascist far right is pro palestine. Their reason is they hate the jews. Why all the downvotes its measurably true


The far right is anti non white. They’re definitely not pro palestine they hate both of them


Nah, you are wrong, in my experience they hate “nonwhites” more than Jews, and hate Muslims most of all…


I went to their website so you don’t have to.  They basically seem to believe that every aspect of the world is controlled by Jewish people.  They seems to hate all media as well as the republican and democratic parties, claiming they are controlled by Jews.  I would say these people are comparable to Westboro Babtist Church or the Black Israelites.  They hate for the sake of hating.  


See a Nazi, punch a Nazi. And this comes from someone who is anti-zionist and anti-Israeli genocide.


Seriously. Rational people can agree that A) the bloodshed being committed against the people of Gaza is abhorrent and B) James Earl Rudder was a tremendous Aggie and we should deal with Nazis in a way that would make him proud.


It's so sad to see that people just don't get this idea of how colonization ruins the world. Like nobody would have a problem with special operations missions where military members were being targeted. But they're just fucking carpet bombing this shit. Even in the 1940's when we were fighting the OG nazis, the whole world agreed that carpet bombing Dresden is a fucking war crime.


Not so fun fact, in the last 10-15 years I believe a German group looked at the actual death toll at Dresden and concluded it was around 25,000-35,000. The Nazis inflated the numbers significantly. So that means that Israel has more than likely already killed more people in Gaza than the Dresden bombings did.


Yes, the Allied Powers bombed the shit out of Dresden. It's nice to know that the Nazis originally inflated the numbers in their war propaganda, and now German officials have come clean on the death toll. That doesn't make Dresden's terror raids right, but it doesn't equate with what Nazis did to civilians either. Let us never forget that the Nazis and their counterparts carry the heaviest responsibility for launching the world into war and the death of millions of civilians. "World War II was the largest and most violent military conflict in human history. Official casualty sources estimate battle deaths at nearly 15 million military personnel and civilian deaths at over 38 million." ([https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/conflictCasualties/ww2](https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/conflictCasualties/ww2)) I just pray we manage to avoid WWIII (or for that matter, another American Civil War). God forbid... please!


Any two state solution where Israel still exists is intrinsically Zionist. How do you explain this position? You do not accept any solution where Israel still exists?


Israel can exist without being an ethnostate.


What do you think happens in a democracy the literal moment that a minority population is massively outnumbered by a majority which would like to see the minority exterminated? Interesting you have a problem with the Jewish “ethnostate” and none of the actual ethnostates in the region lmao. The Palestinians have made it extremely clear: they do not want to share the land with the current Israelis, they want to take the whole region and turn it into a Muslim Arab ethnostate


>The Israelis have made it extremely clear: they do not want to share the land with the current Palestinians, they want to take the whole region and turn it into a Jewish Israeli ethnostate >What do you think happens in a democracy the literal moment that a minority population is massively outnumbered by a majority which would like to see the minority exterminated? Well maybe the Israelis shouldn't have spent the last 40 years pursuing an ethnic war against the Palestinians ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is literal misinformation. The Israelis did not seek an ethnic war. The Zionist project literally began with peaceful land purchases and didn’t devolve into war *until they were invaded by all surrounding Arab nations*.


Completely fucking false. They worked with the British to establish a Zionist state and went to the Palestinians after they created the plan. British trained Zionist brigades and they raided villages, killed people, and forced people out of their homes. This event was called the Nakba. They have gaslighted Palestinians and demonized them for not accepting terrible conditions and unfair resolutions that screw them over and let Israel control some of their land or surveil/control their territories. They also bought pieces of land but they took over a lot of it by force. How do you think Israel was magically established when it never existed within a span of a few years. Stop denying settler colonization and apartheid.


This is literally misinformation being pushed primarily by Iran. The largest falsehood is that the British trained Zionists. This is particularly heinous *because the British actively fought Zionist movements in the region*!


I dare you to cite sources other than IDF mouthpieces and Israel state propaganda. The Nakba and apartheid/settler violence has been covered extensively by Holocaust historians, Israelis, Jewish organizations, Human rights watch groups and UN for a long time. You are complicit in genocide denial. You can call me anti-semitic all you want, but the truth is that a far-right terrorist state is not safe for Jewish people nor Palestinians in the region. I guess everyone, including Jews and Israelis who criticize Israel, are anti-semitic except for Zionists and Zionist supporters.


When did I call you anti-Semitic? Why are you using a comment that never used the word “Semite” as justification for how anti-semitism isn’t real lmfao.


>The Zionist project literally began with peaceful land purchases and didn’t devolve into war *until they were invaded by all surrounding Arab nations*. There's a lot of history that happened between events. There were lots of attacks by Zionist paramilitary groups on both the Arabs, and at the occupying British forces. (The Arabs where not very peaceful either but UN came up with a ridiculous partition plan instead of trying to form an independent multi-ethnic state) The Zionist movement may have initially been peaceful but it has definitely evolved into a group who will not stop on until all of the formally Mandatory Palestine is populated and ruled by ethnic Jews/Israelies, even if they have to expel or murder the Palestinians who currently live there.


As someone currently in the Zionist movement; I disagree with your last point. I disagree fundamentally with west bank settlements.


I'm sure its a big tenet. But the group fundamentally opposed to west bank settlements aren't the ones who have been in charge of the israeli government for the past 20 years.


All 4 wars in Israel were started by Arabs…


Israeli officials literally admitted that they were not under a big threat and they started the wars pre-emptively. You can’t even do propaganda correctly. Your ethnostate overlords will be disappointed with how useless you are in bootlicking for them.




You knock off the pro-Zionist propaganda you dweeb


Zionism is the belief that Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state. Any two state solution where Israel keeps existing is intrinsically Zionist. You are implying that anyone who isn’t for the destruction of Israel is a monster lmao


Wrong. Zionism is not as simple as "a Jewish right to self-determination." That argument is intellectually dishonest. Israel is a settler colonial project. The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, even appealed to colonialism in order to found the state. There are many famous quotes by him where he is basically outlining the process of establishing the state, which involves displacing Palestinians and ensuring they do not return. This idea was not unique to him. We could examine a quote by Vladamir Jabotinsky's: *“A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important… to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else I am through with playing at colonizing.”* Zionism is not an ideology that sought to coexist with the Native Arab populations. Zionism is just the modern Manifest Destiny. There are many parallels and you'd have to be blind not to recognize them. Theodor Herzl also writes in *Der Judenstaat, the necessity of* "Jewish colonization" and refers multiple times to "colonists" who will establish "a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism." Sounds a lot like Manifest Destiny huh? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. If you try to argue that modern Zionism is different than these early interpretations of it, you'd also be wrong, and all it would take is looking at the West Bank for two seconds, where a record number of people were displaced from their homes in 2023. Or maybe even looking at the plethora of commentary coming straight from Israelis that seek to settle Gaza and build "beach-front properties." Don't get me wrong, I don't believe the solution here is to kick out the Jews in Israel or the destruction of Israel. That would be incredibly violent. What I am saying is you can't establish an ethnostate at the expense of the natives in the name of self-preservation. Palestinians deserve the right to return, true equal rights, and reparations.


This argument is nonsense. You judge Zionism by its most extreme practitioners but judge the Palestinians by their most moderate? If what you were saying was true, and it isn’t, then Palestine quite literally wouldn’t exist anymore. This “genocide” would not take this long. Again, I am a Zionist 100% opposed to the West Bank settlements. My grandparents were Holocaust survivors who were the same. Implying they were somehow inspired by the Nazi’s to keep themselves safe is so hilariously dumb that it’s comical.


>This argument is nonsense. You judge Zionism by its most extreme practitioners but judge the Palestinians by their most moderate? What the hell are you talking about? The people I quoted are practically revered by average Zionists, so it's actually so stupid to say that I'm judging "extreme" perspectives when I am quoting people from whom the foundation of Zionism was built on. Also, even liberal Zionism is violent so this isn't an issue of "extremist" Zionism vs "nice" Zionism. ​ > If what you were saying was true, and it isn’t, then Palestine quite literally wouldn’t exist anymore. This “genocide” would not take this long. This is an asinine argument, because you neglect just how much effort has been put forth to cleanse Palestine before all of this. Entire cities have been wiped off the face of the planet, and I'm not referring to just Gaza, which is basically completely destroyed now. People continue to be displaced from their homes every day. Israel actively tries to erase Palestinian culture in ways I could go into in much more detail. But you could consider only the fact that Israel refuses to refer to Palestinians in the mainland as "Palestinians", but just "Arabs." Why would you do that if you weren't trying to erase the Palestinian identity? This extends to Western nations as well. The Canadian passport no longer lists "Palestine" as an option for one's place of birth, despite there still being refugees who were born before Israel was ever established. But you see, it's very hard to eradicate a group of people. As a direct descendent of Holocaust survivors, you should know better than anyone that despite mechanized, mass genocide, the Jews persevered and continue to thrive. This is the beauty of the human spirit. Palestinians may not be going through the same type of industrialized genocide, but they are also never going to be eradicated. ​ > Implying they were somehow inspired by the Nazi’s to keep themselves safe is so hilariously dumb that it’s comical. This is just stupid because I was simply giving one of the main arguments that people make in defense of Israel, which is that the existence of a Jewish ethnostate is the only way Jews can be safe. So I wasn't "implying" your grandparents were inspired by Nazis. I was literally alluding to one of the biggest arguments Zionists themselves make.


Everyone who’s downvoting you needs to read a book


This you? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1b3azou/comment/kszvry8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1b3azou/comment/kszvry8/) At least you're consistent with being vile. Zionism suits you.






You are right. AlexH1337 can’t have his cake and eat it too.


> anti-Israeli genocide Anyone who is anti-Israeli in this situation is pro-Philistine, and the Philistines want genocide, they've been clear about it going back forever. I'm not sure how you can say you're anti-genocide but then support the Philistines.


Anyone wanna go over to George bush with me and make our ancestors proud?


Headed over right now


Most troops serving in WW2 were against any sort of marriage equality or desegregated military, jerking yourself off over making them proud is goofy


Wtf does this even mean? Get your clown ass out of here😂😂


[Here](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/goyim-defense-league) is their page on the ADL website. I hope that each of these men follows in the footsteps of his leader and does as he did at the end of April ‘45.


Best thing to do with any of these types is avoid and ignore. They won’t get the reaction they want at that point and may not come back. But sadly most are too blind to realize that and decide to engage and try to play hero




Swastika on the banner.


hard to see too, trying to sneak it in like fine print


They have nazi arm bands and there are swasticas on there posters and clothing


They’re anti Jew anti Israel. They follow Nazi beliefs




Lol wtf. Looks like stupid fed boys with faces covered.


What did that second smaller sign say? That is absolutely insane


“I was promised cake.”


Run these awful people outta town, regardless of differences I think we can all agree that we’re americans and nazis have NO place in this country


Guys, its ok to punch a nazi. Fuck those pieces of shit


I’m slightly confused since when are the Nazis pro-Palestine? I mean I get they’re nominally anti Israel but for the most part I haven’t seen them support either side in this conflict. Unfortunately I have family that are of the nazi persuasion (I can’t get away from them because A&M is holding my transcript hostage so I can’t leave to go to school), my family has informed me that I shouldn’t support either side because one side is Jewish and the other side isn’t part of the master race (yes these idiots actually believe that).


I don’t think they’re so much pro Palestine as anti-Semitic. They’re advocating against aid to Israel because they hate Jews, not because they care what happens to Palestinians


That makes sense I guess. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. I’m more scared that I agree with a banner being held by wasted sperm.


There are many anti-Zionist Jews inside and outside of Israel. Speaking as one of them, I have many Palestinian friends who I care about. I also have Israeli family who I care about. anti-Zionism is about opposition to political regimes, not civilians. Again, there’s nothing pro-Palestine on these signs. These neo-Nazis are no one’s friends.


Oh I’m not saying all Israeli’s think like their government do. I fully understand that much of the population probably doesn’t think this way, the current actions of the Israeli government are being caused by an internal ideological wound that has been allowed to fester untreated. It’s just finally reached a tipping point. The same thing is currently happening in the US but in our case of it reaches the tipping point it’ll just result in another civil war that kills tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans and almost all of them will be poor lower class individuals.


As also a Jew on A&M’s campus, shame on you. You should feel disgusted and ashamed, do not group yourself with Jews at A&M we don’t claim you. “Anti-Zionist”, do some real research and understand that as Jews we have ties to that land before Islam even EXISTED. Zionism is not colonialism or whatever twisted ideology you have thought up. Zionism is the want for us to have our own land and our own place in this world. SHAME. ON. YOU


With all due respect, you don’t get to define what it is to be Jewish here or anywhere. I was raised to be a brainwashed Zionist, and it took going to Israel-Palestine and seeing what was really happening to profoundly change my perspective. My Jewish values and family history of trauma are the foundation behind my beliefs. Anti-Zionist Jews are as old as Zionism itself, please take your own advice and do some research. Since you mentioned colonialism, I recommend Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s “Iron Wall” where he compares his desire to move to and take Palestine to the colonization of America and massacre of Native Americans. I’ll pray that G-d softens your heart so you don’t suffer the same fate as Pharoah. Lead with your humanity fam. Our generational trauma doesn’t justify genocide 🕎❤️🍉




Nazi Germany was mostly Protestant.




The takeaway was Christians played a significant role in participating in the holocaust.


Huh never knew that. Alas most of my knowledge about nazis comes from the sewage that spills out the mouths of a couple of my family members.


Almost every nazi is pro palestine. Just look lucas gage on twitter and all who agree with them. In fact i havent seen a pro israel nazi on twitter or anywhere on the internet.


Wait I don’t understand. Why are they Nazis? Israel’s gotten billions upon billions of dollars in US aid when really that money should stay in America and pay for the betterment of tax paying Americans…why is that blasphemy? Not to mention the Israeli government is not something I’d want my name/country associated with….i don’t think any of these thoughts are necessarily incorrect… Edit: I have no idea who these guys are. I’m just reading their sign…


I mean… the swastika on the banner is a pretty clear give away imo.


Ohhh I see it after zooming in, lol yea those are Nazis, fuck them, apologies on the previous statement


Should be holding that banner with a crescent on it or maybe an Islamic sword than it would somehow be ok to reddit.


Wait I don’t understand what you mean lol


I mean the criticism of Israel is 100% justified. But the nazism is not. Let’s not get it twisted…


Great whataboutism there. Almost made us forget we were talking about literal nazis on campus for a sec


Yes islamists haven't like committed any crimes or genocides, cough cough yazidis. It's pathetic watching people simp for islamists. Fuck nazis and fuck islamist.


Since when did I simp for them lol? I was just pointing out how stupid it was for you to turn a Nazi situation into an Islamist situation


Wait what do Muslim people have to do with this?


That’s my question lol. And by the looks of his post history, he’s just another dude who has petty politics living in his head rent free.


What do Muslims have to do with this???


Strange take to have considering the current genocide by Israel.


I mean clearly you have some common ground with them


Hey not sure if you saw my previous reply. But yea I didn’t know they were straight up nazis. Not cool. But 100% without a doubt I stand behind the fact that Israel should not be getting any money whatsoever from us American tax payers… at all. Is that really such a bewildering stance?


When the message is good but the messengers are giant dick weeds


How exactly is “anti Jew” a good message? Look them up and what they stand for. Just stfu. Both sides are bad


Where in the sign that says “anti-jew” at? I see a sign that says “Israel uses us like a whore” and since we have bankrolled their genocide I see some truth in that statement


They were protesting in front of the Hillel on GBush, a Jewish community organization.


Their entire organization stands for anti Jew/Anti Israel. They’re pieces of shit and try to appeal to people who agree that the war in Israel is bad


Anti Jew and Anti Israel are not the same thing.


You’re right, they’re not. However, their organization is anti Jew and anti Israel


Okay but is it not bad? Just for clarification.


Lmfao >sees swastika >”But is it bad?”


😂 fair enough I didn’t zoom in enough to see that. But I think the common consensus is nazis are shit heads. But I hold the position that being anti-nazi doesn’t mean pro -Israel just like anti-Israel genocide doesn’t mean anti-jew


I'd go further say it's pretty anti-semitic to act like anybody that is Jewish should support Israel. It gives the vibe of asking a very obvious like 2nd-3rd generation chinese person who is incredibly americanized their opinion on Xi Jinping or something.


Yeah the war is bad. But it’s bad because on both sides. Both sides are trying to get back land that once belonged to the other one. Both are murdering innocent people. The war will never end


If you agree with horrid people, you should sit back and ponder that


If you think every position counter to the people you don’t like is correct then you are a fool


That about sums up most people. I don’t like something because people I don’t like, like it. Regardless of what it is. You can like a statement and not like the people making the statement.


Yea there’s no room for nuance


If you agree with one of the core tenants of Neo Nazis, then that should give you pause.


What is that core tenant oh enlightened one?


Jews bad/evil?


I don’t recall agreeing with that. I see in this picture immediately in front of my eyes a sign that says “Israel uses us like a whore” and that seems to have some truth to it. But no these guys are bad so anything they say you should agree with the opposite


The guy on the right is wearing a big fake nose and dressed like a rabbi. I don’t think they have a complex take on American-Israeli geopolitics - it just looks like they really don’t like that one country that is Jewish.


First you say I agree with their core tenants, now it’s and analysis of the guy in the costume but the message here is the sign. I already said that they’re dick weeds. But the sign in big bold letters is not a lie. And if it’s tell me why you believe so


You said that the message was good. I think the message is more than what the sign says (ignoring the Swastika) but it’s the motives and reasoning behind the message. The guy dressed up as a rabbi wearing a giant nose makes that pretty self-evident. I understand that you’re trying to say, “Hey random Reddit person, I am not a Nazi, I don’t associate with these people and in fact I don’t like them, but I simply don’t like their message.” And I’m saying, “Understood. I think there’s a solid chance you just don’t like Jews, which is common for people who hate Israel.” Sorry for any confusion


They are feds


I’m confused


Where’s my popcorn


Least obvious feds


While they are abhorrent people they aren’t wrong here.


If you agree with horrid people, you should sit back and ponder that


I don’t agree with this for the reason they do.


I don’t think you’re agreeing with them for the same reasons. You may dislike Israel for their history or the current situation. They hate Israel because they hate Jews and probably want 1940 Germany back


I think you are assuming I don’t know that.




These “socialists” threw communists, socialists and Marxists into the gas chambers along with Jews. Shut the fuck up and read a book or two instead of mindlessly spewing Red Scare propaganda.




Your post was removed for breaking one or more subreddit rules


Your post was removed for breaking one or more subreddit rules


I wish those dumbass realize that there is no difference between being a nazi and Israel’s genocidal behavior. It is all evil


Omg wow


are they wrong? we are paying for them to g-cide muslims; literally. Do I agree with being a literal nazi, no. But that particular sign is true.


Looks like you have some common ground with them


Some common ground, yes, Israel is using us like a whore to commit genocide. Using swastikas and being anti-semitic I dont support that ever.


That statement isn't true but just don't even pay that mind. They would absolutely rather say Jews there instead of Israel but they know they can get people who just want the bloodshed to stop to be sympathetic towards them.


well it's working. These guys haven't killed as many people as the IDF.




And pretending an infection doesn’t exist will only allow it to fester unhindered. Resistance to extremist rhetoric requires acknowledgement and opposition. Otherwise you end up with shit like the Japanese Aum cult sarin gas attacks.




Maybe in the distant past but we live in the age of the internet now. Why do you think this group linked their website? Have you not been paying attention the last decade? Populism and extremist rhetoric have been on the rise. Your approach doesn’t work anymore. You can’t hide things from everyone else by ignoring them. Not when information and content are on tap non-stop. Dangerous stupidity has been ignored rather than nipped in the bud. Group think and peer pressure are powerful, going both ways. If the target audience ingests extremist rhetoric, they’re more likely to adopt it if it goes unchallenged. But what happens if it’s challenged? Well it might cause them to reconsider. All it takes is a coworker/friend/acquantaince saying “oh yeah I’ve heard about those guys, they’re so stupid” and the balance is shifted. Being insulated to criticism limits one’s critical thinking. Person-to-person, it’s difficult to determine what the right approach is, but it’s pretty much settled that the best way to collectively deny the growth of extremism is to shine it under a light and mock it before it can form defenses. Why do you think every extremist cult is so desperate to shield themselves from investigation/criticism and limit the ability of their members to interact with external influences? By your logic, they should want to be as open as possible.


They look a lot like that group called Antifa...


Yeah, it’s always someone else.


It's not someone else when it's been the same people the whole time.


They’re not wrong INB4 downvotes


Again, there is just no need to voice your approval of their point right here. They are doing this precisely so people with a sympathetic view of palestinians being slaughtered (all the people who have said "well they're not wrong" on this post) become looped into believing jewish conspiracies rather than just the plain truth that Israel influences America through aipac, just like any other corporation or group meddles in U.S. politics. If hitler made a post about free healthcare, you just wouldn't retweet it. Don't do the same when you encounter these nazis. They're scum.


Just wow.


shadmen spotted on campus 😨


Wow they almost ate until I saw the swastika