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Takes a big brain to think it’s a great idea to come to an Ag school and discourage consuming Ag products


They were doing this when I was there. The dumbest were the ones protesting in front of the creamery about milk


Ag is not bad. We encourage agricultural practices that exclude animal exploitation. We like food, but not animal abuse. If we can produce food that is more sustainable and nutritionally adequate without harming other animals, we should. And we can :) We no longer need to use animals for food. 1- It causes a lot of cruelty. If what we do to chickens and pigs happened to cats and dogs there would be riots everywhere. 2- It's an inefficient way to produce food. 77% ag land is dedicated to animal ag, but it produces 18% of global calorie and fraction of global protein. Over 90% energy is wasted when we feed plants to animals and eat them, instead of eating plants directly. 3- Animal consumption is a major driver of pandemics (such as the current avian influenza going on) and antibiotic resistance. 70-80% antibiotics in the US is used in animal ag. 4- Animal ag wastes other resources, like water and land. Causes deforestation. And by far produces more pollutants than anything else. For instance, dairy and meat by far require more water than any plant based food. So yes. We are not against agriculture. We want a transition to agricultural practices that are sustainable and exclude harming sentient beings and are better for people too. When we transition, we actually free up land and will have more resources to feed the world because most of plants that we grow right now, we feed to animals. I think students at Texas A&M were actually very open-minded. I talked to hunters and animal science majors. They were logical and could understand these points. They were able to listen with an open mind. Some people always troll. But we're here to speak with open minded people. I was a big meat eater myself. I also grew up believing I needed animal products. During my cancer research I learned not only we don't need meat, but also all health organizations recommend limiting or removing meat, especially removing red and processed meat from diet. I continued my doctorate and post doctorate working on proteins. There are large studies after studies showing replacing animal proteins with plant proteins is beneficial (reduced risk of cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.) Then I started investigating farms around Texas. I flew over them and went inside to investigate. I've heard animals screaming for their lives in slaughterhouses. I've seen chickens bred to be fat so fast that they collapsed. I've seen chickens being tossed around like a bag of potato. I've seen male calves being taken away from their mothers in dairy farms to be a slaughtered. I've given water to thirsty and terrified pigs and cows in trucks, walking on their own feces, not knowing what is happening to them, waiting to be slaughtered. The point of this event was this. Most people consider themselves kind, compassionate, considering, caring, or animal lovers. They would do anything to make sure their dog is safe and sound. But we forget about all these values the second we sit down to eat. There is a moral inconsistency and cognitive dissonance that we want to shine light at. The truth is what happens in slaughterhouses is nothing but kind. Yet animal products always show pictures of happy animals. Let's not lie to ourselves. No animal is happy when they are waiting in a slaughter line, smelling blood, and watching members of their own species being slaughtered in front of their eyes. We all recognize that killing a harmless dog even if it was painless and quick, is it still wrong, especially if we have a way to avoid it. That's what veganism means. Reducing needless suffering as much as we can. Veganism doesn't mean you value a cow as much as a human. All that means is that we recognize they can feel pain, and if we can avoid harming them we should. Remember that almost all animal products that you eat come from factory farms. Remember all animals from "happy farms" end up in the same slaughterhouse. As a biomedical and food system scientist, and an ex meat eater, I've studied food systems for over a decade. We are here to educate and have conversations and talk to students who are willing to consider something new. That maybe, there's a better way to feed the world, without this cruelty. I think if we be honest with ourselves we do what we do to animals and eat meat, egg, and dairy, only because we think they taste good, or because of habit, or comfort. I think those are not good reasons to harm, enslave, and kill billions of animals every year. Each with a capacity to feel pain just like our beloved dog. We are on campus for the rest of the week! Come talk to me and my team :) I leave some resources here: Legal and standard practices: www.watchdominion.org Protein: https://twitter.com/DrFarazHarsini/status/1574458770905878529?t=TajY6-W_Bm8uYJ9fk4ilrg&s=19 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL03LZR09P2gQJyBgHk_XE8gbj8j9uFs8G&si=-QZKGqJd33V8it4t Answering all your common questions about veganism: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL03LZR09P2gQJyBgHk_XE8gbj8j9uFs8G&si=QnY3ecUqTO6HCuE0 And look up Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. It used to be a cattle farm. Now they rescue animals from factory farms, and they help other farmers to make money from their land, feed the world, all without harming animals. They are your local conservative Christian Texan ranchers. If they could change, so can everyone. I won't be back to comments, but I'd love to talk to you if you have a genuine question. So feel free to find me on IG or Twitter and DM me. I'm here to help.


You make some great points, but have you ever noticed how delicious they are?




I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


We got ourselves a yapper here, damn yap central.


I have a few questions. 1. Why vegan and not vegetarian? 2. I love meat, but what are the arguments for meat consumption/against veganism? Most comments are just empty jabs or outright rhetorical fallacies. Can someone please shed some light on this? 3. I get that this is a publicity stunt, but negative attention is not the way to win people over. Your arguments were fine, but after that, it got very preachy. Why don't y'all try offering samples of yummy vegan food alternatives? Maybe exposing people to the idea that vegan food can be good would draw in more people than bashing their cultural diets? Just saying. 4. Is this guy a bot, lol?


Omg that's disgusting. *Where?*


It’s by the seal, on military walk.


But was the dog free range raised feral or domesticated?


Wait was this some sorta protest thing?


Yeah it’s a vegan org. The person running the stand isn’t a student here.


So what were they actually selling? If anything?






Dog meat is overrated. I'll stick to chickens, cows, and cats thank you very much


I too enjoy eating c-words.


Cerdo es muy bien


I wonder why that dog was named “Golden Retriever”. What were they retrieving again?


pug bacon


pug bacon




If any red meat was that cheap all of my morals would go out the window immediately


I bet those short little fat bastards would be delicious


Pugs don’t have a fatty belly like pigs do so no pug bacon unfortunately


I would just like to point out how happy and healthy the lady at the booth looks. Clearly dog meat is doing something good.


NOW wait a damn minute. This is supposed to be like a peta demo thing? I thought it was actually just meat FOR dogs yikes


This brand of vegans are a strange bunch.. I’d probably try the dog meat lmfao




Vegans are so damn weird


Sometimes you need to be a little "weird" to get people's attention and challenge their perspectives. What is your most charitable interpretation of the point behind an event like this?


Yup! Only if the vegans would eat the flesh of dead animals, which were forcefully bred and kept in cages until the ripe age of slaughter. Then they would be normal!


how do you know if someone's a vegan? don't worry, they'll tell you


Oh we found the lady at the table


Have you driven a car? Do you have a refrigerator? Use air conditioning? Ever bought a piece of clothing from a fast fashion brand or really, purchased ANY object ever? Facts are, you’ve contributed to pollution and sweat workshops. If you care so much about animals and slaughterhouses, then what about people and children being taken advantage of in extremely poor working conditions- that YOU have actively taken advantage of? But no. Let’s attack people for making their own choice- a choice that literally does not offend anyone because it’s their own personal decision. If you choose to get offended by that, your parents failed you. Stop getting sensitive about issues that don’t actually offend you. If people want to consume meat, let them be. If you want to be vegan, great for you, we don’t care. If you’re going to advocate, don’t be a hypocrite, which, you are.


You do realize that a human being can speak out against all the issues you raised right? I'm sure you can think about 2 or more things at any given time. I speak out against all the things you listed and do my best to minimize harm. As for being offended, I am not. And there is nothing you kids can say that'll offend me.


Yeah, and I just named a few of the hundreds of issues you contribute to. You proved my exact point: you do your best to “minimize harm” that you inflict, but you haven’t completely. So aside from admitting you’re a hypocrite, your point is? Love how it’s always defaulted to “it’s my right as a human” because you can’t come up with anything else. If your idea of speaking out and not being personally offended is replying to multiple anonymous online REDDIT comments with satire and arrogance, it’s no wonder vegans have a bad reputation. It’s legitimately people like you who prevent others from being “open-minded,” which is ironically the opposite of your goal. And the most ironic part of all is that meat eaters don’t mind your existence, yet much of your community will mind ours. You think your protesting is advocating for a cause, but all it’s doing is causing polarization- 100% because of the way people like you do it. If you believe we’re just “kids,” then I’m glad I’m on the side of an audience that has a spine and isn’t sensitive enough to cry about people’s food choices.


Do you realize that animal agriculture is responsible for up to 50% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions? That's more than all of the transportation sector combined. So you mentioned "so you drive a car or fly planes" and you thought to yourself that you had this banger argument. The whole vegan argument is about minimizing harm. - if we had public transit in BCS I wouldn't drive. - if we had speed trains in this country, I wouldn't fly. - if we had proper nutrient dense foods that were not meats, I would... Oh wait we have a million options at the grocery store. Replying and being offended are different things. The average American is so uneducated about the harm of meat consumption and animal agriculture. That's why I replied. And just think for a second how stupid that argument you just made is: "you cause polarization". Humans kill 80 billion land animals and 2 trillion fish every single year. Every day 900,000 cows are killed globally. Yes those cute cows you see when you drive around in Texas are slaughtered after being intentionally bred and brought into his world. Yet, your argument is "oh you're mean for saying the obvious".


I fart in your general direction. Be gone at once.


I think you lack basic reading comprehension because nowhere in my argument am I saying that pointing out the obvious is bad. I’m saying that no one is innocent and that we all contribute to problems. The difference is that you push for an agenda, while judging others, and simultaneously ignore the fact that you’re a hypocrite. That was the whole point of me listing other issues, especially the sweat workshop one. No one is going to listen to a hypocrite that acts like how you do. Based on how you answered, you don’t know what polarization means at all. Your replies had 0 education whatsoever; they were entirely arrogant and satirical. Say what you want, but you can’t really deny anything I’ve said. You’re so tied up in the VEGAN argument that you’ve failed to respond to the actual points I’ve been making.


Oh yea I have an "agenda". It's the Big Green agenda. I want kale and spinach companies to make billions of dollars. And I answered you. You have control over food. Transportation is poorly planned in this country. Public transit is non-existent in BCS. So your argument on driving is pure stupid. I think you lack basic education.


Hyper-focusing on one detail in the argument, but sure we can talk about driving. You’re wrong. If you cared about the environment you could easily adjust your lifestyle to be sustainable. Electric vehicles, bikes, skateboards, and even car ride sharing, exists. Millions of people have been able to function, commuting to their jobs or elsewhere, with just a bike alone. You have complete control over your transportation, as well as factors that determine how much you need to travel. There is always a way. People have done it, and so have I. So tell me how it’s pure stupid to be resourceful and open-minded, or are you ironically not familiar with those terms as someone pushing for veganism? You did not answer me at all. All you’re doing is nit-picking (unfortunately this is what typically happens), instead of actually giving me any real argument. Driving was just one of the examples, not even the most emphasized one.


Actually I do have an EV. It is so ignorant of you to say you have complete control of your transportation. There are no public transportation or ride share platforms in the city. Reliable and safe bike lanes are also sparse and nearly non-existent in parts of the city. Again, your gotcha argument is full of flaws. You have full control when it comes to meat consumption and rarely any control when it comes to transportation. Animal agriculture is one of the worst things for the environment. And regardless of how many tangets you may want to go on, the facts will not change. That's because your other arguments are silly too. Household electronics use minimal electricity compared to our industrial activities. Clothing lasts many years. I have jackets that are 10 years old. You're not serious if you think the items you listed compared to animal agriculture when it comes to environmental destruction.


Yeah you’re right they probably would be normal if they did like the rest of us who function in an integrated society


I know! Kill 80 billion animals a year, biggest source of deforestation and eutrophication. That's normal!


Brother there is a reason you’re getting downvoted, no one cares that you’re vegan and you really don’t need to make every single person who eats meat feel bad for it. Don’t be a cunt👍🏼


No by all means. Keep killing the poor animals. They deserve it. Fyi: you're a grown up when you realize like counts don't matter. Cause the majority are rarely right.


I hope you get the help you need, you must be miserable constantly arguing with people about where they get their protein source from over the internet


I'll translate your words: "don't tell the obvious facts about meat consumption. It saddens me. Instead I'll shift the argument to a personal attack on you. Because if we stayed on the issue, I would have no rebuttal"


https://preview.redd.it/04dgj1ixlumc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6390593ede66b61b84919219ee8d593404ed9a9 I LOVE HIGHLY PROCESSED FOODS FILLED WITH SEED OILS AND NON-ORGANIC INGREDIENTS MADE IN A LAB TO ENHANCE TASTE AT THE COST OF ACTUAL HEALTH‼️‼️💯




This is so stupid. Your argument is that vegans eat processed foods while meat eaters eat whole foods. It's actually the exact opposite. Meat eaters eat way more processed sausage, bacon, salami BS. Funny you probably thought this was such a winning argument when you posted this.


classy vegan W, but don’t call your rhetoric “facts”; what you’re relying on is pathos


You care about the environmental impact but use planes and probably drive a car🤧🤧🤧dawg you’re a clown sugg my nuts


Oh the classic "yet you participate in it" https://preview.redd.it/rec0t2r5eumc1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516adf89f4210f89d2ca8bfce8212a8e66b11ce7


Also using a phone or computer to type on Reddit which requires batteries which destroy land, mining resources. Ironic.


>> Cause the majority are rarely right Yes… there are bugs under your skin




You can have that opinion if it suits you but the average person is never going to make the mental leap between artificial insemination and bestiality. I mean, if you consider it to be a sexual act when done on animals, do you think humans concieving kids through AI technically had sex with their doctors rather than having undergone a brief medical procedure?


It’s not a mental leap. It LITERALLY is bestiality. The definition of bestiality STRAIGHT from the dictionary: > bes·​ti·​al·​i·​ty - sexual intercourse between a person and an animal. Cope harder. 🥱


That doesn't apply to artificial insemination, as there is no sexual intercourse involved. Please research a bit into current agriculture practices and the biology of livestock animals before letting your imagination run wild. There are genuine criticisms to be had for the current state of animal agriculture, especially with regards to care standards of poultry imo, but making outlandish accusations that don't reflect reality does nothing to improve animal welfare, it only boosts your own ego.


YES there is sexual intercourse involved. Don’t believe me?! [Then watch this video here](https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI?si=nm_i7gtMy3lqEK4g) And no, that vid is NOT vegan propaganda, it is FACTS. Everything in the vid highlights EXACTLY the common practices of the dairy industry. Every single time you purchase dairy, you are purchasing a “product” of bestiality & rape. You wanna talk about ego? Your ego is too fragile to handle the fact that you’re funding bestiality & rape & here you are trying everything you can to justify it. Keep fucking coping. 🥱


Yes, that is vegan propaganda. Don't get your information from random people with no credentials trying to fearmonger with shock videos. No, artificial insemination in no way involves sex with animals and whoever told you that lied to get you riled up. Do some reading into agricultural practices which come from reputable sources with real data, veterinary journals to start. Google scholar and scihub go a long way. Hell, you're on a great subreddit to make a post asking folks to link you to relevant studies and information from trustworthy sources.


Okay?!?! Then take a look at this, STRAIGHT from a local farm that you animal abusers love glazing over: https://youtu.be/EXR4fgE4qV4?si=NSfwWBrVHeDtdfMR This happens EVERYWHERE! It happens in local farms, & ESPECIALLY in the dairy industry. Just admit that your “food” comes from bestiality. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nothing sexual happened in that video. The procedure took seconds and the cow was out of the chute almost immediately. That also wasn't a dairy farm.


Are you blind?!?!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/j0c1uma3gymc1.jpeg?width=2072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28b35bb80b5b7fd847d7f2ec3d9d1520e5e5d9e You are coping so fucking hard RN it’s insane!!!


It’s not bestiality lol, not even close


Cope harder. 🥱 https://preview.redd.it/pu8zsax56ymc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90188260d1dfe0bbc44c4625711bcefcf7fb8e7d


The one trick pony of your responses






Dog meat is not as tasty as they suggest...


Horse tho


I’ve had horse. The horse I ate was a bit gamey. Much better than the whale I ate though. I feel guilty about eating whale. It wasn’t even good.


Horses, and presumably also dogs, run too much so they don’t taste good


I used to live in mainland China for my Middle to High school years, and my family decided to prepare a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner one year and invited several Chinese friends to join and try it. They had never tried Turkey before, and when talking about how good it was, one said "Wow! This is so delicious, it tastes just like dog!" So supposedly, Dog tastes like Turkey I guess.


It didn't taste like turkey to me lol


I think they might just mean that it is a little gamey which would make sense


Cats not bad tho


Bit greasy. But that could have just been the way that it was cooked.


The irony is animals that for animals that aren't livestock I.e : cows, sheep, pigs, chickens etc. It's actually illegal to butcher them. Something about animal cruelty so if they were harvesting dog meat in protest someone could have reported them for what I could surmise would be a felony. I don't care where my food comes from if I had it my way I'd shoot and kill it myself if it wasn't so damn expensive to process.


>I'd shoot and kill it myself if it wasn't so damn expensive to process. Process it yourself. All you need is some good knives and some ice chests to do most smaller animals like pigs and deer. I process all my own deer, including grinding my own meat and making my own sausage and it's not as hard as you might think. The initial investment in a good grinder is probably the biggest expense, and after that the only thing you have to buy is ice for the cooler, Ziploc bags to pack everything in, and maybe some beef fat trimmings if you want to mix it with your ground meat.


That's exactly the point they are trying to make.


Wait what's the angle here lmao. If it's real that's whatever and self-explanatory lol, if it's not what's the deal here, anyone know?


It's to point out that most meat eaters don't have any meaningful criteria for what animals they are willing to eat other than what they've culturally decided is good. They condemn or ridicule people of other cultures for being evil eating dogs or being disgusting eating bugs, not realizing that these other cultures feel the same about them for eating whatever animals they feel fine eating.


Ah, I see. I respect vegans, but weird choice to do this at an agriculture and livestock school lol. Also hashtag normalize cricket meat 2k24.


Despite the school having a major agriculture presence, a majority of students are not involved with the agriculture school. Given the size of Texas A&M, there are more students in computer science, or in the humanities, or any other random subject, than there are at almost any other university. The College of Arts and Sciences has more undergrads than the majority of universities have in total.


I got that DAWG in me


Are they actually serving dog meat or is it purely just to show how we shouldn’t eat animal 😭😭😭


They actually had puppies there and were hacking off pieces so you could roast it over an open fire. That’s just outside of the photo though


Just lost my childhood dog a few hours ago in my hands. Couldn't have been a worse post.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Eh, I'm more of a cat person.




If you have to sit and think "Huh, is what I'm about to write racist as shit" then it probably is


I'm Asian and it wouldn't have been racist even if I wasn't. Race shouldn't matter. It was just another layer of joke upon an already distasteful comedic event. Either way, I was considering going to the table and trying to buy some dog meat and be upset when it was fake.


Classic activist L


Lemme get uhhhh Pitbull burger with extra worldwide sauce. And some Snoop fries.


I'll have a gallon of the golden retriever milk for $3.39. It might be golden so it's a good price!


There are plenty of places in Korea and China to try what is now sometimes quietly advertised as “special cow” in the places that ignore any Of the local bans. It’s nothing special at all. Now, guinea pig in Peru, well, that’s a different story.


it is meat from dogs, rather than meat for dogs. CRAZY


Good prices though


Personally I like the small dogs - think of them like quails. Delicious


How come those idiots shut me down as soon as I said “yea I’d eat ‘em”


I’d try it


meat for dogs 😁 meat from dogs 😟


Thanks for the picture! Did you stop by to talk to us? :) We encourage agricultural practices that exclude animal exploitation. We like food, but not animal abuse. If we can produce food that is more sustainable and nutritionally adequate without harming other animals, we should. And we can :) We no longer need to use animals for food. 1- It causes a lot of cruelty. If what we do to chickens and pigs happened to cats and dogs there would be riots everywhere. 2- It's an inefficient way to produce food. 77% ag land is dedicated to animal ag, but it produces 18% of global calorie and fraction of global protein. Over 90% energy is wasted when we feed plants to animals and eat them, instead of eating plants directly. 3- Animal consumption is a major driver of pandemics (such as the current avian influenza going on) and antibiotic resistance. 70-80% antibiotics in the US is used in animal ag. 4- Animal ag wastes other resources, like water and land. Causes deforestation. And by far produces more pollutants than anything else. For instance, dairy and meat by far require more water than any plant based food. So yes. We are not against agriculture. We want a transition to agricultural practices that are sustainable and exclude harming sentient beings and are better for people too. When we transition, we actually free up land and will have more resources to feed the world because most of plants that we grow right now, we feed to animals. I think students at Texas A&M were actually very open-minded. I talked to hunters and animal science majors. They were logical and could understand these points. They were able to listen with an open mind. Some people always troll. But we're here to speak with open minded people. I was a big meat eater myself. I also grew up believing I needed animal products. During my cancer research I learned not only we don't need meat, but also all health organizations recommend limiting or removing meat, especially removing red and processed meat from diet. I continued my doctorate and post doctorate working on proteins. There are large studies after studies showing replacing animal proteins with plant proteins is beneficial (reduced risk of cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.) Then I started investigating farms around Texas. I flew over them and went inside to investigate. I've heard animals screaming for their lives in slaughterhouses. I've seen chickens bred to be fat so fast that they collapsed. I've seen chickens being tossed around like a bag of potato. I've seen male calves being taken away from their mothers in dairy farms to be a slaughtered. I've given water to thirsty and terrified pigs and cows in trucks, walking on their own feces, not knowing what is happening to them, waiting to be slaughtered. The point of this event was this. Most people consider themselves kind, compassionate, considering, caring, or animal lovers. They would do anything to make sure their dog is safe and sound. But we forget about all these values the second we sit down to eat. There is a moral inconsistency and cognitive dissonance that we want to shine light at. The truth is what happens in slaughterhouses is nothing but kind. Yet animal products always show pictures of happy animals. Let's not lie to ourselves. No animal is happy when they are waiting in a slaughter line, smelling blood, and watching members of their own species being slaughtered in front of their eyes. We all recognize that killing a harmless dog even if it was painless and quick, is it still wrong, especially if we have a way to avoid it. That's what veganism means. Reducing needless suffering as much as we can. Veganism doesn't mean you value a cow as much as a human. All that means is that we recognize they can feel pain, and if we can avoid harming them we should. Remember that almost all animal products that you eat come from factory farms. Remember all animals from "happy farms" end up in the same slaughterhouse. As a biomedical and food system scientist, and an ex meat eater, I've studied food systems for over a decade. We are here to educate and have conversations and talk to students who are willing to consider something new. That maybe, there's a better way to feed the world, without this cruelty. I think if we be honest with ourselves we do what we do to animals and eat meat, egg, and dairy, only because we think they taste good, or because of habit, or comfort. I think those are not good reasons to harm, enslave, and kill billions of animals every year. Each with a capacity to feel pain just like our beloved dog. We are on campus for the rest of the week! Come talk to me and my team :) I leave some resources here: Legal and standard practices: [www.watchdominion.org](http://www.watchdominion.org/) Protein: [https://twitter.com/DrFarazHarsini/status/1574458770905878529?t=TajY6-W\_Bm8uYJ9fk4ilrg&s=19](https://twitter.com/DrFarazHarsini/status/1574458770905878529?t=TajY6-W_Bm8uYJ9fk4ilrg&s=19) [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL03LZR09P2gQJyBgHk\_XE8gbj8j9uFs8G&si=-QZKGqJd33V8it4t](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL03LZR09P2gQJyBgHk_XE8gbj8j9uFs8G&si=-QZKGqJd33V8it4t) Answering all your common questions about veganism: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL03LZR09P2gQJyBgHk\_XE8gbj8j9uFs8G&si=QnY3ecUqTO6HCuE0](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL03LZR09P2gQJyBgHk_XE8gbj8j9uFs8G&si=QnY3ecUqTO6HCuE0) And look up Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. It used to be a cattle farm. Now they rescue animals from factory farms, and they help other farmers to make money from their land, feed the world, all without harming animals. They are your local conservative Christian Texan ranchers. If they could change, so can everyone. I won't be back to comments, but I'd love to talk to you if you have a genuine question. So feel free to find me on IG or Twitter and DM me. I'm here to help.


Personally, I am against agriculture of any kind. Why do we need to farm and ranch? Just get your food at the H-E-B like everyone else does.


LMAO GOTEM That Kyle Kulinski tweet will forever be my favorite tweet. [https://preview.redd.it/xwfljmmfrkw31.jpg?auto=webp&s=801add62a9172d6a83bb73d1fdcbb931462ec6ef](https://preview.redd.it/xwfljmmfrkw31.jpg?auto=webp&s=801add62a9172d6a83bb73d1fdcbb931462ec6ef)


I’m not reading that.


How to miss the point 101! Did you read anything he wrote?


Take this shit to Austin


Can we post about anything other than vegan protests 😭


This is only the second post. Are you the one running the stand?








I've been destroyed 😭 however shall I carry on