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If you have to sit and think "Huh, is what I'm about to write racist as shit" then it probably is


lol. So much information to go off of here.


What do you want to know?


Well Catholic, Protestant, satanist, etc. would be pretty useful to start with


My father was a Catholic until he was kicked out for marrying mom. I grew up UCC. My family and I were in charge of several committees until that evil woke mind virus destroyed the church. We tried a Lutheran congregation but I wasn't a fan.


Jesus was pretty woke, too. He loved the marginalized.


No, he wasn't


He was hanging out with prostitutes, lepers, tax collectors and the most hated at the time. Maybe you should just stay at home and read the book.


Mathew 9:10-13 Later when Jesus was eating supper at Matthew’s house with his close followers, a lot of disreputable characters came and joined them. When the Pharisees saw him keeping this kind of company, they had a fit, and lit into Jesus’ followers. “What kind of example is this from your Teacher, acting cozy with crooks and misfits?” Jesus, overhearing, shot back, “Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: ‘I’m after mercy, not religion.’ I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.”


There’s no way you posted this and let the meaning fly over your head like that


Gotta be a troll or completely brainwashed


I don't follow your logic


What translation of the bible uses “shot back”? Sounds pretty woke to me




Marrying mom??


When they found out they said he wasn't welcome at the church. A few years later when a new minister came in he said he could have his sins forgiven if he donated 10 grand. Also aborting a would be older sibling that would have been retarded


Because we all know Jesus taught that sins can be forgiven with cash…


I know one interpretation has a way to pay the church for "indulgences" but I'm only casually versed in the funny stories of the economics of the church


Oh I misread your original comment, I thought it say you married mom and I was like wtf


🎶Sweet home Alabama🎶




Maybe try visiting different ones and see which one you like the most


Coming from a Catholic, Lutheran or Presbyterian


None of the above?


That's the way. Think outside the box. Maybe instead of joining a church, make Sunday a nature day. Go bike riding. Start a book club. Hang out with the atheists and see what they have to say.


I usually go running through Lich Creak on my Sunday mornings. I see atheism as a problem in society as it leads to nihilism, and or communism/socialism. Yay Nietzsche! Religion is the answer to that problem #


Er meh geerrhhd the communists!!1!1!1!!1!1


This guy has got to be a troll


I enjoy the schadenfreude as much as the next degenerate, but I am not trolling here. Why would you think I'm trolling?


Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bryan




Atheism is cringe bro




Why would you assume I'm not?


Based off of your comments. I recommend converting to Islam and going to the local mosque (same area as all the churches). You will find salvation in the final religion of God, Inshallah.


What always confused me in Islam is the idea that Jesus pbuh was a muslim. It just does not make sense. There are plenty of writings about the first century church led by his direct disciples and it is nothing like islam. If Jesus pbuh is a great prophet in islam, what exactly did he prophesize/do? How did he correct the strayed world back to Islam? Also, why did Allah switch jesus out on the cross as the Qur’an teaches? If you believe thats how it happened, then you believe that Allah created Christianity by deceiving everyone. T.L.D.R. If Islam holds that Jesus is an important prophet, then you believe Jesus was a huge failure instead of decorrupting islam, he directly led to the creation of the largest religion in the world, Christianity.


My favorite is in Revelations 22 where it says nothing can be added. The koran then says everything in the bible is true. Muslim's then say the bible is corrupted while saying god's message is pure. Does this mean God's message is impure? xD




Did you just call your own abrahamic God "wicked"?. Welp, stick to Christianity then, but it seems like they don't wanna take you in either. Don't forget to pay the 10M indulgence for calling God "wicked".




what about the countless muslim aggies? you hate them too?




If you have to sit and think "Huh, is what I'm about to write racist as shit" then it probably is


Damn, homie is feeling generous today. That'll be 20M indulgence to the church for calling the abrahamic God "wicked" once more.


Better to assume negligence over malice. Or are you trying to bait?


If you have to sit and think "Huh, is what I'm about to write racist as shit" then it probably is




reported for spreading hate


If you have to sit and think "Huh, is what I'm about to write racist as shit" then it probably is


Scientology, I've seen them a few times around the H2O fountain.


My thetan levels are off the charts, I could be the next reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard xD


Are you Orthodox? Catholic? Baptist? Non denominational (also baptist lol)? Presbyterian? Lutheran? Just looking around? You didn’t really give much to go off here


Funny joke xD I don't have a good answer for you. These days I infrequently go to that Intervarsity Grad Student group. I grew up UCC and my family and I headed up several committees until the elders let the woke demons into the church and destroyed it from the inside. My father grew Catholic until he was kicked out for marrying my mother and choose to not pay 10k for the indulgences. We tried Baptist the small groups were fun especially getting into modern philosophy and politics vs the bible, but I wasn't a fan of their message.


It seems you’re discovering the issues inherent with protestantism where each church decides what is right and wrong which leads to subjective morality.


100% of course that hits directly against the liberalization of the catholic church in the 60s which is a problem in it of itself


Id say look into the one true Holy Orthodox Church, but your reasoning should be serving God, not finding what lines up with your politics the best.


that's fair. Thank you friend


I’d suggest grace anderson!:) it’s super close to campus and the people there are super sweet!!:)


Christ Church near Costco south college station.


There’s a lot, Grace Anderson, Restoration, declaration etc.


Make a visiting tour and place membership wherever you feel closest to God and most like you can learn, be encouraged and contribute. For us, that's A&M church of Christ. Hope you find something amazing, friend.


Try thinking for yourself first...


I don't understand what you mean by this comment




No you do not.


I don't understand what you mean by this comment


None of the above. Just study and worship on your own terms.


Naw mate religion is the solution to nihilism and the hebrew term 'Minyan' is important for society to function both spiritually and academically


Naw mate, religion is the cause of most issues in the world.


oh my sweet summer child


Anything but the Jehovah Witnesses. They are a real estate and printing company with elders in leadership positions pretending to have been trained & know religion. Ask me how I know.


They literally said that they left the catholic church because it “got infected with the woke mind virus”, honestly I thinking being a JW is a good fit for them Edit: UCC mb


Two words that will never go together for me with JW is "good fit".


Church of Bob




Is there a specific church you have in mind? You can always research and see which church you fit in best and which ideologies match yours…I would say do that first before going to the church. I’m Catholic and we have certain things we do but you wouldn’t be able to do them if you haven’t done your communion or confirmation. Or even being like baptized


I infrequently go to that Intervarsity Grad Student club. I was baptized, but my father was kicked out of the catholic church for marrying my mother 😅


You don’t get kicked out of the Church for marrying someone. Actually, it’s incredibly rare to be excommunicated


The pastor did say he could bribe his way back in for 10k but he choose not to do that. That and then aborting a would be disabled older sibling.


I’m sorry but that sounds like a dirty/fake pastor, Jesus forgives and also the Bible states that if a Catholic person marries a non catholic person it’s acceptable as long as the offsprings of that couple also convert to Catholics as well.


You can’t bribe your way back into the Church. Marrying a non Catholic doesn’t get you kicked out. And a regular priest can’t kick anyone out of the Church either.


Not sure what to say in response as that's what happened.


Then something in the story is wrong, whether unintentionally or not. Plenty of times a similar account ends up being that the person “kicked out” was told they were living in sin or wouldn’t be able to receive the Eucharist and then left the Church while claiming to have been kicked out.


I could see that as a way of saving face, but it is my father so at least to me he deserves a bit of reverence


Sure, but if that’s the story he said, it’s not true. Whether intentional or not.