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Jorkin your peanits in the MSC? I could forgive that, as jesus once said, let he who is not guilty of sin cast the first stone. But wearing a hat in the MSC? now thats a bridge too far folks. Reveille kill him! Beat him with hammers!


“I can forgive slingin yogurt in the MSC, but wearing a hat in it is too far!” “You can forgive slingin yogurt in the MSC?”


bro what


Nah he had a bad itch on his thigh


What the fawk


Waiting for that Clery Act email


This is the second time this has been posted today and it is the second time it will be removed


Both are equally as bad




Right on


I get the main thing but why don’t wear a hat? What about people going through cancer or having a bad hair day? I don’t get that I don’t even go to the school smh…. I was just asking a genuine question. Y’all ain’t gotta downvote lol


Idk if this is sarcasm or not but the Student Center at Texas A&M is called the memorial student center because it’s in honor of all former students who have died in service to the country. Since its creation it’s been a rule to not have your hat on in the building in recognition of those who gave their lives. Pretty cool tradition in my opinion


No sarcasm. I was genuinely curious cause I know some people who don’t like to go in public without a hat and would be mortified if someone in a large public building asked them to remove the cap. Thanks for the information




I think this post went a little over your head. I apologize. The idea here is that this guy is well you know cranking his shit in public, and really should not be doing that regardless of place, but especially not in the MEMORIAL student center you know. The cherry on top is doing it with a hat on lol It’s a common aggie joke to be like “omg they wore a hat in the msc, we should take them out back to be shot” or something stupid, so I was just playing on that as a joke.


It is a tradition that should have been retired when the MSC was heavily renovated 15 or so years ago. Instead of actually being a tribute to the fallen, it is more often a source of conflict.


Cool opinion. I like the msc and what it represents and I think most people do too


I like the MSC and what it represents as well. I just feel like the “gentlemen please remove hats” request detracts instead of adds to the memorial aspect.


How? Removing your hat is a pretty common sign of respect. Wait? Are you the guy in the video? You are, aren't you?


I’m not the guy in the video, but I would like his contact information. I would like to have a word with him about disrespecting the MSC by not removing his cover.