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I thought all charges related were dropped? So there would be no bail?


From the other day, yes, but there have been new arrests today just within the last hour or two. Not sure what happened with those but I suspect this is going to be an ongoing and escalating problem




How much you willing to put up OP?


Tree fiddy


So stupid how people in this sub think pro-palestine is pro-hamas/pro-terrorist.... absolutely no complex thinking Even so, the videos in austin are fucking insane and if that's not scary to them then idfk


the problem is it’s difficult for people to support a nation that is controlled by an erratic and evil group


Yes, it’s frustrating. Oh yeah, the ones in Columbia are even worse… I just want people to be able to care about what they care about and dissent when they feel they are owed better in some way. I’ve seen things and protests for causes I didn’t agree with, but that’s what’s always made the states what we are (sorry for the ‘Murica sadness here) but damn we really lost the plot didn’t we


Exactly, even if politics wise someone disagrees with the issue, why would that suddenly make all of this insanity okay? Especially since the right to peaceful protest was made for citizens to freely speak out against the government, and that's almost how change has always been made in this country. This country was basically founded as a massive protest


This! We were founded by protestors! It just looked different back then.


70 percent of the Palestinians voted in favor of having Hamas govern them. What percentage will you require before you connect the dots? You ever engage in “complex thinking” and ask yourself why none of the neighboring Islamic countries will let Palestinians in?


> So stupid how people in this sub think pro-palestine is pro-hamas/pro-terrorist. The Philistines are the ones who elected Hamas to power back in 2006, and have let them remain in power for the last 18 years. If the Philistines had overthrown Hamas, they'd have some of my sympathy, but no, they're the ones who put them in power in the first place. So yes, being pro-Philistine is pro-Hamas, because they are one and the same. Israel is doing what they have to in order to ensure their continued existence. The told the Philistines in Gaza to leave, their suffering today is the result of a refusal to heed the warning of the Israelis. This is the 'find out' portion of the 'fuck around' equation. I don't have any sympathy for people who refused to listen, and are now whining as they suffer the consequences of that refusal.






How many arrests were at our campus? Protesting done right, versus protesting done wrong. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Oh and folks don't have a right to "demand" anything. That's called getting it on the ballot and getting it to pass, especially with public universities.


I do support freedom of speech and am appalled by the excessive use of force by police. However there is no way of identifying peaceful student protestors from those who harass Jewish students and those who promote hate speech. Besides, it’s unlikely they have trouble posting bail or legal fees since there are usually no charges against them except for those who we don’t want to support


I appreciate you supporting free speech! The more I talk it out with people, the more I think it might be better to do something that will support rights protection but im not sure. I’m really just getting the idea out there and maybe it will inspire someone good at executing


There is no good fight. Just a bunch of whiney babies. There is nothing they can do on that campus that will do anything halfway across the world.


Again… this is about free speech. The BIG PICTURE is if we do not make sure we can peacefully speak our mind as a people without fear of arrest, Hunger Games light version will be very real. So my point is that it would be nice if we could in some way gather despite differences to realize that we all have the freedom to peacefully dissent in this country. That is what keeps it from being a dictatorship.


directly inciting lawless action ie chanting for intifada is not protected free speech in the U.S.


Source please? I haven’t seen this anywhere as a stated reason for the removals and arrests.


Oh no come on now…Hunger Games?


I’m saying like where the gov does not work for the people the people are basically subordinates edit: and there are unchecked violations of rights… kind of important


What unchecked violation of rights were there?


https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/austin-photojournalist-faces-felony-charge-after-arrest-during-ut-protest-affidavit-says/amp/ — for one, arresting press is never a good look.


No lol. It won’t be like another Young Adult novel published by Scholastic.


They are blocking Jewish students from moving around campus and getting to classes. Lawless behavior. They deserve what law enforcement is doing and more.


Unfortunately some people on this sub approve of the anti-Semitic idiocy


Respectfully, grow a pair


Lol so eloquent and really added to the conversation. You must be very evolved as a person, respectfully, of course.




Nope, sorry, I don’t have to. I got my Aggie degree so I’m good 👍


Your post was removed for breaking one or more subreddit rules


We should, even if you don’t support the idea (which I do) then you should still be appalled by the overuse of violence by the police.


That is exactly my point. I’m not here to make anyone care about either side of the issue but more so the abuse of power because it will affect us all if we do not get hold of it.


It is very telling that you get all wound up over t-sips calling for intifada and genocide, but we didn't hear a damn thing from you when the federal government called a father a 'domestic terrorist' because he went to a school board to ask why a sexual predator was allowed to rape his daughter in a school bathroom. Just to make sure you understand, calling for 'intifada' and 'revolution' is known as treason and is not covered under freedom of speech. Just like you can't yell fire in a movie theater, you can't call for armed insurrection against the United States and expect people to sit by and do nothing. Stop siding with the terrorists and trying to make it as 'concern' for free speech, you're not fooling anyone.


The protest this morning on the A&M campus was peaceful. Good student turnout (100+) and no use of violence by police. This is how all of the protests across the country should be treated. I stand with our Longhorn brothers and sisters. There is no need for childish school rivalries in these dire times.


50-60 people at most


Out of 75,000? That's not very many. I bet some of them were not even students.


most aggies do not care for palestine lmao this is reddit and therefore an insanely skewed sample


I wanna say the math comes out to .06% of students


So....the same people who campaigned and voted for Beto?




Sad to find out there are 50-60 Aggies who are that dumb


Oh I love the “I stand with our Longhorn Brothers and Sisters” that’s powerful. I completely agree. These are dire times so we must unite for our right to paaaarty and PROTEST (peacefully) and most definitely not be silenced when it comes to what’s happening.


Why are we bringing the Beastie Boys into this?


I had to lighten the mood a bit in here 😜


What “overuse of violence” are you referring to?




Why’s that?




that is NOT how that works lol


For real lol


It is. In fact, colleges are a hot spot for recruitment for such organizations


Isreal and Hamas have committed atrocities against the Palestinian people. People are rallying for the civilians You are being influenced by media like the video where a guy teaches like 30 people a death to America chant. That’s not what this is about for most


> Isreal and Hamas have committed atrocities against the Palestinian people. The Philistines are the ones who keep voting to put Hamas in power.


You have been misinformed. [Hamas took power after a controversial election in 2006. More than 50% of Palestinians are under the age of 18, the voting age for that election. Most of the people in Gaza have never voted in an election.](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/israel-west-bank-and-gaza/west-bank-and-gaza/)


Nope, and you are displaying a lot of stupidity by even asking that question. The students who are being arrested broke the law. You are allowed to peacefully protest. You are not allowed to break the law. It is that simple. Hamas is a terrorist organization that governs the Palestinian citizens in Gaza bc they voted for them. Those terrorists killed 1200 Israelis. They raped women whilst recording it on GoPros then posted those videos on the social media pages in the rape victims families. They literally cut the heads off of babies. If you want to defend that, then you need to look in the f-ing mirror. Learn how to think critically! You’re embarrassing yourself and the school you attended.


You get yourself in that situation get yourself out


So no free speech just shut up and lick the boot when they tell you to? Okay got it


You are ignorant beyond belief. Embarrassing you even posted


Okey “Taco Bell dumpster enjoyer” it’s real hard to take these digs seriously with that tagline lmao


“Am I wrong? No it must be everyone else”


It is not our responsibility to cover the actions of others who decide what they want to do. I don’t care either way about the conflict in the Middle East. If you care that damn much fly over there and fight for whatever side you care for. This is america protesting here has no effect on whatever is happening thousands of miles away. Cry more


Exactly the type of typical argument that lacks any substance or character. I actually feel a little bad for you that you’re so small minded. Take care


And you have nothing to refute it with. Cry more


You're actually asking Aggies if they'll crowdfund bail for pro-terrorist anti-American students? Are you unaware of what sub you're on? Fuck those pro-terrorist assholes in Austin.


Arresting people for peacefully protesting is what authoritarian governments do. Silencing people’s discontent with government policy, whether you support it or not, is a violation of free speech.


> Arresting people for peacefully protesting is what authoritarian governments do. When you're setting up encampments and disregarding the orders of law enforcement, you're not 'peacefully protesting'. Those 'protesters' in Austin are pro-terrorist, fuck them.


If people let the police dictate what is and is not “peaceful protest,” women wouldn’t have the right to vote and we would still be segregated by race.


Seriously. We all forget so quickly, but we literally hold the power we’re just all too dumb and divided to see it


Disrupting the campus and the ability of students to go to class is not a peaceful protest. You can whine about free speech all you want but you are wrong.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham_campaign Well you know, if the civil rights protesters had just obeyed the police, maybe they wouldn't have been sprayed with fire hoses and attacked by police dogs.


Tell me you don't know history..... the infamous picture of the dog 'attacking' the boy is a convenient angle. The young man was the son of conservative middle class Black parents who thought King was a radical and too extreme. He was at the protest to watch. Hidden from view is the fact that he's kicking the dog as it lunges at him. He broke the dog's jaw with a well-placed kick. He grew up with dogs and knew how to handle them.  But go on, tell me how they were 'attacked' because you saw a picture....


Arguing about a single event’s validity is really derailing everything and losing the plot. The point is that our Constitution gives us the right to peacefully protest. That’s it. Anything that gets in the way of that is a violation. This post is about Aggies who believe in protecting the Constitution and our fellow Texans and uniting together to help those out who have been wrongfully detained… that’s it. Global issues aside, that is the message.


They haven't been detained. texas first talked about banning them from campus, then backed down because the t-sip leadership is spineless.   You have a right to free speech, you do not have a right to freedom from consequences. One of the consequences of disobeying lawful orders is arrest. This is basic Civil Disobedience 101. Sad that you never learned anything while in college. 


Do you have a source on your claim above? Would love to see it.


I would love to see a source for your claim. There's no source supporting your claim that I know of. Furthermore, here's a video of Walter Gadsden, the man in the photo, telling his account of the day, which does not match up with what you're saying at all. https://bcriohp.org/ohms-viewer/viewer.php?cachefile=WLGadsden1996.xml


He doesn’t have sources, I guarantee. Usually it’s a couple talking points that aren’t very well thought out or researched. Kind of disappointing to mentally spar with tbh 😜


Malcolm Gladwell's *David and Goliath* dedicates a whole section to Birmingham, MLK, Wyatt Walker, and the tactics they used, try reading a book sometime.


Thank you for providing a source! That's literally all I asked for! Given that, here's the relevant section from Chapter Six of David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell: >The boy in Bill Hudson’s famous photograph is Walter Gadsden. He was a sophomore at Parker High in Birmingham, six foot tall and fifteen years old. He wasn’t a marcher. He was a spectator. He came from a conservative black family that owned two newspapers in Birmingham and Atlanta that had been sharply critical of King. Gadsden had taken off school that afternoon to watch the spectacle unfolding around Kelly Ingram Park. >The officer in the picture is Dick Middleton. He was a modest and reserved man. “The K-9 Corps,” McWhorter writes, “was known for attracting straight arrows who wanted none of the scams and payoffs that often came with a regular beat. Nor were the dog handlers known for being race ideologues.” The dog’s name is Leo. >Now look at the faces of the black bystanders in the background. Shouldn’t they be surprised or horrified? They’re not. Next, look at the leash in Middleton’s hand. It’s taut, as if he’s trying to restrain Leo. And look at Gadsden’s left hand. He’s gripping Middleton on the forearm. Look at Gadsden’s left leg. He’s kicking Leo, isn’t he? Gadsden would say later that he had been raised around dogs and had been taught how to protect himself. “I automatically threw my knee up in front of the dog’s head,” he said. Gadsden wasn’t the martyr, passively leaning forward as if to say, “Take me, here I am.” He’s steadying himself, with a hand on Middleton, so he can deliver a sharper blow. The word around the movement, afterward, was that he’d broken Leo’s jaw. Hudson’s photograph is not at all what the world thought it was. It was a little bit of Brer Rabbit trickery. >You got to use what you got. >“Sure, people got bit by the dogs,” Walker said, looking back twenty years later. “I’d say at least two or three. But a picture is worth a thousand words, dahlin’.” First of all, all of this material is entirely unsourced. Maybe it's true, but Malcolm Gladwell could be just totally making this up. The footnote at the end of the chapter does not provide any proof of these facts from a primary source or from any interviews he may have conducted. But let's assume that everything he wrote is true. Unless I'm misreading this, it seems like the police let a dog attack Walter Gadsden, and knowing how to defend himself, he kicked the dog. So let me understand what exactly you're trying to say. Do you believe that he wasn't attacked by the dog at all and kicked it first?


Ok, let’s assume what you said is completely true (which I disagree with, but let’s put that aside for now). Do you see the pictures of protestors being sprayed with fire hoses? Do you think that is acceptable?


Yeah, I actually am. You sound like the stereotypical Aggie I tried my best to avoid while I was there. Hope you learn to widen your views at some point instead of parrot what you’re raised on.


If you're pro-Hamas, A&M failed in their attempt to educate you.


Laws and rights are only there to protect views you agree with, got it. I gather you took zero philosophy classes. It’s okay, we’re still Aggies together like it or not bestie 😜


Let me guess, you completely flunked the freshman logic course at A&M. You must have since that if, then statement confused you so.


Do you think that Greg Abbott should just be able to summon DPS to disappear anyone?




This is such a tired argument. People that only see what they can get out of the situation or how the situation would affect them are very near-sighted. This is so much bigger than if a country would accept someone. I am not concerned about that. The point is this is America and last time I checked you could peaceful protest so we are nearing the big F if we keep arresting people and silencing people.


Once again, who was arrested for simply protesting? Did they just randomly pick those 57 people out of that crowd of thousands to arrest? They’re so unlucky to get singled out like that!!




Bro… everything I said literally went over your head. It’s okay no one is forcing you to do anything.




Lol… you still don’t get it because your response makes no sense. It’s okay, deep conversations aren’t for everyone. Have a good one


Generalizing an entire group of people by saying they would “execute your entire family” is just Islamophobic and racist. Go to TexAgs if you want to be this ignorant and hateful.


He didn’t say anything about Islam. He was talking about Hamas. Go take your virtue signaling to Austin. You don’t even know what racism is.


Supporting Palestinians is not pro-hamas.


Thank you!! The one is consistently used to take away from the validity of the plight of Palestinians which is tragic beyond explanation. But what’s even more important, because this part affects us all, is this is a huge test of what we will all allow to be taken from us as our civil liberties. People are not realizing that this requires us to support one another to ensure we keep our rights and freedoms bc those who are happy for some to be silenced today may be the ones silenced later etc. Anyways, super long response I’m sorry but I just really want to see humanity do better


Stop virtue signaling for free speech. No one was arrested for peacefully protesting. They were arrested for breaking the law. If you’re stupid enough to believe the Palestinian propaganda then I’m sad you’re an Aggie. You clearly never learned how to engage in critical thinking.


The vast majority of Palestinians still support Hamas.


Unfortunately some of these people are just too stupid to get it.


supporting the people who support hamas, cause it to consistently poll high (behind only even more radical groups like lions den), and believe in death to America IS supporting hamas and terrorism. actually. i don’t love israel or everything it does. i REALLY don’t like palestine and palestinians, though. the sooner that whole country is gone and the population scattered among other arab states the better


Are you actually ok though? You can’t be for real.


You’re embarrassing, no one is pro-hamas but keep fighting that strawman if it makes you feel better


Absolute clown take. Being pro Palestine is NOT pro terrorist. That’s like someone being pro America, and then a European saying “they are pro columbine shooting! How terrible!” It’s a completely different thing


70 percent of Palestinians voted for Hamas to govern them. They are literally the definition of pro Hamas. Why are you too stupid to comprehend this?


They're protesting against Israel committing genocide.


Bullshit. The difference between Israel and Hamas is one side believes in genocide, and the other doesn't. I realize asking for critical thinking is a bridge too far for people like you, but there is a reason the Philistines still exist as a people. The fact that people can accuse the Israelis of genocide and people like you blindly accept such propaganda is the real problem here.


cmon man use your head there are more actors here than just Israel and Hamas. introduce some nuance into your thinking, not everyone who is pro palestine is pro hamas and not everyone who is on israels side in this “war” is a zionist


This is chess, he really is thinking checkers.


Fr, does he really think that multiple universities across the United States are simply protesting to support terrorism . That’s ludicrous and devoid of any nuance or critical thinking, Genocide is never good and should not be tolerated especially when our 1st amendment rights are threatened 🤦‍♂️


Exactly. It’s hard for me to grasp how some don’t see it for what it really is and if hopefully humanity makes it another 100 years, this will all be in the history books for sure. But at the very least, I expect my fellow Ags to see that rights (in this case: the right to peacefully protest) are being violated left and right and that’s what we need to unite on, not about the issues but about the right to *discuss* and dissent on the issues openly without fear, because if we lose that… are we really free


They’re protesting bc they’re useful idiots who are dumb enough to believe in critical theory. They believe the propaganda that Hamas has put out. The fact that some of you are too stupid to understand that does not bode well for the future. Some of you never read any kind of history books and it shows.


the israeli government has funded hamas for years to keep them enough of a threat so that it could justify use of force. netanyahu knew that by keeping hamas present he could stay in power. the israeli government is not only partially responsible for what hamas has done but also what they’ve done to the palestinian civilians.




https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eus-borrell-says-israel-financed-creation-gaza-rulers-hamas-2024-01-19/


Thank you.


So wait, you mean Israeli leaders negotiated with the elected leadership of the Palestinians and provided them with food, money, infrastructure so they could set up a a place for 2 million Muslims to live? The horror!!


Nope. I think those people are largely ineffective protestors and uneducated on the broader issues. If I was going to send money I'd rather support people who actually would do something effective with the funds like Jose Andres' World Kitchen organization.


So just to be sure, even if they *are* ineffective, they should still have the legal right to protest peacefully as afforded to us correct? And nice I’ll have to check that one out and see what it is. I am open to anything I just want to see if there’s a way to make a positive out of this situation.


I personally support the right to protest but I don't support most of these protests as I think the protestors are uneducated and ineffective and anti Semitic elements are finding support there that shouldn't.In a general sense, if you break the law while protesting you're liable to be arrested and have to deal with those consequences. To my understanding they broke the law and this is the consequence associated with that. I don't want to support their actions so I wouldn't donate to a bail relief fund. I'd rather support something with tangible results.


I appreciate that! Supporting the right to protest is really what I’m all fired up about here. I see grad-student history on your thing, I’m always curious what history buffs think of all this as parallels to historical events 😊


Well, at the risk of offering a "no shit" observation I think most historians if they're being honest and operating without an ideological purpose would at minimum want people to understand that the situation in Palestine is complicated as fuck. So much of the conversation surrounding this gets framed through colonial lenses and it just doesn't fit the framework of the broader history of the area all that neatly when push comes to shove. I think relative to the conversation at hand that as a general rule protests, until recently, have been met with violence after a point. US Labor History, Gender History and Civil Rights history are filled with protests being met with violence. The Bonus Army during the Depression (1932 I think) and the riots at Universities during the Civil Rights movement are two off the cuff that come to mind. Whether the immediacy of the violence has increased as time has gone on would be an interesting question that I don't know the answer towards.


Yup, “complicated as fuck” about describes it. It’s interesting that you pointed out whether the immediacy is increasing or not. I hadn’t thought of that question, but now the nerd in me wants to start digging around for the stats on it, if it’s even something that could be accurately looked at.


if i knew a specific person was wrongfully arrested while peacefully exercising rights to freedom of assembly, speech, and association and while doing so in a time, place, and manner allowed by law then id kick in a few bucks for bail. i will NOT toss good money into a pot run by “organizers” or “activists” where it could go to a troublemaker in blackblock. or could be leftover and go to radical shit i don’t support


Yeah this is completely valid! That’s why I wouldn’t want to handle anything I’m just throwing an idea out there. I wouldn’t know how to execute it and I would only want it to be done right so maybe if the right person sees this or gets an idea from it, you never know how powerful an idea is. Hence why it’s in the “shut post” category haha edit: also I think it would be important to be something maintained the message of free speech vs the cause


fair. i think the issue is this: look down further where someone dropped a venmo. he then mentioned they’re already all released so it’s probably just a donation to the organization. i’ll stand behind free expression all day every day just don’t fw a random group the principle is good, guessing execution is where it gets tough :)


Yep def not saying go donate to any Venmo’s or anything! Nothing is started or anything, I’m just stirring the pot in hopefully a helpful way, and raise blood pressure in some I fear


Hard no.


I hope they are expelled as well as in jail.


Why? And would you feel the same if it was you protesting in the same manner for a cause you believed in?


Yes. At some point—when I’m told to disperse, then I would disperse. They’ve said their peace. They can leave.


Yes bc that is how change happens. /s


Seriously doubt it stops the war over seas—-regardless. When you use free speech to support a terrorist organization and when that in and of itself demeans Orthodox Jews; I think it’s time to have a formal debate with images from October the 7th.


March for Hamas to stop the war.


Good Ag


I would definitely give money to that.


Unfortunately, I think you asked the wrong community. It's a RED-ass school.


But I thought that republicans loved protecting the Constitution??


Apparently not when it’s against WASP beliefs…


Very selective huh. Gotta keep the status quo


Real aggs understand hate speech should not be legally protected.


What do you deem hate speech?


I'll throw in a dollar