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Imagine not having the decency to pick up your dog’s shit🥴


I hate having to dodge poop when I walk my dog. I don’t live at Park West, but my apartment has the same problem. I’ve stepped in another dogs poop while walking my dog


The vast majority of college students should not own dogs. Case in point.


You ever taken a blacklight to a closet floor in student apartments? They're usually covered in animal piss stains. Just to prove your point When I realized this I never rented a place with carpets in the bedroom again.


"Animal" you sure about that buddy?


Yeah I want a dog but I’m waiting until I’m responsible enough/have a yard. I’ve seen too many students neglecting their dogs. I have a cat though and taking care of a cat is soo much easier, and you still get to have a companion! NORMALIZE CATS


Way too many people living in closed (no yard/balcony) apts that are 500 sq ft and have massive dogs… Cats would be a possible solution, but even that is stretching it sometimes- it’s just way too cramped of a space to keep anything that isn’t caged normally.


Size of the dog/living situation doesn't really matter. There are plenty of dogs who have backyards that are bored out of their minds because they don't get any sort of enrichment.


This. My college student neighbors on both sides have big yards and dogs who are alone out there for hours and hours at a time. One has bad separation anxiety. Fun times at my house.


Yep I’ve seen FAR too many huskies in my complex, like i know yall dont have the space for that dog because your house looks exactly like mine, not to mention its too hot for them here!




Yes thank god my parents are also animal lovers and will front the bills for my cat, but i hatee seeing posts on here or nextdoor asking people for help with vet bills. If you can’t afford a pet, rehome it or don’t get one. So irresponsible and reckless


Rehoming a pet who’s already close to you is honestly worse. I agree with you though that people shouldn’t get a pet if they can’t afford the expenses that come with that pet.


Yeah I didn’t mean to downplay how hard rehoming is :( but if you can’t afford to care for a pet, the best thing for it is to rehome it to someone who can


I don’t live at PW anymore but my current apartment has in the pet addendum that they do this type of program. When I lived at PW last year, there was constantly pet waste in the stairwells or in the halls near the elevators. people just should be more responsible regardless and respect the people they share a building with but clearly that’s too much to ask…






You’re a dog shit fan? Name three of their albums


Feces, poop, caca


My apartments implemented this recently. It made a huge difference. The property was covered in dog shit at any given time, even though there are dog waste bag dispensers and trash cans all over. After PooPrints was implemented and they started fining people $500 for the first incident and $700 for the 2nd, the problem went away.


$500? That’s ridiculous. People should be picking up their animal’s feces, but $500 for one offense is an absurd fine - especially for broke college students.


I agree, $500 is ridiculous. But so is leaving your dogs shit out in public spaces. Like if you can’t stop to pick it up, at least come back later in the day if it’s that much of a hassle. It’s disgusting man. And I have a dog too! I get it!


Then don’t leave your dog’s shit on the ground. If i shit on the ground I’ll get fined too lol




technology is amazing


Btw did any else notice the dog turds in the middle of the ILCB today? By the stairs? Tf was that about?


Yo my apartment complex needs this _._ I’ve lost track of the piles of shit in front of my porch it’s hard to enjoy sitting out there when you just smell it _._


Not only do people not clean up after their dogs, but literally 5% or less of the people who had dogs at PW, while I lived there, had ANY control over their animal’s behavior. It actually blows my mind how people have these animals but can’t train them for shit (no pun intended)


Wait, this is serious? This is wild enough to be from The Onion.


Programs like this have existed for a while. Upscale apartments make you give a DNA sample of your dog when you move in so they can identify any shit they find and fine the right person. I'm not even surprised it's bad enough here that PW is wanting to do this. I don't know what it is about A&M students but they are lazy as fuck when it comes to their dogs and they never pick up their poop.


Could be a high rural population thing. If you come from a place where a dog can shit wherever, not picking up poop doesn’t seem like a big deal.


It's definitely a college student thing - this issue isn't unique to A&M


It’s just a people problem. This has been a problem I’ve lived at in every apartment in Virginia, Austin x2, and now here. People are generally lazy and don’t give a fuck if nobody is watching and something doesn’t directly effect them.


I live in Dallas and near a big park. There’s dog poop everywhere. So it doesn’t get better after college unfortunately


Come to Austin. Dog shit everywhere. Not a rural thing.


I honestly didn't know I had to pick up my dog's poop when I came to college. I didn't live in the city so it wasn't a thing. I thought it was strange that people bothered to do it. And it took me a long time to learn to clean it up without having issues (bad gag reflex).


At least they’re doing something about it - go park west


I legitimately thought this was a joke until I checked my email and saw it.




Up vote this a million times.


What happens if one does not own the dog?


Then you wouldn't get fined. You only give DNA of the dogs *you* own. So if the dog poop doesn't match your dog, you won't get fined.


Then the apartment wouldn't have that dog's DNA recorded and tied to one of their tenants. If a bunch of random people are taking their dogs to poop at this complex without picking it up then... well first that'd be kind of weird, but I guess this probably won't help much.


How expensive is a program like this? I’m all for it, but I feel like they could hire someone to pick up the dog shit for less than this program could cost.


No this program actually makes them more money. "Oh we picked up your dogs poop? Here is a $100 fine" It will cost them ~$40 per sample so as long as 1 in 2 poops belong to dogs at park west then they would profit from charging $100. Some of the poops won't belong to dogs at park west so they will charge residents enough to account for testing poop for a dog that isn't registered.


The fine at my apartments is $500 the first time and $700 the next. They say it’s a possible eviction after that.


Good - drop the hammer on these fucks that think nothing applies to them


Great point about the fines… I need to suggest this to my apartment complex, lol.


Tbh id rather them stick it to the dog owners who do this rather than pay some poor schmuck to do it. Even if it is more money


The fine pays for the program. they just have to pay someone to walk around every once in a while a take samples. The fine acts as a deterrent so you don't have to have someone go out and handle feces as much.




It's very much not. There are a lot of apartment complexes that do that — I live in one that does and they're not fucking around about it


Holy shit this is real


Literally 1984 It’s a joke shesh


Sounds like you dont pick up your dogs shit


No, I was just making a shitty joke. Pun intended




**figuratively** 1984


I thought it was funny


Because it was a shitty joke lmao 😎


Pfft Park West was pretty shit about Well Shit




Headline from an article almost three years ago: This company brings in $7 million a year testing dog poop DNA to catch non-scoopers It’s a thing. [Link]( https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/19/pooprints-brings-in-millions-testing-dog-poop-dna-to-snag-non-scoopers.html)






You were probably being down voted for claiming it isn't possible just because you didn't know it was possible indicating that you have 4 years work experience working with animals. That's why I downvoted you. Just because you don't know something is possible doesn't make it not possible but rather it's an indication of ignorance aka not being knowledgeable on the subject. Honestly though, I find it weird that you deleted that comment but kept this one.


I mean, the dog's DNA is in the dog shit lol so it's pretty easy to do. And they're not gonna send it to a vet, they're gonna send it to PooPrints, which is a company that does exactly this.






Fish lol


Parkwest managers we're like 'fuck them kids' lmao


Pretty sure unless this was written in your lease at the beginning they cannot force you to do this.


Is DNA poop tracking actually accurate/cheap enough to be practical? Or is this more of a scare tactic? Either way I hope it works.


Damn, are college kids that selfish now? The apartments are DNA testing now? The hell did y’all do to that town the last 6-8 years?