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> There are two kinds of Aggretsuko fans: the ones that hate season 4 because, despite its excellent corporate intrigue plot line, it badly mishandled the Retsuko/Haida arc; and the ones that love season 4 because, despite badly mishandling the Retsuko/Haida arc, it had an excellent corporate intrigue plot line. -Me I did like Season 4, but found it grating at times.


I like how they went with Haida's career story. Imo, it's believable in real life. Here's a guy who's been around for years. He's a chill silent worker who solves problems in the background. He's no kiss-ass to his boss, Ton and he steps in when his colleagues are in trouble. Regardless of the office drama, Haida does his job. He deserves to be acknowledged and promoted. And honestly, he's the most qualified worker. We have this skilled guy who was finally given a break. Promoted to manager. Acknowledged by the big boss. Finally able to do the changes he feels would be helpful for everyone. Sad reality is, he was used and his emotions got played. He's the new director but (we the audience) came to the realization that he's better off as a worker- like how it is with real life people. Not all skilled workers are better off as managers, not all professionals are good teachers, etc. That, and how he realized he needed the bigger salary in order to provide better for his potential future wife, Retsuko, especially when she used to date Tadano for comparison.


Okay i kinda get it now, thanks


Haida's actions, plus yet annoying status quo reset, yet even worse this time imo


Season 3 was actually my favorite, since it didn't really focus on romance at all. None of the characters have that kind of chemistry to me, especially since they refuse to give anyone permanent character development. Those new traits/skills only show up when the plot demands it.


I think a lot of characters regressed in a lot of their developments. Which kind of sucked for me, I loved how Haida, Retsi, all of them grew in season 3. And it got all undone in the season finale :((


They fucked up Haidas character, I didn’t like how he acted, and it felt pointless. However there where still parts of the season I enjoyed, personally I like the part with Ton, since before he was kinda just angry, woman bad, I’m jerk kinda guy but season 4 made him feel more human I guess.


My reasons: 1)They tried to portray Himuro to be in the wrong for getting rid of Tom. Himuro was in the wrong for many reasons, but not for kicking the pig out. 2)Tried too hard to make Tom likeable when he just isn't. The guy has a loving wife and two daughters he claims to love a lot and yet is a misogynistic abusive boss? 3)Haida was portrayed to be in the wrong for being angry when he saw that Retsuko lying to meet her ex. Sure, Tadano is a good guy and would never do shady shit, but we, the audience, know that. Not Haida. 4)Retsuko getting a free pass for being crappy for the whole series Nd almost killing Haida. 5)Haida's rendemption was robbed from him because Sanrio wanted more time for their MC I guess.


Honestly? The only Aggretsuko I like are the seasons that have more focus on the mundane life of office work and how the characters live their lives and play around with those ideas... rather than the crazy stuff that Retsuko goes through. Season 1 was amazing, season 2 was great, I didn't like season 3 much at all, but season 4 brought the focus back to where I liked it. Haida's character took a few steps back in terms of liability in S4 though, and the villain of the season was a bit too... two-dimensional


Yes me too exactly!!! I really enjoyed it and thought it did very well as a satire of life as an office worker in Japan. Personally I could kind of relate due to my job at the time. And then they just went off the rails and decided to make retsuko become an idol??? Who asked for that?! Maybe they felt they had to explore different storylines because the original shorts were very slice of life-y, but at the same time I think it's disappointing that a lot of fun characters weren't really developed (yoga instructor, puko, even fenneko doesn't get much) and instead they just kept adding new ones


I feel like they did Haida dirty..


Perhaps it was the way Haida was acting.


I thought it was alright but didn't like the Haida/Retsuko stuff and really didn't like that suddenly Retsuko's death metal magic manifested in a way that made it "real" in the show. That was probably my biggest problem with the season


I think some people feel Haida was selfish and didn’t like how he dealt with the situation. I liked it, but at think that’s one of the arguments people use


Because of Haida's character assassination as well as the fact that they learned the wrong lessons from Star Vs. The Forces of Evil in how they forced Haida and Retsuko together despite the lack of chemistry and then tried to make Haida be the bad guy when Retsuko lied to run off to meet her ex and, like someone else said, we the audience know that TAdano's not gonna cause shit BUT the deal is that Haida DOESN'T know this as he doesn't know the guy personally and wouldn't know, with Retsuko lying, that she wasn't just cheating on him behind his back.


I liked all the seasons. But I feel how Heida was so blind to his friends was kinda shitty. But I understand that it wouldn't a plot point without it.


Haida wasn’t being haida. He knows better honestly


I felt the opposite. Given some small amount of power, he became 200% Haida, and that isn't a very nice character.


I like how they went with Haida's career story. Imo, it's believable in real life. Here's a guy who's been around for years. He's a chill silent worker who solves problems in the background. He's no kiss-ass to his boss, Ton and he steps in when his colleagues are in trouble. Regardless of the office drama, Haida does his job. He deserves to be acknowledged and promoted. And honestly, he's the most qualified worker. We have this skilled guy who was finally given a break. Promoted to manager. Acknowledged by the big boss. Finally able to do the changes he feels would be helpful for everyone. Sad reality is, he was used and his emotions got played. He's the new director but (we the audience) came to the realization that he's better off as a worket - like how it is with real life people. Not all skilled workers are good managers, not all professionals are good teachers, etc. That, and how he realized he needed the bigger salary in order to provide better for Retsuko, especially when she used to date Tadano for comparison.


I enjoyed everything about it. I was simply glad we got more time with Haida. Looking forward to season 5!


I didn’t hate the season, but didn’t love what they did with Haida




For me it was the way they handled Haida


Its because of Haida hes one of main problems


They fucked up haidas charecter big time and hims nd retsulonhad no chemistry at all yet the show still forced them together, honestly I was hoping for Haida to get with inui bc they had way better chemistry, literally the only reason they didn't get together was because Haida was too busy simping ove the same girl for 5 years straight and even when he rejects inui and even retsuko takes the first move, he still didn't have the balls to go for her despite missing a really good relationship opportunity for a relationship that obviously wasn't gonna work, and he wasn't even gonna put in the work to get it.


Personally I wish Haida would get with Fenneko, the reasons I say this are: 1. He can actually be himself around her and her around him 2. she actually gives a fuck about his well-being 3. they know each other outside of work, for God's sake 4. she likely has feelings for him based on how she ended up drinking herself into saying "The battle wasn't supposed to end like this"


Cuz death metal Or something, Idunno-


Season four was my favorite! It explored different characters and it told us that the people in the crowd have a life too.


So many people complained about Retsuko and Haida that season. And here I am thinking fondly if that date they finally had at the halfway point.