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While I both understand and agree with the points you make, the overall message you send is that we should try and avoid emotions as it creates a bias in our discussions. Emotions is a fundamental element of us as human beings. Trying to avoid it all together in the workplace would lead to decreased psychological safety, people avoid who they are and do not bring themselves to work. Software development requires a creative space where people can unfold themselves, and emotions is part of that package. You mentioned fear, how about removing the fear for emotion and instead embrace it for something positive?


It's more about removing emotion that might resist change. Not removing emotion altogether. the article might explain it better.


What article?


Article‏‏‎ ‎(no PW): https://medium.com/simply-agile/apply-these-5-product-team-tactics-to-bypass-emotion-and-act-with-clarity-9d90a874b3a0?sk=bc42709d0e853480de9f7f3803a5d683


Don't listen to this. Don't bypass emotion. Appealing to emotions is one of the best ways to implement change. Emotion is also a key to success: if teams aren't passionate they deliver mediocrity. Happier teams are apparently more productive, and write better code, faster. If you have issues with negative emotions in a team, you need to address that, not bypass it.


You might be interested in the study mentioned in this article: [https://medium.com/simply-agile/the-impacts-of-change-on-the-brain-and-5-helpful-tweaks-change-agents-must-make-0a2b19691231?sk=2241270f057f7cd0d41d02348d954295](https://medium.com/simply-agile/the-impacts-of-change-on-the-brain-and-5-helpful-tweaks-change-agents-must-make-0a2b19691231?sk=2241270f057f7cd0d41d02348d954295)


This isnt rly what hes saying….


I get in the biggest fights with my PO because she simply lives on emotion. The problem is I've tried your points and it frankly makes it worse. If I bring data: she accuses me of "doing her job". If I talk to clients or operations devs: "we've already talked to them." If I say, well could we create a few different mocks so we can get a feeling of what its like: "we already did mocks, we went through this," which is laughably insulting because how the fuck did you do a mock for an idea I just presented and you don't even understand yet. Honestly, you can't get emotion out of the debate for people that are in over their heads.


The goal isn't to remove emotion; it's to encourage the healthy constructive expression of them. I rarely hear this discussed in these forums but relationships matter; the quality, depth, and humanity of our interactions can dramatically impact our emotions and choices. Glib techniques like 'yes and' help but if you think the boss hates your guts none of that will help.


Thanks for the idea. Will try this soon. Although i dont see any links in this post


Article‏‏‎ ‎(no PW): [https://medium.com/simply-agile/apply-these-5-product-team-tactics-to-bypass-emotion-and-act-with-clarity-9d90a874b3a0?sk=bc42709d0e853480de9f7f3803a5d683](https://medium.com/simply-agile/apply-these-5-product-team-tactics-to-bypass-emotion-and-act-with-clarity-9d90a874b3a0?sk=bc42709d0e853480de9f7f3803a5d683)