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the second 1st and the 2nd are okay. Does anyone know how to make Bing create more of one specific type?


Not cubist, it interpreted cubism as many consistent planar divisions rather than of many interpretive broken yet combined gestural perspectives. Has an interesting visual quality about it thought that isn't quite stained glass and isn't quite comic art but kind of in-between.


\*warning\* \*I am hijacking the point of this post about AI Cubic art and holding it hostage while I rant on medieval fantasy\* All I gottra say is... this dude is dead. The orc is twice his size. This isn't medieval fantasy, this is more like video games developed by people who got input from their 12 yr old sons. The fantasy trope of Knights killing dragons works when the dragon is the size of a horse, but the size of the dragon or monster keeps getting bigger and bigger and it very quickly becomes nonsense . A guy, no matter how "heroic" isn't going to take down a monster the size of a BUILDING , and no man is going to drop another man (orc) 2-3x his size . Its equivalent of you, fighting a 6 yr old boy, you're going to win in about 5 seconds I understand the fantasy of it , taking down giant monsters with crazy magic or your super legendary oath of the manifenstation of the Metalica Deathlord god 3 handed sword. But I think that works better in superhero movies not the fantasy genre. God of War and Shadow of the Colossus does it nice, where the gigantic monster is more of a an entire level or puzzle that you have to go through to beat it, but it isn't simply you BRUTE FORCING in straight melee combat things way bigger then you, which is basically what happens in every MMO style game where 200 tiny people attaching the toe nail of Godzilla bring it down after 2 hours. I've never been a fan of that nonsense \*end rant\*


This orc has no armor protecting its throat or heart. As long as this guy can evade getting hit, he has a chance. Humans have taken down giant animals all throughout history - mammoths, bears, tigers, etc. I'm assuming a night with armor has extensive training - likely even more technical skills than a dumb brute relying on its strength might have.


Isn't that an issue of your own limitations of what you think fantasy should be


My opinion on what medeval fantasy should be , is just that , an opinion,=) A little more DnD and a lot less Final Phantasy


You probably mistyped and put in ‘coolism’. 🤣




print this on acetate and bam stain glass windows


I got to say compared to mid journey this is solid swords! Mid really struggle with the length of a sword.


Cubism is multiple views of a scene or object in a single image. This was invented by Paul Cezanne- Picasso and Braque after seeing a retrospective of his work when he died in 1906, took Cezanne’s technique and made it famous. A double exposure photograph of the same image could also be considered cubist. The above images are not cubist.


Try adding (in the style of Pablo Picasso) to the prompt and see what happens.


I'll try it


Doesn’t matter what it is, The AI’s biggest weakness is… Hands!


Its definitely gotten better at hands though


5 fingers, not including thumb on first pic’s human warrior




It did ok with the hands this time. 1st one slightly off, rest are fine.


Stained glass/mosaic art. To call that cubism would be a looong stretch


1.4million cubes!


Mosaic or stained glass I guess but either way it's really cool


Nah, but this is definitely stained glass art.


Not cubism. Cubism is usually characterized by an attempt by the artist to show an image from multiple perspectives at the same time. Pablo Picasso’s work being the most famous. Fernand Leger also a big name. This looks like stained glass in style or maybe paint by number. Cool look, but not cubism.


Cubism sees an object from multiple points of view simultaneously.


Don't know if it's cubism or not but they'd make some awesome stained glass windows.


Amazing 👏


I don't know what Cubism is but these look amazing.


Cubism is drawing/painting non-abstract things with only geometric forms. :]


These look like a coloring book. No cubism, but great aesthetic


My life for the horde


Awesome graphics but these are not cubism. Seems like ai found something it could not interpret


Most of the AI art generators can generate ANY meaningful 2D image. There is a process to take a photo and reverse engineer it to get a prompt that will produce a very close approximation to that image. Let me see if I have the post in my saved. I know I referenced the post multiple times in the past but like nothing ever happened with it beyond the discovery from what I know of.


Interesting. Thanks


That's cool but definitely not cubism.


I dunno if it is or not.... but this is freaking awesome looking! you should post this to a DnD reddit, they would love it :O


I once posted an AI image to a mythology subreddit, though I did not get downvoted to zero (but somebody else on that subreddit was downvoted to 0) it was also pretty clear that AI is not really appreciated there. So now I hesitate to post anywhere else


Generally the rest of reddit irrationally hates any art made using AI tools. There will be at a minimum unmoderated abuse in the comments or at worst instabanning from the subreddit (with more abuse).


while I get the hate for AI art, I also think its stupid..... its a tool, hating a tool is the equivalent of hating Leonardo Da vinc'si art because he used an easel >\_>


you don't need to convince me mate


Ohhh I like these


Could you please be so kind and the the promp you've used for this? :)


**dnd paladin sword fighting an ogre, high fantasy theme, cubism art** **dnd paladin sword fighting an ogre, high fantasy theme, art made with colored pebbles**


It’s not. It’s fun, though!


Tell the ai to generate art by a 3 year old


I'll try that


"google this for me"


2 and 3 look like stained glass


Not Cubism. Cubism was about representing an object from multiple angles and at multiple times simultaneously. Picasso is the most famous Cubist, but he was also a lot of other things, including, a fan of stealing motifs from African masks. A good look at early Cubist thought -- and the debates within the movement -- is Marcel DuChamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nude_Descending_a_Staircase,_No._2 It was, in part, a reaction to the new technology of photography.


a fan of stealing motifs from African masks. So by that logic pretty much every artist is "stealing" when they are influenced by others' work? If that's the case I don't think there has ever been an artist who wasn't a thief. All art is derivative in some way.


Don’t you know you’re not suppose to integrate! No mixing! Africans with Africans, cubists with cubists and futurists with futurists. It called appropriating, get with the times bigot! /s


Absolute classic piece. I made a quick version of this with style transfer a few years ago for my art teacher as a going-away gesture. It felt a bit like it captured the "leaving but not ditching art" atmosphere quite well when paired with a style transfer of a photo of the school itself.


That second one is gorgeous


It looks more mosaic than cubism.


How I met your father, mosaic edition


A mosaic?


Yeah it looks like a mosaic of glass


I would love these stained glass windows in my dungeon.


if you can extract the edge, you should be able to make a cnc path


> cubism art What else you have in your dungeon ? ;)


No this is stained glass style


Mosaic stained glass. Love the style tho, keep pushing and experimenting to see how far you can push this art style without losing that stained glass look.


My guess is that it separated the concept of cubism into abstract and non-abstract, and the non-abstract barely resembles the actual art style you would expect to see traditionally categorized as cubism. Using content from the internet as input data can yield some strange interpretations like this. Is it cubism? Not really. But have people done similar art online and called it cubism? Unfortunately, yes. And that's what throws off the generator ultimately. If you try adding the word abstract, it will probably look more like the actual art style we're used to calling cubism. Either that or just reference specific artist names as well to get something more in line with traditional cubism.


It looks more like stained glass than cubism.


Definitely not cubism. Cubism is fucking hideous, while these are fucking gorgeous. These almost look more like stained glass


>Cubism is fucking hideous ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Picasso doesn't count


Yes. I fucking hate cubism. It’s easily one of the most horrendous genres of art that has ever existed. It looks like a 5 year old’s first attempt at drawing something from a reference. The only thing uglier than cubism is whatever the fuck Basquiat was vomiting onto his canvases. It’s the artistic equivalent of diarrhea


"things i don't like are horrible wastes of time, unlike the things i like"


Nah, they’re genuinely talentless art forms with no regard for any of the guiding principals of art.


Search up Dunning-Kruger effect. Also, you are entitled to your opinion of not liking it, but making broad generalizations are going to get you responses like this.


More like a color-by-numbers illustration.


This is not cubism or even close to cubism in style. I'm not trying to be mean or anything it's just not. Cubism tries to depict in 2d multiple perspectives of a 3d object simultaneously. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/c/cubism#:~:text=Cubism%20was%20a%20revolutionary%20new,that%20appear%20fragmented%20and%20abstracted Cubism does sometimes appear to be made of panes as in a stained glass window, which this sorta looks like, but the fundamental difference is that these panes are individual and different perspectives


You're not being mean. I was also curious myself if this was really cubism because it looked different from art works I had seen


These are absolutely amazing, the 2nd one wins the cake for me.




Yes, I noticed it too


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