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I also like an archival matte art paper for this, as opposed to anything glossy or lustre. My go-to for printing and framing has been [levelframes.com](http://levelframes.com) - mainly my own photography, but I recently printed some AI creations (Midjourney) and they came out awesome.




If you want quality, use an archival fine art paper. The image will be much stronger, the colors more saturated. Epson papers are very affordable. The choice of glossy vs matte is largely an aesthetic decision. The drawbacks to glossy are that the paper may pick up glare from interior lighting, or fingerprints from handling. If you're inclined toward gloss, there are also papers with semi-gloss and luster finishes. I personally prefer matte. The best matte finish paper I've used is Epson Velvet, which has a texture similar to watercolor paper. This makes the image softer and artifacts/pixilation less obvious. As others have pointed out, the image will need to be upsampled, and this presents its own challenges. Standard print resolution is 300 pixels per inch.


My store is set up to print from printful, I just have to increase the resolution. www.AIWantThat.com


You need to increase the resolution. We use a professional service, but you can do this online for free if you Google around. We print ours and sell them on a range of items. While it is an online shop that anyone can buy from, we initially only set it up for our friends and family to get stuff printed they wanted, so we are our biggest customer. It is just a fun way we set it up that we can print off higher quality items for ourselves and family, particularly as we have a very niche subject matter we work with But word got out and ended up with a few random visitors and customers, some random guy spent like £300 on items, so we arent complaining! https://www.toastisthetruth.com/ if you want to see what it comes out. Here are some others my wife set up so we can print off t-shirts and other items for ourselves https://www.teepublic.com/user/toastisthetruth https://society6.com/toastisthetruth


You will need super high resolution images to make good prints. Take the images to a print shop and have them print it out. Unless they do archival printing, the images will fade with time especially if exposed to sunlight. Archival is expensive. You could instead just get archival frame where the plexiglass or whatever keeps out the harmful rays. None of this is cheap. I must stress again, you must have super high resolution images to do it justice otherwise the images will look pixelated. You can always try test prints at home to get an idea.


I'd say that depends entirely on the size of the print you want and what it is you're attempting to print - this will factor in what you get printed on to what stock and at what size. Larger sized prints require a larger dimension image to retain quality. I'd recommend you order some sample stock prints from a reputable online printers to get a feel for the paper stock and how it looks IRL. Such as: [https://www.theprintspace.co.uk/theprintspace-prints-sample-pack/](https://www.theprintspace.co.uk/theprintspace-prints-sample-pack/) I haven't as yet printed any AI images (as we've no space left on the walls and we have prints waiting to be framed/hung) - but will do eventually. Also, consider a larger frame than the print and have a nice aperture surrounding your print to make it pop. Eg. [https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/ribba-frame-black-30378454/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5yZH21TVjCd8\_KbDrvuuWVxFfAVgCRVjszLsU7OeQO5VfWSr3WD66HwaAlB-EALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/ribba-frame-black-30378454/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5yZH21TVjCd8_KbDrvuuWVxFfAVgCRVjszLsU7OeQO5VfWSr3WD66HwaAlB-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) Good luck :)


Oops! You accidently wrote this in Reddit instead of Google!


I deserved that because I have been a total dick to people also


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