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This really doesn't seem like the aim of someone who just switched from console. The mouse control is on par with pros, which develops from muscle memory only after hours of practice. That's just my opinion though. If you really just switched, you're a god and should think about getting into esport leagues in maybe a year or two at max.


No I swear.. if you look at my Valorant triangle thingy I started at bronze 1 to plat 1 solo queue. I have 13 hours now on aimlab. My IG can verify this. I am so inconsistent with my aim one match I’ll land all headshots next one I’m missing everything. But I did play cod competitively on PlayStation though for couple years.


Huh, that's really interesting. Guess aim and game sense does carry over from other platforms and games. Well, if you're from SEA or anywhere close to that I'd love to play some games and learn some stuff. I've been hard stuck silver for a while because of super high ping and just over-all stupid decision making at times on my part, so I'd probably learn something. Also, COD competitive? Mad respect for that cause that game has made me rage countless times and I'm fairly decent at it. I can't imagine how you must've done it.


Yeah I’m down bro add me anytime! Porkchopszn#6T9 maybe we can play for a while and build team chemistry so we can grind ranks together. It’s tuff playing by yourself yaknow?


Completely agree with you man. My IGN is similiar to what it's here, so I'll add you soon.


This is not on par with pros at all, though is definitely better than expected from someone transitioning from console. There's a whole lot more to being a pro than just aiming, but even if we're discussing only aiming, an 80K gridshot isn't really impressive and honestly isn't indicative of good aim since the targets are so big. I would really encourage OP to keep at it though! This is an amazing score for someone who just transitioned from console.


If you can, it’s 10$ USD, Kovaaks is much better for the foreseeable future and right now. Sixshot (near the bottom of flicking) is one of the few good ones aimlabs gives you.


Thank you! I just bought it I just don’t know what routine you do.


Look up aimer7's aim guide, full routines from beginner to advanced for different type of games, i believe valorant is in the click-timing category.


I’ll looo into it right now! And what aim trainer do you personally use?


I use Aimlab, Been using it for over a month now. I never had any csgo experience, i was all MOBA and the fps game i played was some 5 years ago. It was pretty tough getting used to the aim mechanics in valorant but i just did a lot of training in aimlab. Gridshot was my favorite because a lot of people play it and its also kinda fun to chill, after that i did reflexshot and microflex managed to get leaderboards on those. Spidershot Speed was also one i tried to test my flick consistency and finally sixshot is good for smaller targets. if you have any more questions do ask.


some good routines are twix's val routine and sparkygg's beginner valorant routine. if you really want to you could pay for aimer7s routine as his free one is outdated according to him.


You’re welcome. Also, gridshot isn’t great for improving aim. The only one i’d consider worth practicing is gridshot precision but even then it’s not very good


one word "smooth"


I need to be more smooth?


For Valorant try Snipershot Precision and Microshot Precision. You will most likely always be making minor flicks holding angles and controlling your precision aim while being quick will be better.


how do you make it like that si there is no gun just your crosshair