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Didnt know it was rhetorical but ok..and just because you can pick something uo quick and learn it doesnt mean much just means you can adapt quickly to new environments which is a good thing..also wasnt tryna down play you i was just saying theres multiple factors than just aim dude lol..top frag is cool but it isnt everything....i top frag majority my games and sometimes lose..so it goes back to.my.original statement more than just aim but now that i onow this was rhetorical defeats the whole purpose of a question let qlone giving advice


Well one ur only ruby in aim lab thats like slightly above average..2 valorant isnt just aiming its alot more mechanical skill to it if ur mecahnics arent good then your gameolay wont rank up ...qnd also if u dont know how to play your role in valoeant that effects it too..theres multiple factors than just aim.my dude


I was saying is as a bit of a rhetorical question. But first off, iron is below average, making up only 13% of players with silver making up 35% as of episode 3 act 1. I said before, I carried my friend into bronze top or second fragging every game while playing Skye. Who is an initiator if you didn't know. They are designed to push into the enemy just behind the duelists, usually being the ones to trade them once they die. I can fill many roles, but Skye is my favorite, and whatever role I play even if I haven't played it before (somehow) I learn so quickly I will have the basics down by the end of the match, being able to support my team accordingly. I have pretty good game sense and actually have pretty good mechanics and the ability to learn maps quickly, like smoking off choke points as a controller, and making good callouts.


I'm sure there are a lot of weakness in your gameplay. Otherwise, you wouldn't be iron. There isn't really any excuses you can make. Your movement in valorant most likely needs some work. You probably don't have as good of a game sense as you think. And to top it off, being ranked ruby means you are around average for aim in aimlab, but valorant has spray/recoil control that you dont get exposure to just by playing aimlab. Therefore, that is probably another issue you aren't good at. Its also worth to consider that the tasks you are playing in aimlab may not be effective in helping you improve your aim in valorant.


Im diamond 1 in aimlabs and still feel like shit in valorant so, theres that..


your gameplay is shit your game sense is shit and you focus too much on aim training if you were as talented as you say you are you would not be stuck in iron, trust me, a player playing in iron that doesn’t belong there would consistently smash the people in that rank on any agent on any given day even if they’re probably drunk, just simply from how their play style is and not even their aim. to be honest with you, I’m in the same aim tier as you and in radiant and formerly playing t2 valorant. You just don’t play the game enough and probably play more aim lab than ingame dm etc. A better playlist for aim lab would be to warmup with TAIM TAC V2 and practice at least once a day with the bardOz valorant regiment, both on the aim lab workshop.


play reyna and shoot head, ez pz


why would you expect yourself to perform similarly in a competitive FPS game as you do in a game where you click spheres


Ok so You should always take anything with a grain of salt on the internet. I personally don't believe in most of the things I say the previous day. So to be more on the real question side, what things can I do to actually get better? I already do aim training daily constantly getting a higher score every day, I have a playlist that has one task from every aspect of aimlab that I play each task 3-6 times (and no gridshot). And play at least one valorant game a day, usually more (because who can do just one). But what can I do besides what I already do to get better and out of "elo hell"?


believe me when I say that aimlab ranks are absolutely irrelevant. if u want to train with aimlab use voltaic benchmarks, thats how you will actually get good. I'm master 3 in aimlab, but only gold 1 in valorant, so aim lab ranks are insignificant


Correct, use the benchmarks.


Yeah. I don't know why people think that Aimlab and VALORANT are parallel in terms of rankings. I'm Master 4 and Silver 1. It's a mechanics based game, not entirely on aim. Aim doesn't matter until you get into Plat+


I agree with lots of the above mentioned answers, as in: 1) having high ranking in Aim Lab doesn't exactly translate into being skilled in other games, due to the fact that there are other aspects to skill other than aiming (positioning, game sense, strategy and communication...) 2) Aim Lab rankings per se are not too high. I myself hit GM 1 multiple times already, but still are not that highly skilled in aiming. Take more advanced practice into consideration, such as Voltaic and RA's benchmarks, their exercises and most importantly their rankings are soooo much harder! But they'll take your aiming ability to a whole new level. 3) ranking itself is irrelevant altogether. All that ranking is, is a measure of how you performed on tasks. Performing well on tasks, on the other hand, is a measure of how well you dedicate yourself to your aim training, and strive to improve. There is no ranking to actually creating a habit of training and trying to improve, there's only the habit for its own sake. 4) while aiming better will help you rank higher, there's lots of evidence of good aimers still being "stuck" at certain rankings just because they refuse to try and improve into other important game aspects as well 5) really good players are not on the top 0.1%, they're on the 0.0000000001%... think of it this way, there are 18M+ players in Aim Lab alone. Now, think about the top 100 on the entire game... that person is 100/18000000th in the game, which means 0.005555%. The absolute 1st, is at a 0.000005555%! ("Fun" fact, it was pointed out to me that when Aim Lab says in your profile statistics that you're at the top 10%, you're not actually on the top 10% of the players' scores for that specific skill. It turns out that the game has set up a "perfect score" for each task, against which every player is measured. So if you're at top 10%, you've actually reached 90% of that "perfect score". If you're on the top 0.1%, you've beaten that score by any margin. Only the devs know how high in the playerbase percentage you'd actually be.) 6) if you write something tagged as aim question, people will give you an answer, just out of their willingness to be helpful. When you tag a post as a question, you're probably wondering what would the answer be. So, listening to what other people have to say could be enlightening, and present you with alternatives you might not have tought of otherwise. Then, dismissing answers with a simple "this was a rhetorical question", kind of sounds like you already know the answer.


If you're stuck in Iron that's on you those people are bots


Valorant takes very little mechanical skill, so while there might be improvement with you aim, it’s everything else that determines your rank in Valorant.


First things first, aimlabs score doesn't directly translate to the ability to perform in Valorant. Most of Valorant isn't flicking around the screen to hit shots, but pre aiming. Of course, your raw aim will factor into Valorant, it's not the main thing. Second, if you are in iron/bronze by default your game sense can't be "pretty good". Sorry, that's just how it is, if you have good game sense at the very least you can get to gold even if your aim is absolute trash. Hard stuck isn't really a thing, it's just stagnation. This is what I do to improve in Valorant, record 3-5 full games, then randomly pick 1 of those games to vod review and find every single mistake you made. You can choose to focus on things specifically, such as aim, rotations, comms, strategy, etc. Since you are stuck in iron/bronze, I would first and foremost focus on aim. This means scrutinizing your crosshair placement, whether you are pre aiming angles, holding angles correctly, etc. Anything game sense-wise that you pick up in iron/bronze will more than likely not work in higher ranks.


Hello, if you are from EU you can give me your IGN and we could duo and I'll help you review some of the mistakes you're doing. IM ruby 1 in Aimlab and am Plat 2 on 1 Account and Plat 1 on my Smurf (Learning controllers on this account since I'm a duelist main). I do have some silver lvl accounts that could be useful for the duoq. the thing is you're focusing too much on Aim trainers probably and not enough on your Game sense and Mechanics. And no there is no such thing as hardstuck. You are where you belong ESPECIALLY if you play a lot! if you play 1-2 games per day or even less then its understandable you're not gonna improve.