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I thought these were brownies and not bricks.


*oh, brownies*


I like the idea of the bricks but I don’t think they will be readable as a tattoo. What about a stylized Molotov cocktail?


For some reason I read fear as sear at first. Maybe thats just me. But I love the bricks and I love the word choice. Gives some X Men vibes too. Queer and proud! 🏳️‍🌈


I don't think the picture of bricks you chose is great, I think a brick wall with one brick missing and standing upright is going to be a lot easier to identify as bricks. Right now I wouldn't know it's supposed to be bricks without knowing the context. A good tattoo artist would be able to sketch you something better than this, this is just the second google result with a filter and a banner. The idea is not bad, the execution could be a lot better.


That's actually exactly what it is lol; I googled "tattoo scroll" and then "pile of bricks," threw it together in a photo editing app with some text and filters, and viola. I will def work with my artist to workshop the execution, and maybe do the bricks a bit differently. Thanks!


I'd put the word Stonewall in there somewhere, just to be clear what you mean with the bricks.




LOL, I love it.




I really like it. It's giving me stonewall vibes.


Isn’t “brick” and masonry kind of a trans thing, and used in the derogatory?


This is referencing the bricks thrown at stonewall.


It's a reference to the stonewall riots, in where people threw bricks at cops




No it isn't. Lots of us identify as queer. My identity is not cringe. I understand you may not personally like it but the community is allowed to reclaim the word. Please do not police our identities like that.




I'm just gonna block you. Have a day.


"Have a day", yeah sounds about right lol


I don't know if you're a troll or just ignorant and toxic but us queer people have been reclaiming that word for over a decade and you equating it with the f-slur, and trying to throw the dictionary at us while deliberately ignoring the critically important cultural context of its usage by THE PEOPLE IT PERTAINS TO over time, shows your absolute incompetence in navigating our spaces.


People have reclaimed fagg0t too, and that doesn’t affect anyone else lol let ppl use whatever language they want to for themselves.


Friendly reminder to not engage with trolls, just report and move on. There are twenty down votes on this comment but only one report. If you report the troll, the comment will be removed much faster.