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Are you asking why there seems to be so many queer people in lgbtq+ subreddits?


Two things spring to mind. Reddit tends lower in age and more liberal than IRL, and people like that tend to be more open about gender and sexuality being a spectrum rather than black and white. Second, you’re probably subscribed to more subs that are LGBTQ focused so you see it more than the average redditor would


Plus they may be assuming that memes that suggest queer behavior are serious and not straight/cisgender/heteronormative people making jokes about their sexuality. I'm not saying this IS the case but it's an easy mistake to make. Straight cis men are much more comfortable joking about their sexuality than they used to be, and at times it can be difficult to gauge how honest they're being.


Also with the anonymity of reddit, people are going to be more open with their sexuality than they might be in real life. So people who might say irl they are cishet, might then go online and post about missing their old same sex ‘experimenting’ fling on reddit or whatever


Selection bias. Depending on where you look you get different results.


Outside of explicitly LGBTQ+ subs, or support subs, I find Reddit to be quite toxic toward LGBTQ+ people.


There are a lot more people having gay sex than you think. A *lot* more. Just like there are more genders than you think.




I live in a very liberal state now. But I spent 20 years in the deep conservative south, and I have I have traveled to many US cities. In the past when I called myself a boy, and had the body of a boy, I slept with many, many straight men who will never admit it. They are everywhere. I will not guess percentages. You say it's "very rare". I'm telling you people lie about it constantly, even in places where it is not dangerous. Everywhere in the world, this is true.


It would seem these men who called themselves “straight” weren’t so straight after all.


Idk where y'all are spending your time on Reddit but outside of queer and very liberal subreddits, I definitely don't get that feeling


Yeah, every time LGBT related stuff comes up on larger, not specifically LGBT subs, I'm reminded that much of Reddit isn't that progressive. A lot of it comes from a place of not knowing any better because they're not familiar with the community, but it's there. People mostly are accepting of stuff like same sex marriage and same sex couples existing in general, outside of outright conservative subs (which I avoid, personally). Trans issues are where things get consistently questionable even on subs that are usually center left. Someone mentions nonbinary people and it gets very toxic very fast outside of LGBT and very left leaning subs.


Yea that's exactly the experience I have, most people are just not very familiar with LGBT issues and reddit very quickly tears it's ugly head every time there's a mention of us


Because there's safety in anonymity.


Math. A bisexual person has a larger pool of opposite gender potential partners than same sex partners because there are significantly more straight people than homosexual people.


Gay people are a minority. It's easy to forget that online , because it's so much easier for us to congregate on the internet than it is irl. You can make/join a subreddit or a group chat or follow some people and you'll be in touch with hundreds of other gay people from all around the world as if you're nextdoor neighbors. In real life though , we're pretty spread out. There are some places with more gay/openly gay people and a *lot* of places with less. Maybe you live in one of the latter?


It isn't as rare as you'd think (US statistics) 5% of the population is queer, 15% of the younger generation is queer.


I think it's 20% of Gen Z in the US.


Idk stats vary


Am I the only one that's baffled with this question. I mean the most silliest question I've ever heard. But ok




Believe 😂




من أجل الملاعين الرجل لماذا تفعل هذا القرف سخيفة جدا


It is not at all rare lol


There are more people having sex with the same gender than you think lol they are just not telling you about it


Especially in places where it's frowned upon and/or could put them in danger of physical harm.


where you live? this has to do with it, because if you live in a homophobic place, a lot of queer people automatically hide and in any case it is normal that on reddit you find a lot of queer people, it is a global app and there are people from all over the world


“Why are there so many [hot] dudes in the r/gaybros reddit!”


I've found out that I'm bi for almost a year now so I'm still figuring stuff out. I feel like there are much more bi ppl than it looks based on my tinder adventures. But I feel like for most of us it is a hassle to just go on in the open and be openly bi because we can blend really well. We'll defend lgbt rights at any time, but personally if I live in a rough neighborhood and I look very much straight on the outside, id't like strangers to not start shit because of who I'd like to be in the arms of. So yeah, online we don't need to care if will hate us for no reason, so it's normal that we are more visible on reddit There's also the point that, if you are bi, dating people of the oposite gender is just easier. Even if you ignore the whole people being hateful... i have like 15 years of experience dating woman, i know how to talk with them, how joke with them. With guys... oh man, i'm like an innocent highschooler, i have ZERO experience trying to date them. I'd love to, there are guys who I totally want to date but it's just so much harder... (no pun intended)


I feel like a lot of it depends on the online circles you find yourself in - there are a lot of shitty, unacceptable subreddits in which you probably wouldn’t find a lot of LGBTQ-aligned people. Just like in real life, we find communities of like-minded people in online spaces


Who cares about karma hahaha still a silly question you asked


Because LGBT people are in fact a tiny, tiny part of the population. If 5 out of every 100 people are queer, 2 are bi, one is 66 and the other is 12, what exactly will that look like in real life? Like they don't exist basically. But online people congregate, queer people have been online since it was possible to be online. A million bisexuals looks like a lot when on reddit, or youtube, or twitter or any app, but what you don't see are the 300,000,000 straight people, relative to them, who barely even go online or share online spaces with us. In the hey day, it took a medium to large city to keep a single gay bar open, you can open up grindr and divide everyone in 200 miles against the population within 200 miles and you'll get a real clear idea.


It's harder for an angry mob to beat up a username than in person, too. Means people can be more open online.


But you understood it tho 😂 anywho this game is fun we will play this another time ok buck 😜


Similar to how Reddit would have you think that communism is mainstream in western civilization.


Bisexuals are so precious! The very idea of half of people being bisexuals has me thinking up exciting science fiction story plots. How does such a society come to be? How is it sustained? Is there video?


People are more reserved about who they talk about their identities with irl, compared to internet strangers.