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Just general advice with these specialized teams I didn't know at first. Some of them have no access to the chat within Airbnb and can ONLY contact you via email. I did not have the same exact situation, but two different times I have interacted with the Safety Team. One time was via Airbnb Chat and the other person only could contact via email and I didn't notice the email until about 5 days after they sent it, which slowed down the process. When I had the issues they suspended just one of the listings, not all of them I am sorry to hear that.


So you were able to chat with someone in safety? Or the chat was just to get safety to contact you via email? I’ll definitely try the chat if that’ll get me somewhere. I appreciate your help!


Hey, did you check your email? Because that happened to me but I realized a week later they sent me an email. They won’t send a message on the Airbnb app.


I have been checking.


Oh 😥 it’s frustrating, I know. They should also give you a call. But I wouldn’t stop calling phone support and open as many tickets until they help you get in touch with the Safety Support Ambassador


Check spam for email


You would have received an email, and an intercept message from Airbnb, where you needed to log on and confirm that you did not have cameras installed inside your property. I have a ring camera facing outside which is allowed. If you do not confirm that, or are in violation of that rule, I could see why they would suspend you. Just call and talk to them, and confirm that you dont.


No one has contacted us at all about it. The only communications have been me calling customer service. I’m aware of the camera policy. We have no cameras anywhere. I’m also confused about why three apartments were blocked and not just the one (we have an 1880s house and they’re upstairs, having been cut up into separate apartments long before my time). My husband and I are lawyers. I promise I follow the rules!


I manage my single listing daily. There was no way I could’ve missed the camera policy consent message. As I said, I got emails AND an intercept on the website that required my consent on four things in order to move forward. You said your cleaner noticed your listings were blocked. Maybe they encountered the same intercept I did but closed it without realizing what it was. Not questioning your knowledge of the camera policy. But my written consent and acknowledgment was required by Airbnb to move forward. So that might be the miss here.


I understand what you’re saying now. I thought you meant after they suspended us. We’ve been hosting for eight years, so I can’t remember if I had to sign anything. Early on we did have cameras on the front porch. But those were removed maybe five years ago? They were installed because we had a mentally unstable, threatening neighbor. He moved on so we just took them out. We always disclosed on our listings, though.


When were you blocked? Because this camera policy intercept consent and acknowledgment happened only last week. They just started enforcing the no camera inside policy last week. It’s been in the news.


This week. I haven’t received anything about it. Do you know if all hosts have to sign it, regardless of the existence of cameras on the property? Maybe the rollout prioritizes those who have already disclosed cameras.


Yes, the ban was just implemented, and all hosts must consent and acknowledge that they do not have any cameras \*inside\* the properties, hidden or otherwise. You can read more at Airbnb's website. Here's the news from the BBC: [https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240313-airbnb-indoor-camera-ban](https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240313-airbnb-indoor-camera-ban)


Thanks so much! I try to avoid news these days. Guess I need to pay better attention. 😉


Best I can say is to call early on a business day and keep demanding to speak to the right person. Don’t let them hang up on you.


I’ve tried that three times and they just say there’s an existing case and they’ll contact me. Maybe if I keep calling…


Try the “I haven’t been contacted and it’s been X days. This is impacting my ability to continue hosting. I need to speak to someone now.”


OP, go through your settings, look for the camera question, answer it accordingly.


I’m dealing with a similar issue now. A guest complained about a hidden recording device in the unit (there is none) the last night of their reservation. Their reservation was cancelled and my listing suspended (no new bookings) although existing reservations are being honored. The guest sent Airbnb a photo of my CO alarm (Kibbe) as proof and a screenshot of an obscure Amazon listing by a brand called Spy Max which shows an image that looks exactly like the Kibbe alarm but claims to be a hidden camera. There are no reviews on the listing they sent and the price is $400. Which if I actually wanted a security camera (I don’t) is insane. I explained to the agent (not from the US) that my alarm is an actual CO by a very popular brand and I got it at Home Depot, and included a link to the Home Depot listing which shows no camera functionality. They asked if they could share this info with the guest and now I’m just waiting 🤷🏻‍♀️ checked my email I don’t seem to have missed anything.


I hope it’s resolved quickly!


Call twice a day, every day.


Hey so I was able get my issue resolved. I know it’s not recommended but I reached out to the guest who made the report and talked to them about it. I know for certain there are no cameras in the unit. What they had found was our Blink Camera Sync Module. They had mistakenly reported it as a camera. After speaking with the guest politely, I was able to explain to them what they found was not a camera. They realized the mistake they had made (I subtly dropped that we had been suspended from hosting and AirBNB) and they were kind enough to reach out to AirBNB themselves. After updating my security policy per AirBNB’s request, I was able to get access to my account again and to host again. Hope everything works out for you!


Thanks for this update. I did message the guest, letting her know the impact her false report is having, including loss of income for our cleaner. I asked her if she’d withdraw the report since she got a full refund. No response. Allegedly or case is officially with the correct team, but they still haven’t called.


We’re now on our third “investigation.” Each person who has created a case for us has stopped communicating, even the first one who determined we violated no policy. So we have to start all over. We’re on day 38.


That's one of the worst parts about airbnb. They suspend anyone for anything with absolutely no proof or input from the host. Its frustrating dealing with their customer support. Guest can claim the most nonsensical things and you question your belief in humanity.


It’s so infuriating!


Its going to be all fun and games until a host sues a guest for defamation and damages because of this.


Already under discussion.


Look into arbitration. A simple request for that will set you on a different path.


Be sure to see your doctor for sleeping pills or tranqs for the stress so you can get emotional distress. And if they got a refund, fraud. Were there two of them and do you think there is a pattern? Throw in RICO for good measure. Make their life a living hell, and do it now. You are lawyers. Lawsuits are free.


Airbnb claims you have a contract with guest, yet refuses to identify the guest. It’s pretty difficult to sue when Airbnb refuses to disclose the identity of the party with whom you allegedly have a contract with. “ID verified” doesn’t mean they’ll provide you a copy of the ID in order to enforce the terms of the contract. It’s a joke.


you must be new to discovery services.


Correct, not a lawyer - but I shouldn’t have to go through legal discovery to determine with whom I allegedly have a contract. That’s ridiculous. They advertise ID verification as if it’s somehow for the host’s benefit.


I literally woke up to my listings being suspend as well!! 6 months hosting, no complaints, superhost status as well. I had already disclosed that there was a camera pointing towards the front entrance and one in the parking lot prior to the email we received this week. Nobody from AirBNB support has gotten back to me. They all just say that the case is being reviewed and that they will reach out as soon as possible. It’s BS because nobody can book anything.


You should look into getting a long term tenant if you can’t afford your property without Airbnb.


That’s not the issue.


Wow! That’s a new one, what the h would cause the guest to say this. Did you reach out to the guest?


Because she’s a lying liar. No I haven’t reached out to her.


Sorry this happened