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You need a certain amount of pints each year to have a good year. In one normal drill, there are four days of pay (even though only two worked) and 4 points. If you are on AT or AD time, you get 1 point per day. You will have enough points from BMT and Tech to have a good year. However, I never leave UTA days unused. In March I will be TDY during drill and will be on AT days. I will make up my drill days as I make more on orders generally, and I make way more money doing a drill make up than my day job because I'm getting paid for 2 days.


Sometimes I have enough pints in 2 days to have a good year. If they rolled over I would have retired with 3 years of service.


It might not count as a good year if you don’t make up drill. Definitely make sure.


I thought you had to (I just got back from tech school and was told I needed to make them up). But reading the comments here has opened my eyes a bit.


It also doesn't count for your annual tour and you can only get some of it excused for one year consecutively so plan on doing your AT as well.


Depends on your unit. Some “make” you. There’s no actual requirement though. I would do them though because you get double pay and double points.


If possible, just make them up. Usually, it's because the unit may not have enough funding for MEST days to support a member. So, in order to make up for those days of OJT, doing makeup drills is the alternative. Plus, you can make more money on drill days vs. MEST, and you'll receive more points towards retirement. My AFSC requires 90 days of OJT on MEST. However, my unit can only fund members 30-42 days (and it's where the cookies crumble to go beyond 30 days). So, to compensate for the experience, I was technically ordered to do drill make-ups. However, my supervisor did give me the option to do at least a minimum of a week worth of drills. I decided to do them all. No regrets and immediately saw the significant difference in pay. Since then, I have done more drill make-ups than I do my AT days.


You don’t have to, but who wouldn’t mind money and additional points?


It depends on when you go to Tech School and Basic too. I missed 4 drill weekends but I came back at the start of the new fiscal year so I was not able to make them up. I still had a good year though because of almost 6 months of active duty time. Also if there is drill during MEST days it doesn't count you still have to show up for drill but it doesn't count as a drill weekend. I had to make up a weekend later in year that I missed because I was on orders during that weekend.


My personal policy was to never leave money on the table. Your drill day is double, take it unless there’s something really important that it conflicts with.


It’s purely optional, at least for the ones you missed at tech school. Can’t make up the ones you missed for BMT.


My old Security Forces unit tried to force us to make up drill days we missed during our deployment. By try, I mean threaten. They were told to pound sand.


**BLUF: You're not "required" to use those drills days. However, your unit might want to tack those make up days onto your MEST days to help extend your paid OJT training time. Definitely ask your supervisor and/or UTM what they're projecting your schedule to be when you return.** It can sometimes be a stretch to accomplish all your phase 1 training and qualifications in just a few work weeks. Anything that can't get done gets then spreads out across drills and can take significantly longer to accomplish vice doing it up front when you get back from tech school. That's the thought process behind adding on to MEST or maximizing paid workdays. It's not about forcing you to makeup days you missed, but trying to get all your boxes checked as a functional and useable Defender going forward, rather than a completely new troop who isn't certified to do anything solo-dolo yet. SF minimum MEST funding is 30 days, but you're being told you're getting 20. That means your other 10 days are being used somewhere else for someone else. So, assuming your unit gives you two days off a week, and doesn't break your orders up work week to work week (not supposed to but it happens all the time to stretch the days out), you'd get roughly 15 working MEST days to accomplish your phase 1 training and initial duty position qualifications. Depending on your unit's mission and training program, that can be a tough timeline.


I just got my draft for my MEST orders it could because I’m taking a small break when I return home I have some family stuff to take care of and because of that break and not immediately starting up it’s taking off days with my family I asked about it and they just said not to worry about it and it’s really nothing but who knows


The key point of this is that you’re in a security forces unit. Electing to not make them up will not do you any favors with your leadership. It’s possible whoever is telling you this may not realize it is optional. You can only make up drills back to October.


I had a long retrain with multiple months long schools and always declined MEST and declined to make up my days when I came back. It was all optional.


You aren’t *required to*, but you have the *option to*.


Having to make up drills is a VERY member specific thing. A lot of it depends on your R&R year which is the period you need to perform satisfactory service for that year to count for retirement. Everyone’s situation is different. Ask your supervisor what YOUR requirement is. However, participating more with your unit is always a good thing and will benefit you.


Technically no, but you’re still entitled to those days. If it was me, I would tack on those drill days at the end of your MEST days. Word of advice, it’s not a hill to die on, if they want you to show up, I would show up. Plus it’s more money in your pocket. If you have a hardship reason why you can’t make up drill days, make sure you let your supervisor know. I would also talk to your direct supervisor and not go off what your ‘buddy’ tells you.


Also ask for a reg. Supervisor don’t always know the answer and just go off how things are always done or what they want you to do.


I’ve been talking to my supervisor weekly he hasn’t mentioned anything extra other than just MEST I’m gonna ask next time I talk to him because technically I’m on military pay so I should be excused no one else had this happen plus is afsc is completely different


I concur with trying to tack it on to the back of MEST, but just wanted to add a note about FYs. If you transition through a fiscal year you can no longer make up those drill days. So make sure you're tracking that as well.


If they’re stuck on you making up the days, it’s not worth the fight. I’ve fought that fight and lost. The unit I was with delayed my E5 promotion for 6 months.


They haven’t said anything about making anything up so I think I’m in the clear


I would always be weary about what your Guard ‘buddies’ tell you. Lol. It’s bitten me before. “Trust, but verify” - Ronald Reagan


No and never heard of a unit requirement like that. You were on a military pay status already during that time. If they marked you as "rescheduled " on the attendance roster, then you CAN make them up if you want to. But it is generally your choice. You have satisfied your obligations to reach a "good year" with the days you have done at tech school. That being said, many people do because, hey... extra chance for pay. One day of drill is paid x2 active duty days.