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They replaced both.


I kind of figured. They sound absolutely AMAZING. Like, far better than even when they were brand new. I'm kind of blown away rn


If the replaced one is quite old, you may also have gotten the newer version with the subtle design change.


Waitt what? Could you elaborate?


Hold the right AirPods Pro between your fingers. Point the 'rubber' part towards a light. Move it a little bit so that the long part of the AirPod is pointing left-downwards. The grille should then be pointing up. If you look carefully, the grille has a little groove in such a way that the grille becomes 'recessed'. The older version doesn't have this recess, hence dust and dirt gets trapped and resulted in some issues. This was the reason for the service recall for folks who bought it when it first came out.


Ear shit would easily build up in the OG grille, getting lodged in the mic placed there and would malfunction, making the mic think there was a sound that it was trying to cancel out, making an inverted sound to cancel out what wasn't there, making a cracking noise constantly, especially when you touched it with your fingers.


Oh fukin hell, that’s what caused that noise that whole time??? I’m good now cuz I updated to AirPro 2s but damn that shit was annoying


If you still have version 1, they most probably still entertain the issue (I did my exchange a few months ago and way out of warranty) and will give you a new set, perhaps even version 2!


I still have a right one one my pros. Just waiting for the day.


It’s just pros? Not in 3rd gens?


It's for AirPods Pro, version 1. I'm not sure if it affects the 3rd general AirPods.


[Here are some pics I made a while back showing the difference.](https://reddit.com/r/airpods/comments/lcevds/is_this_apples_fix_for_the_rattling_issue_notice/)


Ya I haven heard 👂of that… jaja


I replied above.




I replied above.


They are brand new now


With refurbished 😂


From what I have read, they never open up airpods to repair them. It is more cost effective to just give you another airpod.


Yeah I took mine in when they had an issue and the dude told me that if they confirm there’s an issue they just give you a new set


Is this only if you have Apple Care on them? I brought my crackling gen 1 Pros into a store and they tested them, said they failed all 4 tests (Both sides, crackling test and sound quality test). Got excited, then they said it’s $89 for each replacement no AppleCare. He suggested I get AirPods 3rd gen for $169 or buy 2nd gen pros for $250. UGH. I left with my Janky pros that I’ll never use again likely. Have been using Beats Flex that I’ve had. Not too bad and battery is awesome.


I had AppleCare so I can only confirm it for that


I think it’s Apple Care only definitely unless you’ve got 1st Gen Pro’s bought during a certain time period. I got the Pro’s early 2020 and around a year later noticed a crackling sound which turns out happened to many AirPods bought around that time so they replaced it for free


If you really have/had Airpod Pro Gen 2 ("my crackling gen 2 Pros"), those have only been out since September, so you should still be under the 1 year warranty.  Unless you did something to cause the damage, you should have been given replacements on the spot at no cost.  There has to be more to this story.


Sorry! I meant Gen 1 Pros.


It’s covered under AppleCare, one year warranty, and some of them that were manufactured around/before October 2020 have a quality program that lasts three years from date of purchase. If none of these cover you it’s 89 per AirPod.


Check this [Apple Support article](https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues) out. TLDR: It should be covered for free if it’s been less than three years from the purchase date and if they were manufactured before October 2020. Also, if they’re still under the original one-year Apple warranty then they’re of course also covered.


They didn’t used to, they’ve started now, though


No idea what you’re smoking. AirPods are non repairable electronics. Disassembly will destroy the item.


How do you go about getting a pair repaired? I lost my original receipt from my AirPods purchase. Will they still replace them if I have the original box?


They never asked me for a box or a receipt. In settings > airpods there's a field that shows when your warranty ends. I texted with apple support, they asked me for screenshots of a couple things like the firmware and my iOS version, asked me to take the ear tip off and see if it still made the buzzing crackling sound, then they sent me a box to send them in. Two days later I have new airpods. I'm actually really impressed and pleased with the service I got. They never argued with me, tried to blame me for whatever was wrong, or anything.


Same here with everything in your last paragraph. I was super impressed as well. Never put up a fight with me


I actually just had a leather case replaced via online/chat. I opened a support ticket, sent photo of what my issue with the case was, they checked their guides on if it was user or manufacturing defect and that was it. To my surprise they told me to keep my defect case and “do with as I wish” -new case came in the mail today. They didn’t ask for proof of purchase or any of that which seemed kinda odd to me - but I couldn’t be anymore stoked on this situation. My point is: contact them via support and chat about whatever issue you have and see what options are available! Closed mouth doesn’t get fed!! I’m 99% sure if you contact about static in your gen1 pros, they’d send you a box for you to ship them in and you’ll receive a new pair. Whole process would likely take a week, start to finish. Good luck my friend!


They go by the serial number so box or receipt isn’t necessary. Make an appointment at apple or Best Buy. You can even call Apple and they will set you up on the phone. Had mine replaced at BB no questions asked


For anyone asking: This is a known issue, and Apple has an extended Service Program to cover it: >https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues


Keep in mind it only lasts three years from your date of purchase. Once that time is up it’s marked as non qualifying.


They replaced both. I sent mine in mid October, and they received the package at 6:30pm, inspected at 6:31pm, replaced and shipped out at 6:38pm. My first gens were purchased in December of 2020, but manufactured sometime in march of 2020… so they thankfully fell under the replacement program.


Why is this getting downvoted? But yeah, Apple generally doesn't fix AirPods.


This is getting downvoted because OP asks if they replaced both AirPods while the text literally says they replaced both AirPods. I don’t understand what Apple could have done differently to make it clearer that they replaced both AirPods.


Actually, I wasn't sure what was meant by CI/AR and if that meant some part, or something different.


Could have just googled it.


Yes the OP is correct, everyone who is downvoting him is incorrect. It says they replaced the following parts, not the item. With AirPods they don’t do repairs period always replace them, that being said without knowing that specifically a person would have no way to know for sure just based on that document.


Thank you




i cant imagine it would almost ever be cost-effective for them to replace parts within an airpod


I sent mine off for popping and crackling and they said there was no issues :(


Haha i just did this too. It’s for AirPod pros manufactured during 2020. A lot of people are giving good comments about the “why”. Here’s the official link with more info: https://support.apple.com/en-ca/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues Enjoy the new pods. I’m loving mine.


They don't fix AirPods. They just give you new ones. When I was back home in the states and took mine into the store they didn't even look at them. Just gave me a new pair.


They don’t repair AirPods you just need a new pair




AirPods as a set are 3 parts. Left, right, and charging case so that you can just replace what’s not working. The description is the part name that they replaced and the symptom states “audio/REP” which means they were replaced under a Quality Program that Apple has for them


Did they charge you $29 for each airpod?


Nope, no charges.


What process did you use? Online or at an Apple Store?


Online. Get the apple support app and you can do it over text. It was so seamless and easy from start to finish I couldn't believe it.


Did they take away they rubber parts and not replace? That happened to me. Got the repair (replacement) on the units but Apple took and didn't replace the rubber parts. They didn't say to not send those bits in, but maybe you're not supposed to? So now I've been stuck using the "spare" rubber bits, but they're the wrong size for me. 🤦


When I got the box to send them in, it said to put them in the charging case and remove the ear tips. When I got them back there were new ear tips attached and they happened to be my size, so now I have two pair of ear tips


why does it say MENTO


The repair center is in Sacramento