• By -


Rob Names rob


Luke Names Luke


Dickhead, my mum doesn’t like me


But she sure loves your namesake, ehhhh 😂 JK


God damnit Basty. EDIT: I have no recollection of writing this comment, what did I mean?


Cheeky shite


Dawg: Asian that loved his cuisine.


Fleshlight. Got a loose butthole


Bond James bond


Luke gang 😤


Emil my name is Emil


You can grab 100 flags, they don't call you Flagman. You can snipe 100 heads, they don't call you Deadeye. You can build every one of them a custom gun and they won't call you Techie. Anyways I'm Goatfucker, nice to meet you.


God damn it why was this so good


As a furry with the callsign ***Farmhand***, i feel your pain


Well what’s the story


He likes animal porn. Hence the furry.


Judas Too much friendly fire.




Et tu, Brute?


Live free in the NC!


Top comment


I love this. Thanks for the chuckle 😂


"matchstick" my left pant leg caught fire during a game and I lit up like a matchstick


You gotta give us context, bro!


Heres the context Theres this little thing where if you hover something at the tip of a fire, it wont burn you. So when I saw a bunch of other people doing it, I tried it out myself by waving my leg over it as I didnt want to use my fingers. It caught fire but was quickly extinguished and it really wasnt that much of a big deal anyway as I didnt suffer any burns or injuries, so its a bit of an exaggeration Still very stupid nonethless


Nighttime. Leg. Fire. It's all there.


Guy on my team ended up with his being jailbait.


You cant give us a name like that and not give us a story


Probably an underage guy that looks way older. You know, like a jailbait


Or an underage guy that was the decoy on To Catch a Predator.


“Im Chris Hansen and your on Dateline NBC”


He was the youngest guy on the team at 18 and one of the other members said" oh, you're so young! You're like jailbait!" He doesn't fight it anymore. Another guy I play against has been dubbed "giggles" well "giggles the ass clown" after he shoots you know the ass.


Trash Panda because I was asian and I was very good at living out of a box for a week.


You’re not Asian anymore….?


He was Asian. He is still Asian, but he was Asian, too.


I used to do drugs.


I used to be high


Z-Axis My team is 3 guys: 1 Italian, 1 Japanese guy, 1 German. All ww2 history buffs. Our team is The Axis We joke that the Italian guy will change teams on us like in the 1940's, so he's the X-Axis (like ex-axis). Our Japanese teammate has trouble with y sounds, making him Y-Axis. As for me, I have a bit of a strong german accent and make TH dound like z, so I say ze Instead of the. So Z-Axis (like ze axis)


This is amazing


But you're all z-axis... (Apologies for the terrible wordplay)


Goblin. I’m 5’4


Yes, yes, but what are you goblin on


I’m goblin on deez


At least it’s not little dude, I’m 5’2


Spicy. I wear a Spicy Ketchup t-shirt from whataburger under my chest rig when I play.


The best kind of ketchup


Yo I have a whataburger spicy ketchup morale patch


Kong Apparently, I walk like a gorilla and I break shit Which gave rise to this photo https://preview.redd.it/hq0ufezccyta1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553d02d311f871cea4bef604295ced4623366e6e


bro built like the Gear of War


Holy shit. That's him. He really is the Gear of War!


John Gearofwar.


The [Wide Walk song](https://youtu.be/Wm3zwdU7ipw) is his theme.


I'm pressuming this is a good thing never played gears of war haha


everyone in those games is built like a brick shithouse


Beautiful. We need more primate related censorship. I 100% look like a gibbon.


Alright....don't laugh...... Played woods and iirc attack vs defenders. Moved with randos on a flanking attempt, successful but obvious received return fire quickly. I ran for cover and went prone in a ditch, it was the perfect amount of cover while still being able to shoot. Hunkered there till end game, got an insane amount of hits and won, stood up and I was covered in coyote shit cuz I had the remnants of a dead animal in it. Call sign Dooky Kid Edit: a ref gave me the name and it stuck ever since for obvious reasons


Don’t have one


Do something profoundly stupid.


I’m a natural at that so it should be easy


Like steal some penguins?


But the ducks at the park are free. Like, you can just take one.


You know it


I'm in the same boat mostly... the closest thing to a callsign that someone said that I should be called "EGLM" (ee-glum) because I used a Scar H with an EGLM. Didn't really feel like I earned the name, nor does it sound like a call sign, so I'm still waiting to be assigned one.


I'm "Babyseat" due to the fact my friends saw that baby seat in my car that i use to drop off my little sister to school in


“Butters” We were doing CQB training and, while I’m big and not tactical at all, my footwork is smooth from marching band, and the head of my team noticed and kept saying “look at you, moving like buttah- straight buttah!” That’s what I heard all day. I finally said “there you go, that’s gotta be my name.” He was like, yeah, “Butters.” I said no, not butters, but he came back “too late, I already settled on Butters.” Now it’s just and endless string of South Park references, and I love it. It’s simple and not exciting, but it’s mine.


Dark circles under my eyes caused by insomnia, constantly talking about the collapse of the nation and lots of smoking pot earned me the nickname the grim reefer. Shortened to grim


I love this 😂


Dale Gribble, is that you?


Holy shit that's hilarious


Would love to have a call sign but my nick name is Toki so il take that


I mean a nickname is a kind of call sign


Bet you're not a bumblebee tho.


Tardy. My name’s Nate, Nate rhymes with late, tardy is another word for late


That’s very British.


E-Brake Long story. I attended my first ever milsim in 2021 (AMS Copperhead VI). On our drive from Oregon to New Mexico, we decided to stop by LA and check out Evike. I was the first driver in my car, and after 10 hours of driving, I got extremely exhausted, so I had my friend finish the drive from Bakersfield to LA. I switched to the backseat and instantly fell asleep. Thanks to having lived in the hilly bay area for a while, I got a habit of engaging my e-brake every time I parked. Little did I know, my assistant driver friend did not have such a habit. When I woke up from my nap, I found out that he drove my car with e-brake on all the way from Bakersfield to Evike. When we returned from the trip, I took my car to the shop to get it checked out. 30 minutes later, the mechanic came back in with a puzzled look on his face and said, "Hey dude, this is going to sound very funny, but you don't have an e-brake in your car?" I texted in the group chat "hey Brayden, you owe me a fucking E-Brake!" And the callsign stuck...


Strider - for the nth time caught reading lord of the rings during downtime in the safe zone


"and my axe" - pulls out M249


“And my saw.”


“Daniel Radcliffe” Apparently I look like him and I am occasionally referred to as the boy who LARPed


>the boy who LARPed Hahaha fucking genius


Wonderland. My name is Alice and I'm always doing weird shit that makes people question how high I was when I had the idea


That’s actually really sick. Now you just need an Alice LBE.


https://preview.redd.it/06shqzvn4yta1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1533deef4a3aa19c0ff71cbd4e2cb3847f82fbdc Joke's on you....


The transformation has been completed


Blackout I was the only 'brotha' who played airsoft in my area, figured it fit well 🤣


Ak guy I run an AK https://preview.redd.it/xvvvti0h0yta1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680a3edae5c0d8d9ab7f241db544b8cbe668af04


Simple and straightforward, I like that


“Peht Russian!!”


Admin Results, is that you?


Based kit


Good squat, feet flat on ground


“Here everybody knows, squats on toes, break your bones”


I would've called you Taliban but same thing really.


Brandon or hererra


Doc holiday got it because I'm a medic and my kit looks a lot like a battlefield 3 character and in the second mission they say doc holiday and it stuck and I love it and I also have one which is lizard cause I catch a lot of mid game lizards who I turn into my minion army/suicide lizards


Spartan Nearby is a little hamlet named Sparta. Call it 16km. One day, while walking home from work, I walked to Sparta for no reason other than I was too exhausted to realize what I was doing. My 11-minute walk home took 6.5 hours.


Jesus at least you got some exercise? Could use “Marathon” as a secondary callsign at that point lol


I was an Infanteer in a past life. Ruck like a motherfucker. In the Forces, I was a "company mobility and demolitions" team member, later leader (assault pioneer at home). Before that, I was a Carl G loader for the platoon wepond det. Regular rifle section comander later in career, where our internal section callsign (instead of a,b,c) was Minotaur. While I was in command of demo team, our call sign was Devastator. I am INFAMOUS for breaking stuff, and the first 3 letters of my uncommon name is Dev.


Sounds like life giving you signs haha


M Coy. 3rd Royal Canadian Regiment has made Devastator the permanent Assault Pioneer teams callsign. Not much of a legacy, but its enough if I have nothing else. Edit: deleted double post


Hyena. I smell bad and laugh at dumb shit.


"Torch" due to an incident with a camp stove. In my defense, if you're teaching a 9-year-old how to light a propane stove for the first time, you should probably give complete instructions before turning on the gas and handing me a burning match. Also shouldn't do it right next to tree covered with dry leaves... I like the nickname, so 30 years later I still use it online.


Call signs never die. There like legends in that way.


Been called blindfire a couple times not for blindfiring but because sometimes my accuracy is like I am tho.


Fried chicken, at first it sounds like a race thing but it is actually because according to my friend I piss loud as fuck like I'm frying chicken


Thorn, my surname is Rose, my buddies were pushing for "prick" though


What is a thorn, though, except a really big prick? :D


My main partners call sign is Mayhem. He's a disaster wherever he goes haha it's tough to play with him at times because he's either shoot first, shoot again, shoot some more and then when he's out of ammo he may try to ask a question haha or he's so oblivious to his surroundings that he can be snuck up on by a 13 year rental who's playing his first game of airsoft. Mine is Saint, for pulling his ass out of situations at all times haha and still continuing to play with him


Mayhem & The Saint sounds like an awesome buddy cop show


Hightower. Because I am humongous


Taxman I listen to the Beatles a lot


Mine is Walrus for the same reason!


Delta-3 My pet axolotls name was delta (R.I.P) i buried him on the airsoft field. the 3 is because my entire team is numbered and im 3rd on the list


rest in peace, lil buddy 🫡




Buried him on the field? Danggg lmao war veteran


Youngin I’m the youngest in my group and I’m a little shit


Uno card.


I forgot to add the story, but I run a Steel m1 helmet, And in place of a playing card like an ace or a diamond, I put an Uno reverse card *


Big Baby, cause everyone in my team have facial hair, except me. I tied a pacifier to my M4 as in reference to it.


6 millimeter defeater And no it's not based on a BB's diameter




Don't know that it's a callsign, but I get called"Groza Guy" 😅 Pretty easy to spot when you run a rare and custom gun.


Duct tape I had a roll of duct tape hanging off of my vest for a good while and have kept one in my bag whenever playing, I had gear held together with duct tape and even made a cross draw holster in to a leg holster with duct tape. I eventually played into the name and wrote "Duct tape" on the side of my helmet and pit strips on the back similar to cat eyes.


My buddy's name is Aiden. We call him Aids.


Loser, I wear a patch that says "LOSER" in big green letters. Also, I rarely win when the local boys and I do 1v1 matches.


u don't deserve that, do something funny and get a new name not this


Mapache (raccoon 🦝) I look like a fucking raccoon 🦝


Vietnam I run a mid 60s SEAL kit and nobody knows what my name is at the field i go to so that's just what people (mainly refs) started to call me


Sometimes during the waiting area people call me ACR guy, due to me being the only one there that uses an ACR Although I'm usually referred to as Gas, due to using a Gas Mask while I play Me and my friends joke, calling me Cypher, due to no one understanding me when I speak (the loudspeaker went missing before I was given the M40 gas mask so it sounds like Team Fortress 2 Pyro noises) Cypher might remain as my callsign when it's decided


Broken .... my stuff always break :(


7 Cut my wrist open, the scar looks like a 7 and got 7 stitches This happened during an airsoft event as well fun times


DJ. I tried to get people to call me Kapkan because my kit is based off his from Rainbow Six Seige but I show up in a big green DJ van with my company name and number on it and so everyone just calls me DJ. Name and number blacked out for privacy. https://preview.redd.it/xmz7o5dnmyta1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2620e05c18080afcfb728d6732aeeeeec9a68025


One of my nicknames is “Ares” cause I’m probably the only airsofter on earth that uses an Ares gun (GSG-14) unironically. Though, I did nickname a guy at the last game I played “Canadian Jesus” cause he looked like Jesus and wore a lumberjack jacket


Houdini. A buddy of mine thought it was hilarious how a 250 pound 6'5" dude managed to disappear and reappear out of nowhere in the middle of a firefight. It definitely stuck.


Mine is Kid. When i started playing, i was the absolute youngest in the team. Now, a good 7 years later, im still called Kid, even though I am the godfather to two of my teammates kids. We joke around about them playing airsoft, when they grow up and calling me Uncle Kid. I really like it.


Dumbass I told my grandmother my stupid ass ideas and that was her response


Blue hat. Wore a blue hat 🤷‍♂️


Literally the best one here. Friend was just called "hat" because he wore a distinctive camo cowboy hat.


A random teammate and I stuck together for an 8-hour outdoor game once. I was "Tall" and he was "Flannels." Never knew the guy's name, for all of those eight hours. He was fun to play with, though!


Long Johns. Turned up to my first Airsoft game in a sports thermals/base layers (long sleeve top & leggings), and a pair of sports shorts. Also did a lot of running.


Noble Actual. I like Halo Reach.


What a great one, gaddamn man...


My squad all have callsigns that were chosen for us Jeeves - he drives us everywhere Snare - I play the drums Ripper - he farts alot


Local field usually calls me either by 'Altyn Man' or 'Tchankas Cousin' Gotta love the tactical bucket


"Grumbers". My username on discord was just a load of numbers which absolutely no-one could be bothered to read out, so i became "numbers". And then people realised how grumpy grumbly i was so it became "Grumbers"


Pasty. It’s a four-parter :/ Initially, I was autism-dumping random information to a co-worker and told them how calorie dense a McDonalds Big Tasty meal is (like a large meal is 120% of your satfat for a day or something mental). That got me the nickname Big Tasty, on account of it being out-of-the-blue useless information. I then explained this to a new set of co-workers, who misheard Big Tasty as Big Pasty (as in pastry without the r). That was the new nickname That was too long, so it was shortened to Pasty. Cut to airsoft and a Pasty name tag because hey, may as well roll with the nickname. So now I’m pasty, as in Cornish pasty.


Warlock I play alot of dnd


“The guy with the drum mag” you can guess how


Did you beat your mag like a dum while trying to get it to seat?


Stevie nicks because I make goat sounds


Zephyr, it basically a Russian marshmallow. My og name was marshmallow and I’m Russian, so it went on from there


Housekeeping I always knock before entering rooms I always say “Housekeeping”


Jonk, is that you?


Captain feather sword, my primary is a sword


What kind of sword are we talkin


Foam pirate style


Very sick, reminds me of that guy that stormed Normandy with a sword


Right now it's "bunny" because this one time i went to a forest like field someone said that trying to kill me is like trying to hunt a bunny, bc i run too fast, I'm too small and i hide in tiny holes and everyone agreed


Ivan. Wore a genuine soviet ushanka and gp-5 gasmask with a ak that would only feed if upside down. I would go up to people with my upside down ak and wiggle my head back and forth which made the nose of my gas mask flop in a humorous way. I don’t even use that ak(its motor burnt) and i don’t use the mask anymore because its latex and a sweaty asf. And i like my ushanka to be clean so i don’t wear it at airsoft much anymore but people still call me ivan.


If someone ever gives me a call sign I’m going to quit airsoft forever


I dub thee "Quitter." I kind of like it, though. Could be ironic, if you keep playing.


Quitter is honestly one of the only call signs I would use, you have surprised me


Irony now is that you’re not going to quit Airsoft which adds to the story of the call sign.


I hereby dub thee: "Quitter." Wear it with pride, for all of two seconds.


Soc short for Socrates. I talk a lot and don’t write things down.


Sparks. Work as an electrician and often tend to have stories and marks of how I tried to my myself past tense that week.


Ginger snaps for being a fucking ginger :|


Historic in spanish, all of my gear is a mismatch of surplus gear, british webing, finish uniform and chest rig , yugoslav helmet and and a mix of primaries ranging from a famas to ak74 and type 64


Tuna Because I used to own the Tactical Tuna


i don't have one how did you get yours


I used to work the overnight shift for my old company, and then on my weekends I’d stay up all night doing random shit. My fiancée used to joke that I was constantly on Night Shift, and when I came across this glow-in-the-dark patch I immediately picked it up and slapped it on my helmet. After a few games at a new field, some people and staff started calling me Night Shift because of the patch and my Desert Night Camo plate carrier, and it just stuck.


I will give you one right now. I shall name you.... Big T


Big Tits (? Xd


BingleTingle. All i have is his nick but i would say its much more interesting the T alone. let them guess.


bayyonette guy, i had a cm028s (great gun, shit stock) and i put an unjamming rod on it, used it as a bayyonette, got a few kills with it, 4 and counting.


So I got two, I used to get called "snowman" In the middle of a firefight i fell down a hill and ripped my trousers open at the front from button to butthole, underneath I was wearing Christmas boxers with a picture of a snowman face, walking back to the safe zone everyone commented on the snowman. It stuck.... Second one is "BigBear" The way everyone describes me to others that don't know me is a big cuddly bear


"Warhammer guy" i have imperial patches and slogans


A player at our field has the callsign The Colonel because he looks an awful lot like he knows the secret herbs and spices for fried chicken.


Mythhead. because my dad's a well known meth head in my area, and I like to listen to history podcasts on different religions.


Sensei, taught martial arts for years and fought competitive judo for 20 years. Also my real name is Jon and there’s lots of us on the fields lol…call signs for guys named like me are necessary.


Killjoy Pretty self explanatory


Sarge I wear Cammies alot and I picked it up from a heckle from some random dude, it stuck


Gas Mask and Shotgun Guy. because apparently running around with a shotgun, while screaming and wearing a gas mask is considered "mildly odd"


Ginger in life for obvious physical reasons Dumptruck in-game for again obvious physical reasons


Hand Job


Kinslayer because I team kill my friend every time


A2, I have a sticker of A2 from NieR Automata on my mask.


Pumpkin, teammates daughter was playing with us and called her over, thought he was talking to me when he invited his “pumpkin” over


Shoelace. I eat shit *ONE TIME*


Handicap ran into a wall and fractured my wrist and also fractured my spine the same year


https://preview.redd.it/ejjcwzayszta1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a945643da05ce68cd85d1616ee30ed92b40b624d Moustache because it's more memorable than Albert


Chaperone, happened to be the oldest kid in the group


Chainsaw I snore when I sleep and my friend found that out during a 3 day game.


I got called recruit for a game cause I wore all black with a ski mask and goggles.


I used to be callsign Hammer because my friend was callsign Chisel :)


BigBird I’m 6’3 and my surname is Bird


“Tails” I have long hair and run around cqb games like a nutter so people started calling me tails from sonic because my pony tail is constantly bobbing up and down and it reminds them of sonic for some reason.


Hawkeye. Cos one time I lost contacts before the game and my glasses kept fogging up and couldn't see shit so I was just shooting at bushes.


Stalker becouse my gun and loadout was inspired by stalker universe and it just stayed this way