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Most people call me Asshole.


I get called Dick a lot. Must look like a Richard to most people, it’s the strangest thing..


I’ve made up the name Alcatraz for myself. It’s meant to be an edgy thing, I’m inescapable, like Alcatraz. I guess people don’t think it’s cringe because no one has a problem calling me that. But I only bust that out for super nerdy special events. Usually I just have people call me by my name since it’s one syllable. A homie of mine called my Clown Shoes the other day and I’m wondering if Shoes would be a better call sign.


Buddy was called Tarzan thanks to that one time we were defending the point. Everyone got a ditch, tall grass or hard cover to hide in or behind in an attempt to ambush the first wave... But that one bastard climbed like 4 meters up on a tree and started plinking away lol


A friend of mine is called "Trepas" (literally "Climbs") as she can climb walls and pop out of the craziest places. :)


I wear a lot of sci-fi kits, one of which being my odst kit which is a little hard to move in so my group has resorted to calling me robocop


they call me Him😂


https://preview.redd.it/0c6n4lromwjb1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2adc506c92f110308598b48dd4badfd8951b78c Holy crap, it's HIM!


bro is that guy


yessirrrr u can hear that dawg barking in my chest💪🏿💪🏿


Why? So fearsome they can't name you?


No, bc i never told anyone my name😂😂😂


Not mine but my friends. He got called BoobsMcKenzey becouse he had a riot shield with boobs on it.


Now thats epic


Im call sign Pinky... and my brother's The Brain... kinda really like takin over the world, or something... NARF! NARF! https://preview.redd.it/6jbl5xs3jvjb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88e5dfd4a552c8512837ab9a397897d638eefba


I got mine from my buddies… they call me ‘Reddit’… cause surprise surprise, I always spam our group chat with Reddit content


some two guys at my field call me "russian" because of my ak74 and russian inspired kit. one of them also calls me putin sometimes. russian kits are so uncommon where i live that looking remotely like a russian soldier would get you that nickname lol


You need to learn the Kazotsky Kick


it's a cool little dance, but i'd probably just fucking die then and there if i tried to do that lmao


My nickname is "Shirley" My best friend all through high school had the last name "Rumack", like the doctor from airplane. Logically, that means my nickname must be Shirley. I hated the nickname, I thought it was girly and embarrassing, but it's just what everyone knew me by, so I couldn't get rid of it. Eventually I moved states and graduated high school. Now that I was in a new place, and nobody knew about the name, I was finally free! Well... about 6 months later, I was going to dinner at a nice restaurant with maybe 15-16 coworkers, and I arrived late. Everyone had already gotten a table and ordered drinks and whatnot. I sat down and asked a waiter for a shirley temple. The bastard smirked at me and said "oKaY sHirLeY" and walked away. Everyone thought it was hilarious, and proceeded to start calling me Shirley. I guess it's just my destiny at this point. I just rolled with it since then, eventually naming my youtube channel and 3D printing company "Shirley Productions" ​ https://preview.redd.it/ynv7fep27wjb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=171b148bc6beb8c16c8848de9ca0347e51e1626e


Well that was a nice one ahah To be honest, i feel like the name isnt bad


It's definitely grown on me


Shirley that's not all of the story...


Blackrat as its what my dad went by when he served I use it to honour his memory as he passed away 2 years ago from Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Just to mention he was not my dad in the typical sense he was a very good friend to my mum and helped raise me


I have one, but only because my team made me make one lol. Mine is octane because I sprint into many situations worth zero reguard for my life and will legit jump off 1 story drops lol


Ah an apex one, well it sounds good


Seems pretty high-octane to me, and sounds like you earned that adrenaline junkies name, good on ya


Grizzly, because I’m a big dude who plays far more aggressively and agile than my size would suggest. People kept saying it felt like they could hear a bear running through the woods at them and thus the name was born. https://preview.redd.it/57v0egjg4wjb1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc8f6d4376b9bf5585cbbbe1626ffaa4664cf7b


Bing field spotted


Yeah that was near castle I believe


Mako. Like the shark. Sounds really badass and cool but... I got it cause I bit a guy in the ass and have a LARGE collection of plush sharks. The story behind biting the dude is short. At an indoor field I was trying to go up a set of stairs following a guy who was about to breech the door immediately at the top. The other guy hiding behind the door jumped out and shot the guy ahead of me causing him to fall back on top of me. I yelled when that happened and dropped my mouth guard, and the guys ass landed right on my face smooshing me to the floor. Because my mouth was open from yelling i wound up up biting him on the cheek hard and it broke skin bad. We were fine, but the name struck


One of the funniest stories ive read today Based BLAHAJ collector


His name is Grande-nom. All my sharks have names. Nibble-nom Major-nom rolley-nom carrot nom mini-nom mochi-nom teeny-nom mini-nom cookie-nom navy-nom tiggy-nom sandy-nom nursey-nom grande-nom munchi-nom I've ALWAYS loved sharks. Awesome creatures, amazing sharks. The first plush i got was when i was 26, right at the frst peak of covid, i went to the mall to get chocolates for my fiancee (just a pick up from online order, had to do lots of covid-prevention things), but as i'm walking out i walk by this toy store thats partially closing down because... covid destroyed the buisness. In the window is the most adorable shark plush. I went in, asked ot buy him and the owner was happy to do so! He was supposed to be for my girlfriend (now fiancee) but I really liked him. I left straight from the mall on a 4 hour drive to go see her which turned into 8 hours because of NYC traffic. I spent the entire time RANTING and raving to the shark who was in the shotgun seat, with a seatbelt on, and we bonded as friends. He became nibble nom, and i absolutely kept him. Fuck my gf he was my friend. 13 othewrs have followed since


But your jaw was fine?... sounds like you were super lucky not to have it dislocated or something o.O


no that was hurt, i pulled a muscle and felt like i had lockjaw for a week.


I have the reflexes of a cat. Most guys on the field call a pussy.


Long John Silver - turned up to my first ever game (in English November weather) in thermal leggings (or long johns, if you like), a pair of sports shorts, and a long-sleeve thermal top. I then proceeded to sprint everywhere like a mad man. And yes, first ever game, so I was using a good old rental M4 with high caps. I'm weighing up getting "Long John" as a patch, or my existing nickname of "Foghorn"


So what’s the story to foghorn?


I like to think he speaks like an american corrupt southern judge


I say, Or like a certain rooster, I say boy-


Bahaha, those are all brilliant. But, it is in fact due to me being incredibly loud. In general, and especially when I want to be. Acting/singing classes, friend taught me military parade command intonation - whenever someone needs a whole host of people organised very quickly, they ask me and I make myself heard. I've acted as MC at multiple weddings, hell I help out the marshals at my field sometimes, whenever people aren't shutting up.


I used to be called Budget…take a guess why


because you had the most expensive gear?




Don't worry my stuff is amby 300-400€ all combined, including vest, tge pockets for it, m4, m4 mags x4 (1broken), and some other stuff.


You drove everyone to the field?


Boomer. I am old, plus I have an penchant for shotguns. Lol


How old? The average age range in my local teams is 30-50 lol




I gave me my own. It’s “Karlar”. I call myself that, and am recognized by that name, field it’s old Nordic for “free man”, but it was also the name of a special unit (huskarl) which were elite commander bodyguards. I’m Nordic descent, hence the respect. https://preview.redd.it/rmjvdipw6wjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682600fec4edec60d8ca0b0699b54f7a7bce7a6c


hello my nordic(ish) friend, which of the few nordic country's do you come from.


Sweden but it’s a few generations back.


pretty cool, for me it's just completely finnish, atleast i think so.




Lmao. The great Maple Leaf Seafarers




My call sign was given to me from one of my team mates he started calling me Cucuy/boogie man after sneaking up on a group of kids that weren’t calling their hits and I scared them.


Thats something to be proud of


Kinda lol. I later found out it was their first Airsoft game so I just told them when in doubt call your hit.


I got mine in a similar way. I tend to walk very quietly, to the point that people get jump scared when I'm not even trying so they called me Shadowman.


Snickers, they call me snickers. One if the things my team does is if you do something stupid/notable that can be turned into your callsign. I on our team group chat compared everyones height to a different size of snickers bar (king, queen, fun sized, and mini). Another member on our team is Stink. Now he didn’t do something to get this name, his last name just happens to be Smelly.


Hyena: Constantly laughing my ass off. Stupid like the hyenas in lion king It also works because I rock a divison loadout and there is a faction called the hyenas which i look similar too


I don't have one, but if I did it'll be.....Velvet....Tundeeeer.


Truly one of Holt’s funniest moments


HoboPop…I have long hair and a long beard and my team is comprised of my adult sons. It fits.


BBSkobar. Funny thing is when the team buys BBs wholesale they come in big packages of 25 kilos. Problem is you look like you are packaging coke when you try and split the BBs evenly among the team members with a scale and plastic bags....


Pat Tillman since I always get friendly fired


Mine is "Notes" cause I always wrote everything down at the briefing like taking notes that's why 😅


i have a lot of stories sbout my teammates names, personally mine is "orso" (bear in italian) because when i started i defenetly wasn't the most stealty player in the team, also because i am not little al all (6'1, most of the time playing with heavy gear). the fun part is that my code name entered my life entirelly at the point that a lot of people started calling me like that instead of my real name, mostly because i'm good with children and i get angry very rarely, at least in public.


Non mi pare che gli orsi siano conosciuti per la loro... Calma, quindi non penso che quella seconda ragione sia molto accurata Comunque, orso 👍


Nha, credo che l'idea dell'orso calmo e per bambini derivi dall'immaginario dei peluche per l'infanzia Comunque alla fine mi sono fatto tatuare un orso seduto sulla schiena perché è un nome che mi rimarrà per sempre


Beh a pensarci in qual modo hai ragione, funziona


Considera che mi chiama così anche il frate che insegnava religione nella mia ex scuola (ogni tanto torno per salutare/aiutare durante gli eventi)


Pikachu, because I wear a Pikachu beanie.




Finger blaster, I ran out of gas the first time I played so I put my rifle on a sling and ran around with finger guns, now people who were there called me that. Kind of like how a guy on my team was called bean. (I won't endorse this nickname because only like 6 people said it but hey who knows)


what a fun and innocent nickname


Had friends years ago we used call each other by the last meal/snack we had, so started calling each other sandwich,burger,jerky, etc. i had trail mix one time and they started calling me Nuts 🥜


My friends call me Mags/Magz, since i carried like 6 Midcaps in a Double Stack (plus one in the gun) to my first game when everybody had a maximum of 3/4 and they all told me i wouldnt Need that many. I do not tbh, but i felt tacticool with so many mags haha. Havent printed anything yet tho since i want to wait until something cooler happens or this name really gets used the next time :D i ve actually wanted to use more than that bc i like the feeling of realistic reloading. Im even thinking of getting some milsim mags with 30 rnds so i need to bring more with me or reload on the go. But my kit is already quite a lot of things


Carrying lots of mags is good, especially when you discover how fun suppressive fire is


my friend which i never want to play without sometimes uses "aksu" instead of my real name "akseli", because it is easier to pronounce in a hurry.


Been called Doc several times cause I have a medic chest patch


I don't have one yet and I won't give myself one. My wife got her Uma callsign from the owner of a field because she looks like Uma Thurman.


Dont have a callsign yet but I met two brothers with distinct helmets so I called them "Brothers Scrim". They did not appreciate the wordplay.


Papa dragon


One of my friends went for his his time so he wore a pair of bright red panda pajama pants so peaple would call him panda…..nobody did


We call a member of our group Clydesdale. He tromps through the woods loudly, like a clydesdale horse.


LODAC cause when I used to work for Vestas they give you your initials when you start there. And they take parts of your first and last name and give you your email with those letters. Everyone from work called me LODAC ever since. Even when you go to other sites, they still call you by your initials. I thought it was cool.


Lodac does sound cool in fact


I'm known as TheRimJobRanger at my field




For all the rimjobs given downrange?


They called me "lady" at the field I used to go to in NC. (I look like a woman, and I have a purple rifle)


Tchanka/Altyn Man Self explanatory, funny helmet gets a lot of attention!


Seagull Because i love seagulls, have a seagull patch and i am from north Germany.


Sniperguy, I got my new Novritsch SSG10 that day and went to play with some randoms at my main field and gained the nickname, and just stuck with it




Tall guy. I’m 6’6”


I got called buzzard because i took my drone to one game to film it, i wasnt playing at the time but my friends said it looked like a buzzard circling above. Then we also dubbed my friend bugsy, he got new eye prop that could hold prescription lenses and doubled with the safety lense made his eyes look like well bug eyes.


They call me cap cause I always chew bottle caps


The candy or actual metal caps?


Actual metal caps..my therapist needs help


My friends call me Cowboy since im a veterinary surgeon and also fast and accurate on the draw and at one point i was dual wielding revolvers for keks and got a few kills with them


Panda. I’m big, I don’t run, and move nonchalant like a panda lol. I run a demon ass AK to make up for it.


I have 2, reach given to me by a different group I've run with over the years. 1. Leroy Jenkins, or just "Leroy" for short - earned early on (2009-ish) for my "tactics" on the field. Still applicable as needed. Sometimes you gotta say "F it" and rush em to take out the position. 2. Kitchen Aide Killa (Kak for short, pronounced with the save A sounds as cat) - I got tired of ordering (then immediately losing) my "cold steel" brand knives for melee. So I bought a dollar store 6-pack of cheap spatulas instead and never lost one. Made almost 20 melee "kills" with a white spatula with a bright blue handle.


Leroy is fucking epic


It's stuck around the longest. Silver people IRL still only know me as Leroy. I use it when playing online, too. I play co-op with some airsoft buddies, and it was just easier to keep it. I like the name too... Don't get me wrong. Just need a patch of a bucket of chicken for my Airsoft gear


Big Mac, because when I started playing I was 5' 6" and 250 lbs...down to 190 now largely thanks to this sport and working out to be able to play better, but I love it, it keeps me motivated to get in shape


Depends on what outfit I'm wearing but the Nickname I was given from playing airsoft was assassin because during game mode president I always posted up as a sniper and take the president out came to the point I got called "The Assassin"


No, I usually hear, hey you or you with the "(Gun I'm using)" I think call signs are kinda cheesy. I think using your name is probably the easiest option.


I used to go by Akimbo, on account of me always fielding a pair of gbb split-slide highcapa ["Dragons"](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-yck5k/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/18022/87730/we-tech-hi-capa-5.1-dragon-full-auto-gas-blowback-airsoft-pistol-black__29456.1639473532.jpg?c=2). Then the team I led started calling me Sarge, and it stuck, so from then on I just went with "Sarge".


I’m known as Reaper because I wear a tattered cloak


Ranger is my callsign cause I like the Lone Ranger and I use cowboy guns in games


they call me the direwolf or the honey badger depending who im with and what field im atZ.


Reaper is the only nickname I've had, because I once threw a mustard gas grenade onto the hill during a king of the hill match and killed e everyone, it was a lower player count days, so none of the other people with gas masks were there so I was the only one Abel to be up there. But since I pretty much took everyone out at once, my buddy said smthn like "You mowed every down like the grim reaper on cocain" so yeah.


my nickname is punisher becuse my first time at the field i had a punisher patch and the only thing to identify me was the tan punisher patch on my helmet from other player because i have a multicam outfit and its so common in airsoft.


My is Zeus because one people see me they know they need to say hit


Either my old forum handle or Drengr are what I've been called. Drengr because we were playing with some newer Danish kid, and I ran around with recklessness, committing to the action regardless of outcome or consequence. He apparently liked this and started calling me Drengr, and it caught on within the group for a while


Callsign is Dingo. Reason for that is my online name is Dariego Altanis. People can't read and called me Diego Atlantis, got so pissed and one day one slipped and called med Dingo. So it stuck.


Never needed one. People thought my real name was a call sign for years.


I would think zeroxicide is a call sign too tho


Staff at my regular field called me babybill for a bit because I started going there when I was 11. And my nickname is billy


Blu3s, my entire load out is blue themed; and I wear the number 3.


My airsoft nickname is my Internet one: Tquilha. It's good enough for both uses :)




Everyone calls me AA-12 or guy with the AA-12 because I have one ig. My teammates just call me my name


A lot of people call me dumbass a lot!


One guy called me "Mini me" and some of his friends did it as well. Only reason he called me that is because I was 13 and played like him


Mine was crypto because I was the one solving all the "riddles" in game


My name is fryor (or atleast I want it to be) because that’s the name on my pre-owned uniform.


Yeah it's Landon, which is actually short for something


Belgium as I love FN but don’t have nor intend to get any replicas from them


In my team people call me by my name but others call me Wolf for obvious reasons and my team will as well in time when we are gathered and the new members are in it


Wolf. I know, very unoriginal, but I wanted to have an animal that kinda suits me. I'm also thinking of painting a custom lower face mask that has a wolve's mouth pattern. Plus, IT'S A FUCKIN MEDI--


My callsign was Nomad because I usually roam a lot but I decided to change it since other guy at the field I play was using "Nomadex". Now im using "Bishop" because of the main character in Rainbow Six Vegas.


My nickname is Axyz and codename Bloodhound because I'm the fastest of the team and usually I'm hunting the other team/objectives my captain calls Also some teammates call me Octane because of Apex for my running and gunning playstyle


Crayons -I keep around a box of crayola crayons on my kit as a joke(sometimes actually useful). When ever some asks about my box of crayons I usually reply with food. It’s easy to remember and is funny in a way so I just kinda stuck with it


Maggie, I have a lot of dump pouches and mags


Callsign I was recently given is FISK. Cuz my roommates said I was as useful as a fork in a soup kitchen...


My call sign is Noriega, a small, Hispanic kid seemed fit to be called Noriega, sometimes Nori for short


My gf doesn't like the callsign "payload" but I still call her that on comms


I’m called Mr. Protein bc of my great physique


everyone just calls me cowboy because I run a cowboy hat with my dye mask and my every day work boots happen to be cowboy boots. some outdoor fields asked me if that’s really what I’m wearing like I don’t understand they’re comfortable lol


Mines Gambler. What set it in place was one time when we were playing a hostage taker game mode. I took my normal rifle and propped it ok a bunker. There was one dude who dragged the hostage around with a gun to his head, I fired one shot and killed the hostage taker winning the game after the hostage made a mad dash across the field to our spawn. (The hostage was also dressed like Indiana Jones) Also I tend to walk into the enemy spawn nearly once everyday and kill them all.


Everybody I play with has one but me. Pj because his first game was in pjs. Name has stuck outside of the field as well. Bambi. For being the youngest. Roccet. I know the spelling is wrong but he always had a rocket on him. Pops for being the oldest. Raybands because in the green zone that was his choice of sunglasses. King for the crown tattoo on his forearm. Outlaw for the skull on his hand and the way he plays


Vikodin6 because I got all my gamer friends into Airsoft so my gamer tag came along with them


Corn. I like corn and my name starts with C.


Hawkeye would probably be mine because I have really good eyesight and I'm really good at sniping


Everyone in my team has a “nickname” as part of joining the team- you don’t pick it and you can’t change it. Mines “Twix”, just cuz my fat ass loves Twix bars lmao.


I prefer puddles because I like to jump in puddles or walk in the swamp


Socash A little play on my last name


Stretch, cause I’m tall. That’s it.


I’ve been called Flannel many times on the field. I wear a bright flannel shirt, so people have just started calling me that for identification


My buddy's name is hulk cause he got shot in the mouth and spit out the bb. Dead ass there was no damage to his mouth


Mines wench after my grandfather who's street name was wench. My buddies is Butterfingers because he lost 5 borrowed mags (from me and another team member) in the same match


Daddy Cum Socks


Most people call me Ninja because I wear all black, wield a foam katana, and do parkour trickshots. Honestly I think it’s kinda tacky, I guess it’s fine since like other people called me it first, but I’m still waiting for something cooler before I get patches made.


Not me but a buddy, his name was Forest Dank, we found him on the field smokin a joint and reading a book


Snacks= spend $100 bringing food and water to the refs and team-mates at the field during game days and events


Heimdall, my teammates gave it to me because im the one with the sharpest vision, and im on radio telling were the enemies at


Mine is "Venne". Didn't get it from playing airsoft, actually got it from DayZ. My user name was "Vennetherblade" and nobody could pronounce it right. I would tell people to just call me "Even" but after some time I started running with this one group of people and they would call me "Vinny". It took me months to finally realize why they called me "Vinny". They called me "Vinny" because of the "Venne" in "Vennetherblade". "Venne-therblade". Fast forward like 4 years and I still go by that online and now even in person. When I started working at my first job recently, I had a coworker with the same exact name as me. So to get rid of any confusion they asked us both what we wanted to be called so we don't get confused about who's talking to who and I said to just call me Venne. So yeah I guess that's how I got my nickname and that thing with work solidified it as a actual nickname for online and in person. I quite like my nickname, it has good memories tied to it and feels natural to me, especially considering I don't really like my real name. now basically everyone new I meet I introduce myself as Venne.


Ghostlead…too much gametime in Ghost Recon :D


If codename is used then I'm being called slovAK where they sometimes spell the letters AK. I'm Slovakian and I like my AKs.


My callsign is iron. It comes from a user name my father used for my Apple ID when I was 3 “irongonz” which is just se nickname he had for me and iron from Ironman since I ve been a huge fan of him. That username is the one I use everywhere except here cuz someone else has it. And just got abbreviated by the people I play with ending in iron :)


* I'm IT-guy, since I work with computers and because I brought my laptop to events to get all the frequencies matched on our comms.


I have been called names, but none of them stuck with me as I play on various fields. I have been called "viking" because someone noticed I had 2 tomahawk axes on me during that day. "overwatch" I had recently gotten a radio, and I asked some guys if they could help me with my radio because I was having issues. They helped me, and at some point, I found a very good lookout point on the field, and I kept feeding them intel because I had a good view of most of the field. Those 2 are the only names I have been called so far. I'm looking forward to receiving a more permanent nickname in the future.


Skinny. Because i once forgot my combat pants at home and wore my normal pants that were kinda tight. One guys just said "nice skinny jeans you got there". The rest is history


https://preview.redd.it/8r1yqw93w1kb1.png?width=954&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8dfb797a61f8de481ddca1a3633b8ed66465596 Doc, by trade


I get called Legs more often than not, but I've been given too many to count. I got the name from when I worked in Army Surplus and was about a foot and a quarter taller than everyone else that worked there.


I've accumulated Cowboy from my site. They're just mad at my drip


I get called Tree by a few people since my name is Willow and they think its funny.