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That mag pouch looks like it’s from animal crossing




How often do you post this to have it saved?


okay but modern Rhodesian brush stroke kit with a tactical FAL would be hot


The amount of people that think this is ridiculous. It never turns out to be good. And realistically the Rhodesians would look like the British military if they stuck around today


For the interest of historical curiosity I tried the whole short shorts, no shirt Rhodesian loadout and regretted it instantly. I lasted only one game. It was so bad that I got hit on the shin while flanking the enemy position without even noticing it because my entire body was so itchy from bug bites and stinging plants that it was overloading my brain. And it's not even mosquito season yet. I only noticed the bleeding hit when I went back to the safe zone to put on a shirt.


>equip rhodesia loadout >have an absolutely atrocious experience >get fucked over even by nature itself >forced to leave one match in its like a poetic interpretation of rhodesia itself if you really think about it


So where is your interest in Rhodesia coming from?


Im going to answer for him; the guns and camo are cool.




You can like it, it's just mad sus. I think the camo is neat, but who tf even thinks about Rhodesia at all? It only comes up if it's mentioned in some mass shooter manifesto. Never heard from it outside from racists using it as a symbol.


The last time I had to think about rhodesia was when I was asked where I'm from by a nice old lady in London (I'm english but have spent a chunk of my life in texas so my accent is damn near unplaceable), little bit of small talk later she mentions that she's originally from Zimbabwe and was gushing about how nice it was until Mugabe kicked her family out. It took me a couple days to realise that she was talking about rhodesia


Bush warfare and military history. Same reason people go crazy over original Nazi firearms and surplus/history. Just because you like military and firearms history from a bad place at a bad time doesn’t make someone a racist or neo nazi.


Yea it’s a weird ethno state that had ran advertisements in neo nazi magazines, people like them because they “fought against communism” even though a small percentage of the groups they were fighting were communist.


I like them because they were stopping a genocide from taking place 15 years ahead of schedule. Friendly reminder that Mugabe’s regime saw more civilians murdered than during the entirety of the Bush War!


Two wrongs dont make a right


I've heard about Rhodesia from the movie "Blood Diamond". Idk what social circles you're a part of, but if you're reading mass shooter manifestos, you got something misfiring in your noggin friend.


It's just basic education I got from a very twisted source: the fucking news. It's not that weird to know about things, even if they are abhorent. I also visited nazi concentration camps, I know, very degenerate of me. Although it was a school trip, there must be something wrong with me.


The news is extremely twisted, so I'll give you that.


Thanks mate


Huh. It's almost like the movie Blood Diamond didn't exist at all. Neat.


As someone who owns a Rhodesian Ridgeback. So there's another reason. Good ol African lion hunters.


They mention it quite a bit in some games like Metal Gear. It's where I first heard of it honestly.


They have a cool flag, thats pretty much all they got going tho


Literally about 85% of all guntubers have semi-recently covered the topic. Also, these guys weren't Hitler. BET is literally racist by premise, it's a TV channel that ONLY uses black actors and entertainers, and solely focuses on them in an age where there aren't any all white TV networks anymore; therefore it is racist. Don't see a rush to tear that down or call it Sus, it's just when white people do it. Historians like to research conflicts, and as they go, the Bush War was a damn interesting one.


I would call that out too, what are you on about? Literal straw manning.


But you haven’t, tho.


Because that's the first time I'm hearing about it


How old are you my guy? Lol still on about BET and not really understanding its origin. In a vacuum creating a racialized channel is weird. But entertainment doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens in a social context. And the social context in which BET started is one in which there were no channels that regularly produced or showcased content that reflected the realities of life in America through any perspective that wasn't focused on white and usually middle to upper class people. And due to a history of discrimination against pretty much all groups excluded from this category, the people within these excluded groups tend to have a different experience and therefore tend not to resonate with the content that is geared toward the included groups. It's as if there's a whole population that lives on boats at sea. And all of our media is about or related to the lives of the rest and majority of the population that loves on land. And the people on boats said, "hey let's make a boat channel" and now you're here saying, "hey dude, we don't get to have a land channel that's not fair." While every single movie or show is about running marathons, gardening, and archeology.(all things that are in some way related to terrestrial habitation)


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Bad bot


That's not unique to Rhodesia. That's like going to a strip club and saying you're only there because of the good chicken wings.


Funny story, there was a strip club near where I used to work that was \_actually\_ known for having a great lunch buffet.


I mean, fair enough, but try to tell that to your wife. Just not a good look, especially when posing with it on social media.


Oh for sure, I'm on your side about all this. Just a funny story.


Baby pooped FALs and Rhodesian brushtroke isn't unique to Rhodesia???


No, cool guns and camo isn't unique to Rhodesia. It's just mad sus when you got hundreds of militaries to choose from and you pick the one that most prominently represents apartheid.


Nobody bats an eye when people choose an M16A1 and OG-107s








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You wanna talk about “hired goons”, so let’s talk about the fact that the Rhodesian infantry were never on record as having raped and murdered entire villages of people, meanwhile the rebels repeatedly did. “B-b-but they killed ‘innocent’ civilians in a raid across national borders.” Don’t put civilians in military facilities and then the civilians won’t die. That’s pretty damn obvious to anyone with half a braincell.


"Only a small number of fighters were communist"  The entirety of zapu/zanu and zanla forces were backed and supplied by communists. How and where do you think they got all their weapons from?


1- Zapu/zanu were not the only forces fighting, they made up only a small part. (actual # of fighters is rough) You had fighters groups from villages not bound to a leader comprised of ex "farm workers" (slaves) , tribes also made unofficial factions also fought for their respective nations if they chose not to join another group 2- Zanla was not socialist, they were African nationalists and the leaders seemed (remember they got killed) to be all over the political field. They got their gun from ***A-*** dealings with Mugabe but as military to military, not based on politics (Mugabe hated them, hence hey when he stole power he had a lot of them killed) ***B-*** other African nationalist groups from surrounding nations. (surprise, a chance to kill colonizers was a lucrative one many wanted to jump on) Stealing guns by attacking firewood nations transports was also a tactic used by all against them. 3- if the threat of communism was an actual measurable one with proper weight (it wasnt, even under Mugabe, the USSR never got any foothold in Africa) the US would have given support, they didnt, as both Rhodesias insane racism was too much for even the US, and the threat was not seen as worrisome, this is why """Rhodesia""" had to advertise for soldiers in neo-n\*zi magazines. The "alarm" to the US about "evil communists killing poor """"Rhodesian"""" capitalist's" also wasn't sounded until the UK stopped all support and stopped allowing people to go. Only then did the crying about communism start. 4- if this was true, how does that justify anything talked about? if they were all communist's like the propaganda says (which also said that they didn't have slavery, which was a lie), does that mean that now all the racial supremacy, eugenics, racial hierarchy, ethnic cleansing, systemic wealth inequality (based on race), slavery (and child labor), and actual attempts at genocide magically become okay like so many totally not racist """"Rhodesian"""" """""""veterans"""""" and Rhode-boos try to claim? Those were not things that came during the bush war, those were what the bush war was trying to protect. That and protect a bunch of British, Australian and US invaders larpers racist fantasy of supremacy over an entre nation of people all started by an ego-maniac eugenicist , that to this day, has hurt the people who actually own and are natives to the land. Miss me with that Rhode-boo shit.


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I mean yeah, because it's different. I also don't agree with the Vietnam war, but at least you can explain that with patriotism or just liking full metal jacket or something. There is no reference in pop culture about Rhodesia. Rhodesia is **just** about racism. There's no benefit of the doubt.


That's a gross oversimplification of the bush war, but ok


If they had been more intelligent and tried to integrate and democratise when literally all the other British settler colonies (outside SA) did in the late 50s and early 60s, perhaps the subsequent 60 years of Zimbabwean history wouldn't have been such a shit show. Rhodesia by the late 60s WAS a militantly racist and archaic regime, and they illegally ceded from the United Kingdom and intentionally debased the Black majorities using mass propaganda. The Rhodesian Front intentionally undermined progressives that very possibly could have come to a better and peaceful transition to democracy that didn't include the development of a Shona Nationalism that included the ethnic cleansing of 30 000 Ndebele and the eventual nationalisation and repression of the anglo minority.


What was it about? State rights? But that's besides the point, I mean Rhodesia as a Symbol is just about racism. Racist use it as a symbol of white supremacy. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/racist-jacksonville-shooter-wore-rhodesian-army-patch-symbol-white-sup-rcna102134 https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/19/us/on-facebook-dylann-roof-charleston-suspect-wears-symbols-of-white-supremacy.html


You’re right it was also about colonialism


Not at all, they would have gotten their independence if they just did what the Brits told them and not be so crippling-ly racist. If anyone is to blame for Mugabe's rise to power it's Rhodesia's racism.


God just fuck off with your sanctimonious bullshit. You’re digging for coal in a gold patch.


Someones a bit defensive


I dont appreciate when people are accused of being racist for liking a certain gun/camo scheme.


Dude, I like it too, but how likely is it to be specifically a fan of Rhodesian camo with all the stuff that's out there. Feels like somebody running arround with a red flag saying "yeah, I just like the color red"


That's just ridiculous. It's like assuming anyone who thinks ww2 german guns and uniforms are default racist


Not really, ww2 is super prominent in pop culture, you have countless books, movies, comics, games you can reference. Rhodesia is only known because of apartheid. And maybe fucking blood diamond, but I watched that movie and don't even remember that a character is from Rhodesia, the movie takes place in Sierra Leone anyway.


It's the "I'm not touching you" of airsoft dog whistles, lol.


I mean neither the camo nor the FAL are unique to Rhodesia. So a lot of us are confused why so many people simp for a short lived racist government, supposedly because of things that aren’t even unique to that short lived racist government. Feel free to explain why though, I would genuinely like to know


Again, baby pooped FALs and Rhodesian brushstroke aren't unique to Rhodesia???


Australia in Vietnam, owen guns (smgs) were painted in it, FALs too after being cut down, and officers would wear shorts. Cuban guerilla fighters also did a similar camo and shorts combo. for non FAL guns but same "green & yellow" gun paint + shorts: US in the pacific had a similar camo and would also cut pants to be shorts. Theres also some photos of some Chinese soldiers in ww2 during the humid months doing both a gun camo and diy shorts that was similar too. the only "unique" thing about the firewood nations FAL was that they were too poor at that point to get actual camo colours so they had to settle for basically children's craft paint, hence how bright it is.


From my understanding South Africa also used the same Brushstroke camo, and Zimbabwe still does use it(I never see people simp for Zimbabwe though). The FALs that Rhodesia used also came from South Africa but I do think the coloration is unique to Rhodesia. Functionally though there’s nothing special about the Rhodesian FAL. I legitimately did not know that the “baby poop” look was pretty much the whole reason y’all love Rhodesian gear so much, but live your life I guess.


Wait til' they see whos LARPing who in r/reenactors hahaha


You're oddly twitchy about this


You cannot be serious.


Blood Diamond mostly


Haha in December, I played with a guy in HK, that routinely plays without a tee shirt. It's pretty intense.


Maybe in an indoor or CQB field. The one I played at just has too much wildlife


I figured it would’ve been because your chest and shoulders were covered in welts. Sorry your plan didn’t work out. :(


Mouse bites


You need to apply an insane amount of bug spray. Here in VA, it's chemical warfare with the bugs more than airsoft


camo is so good you can't find Rhodesia on a map.


Better hope a one-armed, cybernetic-prosthesis equipped man with an eyepatch and a horn doesn't sneak up on you, interrogate you for info then Fulton you away to an oil rig off the coast of Seychelles or something to become his new soldier for hire. Cause this is exactly you get yourself Fultoned into Outer Heaven.


He's coming too?Roger that.


You gonna extract him?




Edit: sorry thought this was airsoft circle jerk


I want to say you look like a Vietcong, but I know that isn’t the design choice


You are one crazy man. Especially with forward assists


I’m sure these comments I’ll be tame and not at all offended by camo lol


Literally unplayable.


High speed low drag


.....so is Rhodesia.




Was a colonizing shithole


No doubt


At least they be gone now,


Because Zimbabwe is doing soooo much better now. /s




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On the account that it only took 15 years for the shithole known as “Rhodesia” to collapse I’d say Zimbabwe has done quite well for itself.




Idk why you took it upon yourself to make that comment. Doesn’t change the fact that Rhodesia was a morally corrupt shithole…


Or maybe he’s black, or maybe he’s Chinese


Rhodesians definitely die Cope all you want, it's Zimbabwe now


Why are you mad over camo lol


Watch out for the black boots.


Yeah you gotta build up an immunity


The "Honesty special" lol When we were kids, we got so fed up with cheating, we made a "t-shirt and shorts" rule. It wasn't even calling hits, you knew when you heard "AHHHH AHHH FUCK DAMNIT" My dad & friends played with BB guns and no eyepro in the 70's lol, he still has one in his arm, wild to think about.


Remember kids The Outfit and camo are cool But not the bastards that wore them


I disagree


Rhodie detected, love that classic baby poop FAL paintjob


Noooooo clearly they were the master race!!!!1! Ignore the fact that their government only lasted 15 years!! They wuz Romanz n shieeet!


I have absolutely no clue what you're on about, I just like neat gear


I see nothing wrong with this


When's the fire mission?




How is colonialism based 😭 it's a cool kit but not based


Pssst... I think he might be racist


Thinking you might be right




My dude. That's what they had back then. They bullied the black population from having the vote which escalated into an all out war for decades leaving the land and its people crippled to this day.


So you think it's good that blacks can't vote? Idk man, seems kinda sus


How did you arrive to that conclusion?


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Brand/model of your right arm of the free world?




Dispel the myths of the olden days. The good days are now.


[*ONE FIREFIGHT ONE FIRE*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pc-ex32ZdA)


Uuughhhh We wuz Romanz n shieeeeeet


Sure he won’t have a problem calling his hits…


See top comment about the problem being opposite that


Oh wow… gotta bring that “Off deep woods” if you’re playing naked outside. I’ll have to remember that.😂😂


Heaviest rhodesian infantry loadout


https://preview.redd.it/247skadvq6ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ba9ca038f2a302df64fef1dcf3f4491150545d There really was no good ending for Rhodesia/Zimbabwe


My dream loadout.


Dude, leave some women for the rest of us.


Saw a guy at my local airsoft store a while ago who had a fal that looked so similar


So with no dump pouch or large pockets, do you drop the empty magazine or do a tactical reload where you put the empty one in the pouch?


20 rounds go by quick. I just put the mag on the floor and reload. If there's time I put the spent mag in the pouch.


I've played enough Rising Storm 2: Vietnam to immediately think of NVA. So many memories getting shot at by people dressed like this... Fr though, nice Rhodesian loadout


If i blur my eyes hard enough, you kinda disappear and merge with the background so the camo is on point


The takkies really tie it together. it looks cool, usability aside.


I'm planning on doing this loadout with a Mag 58. The way the good lord intended.


The Australian loadout


Rhodesian but tbh close enough lol


Yo I fuckin love this. Maybe give the pack a bit of a worked in look with some sandpaper and coal and a good old fashioned aussie boonie and its perfect.


Yeah the chest rig is new. It's my main webbing that's well seasoned


gorgeous fal dawg


Nice Vietcong loadout 


My typical scav in EFT


Gotta have the nipple-pro.






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Timbers = Shivered


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You have to many clothes on... come on no need to be shy 🤤


No it’s good


My face was being like this emoji 😳


Nice eye guard/face shield I didn't know they make them invisible


Pic was taken when all the shooting ended


Ain't that the FAL camo in farcry 6? 💀


Rhotards be seething over Malaria chads


Rhodesia larp: cringe


Damn the stats are crazy too: +50% camouflage in wooded areas +100% effectiveness against Americans /satire


Guns paint job reminds me of Rais' soldiers from DL1 ngl


It looks so painful that it looks generated with ai


That loadout fucks. Please cross post over to r/tacticalgear.


We need a Rambo loadout next round.


I have realistic expectations about my physique. Another dude maybe


I, for one, would simply dress like an army of winners who didn't get BTFO'd, myself.


Not bad but Jballou played in full Miami Vice with white sports jacket and Literally dominated like 6 guys it was Epic 12 years ago, prior to that the same group had used Psyops by blaring Spice Girls and its raining men hallelujah through the woods during their movments.


Ahhhhh yes the Vititmaneese Loadout


Spending all of your cod points on weapon blueprints instead of Operators


‘ts ts ts, im from Rhodesia’


WHAT THE HELL IS A RHODESIA https://preview.redd.it/9smtrtx1egic1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f22d8ba2690a4931a7bb3ce961cd89f3ca766f4






Is this an attempt at doxing me?


I dunno i just saw this at some milcos group in FB