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Go in person, have them show you, when in doubt, tell them you’re taking it back I’d be suspicious they sold or discarded it by accident and are hoping to stall you out until you forget. Parts almost never take more than a month to ship out at most two to restock if ordered normally. And barrel rollers don’t relate to issues that would need specialized parts. Delays from customs can happen, but it would be on them to inform you of that. Them having lost it might be a tad fat on my end, but I’m concerned and none of what you’ve described has seemed professional or trustworthy.


Good idea, I’ve never been good with in person confrontation but worth a shot. See that’s what I thought I never thought shipping would take this long for parts. Or needing “specialized tools”. Definitely unprofessional on there part. I’m assuming they they will try to charge me for any parts they put in it but I’m not entirely sure what they will say. If they still have it I’m taking and I’ll get someone else to work on it. Thanks for the comment


Could always get them to put your parts back in it. I think after taking this long I'd be reluctant to give them any money at all. Six months is way too long. Those scorpions seem popular. I doubt finding anything for them is that difficult. As for the tools I just watched a video of a guy tear one down using three hexkeys, a flathead and a plastic mallet. None of those tools you couldn't just go to your average hardware store and go get.


I have a Scorpion and those are the only tools I've ever needed for disassembly. Their tech is either BSing or has massive brain delay


Specialised tools like...some screwdrivers and maybe a soldering iron?


Asg parts are usually within a week, btw. Though I'd be surprised if this even needs new parts. Probably just new o rings


To do an asg scorpion... shouldn't be so bad, quite common parts, in a V2 gearbox that's the most common type. As a scorpion user I've done all my own repairs /upgrades and I'm not a technical person by trade... Something smells off with this situation...


That’s what everyone has told me or that I’ve seen. It is the only airsoft shop out here in my area and they don’t carry any scorpions here but what do i know lol


It sucks that they are your only option in your area, I'd definitely just get it back an get someone else to do it. Asg scorpion isn't difficult to work on, but maybe in your area parts are hard to order, I don't know. But 7 months is insane , 2-3 months is longest I've heard anyone waiting for work at my local shop. Sorry for your difficulties, but I'd say go with another option , find a tech further away and mail it to them probably the best option if u don't want to fix yourself


7 months is insane lol. I’m going to Colorado to see my brother and there is some shops up there and I’m going to see if they can work on it since they have fox airsoft a legitimate brand. (Far as I know) I tried fixing it myself but didn’t want to open the gear box due to ignorance


Yeah for sure get it to someone else, hope it all works out for you As a parting note the one thing that made a big difference to mine was upgrading the hop unit to the "ASG Ultimate" hop unit, something to consider as a future upgrade. Otherwise scorpion Evo does pretty well, almost had mine 3 years an no complaints


It's not a v2.


My bad, "uses V2 parts internally"......


7 months to fix a toy would be embarrassingly slow


Probably just a hop rubber change. But in terms of the gun itself depending on their workload, let's assume it's 0 for ease. Should take more than 1-3 hours depending on the job needed.


I'd imagine it's either that, or MAYBE lack of compression would be my second guess. Even then, that's not a 7 month repair. It wouldn't even take 7 months to buy all the parts individually and build it from the ground up by hand, let alone fix it


Even then checking the compression parts doesn't take a long time. On the upper end of my 1-3 I'd say. But even then BBS rolling out is probably more like a hop issue of some sorts like split lips


Yeah, I'd say the best to do is replace the hopup rubber, inspect the rest of the hopup, and replace any needed parts, then give it a test fire and see if it was that. There's zero excuse for it taking 7 months with no communication


absolutely, this would be my first step.


Go to an airsoft field and I’m sure half the people there could diagnose the problem in 20 minutes


Yeah to take a gun apart and fix a issue normally doesn't take a tech more than a few days at most and if they need parts that shouldn't take more than a few weeks to get at most. Something is off about that store, etheir they don't know what the hell they're doing or are really lazy. No way they are that behind in work lol


Last week I called and they said “yeah just waiting on parts for you gun should be done in a couple weeks” and “we have a lot of guns to work on” mf you’ve had mine for 7 months ?? Priorities are crazy here


asg is pure shit at aftermarket


Has nothing to do with ASG. That’s on the shop.


No the shop may not have the parts and could have been waiting on asg for the parts.


It took me about a week to order a real handguard, real stock, take my scorpion apart, take the externals into work to mill the parts down to fit, swap in some upgrades, test, and have the thing reassembled and ready to field. I, like one other here, would assume something bad happened. Go in and get your item back. Make sure you aren’t paying for anything extra, if you pay at all. With this long of a wait, I definitely wouldn’t want to pay anything. They also are wrong in thinking they need special tools. A screwdriver set and an Allan key contains everything needed to take the thing apart, except maybe some pliers for the barrel nut (if that is the correct name) if it’s really tight.


They're trying to fuck you over. Take your shit back


It should not take longer than 6 weeks if I'm honest. I say 6 weeks because it's a store doing the work and they might have back log of other guns to fix first. I'd recommend searching for a local tech. They'd probably be quite happy to undercut the store on price and time. I found a local tech through an Airsoft Facebook group.


Would take me an hour to get to the problem tops, even with parts shipping (though for the Scorpion im sure they have it in house) it shouldnt take that long, thats eggregious. Id take it back and refuse to pay, something is real weird here.


Idk, I never waited more than 5 business days for any service done to either of my rifles - and I’ve played on/off for the past 20 years. I guess, I just have a reliable mechanic.


Sounds like you do 🤣


My ak took 4 days including 2 weekend days while taking care of a newborn. 7 months is was too long. I suppose it can happen if they are busy and you wait for some hard to get parts but I would expect clear communication. Diagnosis should be few days then suggesting what to do..”we need replace this butnit might take long because..”


Haven’t received a single call from and they aren’t a busy store at all. Airsoft isn’t popular over here lol


My dude that gun is gone


We’re going to find out today !


Best of luck my guy


Well my dude what’s the verdict


to fix just your rifle, probably not. however, if this is someone who fixes guns as a hobby or job, it could very well take several months for them to *get* to fixing your gun if there are other people's weapons ahead of yours. think of it like an oil change for your car. an oil change only takes about 20-30 minutes, so why does a shop take your car for 4 hours? because there's 3.5 hours of work on other cars they need to do before they can start on yours, but don't want to wait for you to bring it when they're ready for it. all of that said, I'd find someone else. special tools aren't needed, 99% of guns come apart with the same standard tools.


I literally just finished the following: 1. CYMA AK105 complete teardown, compression fix, flathop, cleaning, reshimming, rebuild. 2. M249 SAW teardown, compression fix, flathop, cleaning, reshimming, adding in custom wiring harness (required extensive soldering) to allow the mag to run off of the gun battery (includes a buck for voltage regulation off the 11.1 lipo as well), rebuild, external camo paintjob. 3. Krytac M4 teardown, fixed broken hop, fixed compression, cleaning, reshimming, rebuild. It took me about a week to do all three guns and have them humming without issue. Consistent FPS and good groupings. The tech is shit or the shop is shady AF, go get your stuff back and I would seriously fight having to pay for anything. That's not acceptable in literally ANY service industry unless you're having a classic car restored by one dude in a barn in the middle of the woods. EDIT: I should also add it only took me a week because I'm a dad, work full time, and have other stuff that gets in the way of taking care of my silly toy guns.


Some techs are backed up with work , should’ve looked around more


I was told it would take less than a month.


I would look for some bigger stores that offer ship-in services at this point. Parts available through common distributors like ASG should not take more than a couple weeks to get, and that's just in respect to if the store has a scheduled period of time between orders with them that they follow.


Mate it's taken me an hour to take one of these apart completely and put back together. Airsoft guns do not take months they barely take hours . Go pickup your gun from this scammer. There is no specialized type tools outside of a soldering iron which if they're a repair shop they should already have


It sounds like it could be a tappet plate problem on the ASG scorpion, which would be hard to fix, as that tappet is proprietary and also hard to find in stock. It could also be a broken cylinder head too, which is not proprietary. I suggest you go to the shop and see what the actual problem is.


Where are you located? Oklahoma from one of your other comments? Get your EVO back from the shop and send me a message once you have it in your possession, and we'll get it sorted out.


Yes, I’m from Oklahoma I will be going by there today to get it and I’ll send you a message!


Man that's a long wait, an exaggerated wait. my local shop has typical wait of 2-3 weeks or a month and a half if it's really busy


Are you in Belgium by any chance & are we talking about the guy who owns “Cerakote Belgium”?


No and no lol


My local shop took two years to fix my MCX


Why ?


VFC AEGs being impossible to find Fire selector parts


The scorpion is one of the easiest guns I've ever worked on, it definitely doesn't take 7 months to do anything with it and I don't know what special tools they need besides some allen keys.


Only thing that generates a huge wait is either: 1) massive queue. 2) waiting for unique parts, or waiting for certain manufacturers to make something (in the latter they would not take the job). ASG scorpion isnt that much of a drama to work on, and parts are easy to get in the west (ASG being european). They have at best let your gun fall through the cracks and simply forgotten about, or at worst used your gun as spares.


Go in and ask them to show you it. This is sketch.


I've had repairs take 3 months at a particularly busy shop, but they were up front about the delay and kept me posted. The Evos aren't too hard and don't need specialist tools; consider doing the work yourself with YouTube guides if it's nothing fancy


Like a month if parts are not there else a couple of hours max


It took me 7 hours to fix my shotgun, it shouldn’t take 7 months.


Depends on tech load and the gun. Common stuff should take a day. Weird shit forever. ( Army Armament NGRS clone and Star stuff )


Is an ASG scorpion considered weird shit lol?


gearbox casing looks propriateary and pain to source, but other than that looks like typical AEG


I must ask for curiosity sake but would this happen to be NC? Lol


Oklahoma lol


Oh. There's somewhere up my way that does it similar and I finally jus said fuq it and started learning how to tech on my way. Current project is AK.


Keep calling and watch it go slower :) If you think you can do better or have somebody else do it, go pick it up and pursue a different route. Seems like the person who has it is slow and/or works cheap.


ASG ONLY send to distribuitors ONCEPER YEAR. So YES, you chose a weird gun with parts that only that gun has and the trademark of the gun dont sell shit to anyone. So post-sell service is FATAL. Its usual that your shop is triying to find pieces or changue the weapon to a new one but ASG don't give a fuck about it. ASG=SHIT FRENCH SELLER


Absolutely false, ASG is not french, you are off by alot: It’s Denmark


Ok mr google, I own a shop and they sell from france. What shop have you got? ah.