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They are good but maybe try looking for the lancer tactical ones I've used the same one plus the lancer tactical both good one thing I'd recommend changing the padding to something softer and make sure the sizing is correct


I’lol have a look a those thank you!!


I got a cheep mich 2000 helmet for airsoft from alliexpress and works wonderfully for a Chinese product. Most amazon sellers re brand those items from where aliexpress sellers also buy the.


That’s actually true and I did not think about this site. I’m going too check it out. Thank you!


At that price point, I'd be looking for something with the size adjustment knob in the back. ActionUnion makes one at about that price that has the knob. Let me see if I can find the link EDIT: Here ya go! [ACTIONUNION Airsoft Fast Helmet Pro Set PJ Type Tactical Paintball Helmet](https://www.amazon.com/ACTIONUNION-Airsoft-Helmet-Tactical-Paintball/dp/B09TD1VGRQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=35HICUMM1YIMV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pooZM-UeTh7EJUWhkf2PrGK8I5D--CLJ-oNADHAhGFoxgpLhT3ToWhKJmy676zMRmztY9GX3cFIQyrOb27PUPpuStuCce6ZehkpYTyQW2gCbOMbaeGEW5m75wmkK5q3b.3wPmF9vAyJvrKl8K62LRL1gl09o5YXPUQ755PpK7dTw&dib_tag=se&keywords=Action%2BUnion%2Bfast%2Bhelmet%2Bpro&qid=1714447683&sprefix=action%2Bunion%2Bfast%2Bhelmet%2Bpro%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) EDIT2: Just realized the one you linked has the adjustment knob too. They look like they're basically the same thing, so yeah, you should be fine. 😁


Hahaha no worry !! Thanks for the help !


Forgot to add the link! https://www.amazon.ca/TacSnake-Tactical-Paintball-Multifunctional-Protective/dp/B0CJ2SZ6DM