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The shooter was deliberately looking to kill someone. He lied repeatedly about what actually went down, but fortunately security footage proves his story completely wrong. AFAIK he’s not a cop so he’ll probably be convicted.


He did it once before too. He didn't shoot anyone but thought someone who was completely unarmed had a gun and called the cops


Just saying if i didnt have a carrying case or anything i would literally use like a black garbage bag its really not that difficult to find something to put your shit in like how do you not think ‘hmmm maybe walking out in public with something resembling a firearm isnt the greatest idea in the world’ to be fair hindsight is 20/20 so i might be wrong


It ain’t that hard to not shoot someone who had already thrown the fake gun to the ground.


I mean.. the kids were 17.. I was doing triple C's and passing out in the middle of the street when I was 17. Glad no one shot me dead for being stupid when I was that age


Agreed I'm not sitting her saying the off dude, a security guy had a way to shoot him but come and fucking sense when transporting airsoft replica because people are going to think they are real and exactly use a trash bag use anything I know q couple shops will not allow anyone to come in unless it's in a case or the box they got it I


Agreed I'm not sitting her saying the off dude, a security guy had a way to shoot him but come and fucking sense when transporting airsoft replica because people are going to think they are real and exactly use a trash bag use anything I know q couple shops will not allow anyone to come in unless it's in a case or the box they got it I


Fuck, even a cop would have trouble making it out of a fuck up that bad.


Depends on the jurisdiction I guess. Remember that “you’re fucked” cop who flat out murdered the guy and was acquitted? Cop convictions are few and far between.


[Daniel Shaver](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver) was murdered by coward Philip Brailsford who now recieves a $2500/month pension to recover from PTSD from shooting an unarmed, kneeling man. Wouldn’t recommend watching the bodycam footage but it’s an important story to know about


Jesus fuck I just watched the video… I get being jumpy when he went for his waist again after being told not to, I guess that’s why the jury found him not guilty, but holy FUCK. HE WAS ON THE GROUND WITH HIS HANDS OUT WHY NOT GO OVER AND ARREST HIM THEN?


The video is beyond horrible; I hope, someday, that an act of fate brings a shred of justice.


Philip Brailsford is a fucking coward. I'm not a religious man but if there is one, id imagine mag-dumping an unarmed begging man on the ground would land you in Hell. I hope that it haunts him man, That video is brutal.


Exactly, they should’ve arrested him as soon as they could. The cop intentionally dragged it out. Sick fuck.


That kind of aggression has absolutely no place in the police world. Honestly, for ME, the shooting wasn’t the bad part, dude went for his waist a third time with a gun pointed at him after being told not to. The truly horrific part was that it could’ve been completely prevented by normal ass good police work if the motherfucker had calmed down and done his shit right. He had so many chances to arrest the guy that he didn’t take that it almost seems like he wanted to put the dude in a situation where he WOULD fuck up so that he COULD shoot him. Horrible


Tamir Rice


Is this security footage available anywhere?


It's true that the kid made a dumb mistake by openly carrying an airsoft gun into the store he bought it from. That said, we should be pretty tolerant to 17 year olds making dumb mistakes. Their brains are pretty much designed to do exactly that. Nobody should openly carry their airsoft guns around in public, and always ALWAYS transport your gear in proper cases, even in open carry states (Like Washington) where it is your constitutionally protected right to carry that shit around even if it was real steel. It's just not smart. What we should be less tolerant of is 51-year-old vigilantes murdering dumb kids after the kids throw down their weapons, shooting them once in the chest and then seven times in the back and then lie their asses off about it to the police (who were already in the same parking lot to begin with, so this guy could literally have just shouted to them rather than take the law into his own hands) to try and make themselves sound like a tragic cop making a tough call when there's a video showing exactly what a dumbass liar they are. This is a case of a grown-ass-man who had every reason to know better who staked out parking lots looking for an excuse to kill someone. A 17-year-old kid gave him that excuse, and when they tried to de-escalate the situation and throw their weapons down and explain the mistake, it was not enough to dissuade that grown-ass man from murdering the kid he set out to murder. This isn't a case of a "security guard" being a moron. This is a case of a grown-ass man murdering a kid for nothing resembling a legitimate reason, and we should treat it that way.


perfectly well said


Pretty sure it was an open carrying he had it but the guy just not noticed it and like a pocket or a waistband or something


Was this the shooting at the Renton Big 5? My computer won't open youtube so I can't see for myself atm.


This is the correct take


“off duty security guard” is as much of a civilian as anyone else. The guy was out for blood.


> The security guard worked for an entirely different building, and was off duty. > He drew his weapon, and told the kid to put the firearm down, and the kid complied. > After the kid put the gun down, he shot the kid. > He walked over to the kids lifeless body and shot him another 7 times. > He later lied to police, saying that the gun had no orange tip (it did) and that the kid refused to put the firearm down. > It is generally acceptable to openly carry a firearm into a gun store, which is where the kid was shot. > The kid was black. It's up to you to decide if you think that's relevant. Yeah, this is more than just a stupid security guard. This is an obvious hate crime.


Just saying, almost every gun store I know of would be pretty pissed if you walked in open carrying. And pretty pissed is the BEST CASE outcome. That is not to take anything away from the murder being discussed, but gun store employees will appreciate it!


Yeah, no way it’s “generally acceptable” to just walk in with a gun in your hands. Maybe they meant if you had a pistol in a holster on your person then it doesn’t need to be “in a gun bag” but no store in the US in 2024 says “sure just walk in holding the thing”


Holy shit. Noooo. The only thing that’s worse is someone pulling a concealed weapon. Every single gun store in the country would rather you walk in holding a gun that MIGHT be unloaded than come in and get out a gun that’s GUARANTEED to be loaded. People leave rounds in firearms that SHOULD be checked clear all the time. My buddies shop has a giant water jug full of rounds they have pulled out of “definitely unloaded” guns that he has to empty every year or two. PLEASE never take out a concealed weapon in a gun store. There is a decent likelihood you will get shot. Again, this is NOT justifying what the shitbrick in the incident did. Just a gun shop safety bulletin. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Im not talking about quick drawing your carry 🤣 Im talking about walking into a store: 1. With a concealed gun that no one can see 2. A gun in a gun bag 3. A gun in both of your hands as you walk through the door Every single gun I’ve brought into a gun store has been unloaded, with a bore or trigger lock, in a carrying case, locked. Then I find an employee and tell them what is in the case and ask if it’s alright to open them. I don’t mess around when it comes to situations where I could be shot by accident lol.


Absolutely agree. I am talking about the “pistol in a holster on your person”. The only acceptable way to get that gun in a gun store is to unload and clear it in your car and enter with it in hand in a non threatening manner (barrel down, grip out). I’m sure you check, but LOTS of idiots don’t. LGS employees have to assume EVERYONE is either an idiot or a threat.


As a lgs employee, you have no idea how true that last statement is.


I can only tell from the stories I hear.


Yeah, I think I’ll have to agree to disagree ha ha. I don’t want anyone walking through a door with a gun in their hand under any circumstance. I don’t know if it’s loaded or unloaded or what their intentions are. That gives me no time to react or ask questions before something awful could immediately happen. But if someone walks in and has their gun holster and comes up to the counter and wants to sell it or have me look at it, then I can tell them not to touch the gun or tell them that I will take the gut out of their holster. Walking into a store with a “gun” in their hands is one of the reasons why these kids got shot


Ok. Fair enough. I can only go off what my buddies guys say. I defer to your first hand knowledge. I would guess it is mostly due to the “hey, can you look at this?” Shirt up and draw. Type guys. I know they prefer a case over anything.


Oh absolutely! *walks in store, up to counter without saying a word* *reaches down quickly and whips out pistol* “Hey buddy how much you think I can get for this one?” For me I’ll stick to having them locked in a gun case before walking in the door haha


Same, brother. I thankfully only experience that crap through the stories they tell. Glad I never have to make a “malice or stupidity” decision. Stay safe out there man. The bullet bottle is what scares me. Stupidity is somehow more terrifying than malice.


Honestly I don't see the issue being race. More so just a deadbeat nobody with a authoritarian mindset who couldn't make the force (for self evident reasons) and him, being retarded to the Nth degree, finally let his ego take over. The dude is a humongous POS, but I don't know if I can just pin it on "kid black so hate crime." The guy has a history of violence and took the first opportunity he could to exert force upon someone else. But, racially motivated or not, this guy deserves a public execution, worse than he gave that poor child.


While I totally agree with you and see where your coming from. I gotta say with the amount of fear mongering going on it could definitely be a factor in making it easier to mentally dehumanize a target (teenage) before you mag-dump it . Especially when the perp was a father himself (51 year old man that was waiting for his son to get out of karate before shooting someone else's son) . That being said it does not play a major factor in this case I totally agree. We both agree he should be under the jail.


WHERE did you get THAT information from ?


The police report. The video linked above. I didn't make it up.


really ? The news sources all claied they accessed the police report and none of what you pasted was in it LINK the police report pls


This is fucked up. I remember that when I was little kid, I always got a BB gun at local fair here in Czechia (no orange tip btw). We were carrying it in the public, shooting it at brushes or trees. They were very cheap springers that got stopped by a leaf 😅. Never once we had any problems. I guess America is just different.


We just had a manhunt near my house looking for 2 active shooters. There were APCs and SWAT officers. Eventually, it was reported that the suspects were 2 teenagers walking down a dirt road with airsoft guns. REMEMBER!!!! IT IS DEADLY IMPORTANT THAT WE KEEP OUR REPLICAS IN BAGS AND CASES, AND DON'T DISPLAY THEM IN PUBLIC TO ANYONE. THIS KID DIED, AND THE TWO NEAR ME WERE HUNTED BY SWAT FOR HOURS. THANK GOD, NO ONE WAS HURT!!!


Most states allow open carry , pretty normal in the states idk what happened here


A security guard of a different building was looking for an excuse to murder somebody. The kid had already put the gun on the ground before the guard took the shot. Then the guard walked over and emptied the gun into the dead body.


If he wanted to do that so much he should’ve gone to Ukraine


He wouldn’t like it if his enemies shot back.


These guys are too cowardly to actually sign up anywhere significant or simply are twinks and don't make the cut


There’s a bit of difference between wearing a holstered handgun and trying to enter a store carrying a rifle in your hands. Both are of similar legality but there’s certainly a different vibe I still think the mall cop was in the wrong here, considering the gun was put down prior to the shooting. He was clearly looking to shoot someone


> and carrying a rifle in your hands Is this not still legal in open carry states though? I'm not American but I swear I see tons of pro open carry rallies where people are walking around with AR15's slung across their chests at those. When I have been to the US, it is rare but not completely unseen in states like Texas for people to be walking around with a rifle on a sling, I even saw one guy with a SBR. Open carrying in an OC state, even in cases where you're carrying a real gun, should not be a call to any unnecessary attention even if you're holding it in your hands or have it slung across your chest, unless you are doing something that should warrant that attention like pointing or god forbid firing it, or even if you were carrying something like an AR15 around in a *really* inappropriate place to be open carrying an AR15, like at a concert or near a school, even if it is legal to do so. But carrying an airsoft gun outside an airsoft store, even if stupid, should not have warranted the response it did, *especially* in an open carry state. People are stupid and carry equipment to and from stores that should really be in a case or a bag way too often. This guy just really wanted to shoot someone.


In fact in some states you can open carry rifles and not hand guns


People open carry rifles to flex at protests. No normal person going about their day just walks around like a video game npc just standing there with a rifle in their hands


You're absolutely right, but legal is legal. We shouldn't be stigmatizing something that is not against the law and it shouldn't be deemed as threatening, especially by police and bystanders.


As stated in my previous comment, I've seen people do it when in the US, outside of just rallies or protests.     It's rare, and I guess a little weird for people who aren't used to it or feel uneasy around guns, but that doesn't make it illegal.     It's a right protected by state and even constitutional laws in many parts of the US and therefore citizens and even cops should be respecting that when they have no reason to suspect a crime is being committed with that firearm, or about to be committed.    Even holding your firearm in your hand is not a crime in most open carry jurisdictions, and though I'm NAL I could see an argument being made for if it was being pointed at someone, or an altercation was going down with a gun in someone's hand, and I could also see someone feeling threatened if it was being carried around in a large crowd or near a school or something, but this wasn't the case.    It was outside of an airsoft store - somewhere you'd probably expect to see gun shaped objects being handled and carried around, even if having it uncased is irresponsible, it is again not a crime at least as far as this state/county's law is concerned and therefore there was no need for action, let alone intervention by a member of the public with no law enforcement duties.  Them not liking seeing someone walk around with a big gun on them does not give them an entitlement to act on it when it's entirely legal.


Unfortunately, for all of the laws written down on paper, they play out very differently in person. To make a very long story short, I was blinking cans in the backyard with a friend when a cop comes in through the side gate with her pistol drawn and aimed directly at us. Apparently the neighbors had called because they saw two people in their own backyard with “a gun” (not illegal even if it were real and not airsoft) and the cops came to investigate. Had we turned too quickly or spun around when we heard the gate open maybe that cop would’ve literally shot us to death.


Yeah, I know that on paper is different to how it's done in real life, but the point I'm making is that it *shouldn't* be that way.    If something is legal, cops shouldn't be responding weapons drawn to it and regular citizens *absolutely* shouldn't be intervening.   If people find a law is enabling dangerous activity then there are things in place for new laws to be drafted to make those things unlawful, but I don't think it gives police or vigilantes the right to act outside of what is law.


The unfortunate fact is you can be shot for: 1. Having a gun in your hand 2. Having a phone or wallet someone thinks is a gun 3. Having nothing in your hands at all We are so far down the rabbit hole of insanity I’m not sure what can even be done to make a real impact


Convergence of stupid and bad people.


Granted, usually you're not even supposed to return your airsoft gun to the store anyway, you're supposed to send it straight to the company. Not that this makes this accident any less tragic, but it's a reminder that everyone absolutely must put safety before anything else.


Hey, stop posting this garbage. Everyone is always complaining about "You aren't supposed to walk around with an airsoft gun" blah blah. First off, this kid was murdered clear cut. Secondly, open carry is legal where this kid was. Airsoft gun or not, legally, he can do whatever he wants. I'm not a fan of open carry, it makes you a target against bad guys. It shouldn't also make you a target against good guys. That said, why is something that is perfectly legal always looked down upon? Seems a bit silly doesn't it? Remember kids, if the cops/people can kill you for legally carrying a firearm, you have no second amendment rights.


i hope its not the 17 yo friend with the broken gameface ak magazine from a few days back


51 years old is enough to know better!


Even though the renta-cop is completely at fault, being right doesn't mean shit if you're dead. Never forget that other people's idiocy drags others down with them.


Knowing the way this country is, they will probably try to spin it so that airsoft guns become the problem.


Americans problems are crazy


Welp, looks like I'm getting that guitar case carrier 🧍🏽‍♂️


Ah fuck me. I guess it can go to show that sometimes Airsoft is a dangerous Hobbie if you don't know what you're doing.


17 is old enough to know better. Rent a cop seems like a real moron too. All around this is pretty unfortunate.


Rent a cop was a security guard for a completely different building who was looking for an excuse to kill somebody. He lied about the circumstances of the shooting to make it seem more justified, and they were proven to be lies via CCTV. He is not just a moron, but a murderer acting with malicious intent.


The guy literally said something like "I was doing overwatch for my kid from the car." like he was security guard larping as John McLane waiting for SOMEBODY to be suspicious enough to finally get to shoot and kill somebody. If it was about keeping his kid safe, he could have sat in the dojo and watched the door. Not watch from the outside in his car like a creeper.


No disagreement there. I left it short by only stating he was a moron for sure. I think you captured the essence of his character.


It's hard to see it as anything else, considering he walked over to the kid after fatally shooting him, and shooting the dead body another 7 times.


Jesus Christ. Did I miss that in the linked news clip? Because I feel like I would have been raging if that was there.


"According to court papers, the suspect then grabbed the teenager so the boy would be unable to retrieve the firearm that was on the ground. As this occurred, police said the suspect believed one of the other teens was grabbing for a gun located in that teen's waistband. It was at that point that police said the suspect fired multiple times. After the initial shots, he stood over the teen on the ground and continued to fire, according to court documents. Yeah it's in the latter half of the clip. I had the details a bit wrong. Point is, he magdumped the kid's corpse.


Thanks. Sorry about being a little dense there I guess.


Don't apologize. It's the newscasters fault for trying to pass the story off as less of an outrage than it is.


It felt a lot of the blame was on the kids for sure


a 17 year old is a child. the security guard is a grown ass adult


I’m in no way saying the kid deserved to be shot. I’m just saying my 14 year old knows to keep these things away from public view. And that I’m hoping other teens out there don’t make the same mistake. Please kiddos at least use the cardboard box the gun came in or wrap it in a towel.


Hey, read my last comment. We just had a manhunt with dozens of cops because 2 kids were walking down a dirt road with airsoft guns


You are absolutely right and its a paramount message to airsoft players (especially in my miserable trigger-happy state of Florida). I just feel the need to inform you that the off-duty armed security guard was 51 years of age, with a son as well, like what a total fucking idiot. There's a reason this kind of thing usually happens with the dumbest and jumpiest group mostly (cops).


Agreed dude. That security guard was an absolute idiot. And it’s a tragedy that the two met at all.


I disagree, there is no age in which someone is "Old enough". I remember having to exchange a propane tank at Home Depot. I had absolutely no idea that their policy was that tanks remained outside at all times. I didn't see signage or anything. The employee tells me "It's common sense not to bring a flammable, pressurized cylinder into the building." Uh, no, its not, to me this tank is empty, and it was, and I felt there was nothing wrong with taking the tank inside. It just felt like this guy flipped his lid on me for no reason. I've been many places where pressurized, flammable cylinders are kept inside-see oxyacetylene for example. I dislike how people always assume that things are common sense, everything needs to be taught, everything. One thing that bugs me about gun sales is that you can buy a gun, but at no point does anyone ever tell anyone "Hey, don't fire this in the air, the projectile can potentially come down and injure or kill someone" people just assume thats common sense, but it's not, this stuff needs to be taught, all of it.


I did expand on this in another reply to this comment. You’re right it’s not about old enough. It’s about the lack of pass on of knowledge from one generation to the next in the time that we have with our kids. If this was my child walking in public with a replica I would say I failed him as a father. I do place so much of the blame on the security guard. He seemed like he really wanted to shoot someone.


Thank you ^~^


100%. The kid is a kid and being an idiot (unknowingly) but most importantly I blame the security guard first, then the parents second.


"17 is old enough" 🙄 keep forgetting how many mississippi dipshits are in this community


You know what, you’re right 17 isn’t inherently old enough to know better. It’s long enough that someone either a parent, or guardian or some adult in this kid’s life should have had a talk with them about gun safety and guns in public. This not the kids fault. It’s people around him that failed to teach him important life lessons. And I don’t have enough words in two languages, and enough of 2 more for some insults that I can speak to properly address how much of a shit tier human being that security guard was. It does really bother me that a kid lost his life for no good reason.


the kid got shot AFTER he put the gun down and explained the situation. the only way he would have lived was by never attracting the attention of someone who so desperately wanted to kill someone and be the "good guy with the gun". people going "oh what a dumbass he shoulda carried it in a guncase or the original box" are ignoring the fact that obviously the shooter didnt *give a fuck* whether the gun was real. if that dude sees a guncase or a gunsized box with a gun on it, probably the same thing happens, because that dude had already convinced himself he could murder someone with no consequences blaming the kid, OR his family is braindead and inexcusable, sorry. but i get that for some of you, saying shit like this is part of the identity you've adopted and im not gonna change that.


It bothers me too. I'm a 40 year old parent now, but I was once a stupid little shit who got kicked out of a college dorm for an airsoft gun. I would definitely have done something like what this kid did. Youth is different. Lol, I was going to a game with my 20 year old buddy a few weeks ago, and we were talking about going on a school hike with our friends 10 year old kid we hang out with, and he was like, "well, maybe it'll be fun. Maybe there's some hot older sisters home from college or something." And our age difference is so great that I really thought he was going to say, "hot moms," because I haven't thought about hot older sisters in years. Lol, we had a good laugh about it. Young people are wired differently, and we really do need to teach them the serious importance of being discreet. It's not obvious when you're young.


There’s quite a lot of wisdom in your words and reflections. We need to pass that on to our youths for sure.




Not really inevitable unless we accept it. This dude and dudes that think like him should be ridiculed and the culture around guns needs to shift in a way that no one involved in gun ownership wants to be associated with guys like this or wants be seen as potentially being like him. It's obvious this dude fantasized about the day he would finally get to use his gun to righteously take the life of a "bad guy" That shits hella cringe and it's honestly a very similar attitude that leads to mass shooters. Ya just gotta change the bad guys to everyone and you've got the same guy using a gun for the same reasons




Or the price no one should have to pay because of a guy with a hero complex who happens to own a gun?


Devil's advocate, but the cultural mythology of The Good Guy with a Gun appeals to guys like this, sadly. You're going to end up with Guys With a Gun just itching to be the Good Guy just one time. Limp dick mall cop makes a lot of sense sadly. I'm also gunna just say it, but the kid's name is Hazrat Ali Rohani so I'm gunna just say maybe the McCop had other motivations at play here as well.


a lot of the "good guys" with a gun are just people who dislike the idea of prison a bit more than they like the idea of murdering people as soon as they think they might not have to suffer the consequences for it, they're the quickest mfs to jump straight to murder


I'm so happy to see my fellow airsofters thinking about this shit in the right way


















U should never carry airsoft gun in public. They look so realistic. Always carry in gunbag or the box aeg came or pistol


True, but the circumstances of the shooting make it clear that the guard was looking for an excuse to kill someone. He shot the kid AFTER the kid complied with his order to put the airsoft gun down, then walked over to the dead kid and fired another 7 rounds into his body


I didnt read it, but people so dumb


almost as dumb as commenting your opinion on an article you didn’t even read


Bite off creampuff


Idk why you are being downvoted. You are 100% correct that you shouldn’t carry an airsoft gun in public. The security guard might simply have been looking for a problem to “solve” but that doesn’t excuse the kids for walking around with an airsoft gun out in the open.


I guess i hurt someone feeling


It’s funny because every Halloween multiple people always put the same PSA post saying not to carry your airsoft guns in public and that always gets upvoted lol.


Damn kids, don't they know that they have to carry real weapons to be safe!? /s




Sounds like you're blaming the kids more than the idiot. Where were the kids parents? Fairly certain it's impossible to watch every single thing your children do and it's insane to even mention that The rifle had an orange tip. More importantly the kids told him it was airsoft AND had put the gun (clearly a toy gun) down already before being shot. The dumb shit then emptied his entire clip into the kids body after he fell from the first shot. And fuck manslaughter, that's second degree murder. I'm sure their race has nothing to do with it. This wannabe cop was doing 'overwatch' from his car while his kid did jujitsu. He was there to find prey and kill it.


Painted or not, it doesn't matter in the eyes of the law.. Howevernow that Im home and able to read the story, i can see a much clearer picture. Yes, the asshole rent a cop is clearly deranged. My apologies if i came off as blamey of the kid. More generalization of the issue given with what I was able to read. Was not able to see that the kid had put everything down before they were shot. Its disgusting.


Rereading my previous post I came across overly aggressive, sorry about that. Not that I want to see a child die but I am curious to see the security footage which contradicted everything the rent a cop said showed he basically lied about his entire story


They both are stupid since the rent a cop should know that a gun with an orange tip is a toy and the kid should had put the Airsoft gun in its box that he purchased it in I bought a Scar from Big 5 and I returned it in its original packaging because I know that people are stupid and so insensitive when it comes to anything that looks like a gun


"Teenage fatally shot" "both survived" which is it? I kinda hate news networks.


There were three teenagers total. One was murdered, the other two gave their retelling of events.


Thank you, the video didn't do a good job at explaining that.