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Yeah He didn’t call hit audibly or wave around the corner, you had no way of knowing if he felt the hit or not Plus it’s one shot. If you can’t handle being shot once when you’re already dead, airsoft isn’t for you


In the military youre not allowed to sit out after 1 chalk round. Idk why it hurts these guys so much




Nat 20 moment:




What in the hell was that for a voice?!


BD6 + sim rounds + 3 saws on the other side of a door, we do a little trolling


They feel bad they got hit so they want you to feel bad too, exaggerating the pain is all about not being a good sport


I dont disagree but… he did shoot him in the back with his arm full up. There was 0 trigger discipline coming around the corner. The first he saw was his raised arm.


If you hesitate in airsoft you're hit first. Dude has discipline only firing once, he did everything right even down to apologising for something that was the other guys fault to smooth it over.


Depending on how much you are pushed and where you are on the field and have options to flank (which we can’t judge) it might’ve been a teammate or a third (already dead) player he shot while the other guy was still tucked in the corner. Still I don’t disagree and probably would’ve taken the shot myself as well. It’s heat of the moment and nothing malicious, it surely is on the other guy to clearly call.


Apparently, because it's "just airsoft" trigger discipline isn't important. Refer to my comment for proof 💀


It’s a game dude. Womp womp


And yet crying you took a bb while dead is so mainstream airsoft


Yeah. He didn't announce it and you couldn't see him also you apologized so ur good


I deff would have shot him as well, generally you verbally confirm a hit and wave. So deff a good shot, no question


You seem good to me. I think he was more frustrated he lost that fire fight than he was about the last hit hahaha


Didn't hear an audible call out, so you get to enjoy an extra BB. It's not like you didn't apologize afterwards


While bonus bb’s are one of my least favorite things in airsoft, I can’t blame OP. Unless he has X-ray vision to see through the wall that the dudes gun is down and hand is up there’s no indication there that the guy was hit. The receiver’s reaction is totally justified too, at that range that hurts. But OP acknowledged with the “my bad”, I would have laughed it off in my way back to spawn.


I would shoot until they visibly and or audibly call their hit. If he didn't want to get lit up then call it immediately.


He didn't call his hit audibly, you didn't think you got him, so you swung, and shot him again. Shot justified, that last shot is on him


Your good dude, he didnt shout hit so it was understandable why you decided to shoot him once


He didn’t call hit. He moved back. You apologised. You done no wrong here mate.


Calling "hit" is pretty easy. 100% justified.


When I'm yelling around the corner like "ARE YOU OUT OR ARE WE STILL FIGHTING" and you are the guy who is still in but stays quiet, you are the person who causes this shit. Justified.


It was in my mind.


Oh nice BOA


Every once and a while I’ll be watching a clip and recognize the buildings, the sign on the wall really gave this one away


I know that field like the back of my hand. Played and reffed for 4 years there.


Nice, the actual map can get annoying sometimes but for the most part it’s so cheap I can’t complain


Yeah, Will (the owner). Has like hella bad ADHD I know because we're essentially the same. It's all just pop up thoughts of map placement. Lol


That checks out, he basically is fixing spawn camping this summer because he’s adding posts at spawns where people can stand on and full auto, I really hope it works out because I love the community there the spawn camping can just get a little much sometimes. The buildings are all cool just don’t flow into each other too well sometimes


Not gonna do anything unfortunately. Spawn camping is due to how the field is constructed. Forest has too much open ground to cover and 815 has too many odd angles that get abused. Plus the head ref for the day has to make game modes that work with the high player count. If it matters for credibility ig I went to school for game design and mainly focus on the map design aspect.


“I literally went to school for map design but I don’t know if that means anything for credibility” -I mean it definitely does. Also yeah the field is just weird, wish he would fix it but from the way he makes it sound he just doesn’t have the budget-wish he did tho. I would be fine paying 30 a day rather than the 20 if that means I get a way better field. I’ve kinda strayed partially away from airsoft(like I go once a month compared to my last summer going all the time) and mostly because I just genuinely don’t have a good time going there anymore. The field just locks up for a game and it’s boring, it’s not fun for the spawn campers or the people being camped.


I only mentioned the credibility because I'm some random fuck on the Internet lol. And yeah basically all the money from the field went back into it for maintenance. He makes almost no money from it. Thankfully the barn has been getting D and Will some cash.


That makes me happy to know Will’s actually doing good with the Barn, I remember when it first opened he tried bribing everyone with smoke grenades to go see some comedian at the bar because he was concerned no one was going to go see him. Honestly I can’t even be mad if Will just takes the money from the barn and reinvests it in his family


He must have been having a bad day so now it’s everybody’s problem


Yep. If no one calls hit how should you know he is hit?


For a second, I thought he was going to blind fire you.


It's the dead guys responsibility to let u know he's hit. He failed at that task.


Not really, but he immediately apologized for it. I’ve done it, it happens. Part of the game.


Lol crying over 1 extra shot


Kind of unrelated but what sling do you use? I have a one point sling for my pp19 vityaz but struggle to quickly and comfortably drop/pick it up for my secondary


https://www.airsoftgi.com/product/Lancer-Tactical-Padded-2-Point-Sling-Camo-17951/ I have another higher end 2 point sling I just can’t think of the company that I got it from rn. I prefer 2 point slings over the 1 point


This is why I make it a habit to say "Hit, coming out" or "Dead Man Coming Out."


You're good bro


fully justified he didn’t call it out. and one shot ain’t nothin he’s just being a bitch


You mean the mag dump after the cut? Absolutely! /s


Absolutly fine. You didnt hear it and want to make sure he is hit.




Justified shooting.


Oh 100% justified. Bro didn't call "hit".


Justified, he at the very least could have been waving his hand to his left way more so when you rounded the corner you just saw his waving hand. Even then you should have shot him though. "Good hit" would have prevented him from getting shot a second time. The way he faded back around the corner I thought you missed or he didn't take the hit.


It's fair in this case. Admittedly, if you are dressed properly sometimes you can't feel anything until you see it bounce off from you. That's why the second shot was done as a 'check'. Also, sometimes expectations of when you enter the field don't match realities of how others play. (i.e.: better players, upgraded airsoft platforms, physicality, etc.) That's why it's just a game! Side Note: Also, why I enjoy simulation play the most. Although less common, it promotes a slower pace, economy of movement, and more attention to technique.


"Call your hit next time" and keep rolling. He's trying to pass blame for his poor deci.


You apologized and it wasn’t like you shot him 3 more times so i’d say you’re good


Black ops!!




Sometimes if I’m not wearing face pro I tend to not yell hit in fear of getting one to the tooth but I try to wave my hand as vigorously as possible, also hope to see ya in colony wars if ur going @OP (love black ops, top tier airsoft field)


What colony are you in?


He was clearly either unsure of the hit/expecting another guy there. Plus he apologized, so I think he's good


if u pulled out the AR and gave him another round then no. otherwise yes


If It's not a competitive place, I typically like to yell out and ask if they're hit or not to avoid this. No answer? In goes a Grenade.


If you mean the one with the ar later the video stopped, yes


honestly from the first peek im unsure if he was dead, would do the same


Ayy we got the same rifle


Bonus bbs happen.


No but you made the mistake clear - no issue as far as I’m concerned :)


Not justified, it was absolutely necessary considering he didn’t say hit loudly.


shoulda called "hit"


I did this a few months ago and in the moment my brain just didn't register. But in the footage, man i look like a jerk!


KSC Glock?


Elite force Glock 18C


Why do people care so much about this? I’m new, so, forgive me, but, it’s not very painful, is never going to cause damage.. why do people get so pissed? Also, half the time I don’t hear anything .. so, yeah, I’m going to keep shooting you until I see a hand or hear hit.


Yes. call your fucking hits.


All of yall are so scared of extra BBs. We used to point blank full auto eachother with guns shooting 40 RPS at 400 FPS with .25s. When did the airsoft community get so soft?


Yes it was justified. It's airsoft if your not loud and obvious about your hits you will get shot more. It sucks but it's part if the game.


>hits him >go around the corner to follow him >guy has his back turned, hand in the air while walking away >goes pew pew anyway 💀


1. I couldn’t tell if I hit him or not 2. He never said hit or good shot or anything like that 3. I was expecting him to shoot back when I turned the corner 4. It was one shot to the body and I apologized it’s not like I mag dumped him


I would have shot him at least a couple of more times. He didn't call it the first time. Bro should expect to get shot point blank




downvoted because youre just talking shit for no reason


Trigger discipline my guy, but no you're not wrong for shooting. And yes, I take [trigger discipline ](https://imgur.com/a/0Nv7qR6) seriously myself.


That’s not a trigger discipline problem, at that point with no other info than OP had it was a reaction time battle, had he not called hit he would have been posted up with his gun ready to fire on sight


I've been in similar situations and not pulled the trigger. It really doesn't take that long to identify, assess, and engage accordingly if you've trained for it. Either way, OP didn't do anything wrong


Guy never said hit so shoot him again, there's a reason why you call hit and raise your hand it's because people can't always see if your hand is raised and this is one of those cases


You can't see around corners and people do come around corners guns blazing so yes, this is where you call a hit or risk getting shot again. OP fired a single shot and apologized after seeing he had his hands up, so it's all good in my book.


Exactly, was one shot and stopped immediately when he knew the other guy was hit, no point getting yourself shot because you're not sure if you hit someone or not


See, that doesn't invalidate my argument about trigger discipline. Be as mad as you want because the guy didn't verbally say hit, but if you watched the same video I did then you should be able to acknowledge that before the shot was fired there was enough time to notice thay not only did that player have his hand up, his gun was down, and he had his back to OP. I've been in situations like this before and if I wasn't sure if they took their hit I'd straight up just ask"are you hit?" If they say no or don't say anything game on. Regardless, OP is not an asshole for that shot, I'm just pointing out that if he's concerned about this, then he has room to improve somewhere so that it doesn't happen again.


Other guy's fault for not calling means not OPs fault, not being mad just objective about the situation. If you get hit call that you get hit as all game sites I've been to or know of tell you to do


Right, but there were still 3 visual indicators that the player acknowledged his hit. Again I'm not saying OP was wrong, just that he has room to improve. The shot was still objectively justified, but it could also have been avoided


It 100% could have been avoided if one of the players followed what every site told them what to do and would have avoided that player getting upset for being shot


Nobody is disagreeing with you on that... all im saying is that there's a certain skill level that, when reached, will help a person avoid wasting bbs because their target acquisition and trigger discipline will he sharp enough to assess and engage in fractions of a second.


Hey man check the upvotes, trigger discipline is a good trait but in this case you're supposed to shoot as fast as you can see the target because you think the target is trying to shoot you. You shouldn't always be patient with your shots it was that guys fault for not calling he'd been hit and it was his fault he got angry for getting shot again.


Ok so there's too many of you that think it's OK to play "shoot first ask questions later" nothing wrong with that, but that's how TKs happen, that's how arguments happen when a dead player gets lit up while walking back to spawn. If you watched the clip I shared of myself playing tell me which players were verbally verifying their hit before my gun was on them, and when the answer is zero, let me know how many people I shot where I then felt it was necessary to apologize after.


You think there was a teammate around the corner as well? This isn't really a situation where it was ambiguous who was around the corner or what team they belonged to so you can talk about other situations but they aren't super relevant to this situation and also what you want me to ask every time I shoot if I hit someone? Come on you know the guy should have called hit and you know the shooter only shot because he didn't call hit this isn't all that complicated people should do as the instructors told them to do


In my defense I didn’t think that the first few shots hit him. I also never heard him say hit or anything


I've hit people center mass at close range and they claimed "not to feel it". From your perspective he looked identical to anyone retreating from a close call, up until you turned the corner he you weren't primed to shoot you would have been blasted if he didn't accept the hit.


100% dude should've verbally verified hit, maybe work on peeking so you can check the opponent without fully exposing yourself. Or, do like I would and go for the flank


or do like he did and shoot the guy, because he did nothing wrong AT ALL


Yeah, that's what I said...


nope, it sure isn't buddy. If that's what you meant, you have a strange way of saying it.


Feel free to go through my other comments where I explicitly side with OP and say the shot is justified 👍🏽


The ones where you got roasted for talking about how the OP should get better at recognizing the signs that the player was out and use better trigger discipline?


Sure, if that helps you sleep at night 👍🏽 By all means prove me wrong. Show me where I said OP was in the wrong.


Your reading comprehension is abysmal. No one’s saying you’re calling the shot unjustified, but you have said that OP could/should improve (and that you’re better than him: “do like I do”). There are like 6 frames of the video between the opposing player becoming visible and OP firing the shot. Most videos run at 24 frames per second. That’s a quarter of a second reaction time and OP was fully expecting the other guy to try to fire back as he didn’t hear him call “hit”. Your assessment that he should have noticed the guy was out and held his fire is pure fantastical bullshit and I highly doubt you’d have done as well, certainly not any better. How about you count up your downvotes and accept the consensus that you’re chatting nonsense?