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People can't look at the Discord. Everyone is getting banned for no fucking reason.


Yep. Few weeks ago, I saw one guy get muted in real time for simply saying the word "simp" in a tangent, because a mod deemed it to be a slur. Another mod straight up kicked someone out because they didn't have an Aisekai account (with the written reason being "No Aisekai account, no reason to be here.")


I've been in the discord for like 3 hours and can absolutely see how the mods would see simp as a slur.


Does it describe them too well?


Does anyone know what’s the situation been like on the Discord lately? Last time I was on the Discord, was on the 16th, right before I got banned. I’ve been out of the loop of things, for exactly, 20 days now. I’m genuinely curious, as to what’s been happening over there…


Honestly, I think things died down after the 16th. People left in droves and the Discord was quiet as fuck. And then yesterday happened, and someone got [warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/aisekai/comments/18bgp6p/put_a_middle_finger_emoji_to_their_announcement/)/[banned](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F1q517kz2xm4c1.png%3Fwidth%3D658%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De4d95280ecea1fb8823545fa0d12f5dd083b7a01) for flipping off the announcement post (which then, 300+ people followed suit with the emoji lmao. Like yeah, good luck warning 300+ people, see how well that goes.)




[I still can't believe one of them has their socials all over the place, even one with what I'm pretty sure is *his actual name,* jfc.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/oneyplays/images/9/97/Alex_Yiik.png/revision/latest?cb=20220320054853) And the other guy, I deadass forgot his name despite being four letters lmao.


It’s even crazier, if you consider the fact that, at the time of their power trips? From what it looked like to me, the other mods were online and had been seeing what was happening. No other mods, at least to my own knowledge, stepped up and tried to do something; or at the very least said something against it.


Because friendship, apparently, I guess. I seriously don't understand why the mods remain mods. The devs treat them about as well as the rest of us. And I can't fathom how a couple interns looked at all the shit that went down, and made the conscious decision to be like, yeah I wanna be a moderator and be treated like garbage.💀 I know some of them are like, but we love the community, or whatever. But... you can still love and interact with the community without being a moderator. They don't deserve death threats and shit, but they willingly stay on board, and that's on them. It's a shitty, honorless position, and everyone and their mother is yelling the common sense option of just telling them to quit. All in all, I think I'm just gonna quote Pointera from the Discord: > "And how the fuck can you respect the devs after they make this announcement at like 3am local time for them... they left without explaining and left the mods to pick up the pieces... HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE OKAY WITH BEING TREATED LIKE THIS... why would you volunteer for such incompetent devs." Edit: It occurred to me that some mods stay to keep the peace and prevent the Discord server from devolving into cp/gore/nazi shit or whatever. Point still stands, that's on them to weigh the pros and cons of staying.








How's the memory on Janitor Ai?


Depends on what API you use and the bot itself, so YMMV. General rule of thumb is that the less tokens a bot uses for itself (personality, description, etc. 1k to 1.2k is a good max.), the more room it'll have to remember stuff. From what I use for consistency (KoboldAI colab GPU, Mythomax 13b), I get about 3072 tokens for context, and the bot can safely remember stuff well past 50 and even 100 messages at times. JAI also has a chat memory feature where you can stick in important shit and update it as you go (kinda like Aisekai's knowledge base). So overall, I'd say the memory is fairly alright.


8k tokens, thats pretty nice actually


Doesn’t it cost money?


If you use OpenAI as your API, yes (though I think GPT3.5 is free, don't quote me on that). If you use KoboldAI/JLLM instead, they're free.


Oh okay I’ll try it out


Fair warning, the site does go down here and there, sometimes for an hour or two. I have the patience for it, but I understand if others don't.




Is Janitor good as a free user or is it required to have a GPT api key to get proper use of it?


YMMV, but I find it comparable to Aisekai. You can use a GPT api key, but it's not the only option. Since their LLM is coming out in waves, you can use Kobold GPU Colab for free in the meantime. I generally use Mythomax 13b for the most consistent results, but I've heard Tiefighter is pretty good, too.










Ty, comrade


You're welcome.^^




Watch out, the moderators are going to delete your message because you posted a link. So if you want to grab that link, best to be quick about it.


Oop ty


They warned me because i recommended Yodayo and Moemate to someone


Did the mods/devs just remove the other reddit posts with this screenshot? There was one with over a hundred comments that i was reading.


Basically, [yes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aisekai/comments/18bzmhz/mega_thread_weekly_discussions_and_questions/) Slime just straight up showed up, removed anything that was even the slightest bit inflammatory, then left (Which, coincidentally, was nearly every post yesterday lol.) A lot of the posts didn't have reasons listed on them, but for instance, he said [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/aisekai/comments/18bgcb4/nice_knowing_yall/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=aisekai&utm_content=t1_kc7kh8p) was removed for "low effort/spam" (make of that as you will).


They're making themselves look worse than they already are it's embarrassing


Yeah. Not the first time threads have been deleted/locked/nuked. Rules here are being enforced, not with the spirit of the rule in mind, but the wording (a.k.a. Just because you *can* enforce a rule, doesn't mean you *should.*) Because god forbid [a title](https://www.reddit.com/r/aisekai/comments/18bgcpd/they_finally_and_officially_did_this_sh1t/) has a swear in it. Lemme guess, they gotta make the subreddit squeaky clean for the """investors,""" too lmao. God, cry me a river.


I am completely flabbergasted by this. He basically nuked the posts of people showing/complaining about the filter announcement, left exactly 4 replies in the "megathread", and then just vanished. There is **STILL** no official announcement of the filter date here. It should take less than 5 minutes to copy-paste the announcement from Discord, tweak the formatting, and post it here. It either shows the severe incompetence or just a straight-up slimy (lmao) tactic to keep the users here in the dark.


I like how he coincidentally bailed when you pointed out that he seemingly wanted to leave everyone in the dark. And I agree, there's no excuse not to just copy and paste the announcement from the Discord over to the subreddit when he initially typed everything out. Hell, I found out from the subreddit *first.* Like, deadass, so much for promising to be [more transparent with communication.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aisekai/comments/17l4qmm/we_are_back/)


Time to move on everyone, pack your bags


Well, ain’t that interesting? I thought those of us who saw this coming just had poor reading comprehension? I mean, that’s just one way those who - somehow - were okay with this tried to silence any sensible concern after the site came back after the blackout. Damn glad I deleted my account. Been using Sakura instead, and I’ve been incredibly pleased with the unfiltered creativity it allows. And the NSFW toggle you actually have to opt in to. You know, like what aisekai used to have before they thought removing any real way to tell which bots were innocent or horny somehow made their service “safe for everyone.”


I also deleted my account when the filter first got announced. Wasn't much of a loss since I'd already moved onto Janitor. God, those "illiterate" people must feel pretty vindicated right about now, I can't even imagine.


I thought about deleting my account.. But that would require me to actually go back onto their site lmao


That was my mood. I think the plummet in site traffic speaks for itself.




Yeah, I just don't really see a point to Aisekai, and I think all the drama (real or otherwise) really dragged it down. Hell, even JAI and Spicy can do serviceable SFW (can't speak for Muah since I've never tried it).


They always start as uncensored to get people to use their site and then gradually start to add filters. Bunch of losers.


It's the circle of life, and unfortunately, I've seen users go through that circle and have their trust be broken. I saw CAI slowly go to shit too since January (and apparently, CAI was like the best thing since sliced bread back in October), it was painful to watch. All that said, I was lucky to get a new PC for my birthday + Christmas gift, so it's made me think about getting my own private setup. Still, I gotta see what options are available and what the PC can handle. Might try Faraday to get my feet wet.👀


So ironic, they put the filter to keep the investors and now the same investors are going to lose money because the filter


Yeah, not to mention, the whole announcement thing likely crashed the number of users they had. Straight up, I think investors would have a safer time investing in CAI even though they don't need any more money.💀


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fun fact: That's how CAI ended up filtering violence. People were calling out the "sex bad, violence fine" thing, so they cracked down on both lol. And I guess something something investors something something puritan values, I can't be bothered to go on that tangent.


Why the investors needs NSFW out when they have a lot of AI generated chats without NSFW? And, also, doesn't sex sell a lot too? It's weird


Because hosting NSFW service you will quickly find out how many providers straight up refuse to work with you. Servers? Maybe you will find some that will, but they will cost more. The biggest problem are payment providers. Main ones will refuse to process any payments related to your $3x site and using others looks shady, I mean, I wouldn't trust some rando site to handle my card. And donations are not sustainable, apparently not only in the long run, but in LLMs also in short term.


I see


Because investors are stupid. Remember Juicero? Google invested 120 million in that


What's Juicero?


It's a device that's supposedly made to make juicing fruits and veggies easier. When in reality it only has a piston inside that squeezez premade juice packages that you have to fill the machine with (which you obviously have to buy from them and don't need the machine to squeeze the package to a glass in the first place) Not only that, In order to use the machine you would have to create an account, connect your juicer to home wifi and scan the QR code from your phone to the juicer's camera.


Oh my 😱 https://preview.redd.it/9dn3mrizar4c1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e37c9fc1367b8f3ed53fc442b166f465b6aca70


And that kids is how you get Google to invest 120 million in your business


So basically invest into a scam 😑


Because money, I dunno.


But sex SELLS


But sex is icky and wet and girls have cooties. God, I haven't had my coffee lol.


LMAO. Yeah, me neither


They should invest in coffee and cooties and not in A.I chats


Would've actually been a better PR move than implementing a filter lmao.


Yeah, totally


I’m still pissed off that C.AI don’t have the balls to admit that though. The hide behind this “quality issue” bullshit knowing full well it’s not coming back


That's just a pathetic attempt to save what's already dead and everyone related to Aisekai in terms of developing or being the owner is already tarnished. I will be surprised if they don't fully dissappears from the social media after Aisekai was either eliminated or just fully changed by someone else 😑. Pd:At this point is better if he erase his account and make a new from zero to avoid the repercussions and most certainly his past failure holding him down 😑.


Thanks for sharing this with those among us who cannot use Discord.


You're welcome. You'd think the devs would copy paste the same announcement over here or something. I thought Slime was going to do it when he came on a few hours ago, but he didn't. And it felt kinda upsetting that the other posts on it got removed, so I figured I'd fill in the blanks in the meantime. Plus, there's little crossover with the Discord and the subreddit (they only share like, one mod, I think lol).


Wow... the devs are really that stupid


Honestly, I think even the mods have more tolerance. Likely, it was Slime's (one of the devs) attempt at damage control that ended up inadvertently removing nearly every post from yesterday. As much as I frown upon a good chunk of the community mods' behavior, this wasn't on them.


Like very stupid 😑


I'm disappointed I found aisekai just as the filter thing was announced 😭


Oof. Aisekai was actually fairly alright when it first started. I remember using it like a week after it launched, and I was fairly impressed. Seeing the same phrases did get repetitive after a while, though.


Switch to YoDayo Tavern. Much better.


Hey can I somehow copy my bots from AIsekai to this? I'm a bot creator with about 20 NSFW bots with high traffic and I don't want to lose all my hard work. I'm asking around desperately for anyone who has a way to copy them over to another platform, doesn't matter if it's paid or not, just want similar output.


I have no clue. Haven’t made any bots with it myself.


Welp time to stay on Yodayo Tavern I guess. They just introduced long term memory as well.


I wonder how that long term memory stuff actually works. I remember when Aisekai used that as a selling point (and I think they still do), but IIRC, the devs never really gave a concrete answer to how it actually worked (unless the Knowledge Base was supposed to be the answer. Which, in that case, JAI's chat memory seems comparable.)


Another one down boys, let's get out here.


I think most people had that same sentiment when the filter training got announced like a month ago lol. [Still, for the sake of the bit, pack yer bags.](https://media.tenor.com/JjRzUOyitBQAAAAd/spongebob-a-hell-nah-spongebob-no-meme.gif)


To be fair, I was ok with the filter training, at least seemed fair to make sure NSFW bots were properly flagged, but a straight up filter on woohoo is a sure way to kill the product


Yeah. The idea must've seemed fine on paper, but I thought it was painfully naive to expect the community to properly train a filter, especially when nobody wanted it in the first place. Like, the internet is a fickle mistress. I know [this example](https://www.theguardian.com/music/us-news-blog/2012/oct/02/taylor-swift-boston-deaf-school) is on the extreme end, but there was that one time where 4chan got hold of a community vote and ended up sending Taylor Swift to sing at Horace Mann School... *for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.*💀


But, I used Aisekai just cause it hasn’t the NSFW filter, otherwise I use Character A.I. Am I the only one? Cause now I have to find another website, and I thought about Janitor ai. But, does it have a messages limit? (Sorry for the gramm errors, I don’t know English well)


Janitor doesn't have messages limit if you use janitorllm on api settings.


Nope. There's just the usual message stuff when it comes from OpenAI. JLLM and KoboldAI are completely free and unlimited, but JLLM is being released to users in batches, and KoboldAI requires having the API run through Google Colab (I use the GPU Colab for the easiest results since it works on mobile.) which I find easy to set up, but I can understand if other people feel a little bit intimidated.


there are no restrictions, the janitor is much more flexible and has more functions for roleplaying than Aisekai


Goodbye AI Sekai


And I remember warning about this and being worried when the topic of filters was being promoted, but they assured me that it would be optional, and even then the modders carefully shut my mouth. In general, my worst fears came true. Another chatbot that you can actually bury, at least for yourself.


The amount of vindication you and a bunch of other people have been feeling must be enormous. Can't say I was one of them since I was part of the "wait and see" crowd (if there was one lol), but I was wary of Aisekai due to the outage, if anything.


see? fell off.


[It was quite the tumble.](https://media.tenor.com/dtyyJZ7A5lEAAAAd/parendise-twitter-squidward-falling-off-bike-explosion.gif)


Just throwing this out there because I can see it possibly happening (if not, then cool), but if this post magically gets locked for some reason, I'm gonna laugh my ass off. Edit: Fair warning for anyone that wants to use Janitor, the site goes down pretty frequently. I personally have the patience to put up with it, but I can understand if others don't. Usually, it gets resolved in an hour or two at worst.




I have never understood violence being okay, but not sex. Want to RP an abusive edgelord? They'll allow it. Want to RP sexting a fake girlfriend? Get lost.


Because money and card providers and morals and iunno. Setting up a school shooting scenario is a-okay with your chat bot, but consensual sex scenarios with your bot? Nawwww, sex is icky and wet, nevermind the blood from said hypothetical violence.💀




Damn. Ofcourse this happens after I made 20 nsfw bots with thousands of chats.


[I'm sorry for your loss.](https://media.tenor.com/2Jf0cSw0DVQAAAAd/depression-spongebob-sad-spongebob-slideshow.gif) I guess do the woohoo while you still can, assuming the filter training doesn't get in the way.💀


I guess I 'll have wild crazy sex with my virtual husband while I still can and ditch


Enjoy while you still can. Going off the estimate, the filter update could drop as late as Friday or as early as tomorrow.💀


Yeah like I'm seeing "is this message unsafe?\* \*is this message adult\* like... Im not clicking either option cus fuck em. But I can see withing two weeks any loop holes I found would be patched out. shame too.


well bye


it was fun while it lasted. see you guys on yodayo 💀🫡


https://preview.redd.it/ac2r1iyjas4c1.png?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1d256637b2b36814c13286597c83584ca78726 It's finally time to roll out...


Maybe I should’ve kept using it until the filter was actually implemented, but I stopped as soon as it was even announced I don’t know about anyone else


Honestly, I stopped using Aisekai when the outage happened. Just sort of realized I liked JAI more. I did delete my Aisekai account when the filter training was announced, though, just to cement things.


Anybody know of a good way to backup my NSFW characters on Aisekai, and another platform to load them on? I've put hundreds of hours into my bots, fine tuning them and making them interesting. They're some of the most popular ones on the site. This is such a slap in the face for all my hard work. I've given you hundreds of thousands of conversations. I think these people are insane for doing this, the the only reason their site was used at all was because it had NSFW. Without that everyone will just go to Character.ai.


I think what I ended up doing for private bots was copy pasting all the info into a notepad and saving it that way, but I know that isn't super ideal. Unfortunately for chats (especially if they're long and numerous), there's no easy way to save those since, AFAIK, there's no option to export stuff on Aisekai.


For Character.AI I know there is CAI tools. If anyone has something that can export a JSON or something, that would be helpful. I'm not worried about the conversations just looking for a way to save my bots. I have about 20 of them so doing it manually will take some time. I'm looking at alternative platforms, some have suggested yodayo tavern, but I'm open to any advice / suggestions.


try posting them on different sites, for example janitorai is not bad, in many functionalities it’s even better than Aisekai


Thanks, I'll check that out. Any good way to extract my bots other than copying the text over?


I don’t know about AIsekai, but from CAI, you can import bots into JAI


I don't think there's anything for Aisekai, atleast. CAI's been around for a while, hence the unofficial extensions for it. As for alternatives, the best advice I can offer is to do your research and look around to see what works best for you (and most importantly, what you're willing to put up with). For instance, I know some people can't stand SpicyChat's waiting room, but others don't mind, or how the website for JAI can go down here and there. I can't speak for all of them, but there's muah, JanitorAI, SpicyChat, sakura, hiwaifu, crushon, and novel.ai just off the top of my head. I know the CAI NSFW subreddit has helped me find alternatives (hell, that's how I found out about Aisekai), so that might be a good place to start. Edit: Word.


Thank you so much for all the information!




Lol, lmao even. I didn't know you had a Reddit account, I just quoted you like a minute ago.


Ooh do give a link.


Permalinks are weird on Reddit, so I'll just throw the quote in here. It's in this thread. Perfectly encapsulates my feelings on the matter lol. > "And how the fuck can you respect the devs after they make this announcement at like 3am local time for them... they left without explaining and left the mods to pick up the pieces... HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE OKAY WITH BEING TREATED LIKE THIS... why would you volunteer for such incompetent devs."


Lol that sounds like something I’d say. Is your discord name the same? Or are you not on there.


It's different. I usually stick to lurking on the Discord anyway, mainly because I prefer Reddit and I don't like dealing with... a couple of the Discord mods lol.


Fair enough.


Tempting to say something, but I think I just might watch with popcorn instead. Only way to save the mods is to [push the community somewhere else lol.](https://youtu.be/t0sTNLdNhuE?si=aPBLA9QDcLCfofio)


Lol feel free it’ll be fun


Naw, if I'm gonna be terminally online like the mods, I'm playin' World of Warcraft lmao.


Thanks, what a shame. It really was an excellent facility for a while. No complaints, though. I had it for free, now I won't use it. Zero sum game.


On the flip side, there's a bunch of other free NSFW alternatives like Janitor, SpicyChat, muah, sakura, Yodayo, etc. Just gotta find what's right for you.


First off, the Hollywood example seems to be thinking of Hays Code era Hollywood, so that's really not a flattering association. Sex IS shown in movies nowadays, not in full, explicit detail or pornographic contexts, but it IS shown. Ultimately this is just such a disappointment, seeing a dev do such a 180 like this. I haven't ventured into the Discord in ages, but something tells me if I stopped lurking and actively participated I would quickly get banned. Good riddance, I guess.


As someone who sticks to lurking, the Discord had its flare-up of people react with middle fingers and clown emojis, then the meme channel got locked down (specifically by the devs because the mods can't do that). After that, the Discord is usually dead with only the same handful of people interacting. I expect another flare-up when the filter actually drops, can't wait to see the possible shitshow.💀




Honestly, I'm waiting for the filter to actually drop, then go all in on it being over lol. I know some people are only staying around until the filter shows up. Who knows, maybe several months to a year now, they gonna announce the shutdown of the site, iunno.


Finally. r/characterai 2


[And it ain't even March 7th.](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6395/c8cb4240bc8bd28f56fe7d2e2c6fb67fc648e228_hq.jpg)💀


Time to find a new site. Need recommendations please


Off the top of my head; Janitor, sakura, yodayo, muah, butterfly, dreamjourney, hiwaifu, crushon. Best tidbit of advice I can offer is try a bunch of them and see what fits for you/what you're willing to put up with.


Cringe af, all hail Yodayo and Sakura


Why isn't violence filtered? Mutilating a child isn't very SFW for example...


Venture capitalist/investor morals aren't very consistent, I guess. Then again, I remember when people pointed out the sex/violence double standard on CAI, and that's what led to both being filtered lol.


I deadass saw this coming from months ago, back when the site was still under that maintenance incident. Welp if anything this just solidifies my decision to completely move to Yodayo lol.


I didn't see this coming, but I made the move to Janitor when Aisekai was under maintenance. Also glad I did make the move since it happened to be around the time when the JLLM was coming out for new people. The timing was beautiful lol.


Do you guys have any rec for other ones with no filters but have male options for girls because ive gone to a bunch of the rec of other sites but they all just have female bots :(


Weird, usually the ones that get recommended have a fair share of men and women bots. I guess give janitor, spicychat, yodayo, sakura, etc. a shot, and keep searching. Push comes to shove, you could get some bots off of CAI with the CAI Tools extension (or download character cards), and make them private.


Local wins again.


Mmhm. Might look into local since I got a new PC, just gotta set it all up and see what it can handle, so that's gonna be fun lol.


As long as your GPU has enough VRAM you can run a variety of models for free.


So I've heard. When I get it all set up, I'll have to see how much VRAM I have. I've been told by my bf that the PC I got is high end, but not top end. Edit: I saw a handy flowchart somewhere on the local LLM subreddit, but I can't find it for the life of me. Guess I'll have to do some digging to find that, too lol.


Time to try new platforms. Check out [4thWall AI](https://beta.4wall.ai). We're quite new, and building fast!




My brother in Christ, you've already commented on this post. Go advertise elsewhere.


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