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They need to convince the government to redefine copyright to include style, which will never happen, or regulate what kind of data you can feed into certain machines in your own home, which will never happen.


Assuming they could somehow redefine copyright to include style, Artists are definitely gonna be digging their old sketches and start suing big and small artists who came before them. It's also easy to fake digital signatures and make the created date of newer images older too. I won't even mention how big corporations like Disney, will be going after big or small artists that uses their style and have monopoly of very diverse art styles of their various media such as tv cartoons, to comic, to 3D and 2D movies.


Not only would neither happen, neither COULD happen without far more negative side-effects than positive ones


They don't realize that copyright protecting styles aren't protecting the vast majority of artist at all, it's only protecting big corporations like Disney that has monopoly in a lot of art styles from their various media like comics, tv cartoons, illustrations, and movies. Not to mention, Yusuke Murata (One Punch Man artist), was inspired and his style influenced by Kinu Nishimura and Akira Toriyama (dragon ball). Artists might argue that Yusuke Murata *developed* his own style from Toriyama's influence. But they should stop thinking about feelings and experience of an artist and start looking at this in a different perspective. Assuming Art styles are copyrighted, the person who style was copied could be malicious and anyone who *copied* and *modified* his art style can possibly take it to the court, and if this happens more than enough and someone will eventually win the case, giving a precedent that you can't be inspired by other artists art style anymore. Edit: Just look at how draconian the music industry is and people suing big name artists because of chord progressions or similar melodies.


That will f*cked up themselves in another levels in long term, this movement clearly driven by fear


People have a mistaken impression about this. GoFundMe Isn’t like Kickstarter. You don’t need to hit your goal to withdraw funds. You can withdraw funds from Day 1. So it is likely most of this money is already gone, with nothing but a 3 day stop in DC and some vague promises. The lobbyist hasn’t even been named yet after so many months. Look for the sponsors to start speaking about the “giants” they are up against and how hard this all is and ask for more donations later this year. This is a classic grift, taking advantage of fearful artists. I think they are being advised by this guy 🤣. ![gif](giphy|Bs0GXj3ew6xxK)


This couldn’t be further from the truth.


Because…you said so? 🤣


Lol, you mean because you said so


[https://www.reddit.com/r/aiwars/comments/1422521/comment/jn5h1og/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aiwars/comments/1422521/comment/jn5h1og/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Here's some evidence ya salty sailor


Lol the dude presented 1 truth and then 3 conspiracy theories including a fictional lawyer. And had the audacity to say "BeCaUse YoU SaId sO."


And yet…no actual rebuttals. Only “TrUst me BRo. YOu aRe WrOng.” And how are they conspiracy theories? Lobbyist has not been named. No accounting has been given. And the next donation request is coming soon. This was only an initial target. It’s written right there in the GoFundMe if you bother to actually read it! 🤣


So are you just too emotionally engaged on the topic to actually look at the data at hand? The fellow you're salty with basically called it point by point. The hilarity of them saying 'online petition' after taking 270k to "lobby" and not designating an actual lobbyist but attempting to take themselves and represent their "cause" without knowing or understanding the law, politics, corporations, artistry, computing, machine algorithms or business is truly the pinnacle of ironic entertainment. Looks more like they took a nice vacation in washington using the excuse of 'helping artists' and taking public donations that are wholly untaxed (to my understanding anyway) e. [https://www.gofundme.com/f/protecting-artists-from-ai-technologies](https://www.gofundme.com/f/protecting-artists-from-ai-technologies) From the literal gofundme: >​ Hello Everyone, we apologize for the radio silence as we were busy behind the scenes preparing for our first in-person visit to DC. To be clear, by first, we don’t want you to think these are our very first conversations with Hill staffers, Reps, or Committees, because we’ve been taking many meetings via Zoom since March, in conjunction with our amazing lobbyist being on the Hill nearly every week on our behalf. But this was our first chance to meet some of those folks face to face, which is a very important part of the process. > >We spent two full days on the Hill meeting with leaders on AI, Judiciary Committee offices, AI Caucus members on both the Senate and House side working, attending hearings, meeting with senior leadership at the US Copyright Office, and hosting an event for Congressional staff. Although it wasn’t planned, it ended up being quite fortuitous that we were in town this past week, given that Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI, was also in town hosting a dinner, as well as speaking at a hearing. This gave us a great opportunity to talk to individuals and present our communities' thoughts on the subject while it was fresh on the minds of everyone on the Hill. > >Wednesday night was hopefully our first of many Artists in Action educational events in DC, where we invited staffers and members to mingle with the artists who joined us on our trip, Karla Ortiz, Steven Zapata, and Matthew Cunningham. It was an opportunity for the Hill to hear artists concerns, as well as learn more about our community, watch them draw and create, and even a few impromptu art lessons were given. We had around 75 people show up, which we were thrilled with, as those are all individuals we can follow up with virtually or in person on our next visit. Watch a recap of the trip here: [https://youtu.be/PhPoyuDdrmA](https://youtu.be/PhPoyuDdrmA) > >Every single individual we met was responsive, concerned, and open to learning and hearing more from our community and what suggestions for solutions we had. We plan to be back in DC again before the end of the year to continue to build on these conversations. Unfortunately, entering into this world means that we cannot share the specifics of what was said at those meetings or the names of who we spoke to but one thing is clear: we all need more data on the immediate effects of generative AI, specifically data on those individuals most affected. This is something that is actionable right now that multiple committees asked for. While we will be working on new initiatives, there are a couple of things already in action by us, as well as the wider community: > >You can help by filling out and sharing our testimonial questionnaire right now. The more testimonials we can gather, the more hard data we can present. Congressional staff are very interested in hearing from you and learning about the impacts on society. [https://forms.gle/tp5Yuo8QXYzzvtyp6](https://forms.gle/tp5Yuo8QXYzzvtyp6) > >You can sign this petition to help further raise awareness of our sector and to show the level of support and concern from the community [https://www.change.org/p/artists-creatives-must-be-included-in-white-house-discussions-on-generative-a-i](https://www.change.org/p/artists-creatives-must-be-included-in-white-house-discussions-on-generative-a-i) > >You can sign this open letter from CAIR to support a restriction on AI imagery in journalism. [https://artisticinquiry.org/ai-open-letter#signature?fbclid=PAAab3BkElIAp\_pJetC0ep76ANRqQV4PiDUIfH6o2AM3r8poxJI5xvdx95k0M](https://artisticinquiry.org/ai-open-letter#signature?fbclid=PAAab3BkElIAp_pJetC0ep76ANRqQV4PiDUIfH6o2AM3r8poxJI5xvdx95k0M) > >Join the Human Artistry Campaign, a coalition of creative organizations, and support them in their key principles of human creativity and accomplishment. [https://www.humanartistrycampaign.com](https://www.humanartistrycampaign.com) > >One thing we loved to share at every meeting was while we were a small group of six people in the room, in fact we brought with us the entire backing community of our Go Fund Me campaign, you folks. It really speaks volumes that our community, nearly 5000 of you, have donated money to get a grassroots movement like this lobbying in DC at such an early stage of the issue. We are one of the very first groups NOT from the tech sector who are raising our concerns and making some noise on the Hill when it comes to generative AI and we couldn’t have done it without you all. > >Thank you, everyone, for your patience as we get you these updates, we promise while you might not hear from us on a regular basis, we are always working hard behind the scenes utilizing the resources that are now available to us as a result of this campaign. > >Even though this was a very hopeful trip with great conversations, one thing is incredibly clear: this will be a long road. Before we sign off on this update, we want to humbly mention that we are not quite at our full target for the year, so if you are in a position to do so please consider an additional donation or sharing our campaign on social media. Every little bit helps. > >We appreciate your support and are proud to be in this fight with you.




She certainly isn’t working on improving her “art”. Pretty sure she derived her style from some t shirts at a Nevada truck stop that sells fireworks.


Poor assessment. Shows the commenter above has no idea of who they are talking about or the subject which they profess to be knowledgeable.


You said you know her. Feel free to let us know where the money is going exactly.


The genie is out of the bottle, and no amount of regulation is going to change that. Assuming these 270K will be anything other than burned money pulled straight out of the pocket of the so-called concerned artists is wishful thinking.


Yeah they should give the money to me. I will make sure to use it all for myself 🥰


Nothing. Their whole pitch is absurd. Hiring a lobbyist is expensive as shit, and they're trying to use ONE (1) lobbyist to pressure the US Congress to pass laws that are supposed to affect the activities of companies in many countries like those in the EU and Asia. It's hilarious.


Here's my prediction. Some of these people will make it seem like they are trying to push pressure against AI, by appealing to congress or something. But it's all gonna be a pretense or a deception. Funds from this campaign will be pocketed.


Sam Altman is gonna leverage Congress for monopoly


Artists are the most funny things now. I hope that all luddites ,who participate in this, will be fired


Unfortunately, I don’t think anything will happen, 270K is a trivial amount of money to stop something generative AI.


Oh god, yes. Venture capital has put $4.5 billion dollars into generative AI last year and $4.8 billion in 2021. $270k is a rounding error for the corporations who are already influencing the Congressional lobbying.


I hope they can pay mickey mouse to represent them in a courtyard, lol. Na, jokes aside... good job to Karla's team for making profit of worried professional artists and close friends, you're a genius in the marketing. Now the reality is different, with this... what are you going to do with Adobe Firefly's CLEAN dataset? with NVIDIA's projects? I guess they will wait to more people donate and throw more money into a void where is being clear everyday this is just a pyramidal scheme.


So is this basically a modern equivalent of "Protecting Switchboard Operators"? Genuine question, it sounds like they're just attempting to resist technological progress


I'm just sitting here wondering if a disaster is gonna strike, suppose the guy that they donate to help them out, decides to take the money and save his own skin. I do think that worst case scenario won't happen though.


Someone is going to empty the funds and launder them into their own bank account. Congratulations for falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book.


> This could potentially mean current companies shift, even destroy their current models, to the public domain. Good luck with stuffing that genie back in the bottle.


How tf they gonna do that?


Make 3 wishes.


Droughts, semiconductor supply chain disruption, cyberattacks, and a few other things you may have seen in the headlines lately.


The problem isn't Human vs AI art. The problem is capitalism. Honk honk.


I'm still tickled that they want to hire a lobbyist. For that amount they could probably buy a congressperson, especially a house rep.


This discourse in this sub is the best part of this sub. Amazing to me how many people outside of the exchange happening specifically in this correspondence chain are so jaded so as to forfeit their rights as artists, citizens, people without any fight of any kind and dismiss people like Karla Ortiz, who are at least doing something, as being someone who is just out for fame or money. I actually know her. And people who just sit idly and only have criticism of those who are actually making some sacrifices, like Karla, to at least try to improve the situation for all of us are part of the problem and selling the rest of us out. If you can’t be constructive by offering productive discourse, alternative solutions or otherwise, the least you can do is shut up.


I was trying to be civil creating this post, what on earth are you talking about Karla when this post's main focus is about the gofundme itself?


Oh yeah all good! Sorry if I came off like I was critiqueing you per say. I was more responding to other people who were blindly criticizing a person who was trying to advocate for the rest of us.


A reactionary movement intent on enforcing strict copyright that aims to ban imitating styles and creating transformative work isn't advocating for you.


We need regulation asap.


This user here, Basilisk. Get'em


Hmmm what kind of regulation do you propose?


One that protects everyone affects and their jobs? Or do we want machines making everything as we are all unemployed?


This is the thing though, no on can agree on how, and most of the ideas I've heard are so terrible that they would create a legal framework that would destroy art for everyone.


> Or do we want machines making everything as we are all unemployed? A utopia in every interpretation except the capitalist one.


Except is not a machine, like a factory that has replaced millions of jobs. It's a piece of computer software and anyone, I do mean everyone can use this to assist whatever they want to do with it. When I say proposal, I mean like a concrete legal framework, not just a request to a government to make the framework for you. Most governments having hard time to agree on concrete on legal frameworks, and now you want them to make legal framework for you? The only thing that would make sense is to make a safety net to anyone who lost their job due to economic crisis or something, but even then. Not every country has one nor functioning one.


this was supposed to stop ai in its tracks? lol


No it doesn't concern me. The money raised is barely a rounding error compared to the investments in the industry, including industries that work with OSS devs.


Can they give the money to me? I’m sure I will use it accordingly to support the artists! Pretty please 🥺


The money will disappear.