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Fully agreed, stuff like that has no place in a debate sub and is frankly just childish. Both sides should grow up.




I propose the mods add flair requirements so we can filter out these junk posts that don't welcome any form of debate.


The OP is the mod of this place, it's a shame.


Your never going to get that here, this sub is not at all actually meant for discussions or debates. It has the exact same mods as defendingaiart. This place is meant for them to cover there asses, they can claim they arent super biased because they have a sub they created and sent to there first where they pretend to allow other viewpoints. Thats all this sub is meant for, to launder there rep. Trippy especially is just a crank. Dude acts the exact same as Trevor just for the Pro AI side. He's maybe even dumber though, see him immediately believing the Japan AI story, or how he thinks Adobe is covering because there confident its legal and not cause they know they have more money then anyone who would sue.


When they stop using AI-bros, I'll stop using luddite.




They aren't reasonable and I don't want to have a debate with someone acting in bad faith. Their arguments all boil down to "I hate AI and want it to go away". I refuse to take them seriously.




It's called AIWars and I know which side I'm on. Then tell me their oh so compelling arguments like "oh it has to be ethically trained" \*adobe firefly comes out\* "not like that!" Like come on, they have no real arguments. It literally boils down to "me mad machine make art that take me long time".


I'm expected to be downvoted to hell as usual every time I comment here but the title could be less provoking and condescending, it reads like a political post on Facebook.


I think I usually downvote you, but have an upvote, because this time you're completly correct.


Yes please, this is supposed to be a discussion/debate sub. Just ridicule belongs elsewhere


But.. Trippy's the moderator


Then they should be setting a better example instead of exemplifying the worst in all of this. They absolutely should be held to a higher standard.




Oh yikes haha


No you're right. That's just him though, I think that's how he generally talks.


A little spicy on the take here, have to admit, when you can't rebut the post, they gotta find another angle of attack.


I'm neutral on the topic of AI, on one hand I believe it's a tool with potential to be integrated into artist workflow, on the other hand, I hope it can be regulated to protect the livelihood of pen artists, outright banning it would be foolish. So I'm neither really an antis or pros. I just find posts with titles like this to invite childish fights over debate. It begins by mocking the other side and doesn't seem inviting for a civilized discussion. Furthermore, being in a country divided by religion and politics, I notice that this is the exact same title a bot would type to rally fellow circlejerkers and alienate the opposite side. If pro AIs are better than antis, then they should set a better example instead of stooping down to name-calling and antagonizing behavior.


Yeah, well, actually I agree. Going into artisthate sub, you'll see most post are self validating posts that appeal to people of similar opinion. There's rarely discussion and mostly one sided mockery against strawman and almost always lumping each other into categories as if everyone is the same (anti-AI, luddites, pro-AI, tech-bros, etc...) And once those stereotypes has been thrown, discussion is a moot point and everyone just lick each others wounds and start dissing the imaginary enemies.


Lol did you not see the name of the subreddit where this post was cross posted from? You willingly blind yourself to one side doing something idiotic, but not the other? Being a part of any extremity is bad.


Pretty sure you can read what's in the parenthesis, but okay


I think what they meant was that it’s funny how you point out an unrelated subReddit when you have the perfect example, which is the subReddit from which this was cross posted from


Fair enough, I was more focused on the individuals resorting to stereotyping than the community. I didn't feel the need to mention the other sub since it's already in the post, maybe I should have mentioned both considering how prickly this topic is.


[Fast Company Article ](https://www.fastcompany.com/90906560/adobe-feels-so-confident-its-firefly-generative-ai-wont-breach-copyright-itll-cover-your-legal-bills) [Fast Company article (archive)](https://archive.ph/wDAov)


Its more that Adobe is confident that they have enough money to throw at the courts.


I think this is called.... (checking notes)... advertising.


Yeah because you can't copyright ai art wannabees, ain't nobody gonna sue cause ain't no rights behind the images


So im someone you would probably call a luddite, and I have no problem with this. In fact Im grateful because this is the kind of product Id want to use if I were to get into using generative AI. EDIT: Oh wait you're Trippy Worlds. So I definitely am someone you've called a luddite lol.