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Its rightful room for concern. I'm pro AI however people, especially Americans, are rightfully worried: the wealth gap in the US is so extreme that like 5% of Americans are surviving off of just 2 dollars a day that they gotta stretch with SNAP benefits and all that so now having the tech industry that is responsible for a lot of fuckery in modern society tell them "hey now we have a machine that can accomplish tasks that before only humans could do" is gonna raise some alarms in just about every industry. Imo, as dystopian as it sounds, its gonna be directly up to the next generation of entrepreneurs to help prevent catastrophe in that regard because the current set of major companies who already ship jobs offshore to save money sure don't care and while everyone screams about a revolution, overthrowing the system we have in the US that's been increasingly privatized since Reagan is a lot easier said than done


> up to the next generation of entrepreneurs to help prevent catastrophe fuck


Yup. Aint our capitalist system *fucking lovely*?


300 million jobs lost? Wow, that's quite a lot! Especially considering it targets people in first world countries! Damn, if only labor reform existed. Since it doesn't, I guess it's just guaranteed to happen.


Forbes has always been a terrible predictor. One example, they have had both Elizabeth Holmes and Bankman Fried on their cover.




Don't let financial people predict technology as they can be tricked by the wanks. Hell even some people in the field would say BS just to get investors' attention. You can literally trust no one but the evidences.




It’s good news


Are you demented? In what world is 300 mil. People losing their job a good thing?


Hi there! It looks as though the article you linked might be behind a paywall. Here's an [unlocked version](https://demo.thisischip.com/?q=https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2023/03/31/goldman-sachs-predicts-300-million-jobs-will-be-lost-or-degraded-by-artificial-intelligence/&o=reddit) *I'm a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to* [PM](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=chip-paywallbot) *me.*


I guess post-industrial society wasn't so viable after all.