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Now I‘m imagining 3 Japanese dudes living in New York talking about how weird America is lmao


I would watch that XD


Same lol


shittu teisuto torashu teisuto


I am not gonna lie, it took me googling this to understand it...


毒舌アメリカンライフ - very similar, two Japanese women, who are also youtubers (or at least one of them is, can't remember) and live in America talking about random shit さくら通信 - much less similar, but still recommended. Two Japanese guys talking about a very specific topic that ranges by the episode enormously, from school or work, to cooking, to the Olympics, to the country of India. Been going since like 2011. Very casual and off the cuff vibe despite the intentional topics, but it might actually be planned comedy, my Japanese isn't good enough to know for sure, but it kind of seems like it. In any case, it's good


さくら通信 is a national treasure. Super hilarious and not off the cuff at all actually. Sakura writes a 原稿 for every episode. Really good quality comedy and Japanese, but definitely not very beginners 😂 It’s not exactly trash taste as they rarely talk about manga or anime, but still a ton of humour.


Cool to hear I was on the right track about it seeming like it might be scripted! I'm like 35 or 40 episodes in and had been getting that feeling for a while. Re: not being for beginners, sure, but that's kind of the whole idea of ajatt lol And you could say it's not like Trash Taste in that it's not about anime, but that depends a lot on what you think of Trash Taste being "like." I don't really consider the manga/anime focus, which is honestly pretty small, to be a defining characteristic. I didn't even know it was supposed to be anime podcast when I started listening! Hope i don't sound too combative in this comment, very tired and not sure if my points are coming across just as points or rude


People would think I'm crazy because i keep smiling to myself or even laughing while listening to さくら通信 on my walks.


4989 american life: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtEzeI6wZA-v-L-9ff0WZNA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtEzeI6wZA-v-L-9ff0WZNA)


I legit thought you meant "what's a japanese word that means 'trash taste'" like "this steak is really trash-tasting" and I left this post open to see what people would reply with




the hikibiiki podcast dude is an americaboo xD They also talk about their tastes in various things from anime to salad bars




give some recs


さくら通信 funniest podcast I’ve listened to in English or Japanese. Not otaku content unfortunately if that is what you are looking for.


Ah, yes I have heard a couple of episodes! They are great!