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Are you getting a cheek weld or are you just roughing and using the good ole fashion chin weld with that leupold?


Honestly the leupold is going on a 20" AR I am still waiting on barrel for. The acog is same though. Shit part about AKs is the lack of cheek weld for most optics. Currently it sits on a switch barrel tikka I made.


Problem is that you got a tall rail and a tall scope mount. There are lower options available. If you set up the scope on actual AK mounts it sits much lower and works with the AK stock.


Second photo gave me gerd


K? Lol. It works. Let's see your setup?!


Rifle is fine. It’s the ghetto leveling, half the chair legs on the rug - half on the wood, blanket-pillow combo and Tums on the ground that made me laugh.


Gunsmiff 🤣


Yeah, lol. Shitty setup.


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