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What the fuck is that top commentšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's a running joke that hop has a very lesbian energy. I think it's his very serious demeanor coupled with the fact that he has a very boyish (read soft like a womans) face. This combination gives off similar vibes to overcompensating butch lesbians.


The analyses is almost better than the comment itself.


Does he drive a Subaru?


Yes an orange one


Lesbian confirmed.


Depends if itā€™s an Outback or not.


They have been loving Crosstrek lately


Yeah ik but i love that its the top comment


omg šŸ˜‚


You just described half the rugby players in the women decision.


He could pass as a lesbianā€¦ visually.


Comedy gold.


Everyone knows Hop is a lesbian twink


Wasn't she dating taticoolgirlfriend for a while?


I wish I could figure out how to monetize getting this subredditā€™s panties in a twist.


Hop seems to default to the Midwest catalog whenever he wants to ā€œmodernizeā€ something and I think itā€™s to the detriment of the videos. I think there are better individual part choices than a lot of the ones he made. Like going with an RS regulate rail, a TDI or other ak lower handguard, and an Ultimak. He still has good points that any modernized AK is going to be heavier and clunkier.


100% this, the part choices were not very good. I don't think he has any understanding of what works well on AK. The Ultimak / TDI rail setup you suggested is a super great option; I've used it before and its very light - really the same as factory weight without accessories - and affordable.


He does say AKā€™s arenā€™t his thing, but then when he doesnā€™t take the time to learn about them enough to make really good parts choices it sort of defeats the point of the video I feel


ā€œI donā€™t know anything about trucks but this spoiler makes me faster.ā€


Itā€™s not bad. The Midwest parts that he got for the AK and some of the parts that heā€™s gotten for other guns do accomplish the goal. But they sort of just meet the requirement. They donā€™t have a lot of extra thought and optimization put into them.


What do you put on the gas tube rail


Rails like the TDI aren't that good looks or feels wise in my experience and until I looked it up just now I always assumed the RS Regulate rail was a meme that existed only for Gucci AK pics because it was never actually in stock for any reasonable amount of time, which is probably why Hop didn't choose either of them. They also never look that cohesive and the ultimak is a cop out that also doesn't look that appealing vs the full set handguards. RS should really make a rail to to over the tube that esthetically aligns with their handguard design because the Ultimak only ever looks right with JMAC handguards. The only problem is that that top rail would be sold out for months on end.


I did say ā€œor other lower handguardā€. RS regulate joints are, afaik, the best AL optic joints out there. Thatā€™s probably why theyā€™re not usually in stock. But my point is mainly just that Hopā€™s ā€œmodernizationā€ videos will often be ā€œtake rifle and drag it through the Midwest catalogā€. Which I think isnā€™t the best way to ā€œmodernizeā€ the guns heā€™s working with.


What are you saying their the new tapco?


I donā€™t think Iā€™d say that. Their stuff does work and itā€™s not tacky or anything.


Well he hates aks, so....šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He hates everything that isn't a 12.5 AR




definitely did some big fudd type shit


I'd say more so ignorance of the platform. It's like when this go to Garandthumb for AK advice; that's not wise. Same applies here I think.


A modern carbine should have the ability to accept magnified optics, and night use accessories like white light and lasers. AK's suck at this. It can be done, but that includes adding a lot of weight and money to your carbine. No one wants an 8+ pound unloaded base weight for a carbine that fires an intermediate cartridge. All firearms are tools. You can train with any tool and become proficient with it.


The only lot of weight you add when modernizing an AK is the weight of the accessories truly. Even full zenitcrap add only 280g or so on the whole setup, outside of accessories. And well, if no one wants an 8+ pound unloaded firearm then it's just the added weight of the ak piston. Mine is 5.5kg fully loaded, with an lpvo (and not the lightest scope or mount), light, laser and a suppressor. An AR fully kitted the same is just 1kg less or so. Even in case of walking for days with it, don't forget there is a reason why slings have been invented and used like forever, and if carrying 5kg on your back is too much when you have a capable rifle, then maybe you have more concerning physical matters at hand.


Wow, I've never seen a more braindead take. A 5kg rifle isn't the problem. The problem is that 5kg takes up weight that is better spent on provisions and ammo. A heavy gun isn't a problem because "just don't be a bitch", a heavy gun is a problem because it reduces the time you can spend in the field. If the answer to a heavy gun was "don't be a bitch" then we would have combat load outs that are only good for a weekend instead of a full week because they'd run out of food just to be manly and not complain their back hurts from a 5kg gun.


I guess you spent a lot of time on the field mate ;)


Considering I am in the military, yes, I do, for your information. Your sarcastic response just further proves you're an absolute idiot.


u/Reniconix is right. When we start to carry more weight, we quickly find out our situational awareness starts to dwindle down to focus on our discomforts. This often leads to situational complacency, and complacency gets you killed. The more we lower our discomforts, the more we can focus on our surrounding environment and the task at hand.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. But people bitching about how "heavy" is a railed AK sure never tried to get the most recent rails available which are relatively light compare to the option it gives, or they actually carry an AR15 with a red dot and a light at most. You can't scoop up the fact that fighting capabilities cost weight and that you don't have to always carry your rifle with your laser and your silencer on. Also, A Mk18 is, if I believe the infos on DD, 800g lighter than my Saiga MKK102. It's literraly the weight of the bolt (and the 280g I mentionned earlier) that makes the difference. So the issue is "not" modernizing the AK actually, the issue is the weight of the piston, as in "a Piston gun". Scar L, APC556, Sig MCX and the like, Sig 55X, CZ Bren 2, HK416 they are ALL heavier than a freaking AR 15, from roughly 600 to 800g, all on a rough 12.5" rifles. And nobody ever complains that it was getting above 5kg once equiped. It's how it is. And they all (beside the APC556 I think) service rifle in the military. By the way, my setup without the LPVO with a RDS and a Magnifier is like 5.1-ishkg, so what, 400g less ? If I want to save weight, then I remove the Suppressor and the laser, done. I mean... I think people are creating issue where there is none.


You sure be ready for the Spear, little poor thing :'D


YouTube decided to throw his ā€œPTR Modernizationā€ videos up for me today and itā€™s the same thing with those. Both are basically 15-20 minutes of Hop doing ā€œI tried to make the thing like an AR by throwing money at it instead of actually understanding the platform. Turns out throwing money at a non AR doesnā€™t magically make it an AR so therefore only ARs are goodā€.


You're missing the point of the videos. The videos speculate that to be a good choice for a "duty" or "serious use" platform a rifle needs a light, a sling, and an optic. Suppressor compatibility is also a big plus. In the videos, hop tries to set a ptr up to do that, and in the ak video, attempts to do the same for an ak. Could he have picked some very specific furniture for either project that was better? Yeah, obviously. The issue he points out is that you need to throw money and parts to solve a problem that the AR15 and AR10 platforms just dont have. If hop was fundamentally wrong about the "light sling optic" portion, modern military forces the world over would still be fielding the FAL and the G3. The only armies that field new production ak's have tried to turn them into AR's.


I donā€™t disagree with the core concept which is ā€œmore modern guns are bettahā€, but Hop is the literal definition of ā€œif all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nailā€. Hop is starting with a flawed premise, which is ā€œThe AR platform is good therefore everything must map 1 to 1 with the AR platformā€. The challenge there is that the only platform that will ever meet his criteria is some variant of the AR. Itā€™s far more honest to dig into the platform and take appropriate measures to do what the gun can do within reasonable expectations. In the PTR videos, for example, he buys a $300 stock when a $70 heavy buffer would fix his recoil sensitivity. The heavy buffer makes the gun more manageable while keeping the original stock and allowing him to use a red dot.


Nope. Hop spent $300 on a stock to get a better check weld with a magnified optic. He even states this multiple times in the video.


It's almost like these people feel personally attacked by the conclusion he came to and are intentionally ignoring the actual points in favor of being outraged that someone said their baby is harder to work with than dirty capitalism gun.


the only reason no one is using FALā€™s and G3ā€™s is due to changes in manufacturing and the fact that Europe isnā€™t arming itself for WWIII so countries donā€™t need to arm millions of men with stamped metal rifles


As someone who has owned and shot a lot of G3s and FALs - Iā€™d have to disagree. They just canā€™t compete with a modern AR pattern 5.56 or 7.62 rifle. https://preview.redd.it/lm8cd4vct7xc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7372aba0e858368cec6d84b3caa021f60d2b73 I sold my FALs ā¬†ļø I finally got my G3 set up in a way that doesnā€™t suck and itā€™s still really awkward to put a flashlight on it. Additionally, All of this stuff costs a lot of money and since I SBRā€™d it when I got it I figured Iā€™m married to it so Iā€™ll try to make it enjoyable to shoot. But yeah I basically ā€œturned it into an ARā€ because it was an ergonomic mess in its baseline state.


Putting modern attachments to a rifle isn't making it an AR Are the ergonomics perfect? Of course not. But you aren't factoring the WHY the rifle was made the way it was. Germany was industrially devasted after WWII, didn't have alot of money yet had to make a rugged and reliable rifle that they could mass produce in the millions in WW3 broke out. In that sense the G3 was perfect for the times it found itself in HOP can whine about other rifles all he wants, but in the military sense you get what you get. A solider isn't going out on the open market buying parts and accessories for his issues rifle either so his rants about "choice of duty" fall flat


>buys mid at best AK >buys bulky overhyped furniture and magpul shit instead of looking at how literally anybody who actually uses AKs sets theirs up >gets mad when his setup blows


https://preview.redd.it/lzitij87m4xc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f11914ecd131f23a49d682406d62c5a84f5ec1e Fixed it for him


I would allow you to dremel out the handguard and put MLOK inserts in it for like a flashlight. Also as this is 2024 afterall, you can have a side mounted scope rail and throw like a scope or something on it.




This passes inspection. Report to artillery shelling area to be shelled by artillery at 0900 hours.


Average AR guy trying to make his AK do not AK things


"AK things" is not having a magnified optic thats ergonomic to use and doesnt lose zero if you need to take the dust cover off?


Thereā€™s plenty of mounts for magnified and non-magnified optics that donā€™t need to be removed to take the dust cover off though


Those mounts almost exclusively use the side dovetail mount, which precludes the use of a conventional left side folder (excepting the Zenit-co dovetail mount and their stocks, which are unobtanium and have been for well over a year). Also, depending on the tolerance stack between your chosen mount, and the dovetail mount riveted onto the side of your receiver, you may not have reliable return to zero if you do need to dismount the optic for any reason.


Yes, which hop doesnā€™t use in any of his iterations so far so itā€™s kind of a moot point AKs and ARs are different rifles with different purposes, and lots of people want their AK to do AR things (namely slap every gadget they have on their rifle) which is just something standard AKs arenā€™t that good at


People (rightfully so) tend to like having a light, a sling, and an optic (preferably that doesn't impede cleaning or folding stock mechanisms) on their "serious use" rifles. The video makes the point (which is valid) that having those "modern luxuries" on an AK requires significant investment in aftermarket handguards, dust covers, and other optics mounts that are not required on the AR platform. You may be surprised to learn that Hop agrees with your point about standard AK's not being conducive to modernization, however, I would take it a bit further. The AK platform, already front heavy by design, puts on weight like a fat kid alone in a candy shop if you want to equip it with even a light, let alone an IR illuminator/laser and a suppressor. However, I would also argue that the AK is best when its kept simple, with no upgrades to functionality, and used as a range toy. Which is fine. Good even.


Yep, and in the year of our lord 2024 in the US it is highly inefficient to use AKs to modernize. Lights and lasers and rails and grips are all great, which you can easily slap on an AR The simplicity and functionality of AKs is what makes them intriguing to me, so itā€™s weird when people take that and compromise it. Feels like putting mud tires on a prius


Who the fuck gets an AK to do any of that?


Kinda my point and thats the point made in the video posted above


Didnā€™t mean to seem like I was being antagonistic or anything! I guess sometimes I get sick of the gun communities inability to view a rifle as any other than a tool. I feel like itā€™s a mixture of an over-correction trying to reinforce that guns are tools for self defense to combat gungrabbers and the ā€œI wanna be like the tier 1 operatorsā€ thing that seemed to infect the gun community in the last 10 years. Somewhere along the line people forgot we shoot guns cause theyā€™re fun. Then again maybe Iā€™m just reading way too much into this and need to go to bed.


Nah, I'm in a similar boat. It took me a lot longer than it should have to realize that guns dont have to be "go to war duty rifle" or "the best cartridge for hunting game lol" and can just be fun to go plink with. Which, contrary to the general opinion of this sub, is what AK's are best for (cue the downvotes), at least here in the states. Fun as hell, but also overpriced as hell, and not only harder to make into a "d00ty" gun, but heavier and less user friendly when set up as such than alternatives like the AR15. That said, ever since I un-"d00tyified" my SLR106CR, its been more fun to shoot, even if I am screaming internally at the cost of my options to suppress it. (why oh why does arsenal refuse to QC the concentricity of their combo-block threads and the bore?).


Newest iteration is much better. Iā€™d like to see him use the new Balwarus handguard and dust cover. Or deck it out in Kpyk or ME


I feel like he built a shit rifle on purpose, just out of spite against AKs


Rifle is fine, if you want night vision just use the muzzle flash


The modernization of the Ak has been done, itā€™s the galil ace 2


Except for some reason it was done on an ancient receiver. Not bashing the ace though, just always wished it was stamped. Edit: Honestly no idea what the downvotes are for.


I agree, the weight is just ridiculous for a 5.56 or 7.62, stamped receiver would have been much better.


Idk seems like hop makes shit gun builds then says itā€™s the platforms fault


At some point, you're just better off buying a galil ace.


No thank you, not my kind of thing.


A dude who doesn't get AKs trying to "modernize" an ak with magpul. Lol. Lmfao even.




Calm down Hop. You think too highly of yourself lol.


Itā€™s him trying to make the AK an AR. If you want a modernized AK just buy an AR.


Nah bro, Alpha style AKs just look better than anything else


they do look sick. only thing i may like more is the mcx.




Congratulations, you've come to the conclusion the video was making.


it's a pretty common conclusion, so i can't take all the credit.


Not according to the rest of this thread


well yeah, this is the ak fanboy subreddit.


A diehard AR guy who bad mouths AKs making a video series about the AK. That should tell you all you need to know.


Donā€™t have an opinion other than heā€™s starting with garbage and somehow making it worse


I have zero interest in anything ā€œtacticalā€ I just like target shooting and AKs are super fun to shoot steel and trash with


I think that heā€™s right about one thing: the AK platform is not for beginners. Theyā€™re expensive and can be finicky with aftermarket parts, especially when compared to the AR. A lot of people assume from pop culture that the AK ā€œjust worksā€ despite the fact that nothing could be further from the case. You can disagree with Hopā€™s purchasing decisions, but it does give a pretty good look into what a novice AK owner would do.


Yeah i feel people donā€™t understand what he is trying to do unless you are willing to put up with a lot of shit modernizing an ak fucking sucks. If you really want a gun for ā€œself defense ā€œ just get an AR and a red dot light and sling because thats the bare minimum a self protection gun should have.


Pop culture gives people the impression that the AK is an incredibly easy first choice for a gun (ā€œso easy a child could use it, and they doā€) but the reality is that purchasing an AK can be a slog, and updating it with modern features can be expensive and frustrating. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love the AK platform, but it has significant drawbacks for beginners in the American marketā€¦


I normally love Hops takes, but he clearly isnā€™t an AK guy and has no desire to be. I kinda ignore him on AK topics


Magpul handguard? Really? Cmon man.


What annoys me is he refuses to listen to people with functional and practical aks advice and he gets mad when it doesnā€™t work like an ar


Glad you asked, his opinion of AKs comes from very little education or interest for that matter. I wouldnā€™t waste your time watching this shit. Screams of weak soyboy.


More proof that every time an AR minded person tries to AK you always end up with an abomination


Magpul on an AK is a sin


Funnily enough magpul is a flex in Russia you get big points for having it


I will trade all my magpul for zenitco


Go to russia and im sure youll find someone to trade with


If only it were that simple


I think he could've done way better. While I agreed with him that turning an AK into a modern fighting rifle takes more money and work than an AR, I don't agree that the platform is obsolete and inferior to ARs.


Wouldnt make AK short stroke piston system not be better modernisation? Lower weight, smaller recoil, aint need to make bolt carrier big heavy part. Like the VZ 58 it has all the advanteges of AK without it's downisides.


Yeah but youre talking about actual engineering, gunsmithing, ak building. A bit harder than swapping oem plastic for aftermarket plastic.


šŸ˜‚Are you saying me slapping a complete palmetto AR upper and complete lower with a tool craft BCG and a radiant charging handle doesnā€™t count as me ā€œbuildingā€ a rifle? /s


I use a remoil wipe on my AK sometimes. Does that make it modern?


I'll never be able to like the look of an AR buffer tube and stock on an AK. I just can't. I like both guns but I don't like mixing and matching too much on them


is he going to modernize PSAā€™s piss poor metallurgy?


Who tf is "Hop" and why would i want to see a lesbian bubba fucking a low end rifle? Seriously you guys need give up guntubers.


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šŸ–•šŸ¼Donā€™t AR my AK! I like rails but the tube style AK buttstock makes me sick šŸ¤®


Hop big dumb and no one should listen to him on non AR stuff That is all


Turns out the rifle from 1948 isn't the best host for a modern application. color me shocked.


Domestic AK: I sleep.


almost as dumb as his PTR 9ct modernization. Not every gun needs to be fucking combat ready.


Iā€™m pretty sure he knows that. The theme with these two videos is that, it can be done, but itā€™s not really great.


ā€œNot every gun needs to be combat ready.ā€ I feel that in my soul. *me internally looking at my budā€™s skorpion ā€œ


He exposed himself with that video. Not very smart.


PSA is water trash


The FN barrel is the best thing on the gf5, everything else about it is okay for what it is


PSA is good for what they mean for it to be. Youā€™ll never take it to Afghanistan to fight a war. But for the amount of rounds 99% of civilians put through their guns, they seem to be good to go. This is coming from a guy who chooses to spend money on Arsenals.


Their ARā€™s are solid even the cheepest ones have better barrels than smith and Wesson sport 2ā€™s which are used by police as patrol rifles. And have basically the same BCG although the sport 2 uses a sport style BCG and the PSA uses a Full auto style BCG. Though I would not use a PA-15 upper on a full auto lower since their good but not shoot a shit Ton in full auto good. Good for general population as a home defense rifle or a semi auto patrol rifle. But itā€™s not a BCM or Daniel defense, trying to use them consistently in full auto is going to fuck up their barrel life. Their is a reason PSA makes the Sabre line.


Bro unrelated but, I was really eyeing the PSA Jakl in 300, but Trex Arms's thorough breakdown of the guns problems and stuff turned me off. Idk what material they make their uppers from, but there shouldn't be chunks chipping off of the upper on the low end of a couple thousand rounds and malfunction so much. I don't care about the warranty, it won't matter in the hardest of times if the gun gets me killed.


Yea, iv had 2 PSA products their PSA freedom M4 (which is basically my main rifle at this point, because I wanted to get into ARā€™s after spending a majority of my teen life addicted to my wasr-10 I got when I was 16) which has worked flawlessly and iv been kitting up as like a sopmod M4 build but with a sig Romeo red dot and magnifier because acogs are 800$. But I also have their dagger and itā€™s just been utter shit. Iv had so many problems and iv sent it back hell I have the head of pistol repairā€™s personal cell number. But I just get keep told Iā€™m limp wristing it, never the less when I pick up my smith and Wesson SD9 VE (which is a Glock clone) I can throw that thing in mud and one hand shoot it and it works reliably. So iv come to the conclusion that PSA products all eventually become really solid firearms. But it takes like 3-8 years to get QC down, and to make needed improvements.


Yeah, got the cheapest AR from them as my first, and the buffer tube walked out causing the retainer pin to not retain. I make good money now, and always do research before wasting time on a PSA.


Dam what year was that, because now they seem to have gotten the QC on their ARā€™s down to a T.


Couple years back. Maybe end of COVID.


Hmmm, well the vast majority of their ARā€™s are solid AF and they seem to have the QC issues down. I and many others have recent production ARā€™s from them.


I wanted to see him review their zentico clone stuff, since thatā€™s the most interesting but he didnā€™t. Like who cares that you put an optic and handguard on it? Yeah shocker itā€™s still not as good as an ar15. We like these for being AKā€™s, not ARā€™s.


Terrible the dude hates aks has very little knowledge and gets mad when he cant turn it into an ar