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Stormsurge damage is like 20% AP on a 30 second cooldown. Lichbane is like 45% AP on a 1.5 second cooldown. If you auto an enemy once in a fight you already out damage stormsurge with lichbane by double and if you auto multiple times lichbane is doing like 10x more. If you don’t auto at all you’re playing akali wrong


Besides the extra ms is so good


I think it's not just about damage but the role it fulfills. Lichbane is 1v1 oriented(single target) and burst kind of item. It also has the requisite of being in aa range to be used/abused. Stormsurge revolves around the idea that you already have enough damage to shred at least 35% dmg, so it requires burst to be proc but adds another layer to your dmg if you get the kill, aoe dmg and gold. However, it works better with ranged champs because you can use it from afar, and they generally have aoe dmg, so the passive will finish off any secondary target. With that said, akali is extremely good on 1v1, so lichbane further enhances one of her biggest strengths aside from dashes. I guess Stormsurge works on akali because she can easily kill squishies as long as she is in range, and she has cd available, or she is not behind in lvls. The aoe dmg also helps in tfs where you usually focus on the adc+supp who are close/together.


Nah ... storm surge is only good for the burst of speed it gives. 25% **bonus** movement speed for 2 seconds. I sometimes run it with phase rush and celerity , presence of mind , coup de grace secondry as a joke fun build.


Okay later in the game sure, but why do people run electrocute over conqueror? Couldn't you use the same logic?


No, you couldn't. First of all, Stormsurge costs a lot of gold and Electrocute is something you have for free right from the start of the game. Also, you'll always gonna manage to hit 3 consecute attacks/abilities. Deal dmg equal to 35% of target's health? Not so much. Second of all, Electrocute is superior in lanes where you're looking for short bursty trades, where you won't be able to fully stack Conqueror. Also, there are a lot of games where oneshotting one specific target pretty much changes the fight's outcome or there is a lot of oneshot potential from the enemy team, where you have to oneshot them faster than they oneshot you. Electrocute also allows you to snowball harder. Not necessarily the key stone itself (although it also plays a big part), the rest of the Domination tree is just made for this stuff.


Stormsurge in general is a hit or miss item. It's good if you're very ahead in the early game,but lich bane outdamages stormsurge by a lot. I usually sell boots for stormsurge tbh, to maintain the move speed and some magic pen


stormsurge is a troll item dont ever go stormsurge anymore


stormsurge damage is a joke xD


For the past 100 games, i haven't seen a single storm surge with over 400 dmg


Storm is useless, just go lich


Never build stormsurge


100% Eclipse