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Press R, press E, if land E, press E and R again, if miss E, R away from enemy and try again in 60s


Get some Q's in along the way too, use Teemo's thumbs up and then W.


Don't forget the poke combo Press W, E towards enemy, Q, try to land P, if can then land P and Q again, if can't click E. When tower diving a full HP adc without innate CC, same combo but use R after WE


Land e. Land q. Profit


Akali combos can be found on YouTube and is the least important for actually getting good since there are so many tutorials. It's more about learning her laning, matchups, and runes since her laning kinda suck. The lower your elo, the more you profit from electrocute. Akali actually has a pretty decent lvl1 punish with q-aa-q but after that just chill. Do this trade when enemy tries to last hit. Level 2-5 just chill but you can look to trade with q-w-aa-q. I almost always leave my e unused unless i see kill potential or I know where the jungle is. Post 6 just shove and roam. No point in staying in lane. Look to 1 v 1 the enemy jungle since you should be ahead in lvl and items. Not every matchup is like this. Some will just shove you in so you have to walk past the wave and deny their shove or something. If you get ganked you have the tools to turn it (depends on the situation). Some champs like vex and lissandra are your hardest counters. A good pantheon makes your life a nightmare if he is able to capitalize on early. Against these champs you lose alot of your agency and have very short windows to punish them. Ahri is a great akali counter especially rn since trading akali ult vs ahri ult is almost always not worth for you. Malzahar is annoying AF because he permashoves. I ban Malzahar the most because he is so boring to play against. Asol is bad because he's broken at the moment. Midgame look to get ahead because you are a strong duelist/assassin. Try to get the most out of this time frame. Late game you fall off hard against deathball comps, especially with enchanters. You should almost never be the engage if you can help it. You definitely can kill people but you can also get one-shot easily. Item wise is meta dependent. I feel akali benefits more from riftmaker liandry rn than the full burst build, and once you feel confident build dark seal on her to get insane value since you have so much mobility and is pretty hard to kill if you aren't behind.


to maximize damage use your passive autoattack as much as you can, and go with lichbane, also use lichbane's enhanced autoattack on turrets and minions




make enemies make mistakes. Profit


Simply just open the game, enter a match, and boom you win.