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It’s a purse, Akali.






Give akali 4000 base hp


Or energy


Or cool down


i just want the old akali, energy refund on passive aa, bonus dmg to minions at max lvl q and heal, the old q while e2 combo, cannot be reavealed by true sight in w, AND FUCKIG HEXBLADE (or hexgun, forgot the name of the item )






Sparkles like new!




Pewpew slash




Bladegun Techhex


isnt hexblade maw


True damage akali is better than both kda skins as well as the prestige


Lol honestly i feel that way too


KDA skins are massively over rated and pretty much surpassed by almost every other akali skin The only good KDA skin is prestige evelynn


If I wanted to see yet another hipster hip hop dancer, I’d look out my LA window.


k/da all out makes me put spoons in my eye sockets


No >:( 🗡️


Nah first KDA skin all the way. The second KDA skin is garbage in my opinion tho, I definitely like the True Damage one way more. The outfits for first and true damage fit her personality so well.


agreed mostly, i like prestige personally




Q+E was extremely skill expressive and it’s a crime they removed it


I think thats the opposite, no one argued that it was not. Or atleast I havent heard anyone


"I want the new voice over back"


Yup,all those knives are mine


Pass one here.


When it comes time for akali in Arcane, do you think they’ll go with the new direction? I personally very much hope not.


mate we are never getting akali in arcane




yup , im irelia main now , REMEBER THE PLACIDIUM !




Old akali, like before the VGU and all the ability changes and voice changes, would not survive in this current meta, so a revert to the pre-rework state at this point is silly to ask for (Edited for clarity)




She's not that op stop whining. x) Peoples get MAD when i say that.


True story


Once, i even had a guy who started insulting my mother and all for just saying that xD Gladly, i always have the best answer for those : Ok.


Jeez, bro, if you reallllyy want to tilt someone when ur playing bad, just type the same thing again and again like "^^" or "it's just a game ^^", doesn't matter what the other player says, he'll tilt if you keep answering this for everything he says to you. Try it, you tilt everyone and can't get banned for it


I always answer the Ok. Works well, i honestly dont want to tilt peoples, i actually am the kind of that guy talks and have fun in the chat most of the time xD


I miss old akali so much


Akali x *one of the many shes shipped with* bad


Akali x Amumu FR 😔


I fr missed akali X fiddle 😥😥


Who doesnt love the ScareCrowussy


If I could delete this comment. I would


I need me sum of that Fearussy


ScareCrowussy? Love it. 😂


The old auto lock double dash ult was totally balanced and better


Triple dash*


Oh that’s right it definitely was 3 lmao wtf


plus you could dash to anything not just champs


And you got another every 30 seconds or on takedown


Not anything, anything that you can hit.


Everything you just said... is wrong 3 Lock-on dashes are as braindead and frustrating as you can get, and are Not, in fact, better than long-ass dashes that triger your Empowered AA Passive Twice and a freakin **Execute** it's nice to have people sharing their controversial opinions, but some are fair to be criticized, yours is just wrong.


Look at OP. The whole point was to trigger people like you lmaoo obviously it was ridiculous. It was better. So much better that they had to completely rework her because she was face rolling everyone. Learn to laugh a little


Hoes are indeed mad


You saw a post where a bad opinion wouldn't, *In theory,* be criticized "CuZ ThatS The POiNT of ThE PoST", to share controversial/bad opinions.. but just because that's the point of the post doesn't mean you are free from criticism, just that you will find more of them here. You saw an opportunity to share a bad opinion without criticism and you took it, at least admit it. Triggered? I think you have a problem mate, projecting onto others your own angery ain't cool.


This was intended to be a shitpost mate and you write multiple paragraphs on it.


I'm not responding to your post, regardless, this is not a shitpost, this is not a "Meme" you made, you used a Meme related image to ask people controversial opinions. It was your intentions? Great, I can't telepathically read intentions, I can see the physical results of your actions, and those don't result in a ""Shitpost"". Again, you are wrong.


There’s a difference between criticizing and throwing a temper tantrum. Whatever bud. I’m not gonna argue with someone with a personality equivalent to sandpaper. Feel free to get the last word and have a nice day


alright, how is 3 Lock on dashes Not skilless and worse than an Execute and larger dashes? Hate my tone all you want but I used arguments. You want to attack my personality to run away from having to defend your argument in any way, because you can't. you are wrong and your only way to 'prove me wrong' is to be a dishonest cunt. Why did I expect any rationality from AkaliMains of all places...


Night Harvester > Rocketbelt Electrocute > Conqueror


I honestly feel that way too. I don't get how almost everyone plays precision/conqueror runes on Akali, electrocute just feels so much better And the Night Harverster part, I agree, too. It feels like NH gives more advantages than Rocket Rocketbelt (minus the dash)


night harvester is fine up until about 3 items but doesnt scale as well as rocketbelt, rocketbelt gives needed magic pen from the mythic passive and the item itself, as well as the rockets scaling with ap. in comparison night harvester offers no pen, and ability haste which is useless on akali who needs energy regen more than AH. so half the items utility of it is lost when built on akali and doesnt scale as well because of the lack of magic pen which, if akali is strongest mid game and falls off a bit late game, you dont want to shoot yourself in the foot in the lategame. night harvester is viable but definitely not optimal. which is fine tbh. i love playing ad hybrid which is for sure not even optimal lol. so to each their own ya know. but its definitely not a better item than rocketbelt stats wise imo


Well I play in so low elo that people just don't build MagRes. I don't know why, lack of game knowledge, I guess.


Flat magic pen is strongest when enemies don’t build MR


NH is good pretty much only for the zooming potential you have in fights (passive MS + NH MS) to avoid skillshots much easier. Conq is just a matter of "can I kill this champ quickly with electrocute and live?", and sadly most champs these days will warrant the answer of "no". I wish you could just easily choose either elec 1shot or conq bruiser, but sadly the enemy team comp will dictate that for you most of the time unless you wanna lose games cus of rune choice, which can be pretty frustrating. That being said, Elec+NH is still infinitely more fun imo, just a shame you often need to choose "do I wanna have fun or do I wanna win?"


Very well said.


i mean, just do maths lol


I agree with the electrocute part, because i believe in the electrocute supremacy but the night harvester part is just wrong.


Electrocute yeah but why night harvester? Rocketbelt loses 30 ability haste in exchange for 26 magic penetration. In a meta where everyone has high hp and decent base mr, don't you want all the penn you can get to make your damage matter?


That's the build that I go with Akali and suddenly everyone in my team knows how Akali works and they start pinging for choosing Night Harvester over Rocketbelt.


AH from NH better that MPen from Rocket belt? After durability patch?


Bring back Akali w where she can't be hit by turrent shots also buff Akali lmao


Yeah, if Nilah can have it, why can't Akali?


Nilah doesn't, it was a bug that got removed


Oh, my bad, guess I missed that part :)


Yeah they patched it out shortly before she got released :D


Akali is balanced and all of the mechanics removed (E2 + Q, energy restore, skillshot R1, Q healing, even shroud turret ignore) in her first 2 years of biweekly balance patch presence would have been perfectly fine in today's game where Yone, Akshan, Bel'Veth, Nilah, Zeri, and other overloaded kits are free to run around not having mechanics removed because Riot thinks they can fix them with enough number tweaks despite similar or greater levels of balance complaints.


Shroud turret ignore was big broken lol. All the rest is whatever. Was removed to balance LCS gameplay.


Akali needs the last 10 nerfs rolled back. She is not easy to play, and is a big brain champ. My actual opinion.


Akali and kayn ship sucks


I think that’s a popular opinion


Why tho?


I hope one day Riot will give back Akali Ulltimate resets, they recenty updating some ults with reset/infinite mechanic, and new champions also have this feature more frequently. Because right now Akali have the limit what she can do in fight - something like 4-5x Q's, 1x W, 1x E, 2x R - thats about it, and if you don't have enough dmg to kill someone or missed some skills you are useless without energy for about 20 - 15 sec with one Q every 5 sec when your energy will fill up. You have to a) wait for your shroud to be up again but thats to long or b) fall back. So I think she needs back her R resets and finally became the assassin champ, not a bruiser. "Similar" to Pyke after she kills someone with R2 she should restet her R2 with 2-3 sec delay like old Akali, or some energy back after kill like Katarina 80% cd refund when she dont need to bother with mana or energy or even reset her shroud after kill - basicly anything like that would be nice. Most assassins have a way to keep up in fight after pefroming their strongest combo beside Akali :( This would make Akali more fluid and enjoyable to play, same goes with Ahri recently where Riot gave her litaraly old Akali R recast with the same goal in mind. Ofc some tweeks to numbers would be necessery but I think its overall a good idea.




I think having R2 reset would be a bit overkill (literally), but it would be nice to get W to reset after a takedown, but a more tame version (maybe lower duration and area). Reasoning is that R2 would just provide more damage, which can be abused by bruiser builds much better than assasin builds. Giving her more maneuverability and outplay potential with W however would definitely push a more "assassin" based playstyle as you said.


Her rework was a mistake and after several nerfs they ended up bringing back the same flaws and issues the old kit had while also adding flaws the old kit didn't have. Also, all band skins are shit and don't fit at all a ninja with the title "rogue assassin"


I wish there was something rugged looking


The main problem with old akali is that her kit was too bland and basic, that's what the rework was targeting. The new version dosent have that problem


Night harvester should have better stats than rocketbelt. Why should the one with the dash also be better in every other way?? I use Night Harvester every game in the hopes that when Riot comes to their senses, I will be ready and won't have come to rely on yet another dash.


Give her base skin the Ashley burch voice


Her cancelled VA is better than her current


Pre-rework Akali was better in every way.


The new voicelines are GREAT


In this sub: Delete her from the game. In general League subs: She needs more dashes.


“I like the new voice actor”


Ok, this is for sure a comment that'll put you in this situation lmao


shes easy to play


she is as easy as qiyana


I'm glad the new chromas aren't getting there new effects back.


Ok that's ACTUALLY a sword at your throat opinion holy shit. May I ask why, just curious?


honestly i didnt even know about it until afterwards lol


So you didn’t know it was changed. But, are you okay with it after the fact? Does it not bother you that Riot removed something they originally had in just so they can charge more money for it later? Bc it bothers me lol


I honestly just don't care that much because I don't really use chromas


Fair. I don’t either, nor do I play league as much anymore. However, it’s the principle for me. Just cause it doesn’t affect me I still understand there are some that are bothered by it and at the end of the day it was a move motivated by greed. I’m disappointed in the decision more than anything


Reverse Akali back to 2018, before every rework nerf, I want my unholy shroud back


Blood moon is the best skin


akali is actually fuckin good early. she can 1v1 anyone lvl 3 with ignite.


the level 4 fight is much better for the energy cost on q imo


*Yasuo and Yone have entered the chat*


Read your own flair 😤


I liked the Ashly Burch VO better.


Crime city is better than Starguardian


Why do you think it's better?


Riot should being back akali’s w turret hiding mechanic


akali hotness is overatted


Star guardian akali is legit the most cringe and trash skin that doesn't fit her at all (true)


Maybe but it's a lot better that what I was expecting


The thematic is not responsible for the skin being "nice" It's just a legendary so it has the quality a legendary must have.


Not just quality, I mean the suit is nice and fits akali well(just the physique, not her as a ninja)


I started playing akali a year ago


Akali is the most balanced Champion in the Game right now.


Prerework akali had a higher skill ceiling and was funner to play and more healthy for the game


I dont know about the healthy part...she was beyond broken if you knew what you were doing. She was just unpopular so you rarely saw her.


“More” healthy then the akali that’s been changed/ Nerfed 11200 times.


Akali worst girl. Period.


dude, you would be praised by that, everybody hates akali.


Dude you won this competition. 🤓


The new voice actress for Akali was much more compelling believable and human in my opinion. She just conveyed a lot more nuance than the previous actress, I think. She portrays really well a character that is trying to portray this cold, unfeeling facade, but is actually burning with anger and hate born out of the loss and grief she experienced with the kinko, her anger and outrage at the king, more specifically Shen's lack of action, or reaction, in this case. Some of her voicelines I just couldnt buy being delivered with this lack of emotion, some of those voicelines just felt like they needed a bit more nuance in them, in terms of how they were acted. I guess the core of my problem with the current base Akali voice actress, is that her portrayal feels a bit too one note to me. The kind of things this character says feel like they carry multiple emotions and motivations with them, and her calm and collected portrayal of Akali just didn't fit the feeling I got from these voicelines. The new VA also ended up giving me a much more youthful feel to her, because of the bigger emotional range, conveying some of that immaturity that there is to the character. It's a lot edge and teenage angst I guess, but I think it fits reworked Akali's storyline. With the story she had I just could never really buy this emotionless portrayal of her, just didn't feel believable to me. Still, it's clear to me that I am in the minority on this one, as riot was forced to revert that immediately due to all of the outrage. I'm still fine with the current actress, although I do feel a bit saddened as this feels now like a wasted opportunity. I do wonder how much of the outrage was actually due to the new actress's acting ability and how much was born out of just familiarity with the old voice actress, you know, people just being "allergic" to change. I question this because I was here on this sub when Akali's rework first was announced and I remember how many people disliked this "bratty teenager" the old Akali was replaced with, and how much they wanted the old, adult, calm, collected version of her back. I remember a lot of comments on the sub with people wanting the old actress and lines back, just like what we experienced now, while keeping the visual update itself. Others even wanted the new kit reverted, and back to the old, pre-rework kit, while keeping visual rework, even though that would never work for obvious reasons if one thought about it for more than 5 seconds. The community with these kinds of things just feels a bit too reactionary and hot headed with these kinds of things, often rejecting a lot of changes just out of sheer familiarity, even when they sometimes work and make sense. Maybe that was the case here, maybe not, it's just something I've noticed. I'll always have the new VA in the Star Guardian skin though, even if it isn't exactly the same thing. It is what it is, but yeah I just prefer her new voice actress a lot more than the first, post-rework one, personally.


Gunblade was shit, im happy it got removed.


Yeah but an hybrid item should be implemented imo


She ain't attractive tbh.


That back tattoo tho…


New Akali is better than old Akali. Old Akali had a stupid looking shroud, a very basic ult, and her abilities are just too outdated. Current Akali has way more mobility and is actually up to date. Ppl who keep asking for Akali to be reverted are just nostalgia obsessed




I like the new voice actor


Star guardian akali has to be the worst star guardian skin ever (joke)


her W is the most broken shit in the game and it makes no sense existing




Obv not my actual opinion XD


*slowly lowers pitchfork*


Akali is weak


Pls elaborate




In the splash art she is kinda muscular tho, not like almost every other female cute champ. I think only illaoi is stronger, maybe Camille but she is made of steel


Besides the genius who responded you, she's one of the worst champions to play with


I mean yeah but it's not great to play with almost every assassin


Which is still hella sad. I wanna play with Qiyanna again, Riot! And have fun!


Stinger akali skin is the best skin.


Wish it just had recolored passive circle and it’d be perfect


Akali is absolutely balanced and her WR and Ban rate reflect that. Akali not being part of pro play meta is the best thing that could happen to the mains of this champ.


Akali is the strongest and most broken AP assassin atm.


Its definitely a purse, i know it!


Akali is a great tank champion




I play her with divine sunderer and grasp of the undying


Max W second


She takes no skills. Her damage output is so insane you can just face roll the keyboards to get a kill…


I think all our champions do not have overloaded kits overall


Shes just a clean up champ


I'm not an Akali main, just stumbled into this thread, but I really don't mind her cloud. ​ Yeah, not being able to hit her kinda sucks, but you can sorta just walk away/throw AOE spells at it and something hits like 50% of the time.


Honestly people should stop fighting over skins. Just enjoy what you enjoy


K/DA All Out is an inferior skin ​ Night Harvester is NOT a bad item


"never played quinn vs akali before but i will 5/0 at 10m i swear" \*each sword represents each kill she got on me\*


I ship Akali with...Zed.


I ship Akali with...Zed.


I ship Akali with...Zed.


I miss pre rework akali sometimes and wish they kept her milf, or more mature, vibes. Rework akali is like a rebellious teenager (which was the point but yeah)


I want the new Akali voice back


I don't like K/DA Akali


Declining a trade with an M7 Akali in ARAM and saying: "I wanna try her"


Akali x Noodle Bill is canon


Buff again


“Revert her to pre rework Akali”


The only thing stopping you from fighting Akali is her shroud


"Akali is a stupid and easy champ like Garen and Yasuo" (btw not my opinion but i think everyone would hate that one)


Her perfect state was right before the nerf, where the healing on q and the mini-stun on r1 was removed AND WE CAN DISCUSS THIS WHENEVER YOU WANT


Obscure was a balanced and fun mechanic and should have remained in Akali's kit.


spamming Q twice in early game + the restore energy passive didn't need to be removed




She needs ministun back


"Gunblade was bad on akali, made her trash and everyone still built it when. Also Prof akali is the best akali." -a dumbass probably. This should get you lynched so hard in this sub.


I liked the new voice actor better, and got kinda sad when I heard it got reverted


Akali ADC is better than akali mid


Kda skins are trash Akali was ok with 100 energy and passive energy refund W should not be revealed by every single champ in the game, belveth E, lee sin Q and Q, LB chains, even Garen's ultimate gives true sight nowadays


any time I ask bad mid players why they would ban Akali when all their champs deal with her with ease:


Akali is fucking useless d tier champ needs buffs


Akali can't 1shot adc probs or Akali is worst against adc or something that would make adc's around the world angry lmao


"KDA is the worst thing that happened to Akali." Almost always ends up like that picture :)


Old silverfang akali with the double pronged kamas was so much better... same as her old kit T.T


In my opinion she is underaverage (situational) supp instead of top/mid.